35 research outputs found

    Marine debris ingestion by sea turtles (Testudines) on the Brazilian coast: an underestimated threat?

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    Assessment of marine debris ingestion by sea turtles is important, especially to ensure their survival. From January to December 2011, 23 specimens of five species of sea turtleswere found dead or dying after being rehabilitated, along the coast of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To detect the presence of marine debris in the digestive tract of these turtles, we conducted a postmortemexamination from the esophagus until the distal portion of the large intestine for each specimen. Of the total number of turtles, 39% had ingested marine debris such as soft plastic, hard plastic, metal, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle caps, human hair, tampons, and latex condoms. Five of the seven sea turtles species are found along the Brazilian coast, where they feed and breed. A large number of animals are exposed to various kinds of threats, including debris ingestion

    O uso da charge no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de sociologia: práticas pedagógicas e discussões em identidade

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo explorar o uso de charges, cartuns e tiras como recurso didático na discussão de identidade, na disciplina de Sociologia no ensino médio, a partir de um relato de experiência realizada na Escola de Referência em Ensino Médio (EREM) Santa Paula Frassinetti, localizada no bairro do Espinheiro, cidade de Recife-PE. Os autores do presente texto mantêm estreita relação com a escola, pois são bolsistas do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), tendo como palco de atuação a supracitada instituição. Durante dois meses os graduandos se utilizaram das charges nas atividades com os secundaristas, ao que se percebeu uma inovação pedagógica num tema tão caro à realidade das escolas de ensino médio, muito em função de se dar nesse período da vida a construção e consolidação das identidades; além do mais, o tema é transversal a outros da Sociologia, o que permitiu um diálogo com várias esferas da realidade social a partir da charge e da identidade social como fio condutor das discussões.This article aims to explore the use of collections, cartoons and strips as a didactic resource in the discussion of identity, in the Sociology subject in high school, based on an experience report carried out at the School of Reference in Secondary Education Santa Paula Frassinetti, located in the neighborhood of Espinheiro, Recife-PE. The authors of the present text keep close relationship with the school, since they are scholarship holders of the Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching Scholarships (PIBID), having as stage of action the abovementioned. For two months, the users of secondary education, at the same time, perceived a pedagogical innovation in a subject so dear to the reality of the secondary schools, in function of giving in this period of the life to the construction and consolidation of the identities. Moreover, the theme is transversal to others in Sociology, which allowed a dialogue and various forms of social communication, starting from the load and the social identity as the guiding thread of the discussions

    Zika Brazilian Cohorts (ZBC) Consortium: Protocol for an Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Congenital Zika Syndrome after Maternal Exposure during Pregnancy.

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    Despite great advances in our knowledge of the consequences of Zika virus to human health, many questions remain unanswered, and results are often inconsistent. The small sample size of individual studies has limited inference about the spectrum of congenital Zika manifestations and the prognosis of affected children. The Brazilian Zika Cohorts Consortium addresses these limitations by bringing together and harmonizing epidemiological data from a series of prospective cohort studies of pregnant women with rash and of children with microcephaly and/or other manifestations of congenital Zika. The objective is to estimate the absolute risk of congenital Zika manifestations and to characterize the full spectrum and natural history of the manifestations of congenital Zika in children with and without microcephaly. This protocol describes the assembly of the Consortium and protocol for the Individual Participant Data Meta-analyses (IPD Meta-analyses). The findings will address knowledge gaps and inform public policies related to Zika virus. The large harmonized dataset and joint analyses will facilitate more precise estimates of the absolute risk of congenital Zika manifestations among Zika virus-infected pregnancies and more complete descriptions of its full spectrum, including rare manifestations. It will enable sensitivity analyses using different definitions of exposure and outcomes, and the investigation of the sources of heterogeneity between studies and regions

    Avaliação da exatidão planialtimétrica dos modelos digitais de superfície (MDS) e do terreno (MDT) obtidos através do LIDAR

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    Its noticed a significant increase in the development of orbital and airborne sensors that enable the extraction of three-dimensional data. Consequently, its important the increment of studies about the quality of altimetric values derived from these sensors to verify if the improvements implemented in the acquisition of data may influence the results. In this context, as part of a larger project that aims to evaluate the accuracy of various sensors, this work aims to analysis the planialtimetric accuracy of DSM and DTM generated from an aerial survey with LIDAR, using as reference for the planimetric analysis the orthophotos obtained. The project was developed for an area of São Sebastião city, located in the basin of the North Coast of São Paulo. The area's relief is very steep, with a predominance of dense forest vegetation, typical of the Atlantic Forest. All points have been established in the field, with the use of GPS of one frequency (L1) through static relative positioning, acquiring a minimum of 1,500 epochs, for a distance less than 20 km to the base. In this work its considered the Brazilian standard specifications for classification of cartographic bases (PEC). The analysis realized on products from the LIDAR indicated their adoption to the scales 1:2,000 (Class A for the orthophotos and Class B for the DTM) and 1:5,000 (class C for the DSM). It's important that new areas with different topographic characteristics may be evaluated to get an indication for other situations.Pages: 5463-547

    Formação Docente em Arte: percurso e expectativas a partir da lei 13.278/16

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    Para contextualizar e problematizar a formação docente em Arte mediante a Lei nº 13.278, de 2 de maio de 2016, que institui a obrigatoriedade da música, da dança, do teatro e das artes visuais na educação básica e exige formação específica, serão apresentados dados coletados pelo projeto em rede Observatório da Formação de Professores de Arte, que investiga, desde 2011, as licenciaturas em Arte no Brasil. Serão indicados caminhos para a implementação dessa lei, subsidiados por uma metodologia qualiquantitativa. Apesar do aumento das licenciaturas em Arte, elas não suprem a demanda educacional. Portanto, é preciso criar novos cursos, ampliar as vagas dos cursos existentes e investir no Plano Nacional de Formação de Professores (Parfor)

    Ata de Reunião da Congregação da Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas

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    Ata em duas páginas manuscrita em formato cartaTransferência do Professor Jeode da Silva Pimentel da Universidade Federal da Bahia para a Universidade de Brasília e escolha das bancas examinadoras para os concursos professor Adjunto em Economia Aplicada e Professor Assistente de Teoria Econômica.PIBIC-UFBA-CNPq; PIBIC-UFBA-FAPESB; PERMANECER-PIBIC; PERMANECER.Salvado