745 research outputs found

    The role of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome in plant growth

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    The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is a multi-subunit E3 ubiquitin ligase that plays a major role in the progression of the eukaryotic cell cycle. This unusual protein complex targets key cell cycle regulators, such as mitotic cyclins and securins, for degradation via the 26S proteasome by ubiquitination, triggering the metaphase-to-anaphase transition and exit from mitosis. Because of its essential role in cell cycle regulation, the APC/C has been extensively studied in mammals and yeasts, but relatively less in plants. Evidence shows that, besides its well-known role in cell cycle regulation, the APC/C also has functions beyond the cell cycle. In metazoans, the APC/C has been implicated in cell differentiation, disease control, basic metabolism and neuronal survival. Recent studies also have shed light on specific functions of the APC/C during plant development. Plant APC/C subunits and activators have been reported to play a role in cellular differentiation, vascular development, shoot branching, female and male gametophyte development and embryogenesis. Here, we discuss our current understanding of the APC/C controlling plant growth

    COVID-19 e a Odontologia na prática atual

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    Introduction: At the end of 2019, in Hubei, located in Wuhan, China, the new coronavirus emerged, called 2019-nCoV, which causes acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) and transmitted by inhalation, ingestion and / or direct contact of mucous membranes by saliva. Dental surgeons were identified as the professionals most exposed to the risk of being affected by COVID-19, as they produce aerosolized particles in their work capable of contaminating the environment and people. Objective: To guide dentists, for urgent and emergency clinical action, preventive and recommended measures, in order to reduce the risk of infection. Method: Recent search in the PubMed / MEDLINE database, with the keywords: “COVID-19 and Dentistry” and the inclusion criteria were: articles in English, with full online version, free of charge and articles ahead of print. Results: 35 articles were found related to the theme, of which 13 articles met the inclusion criteria and were selected. Conclusion: Biosafety practices, measurement of body temperature and adaptation to tests for COVID-19 can be inserted practices, in the dental context, to help in fighting the pandemic.Introducción: a fines de 2019, en Hubei, ubicado en Wuhan, China, surgió el nuevo coronavirus, llamado 2019-nCoV, que causa el síndrome respiratorio agudo (SARS-CoV-2) y se transmite por inhalación, ingestión y / o Contacto directo de las membranas mucosas con la saliva. Los cirujanos dentales fueron identificados como los profesionales más expuestos al riesgo de ser afectados por COVID-19, ya que en su trabajo producen partículas en aerosol capaces de contaminar el medio ambiente y las personas. Objetivo: Orientar a los dentistas, para acciones clínicas urgentes y de emergencia, medidas preventivas y recomendadas, a fin de reducir el riesgo de infección. Método: Búsqueda reciente en la base de datos PubMed / MEDLINE, con las palabras clave: "COVID-19 y Odontología" y los criterios de inclusión fueron: artículos en inglés, con versión completa en línea, gratuitos y aquellos que aún están disponibles y aquellos que todavía están en rutas de publicación. Resultados: se encontraron 35 artículos relacionados con el tema, de los cuales 13 artículos cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y fueron seleccionados. Conclusión: Las prácticas de bioseguridad, la medición de la temperatura corporal y la adaptación a las pruebas para COVID-19 pueden ser prácticas insertadas, en el contexto dental, para ayudar a combatir la pandemia.Introdução: No final de 2019, em Hubei, localizado em Wuhan, China, surgiu o novo coronavírus, chamado 2019-nCoV, que causa síndrome respiratória aguda (SARS-CoV-2) e transmitido por inalação, ingestão e / ou contato direto das mucosas pela saliva. Os cirurgiões-dentistas foram identificados como os profissionais mais expostos ao risco de serem afetados pelo COVID-19, pois produzem partículas aerossolizadas em seu trabalho, capazes de contaminar o meio ambiente e as pessoas. Objetivo: Orientar os dentistas, para ações clínicas de urgência e emergência, medidas preventivas e recomendadas, a fim de reduzir o risco de infecção. Método: Pesquisa recente no banco de dados PubMed / MEDLINE, com as palavras-chave: “COVID-19 e Odontologia” e os critérios de inclusão foram: artigos em inglês, com versão on-line completa, gratuitamente e aqueles que ainda se encontram em vias de publicação. Resultados: foram encontrados 35 artigos relacionados ao tema, dos quais 13 preencheram os critérios de inclusão e foram selecionados. Conclusão: Práticas de biossegurança, mensuração da temperatura corporal e adaptação aos testes para COVID-19 podem ser práticas inseridas, no contexto odontológico, para auxiliar no combate à pandemia

    GROWTH OF Litopenaeus schmitti (BURKENROAD, 1936) AND Farfantepenaeus paulensis (PEREZ-FARFANTE, 1967) SHRIMP REARED IN RECIRCULATION CULTURE SYSTEM

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    Os camarões Litopenaeus schmitti e Farfantepenaeus paulensis capturados pela pesca artesanal nos estuários são comercializados como iscas vivas na pesca esportiva. Como alternativa à atividade extrativista foi avaliado o cultivo dessas espécies em sistema de recirculação de água. Para cada espécie foram realizados dois ciclos de produção de 120 dias, utilizando 3300 juvenis em cada um, com média de 25 mm de comprimento e 0.9 gramas em peso, dispostos em 12 tanques de 1500L e 1.32 m2, na densidade de 208.3 camarões m2. Os parâmetros de crescimento foram obtidos utilizando-se o modelo de von Bertalanffy baseado nos dados de comprimento (mm) e idade (semanas). Os ajustes foram feitos no ambiente R utilizando o método não-linear de mínimos quadrados. O modelo de von Bertalanffy apresentou ajuste adequado, com coeficientes de determinação de 0.900 para L. schmitti e 0.841 para F. paulensis. Os valores de L∞ e k foram 172.66 mm e 0.027 para L. schmitti e 110.13 mm e 0.050 para F. Paulensis, respectivamente. No presente estudo L. schmitti apresentou crescimento alométrico negativo (p=4.314x10-18) e F. paulensis crescimento isométrico (p=0.267). O crescimento obtido dos camarões no sistema de recirculação proposto atende ao mercado de iscas vivas da pesca esportiva.The Litopenaeus schmitti and Farfantepenaeus paulensis shrimp captured in estuaries are marketed as live bait for recreational fishing. As an alternative to shrimp extractive activities, the authors evaluated the rearing of these species in a recirculation culture system. For each species, the grow-out study was carried out in two 120-day production cycles, using 3,300 juveniles of an average length of 25 mm and weight of 0.9 grams in each, distributed in 12 tanks of 1,500 liters and 1.32 m2, at a population density of 208.3 shrimp per m2. The growth parameters were obtained using the von Bertalanffy model based on the length (mm) and age (weeks) data. The adjustments were made in the R environment of the non-linear least-square method. The von Bertalanffy growth model showed a proper fit, with determination coefficients of 0.900 for L. schmitti and 0.841 for F. paulensis. The values of L∞ and k were 172.66 and 0.027 mm for L. schmitti and 110.13 mm and 0.050 for F. paulensis, respectively. In the current study, L. schmitti showed negative allometric growth (p=4,314x10-18) and F. paulensis isometric growth (p=0.267). The growth of shrimp obtained in the proposed recirculation system can supply live bait for the sport fishing market

    Is subjective sleep evaluation a good predictor for obstructive sleep apnea?

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare subjective sleep evaluation obtained using four questionnaires with polysomnography results for individuals with and without obstructive sleep apnea. METHODS: Observational and analytical study in which individuals underwent polysomnography were studied retrospectively to investigate sleep disorders. We compared subjective data from a research database used to predict obstructive sleep apnea based on the STOP-BANG questionnaire, evaluation of excessive daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale), sleep quality questionnaire (Mini Sleep Questionnaire) and Post-Sleep Data Collection Instrument with the self-reported total sleep time and sleep-onset latency for subjects with and without obstructive sleep apnea. RESULTS: The STOP-BANG questionnaire was a good predictor for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea. However, the other instruments did not show a significant difference between healthy and sick individuals. Patients’ perceptions of their sleep onset time were significantly lower than the polysomnographic data, but this difference remained for both subjects with and without obstructive sleep apnea. No difference was found between the subjective duration of sleep and the total sleep time assessed by polysomnography in either the healthy subjects or the patients. CONCLUSION: Except for the STOP-BANG questionnaire, subjective evaluation of sleepiness, sleep quality, perception of onset, and total sleep time are not important parameters for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea, which reinforces the need for an active search for better management of these patients

    Ensaios sobre economia financeira

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    O presente trabalho se propõe ao estudo do instituto jurídico da prescrição intercorrente dentro do universo doutrinário-jurisprudencial trabalhista nacional e internacional, sua contextualização dogmática, bem como a uma análise dos fundamentos jurídicos de sua aplicabilidade ou inaplicabilidade no Processo do Trabalho frente à divergência sumular existente entre o Supremo Tribunal Federal e o Tribunal Superior do Trabalho

    Detection of Treponema pallidum in whole blood samples of patients with syphilis by the polymerase chain reaction

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    Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The diagnosis is based on clinical data and serological analysis; however, the sensitivity and specificity of such tests may vary depending on the type of test and stage of the infection. In order to overcome this premise, this study utilized the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of T. pallidum DNA in whole blood samples of patients with syphilis. The blood samples from patients with or without symptoms of syphilis, but with positive results in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), were included in this study. A venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test was performed for all collected sera samples. For PCR, the T. pallidum DNA was extracted from the collected blood samples and a specific primer set was designed to amplify 131 nucleotides of polA (Tp0105). The specificity of the primers was evaluated with the DNA of 17 different pathogens. From a total of 314 blood samples reactive in ELISA, 58.2% (183/314) of the samples were reactive in the VDRL test. In the PCR, 54% (168/314) of the ELISA-reactive samples were positive. In both tests (VDRL and PCR) 104 samples were positive. Of 104 positive samples for both tests, 71 were at the latent stage. Based on these results, it can be concluded that PCR with the designed set of primers can be utilized as a diagnostic method for T. pallidum detection in blood samples of patients with syphilis, especially those with latent infection. In addition, it can be utilized as a supplement for serological methods to improve the diagnosis of syphilis


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    A coleção cientifica de Culicidae do Instituto de Pesquisas Cientificas do estado do Amapá teve início em 1992 com o desenvolvimento de projetos que visavam estudar a taxonomia e a bioecologia de culicídeos de importância na transmissão de arboviroses e de malária no Amapá. Neste trabalho divulga-se a lista e as localidades de ocorrência de espécies do acervo de Culicidae da Coleção Cientifica do Instituto de Pesquisas Cientificas e Tecnológicas do estado Amapá (IEPA), referente ao período de 1992 a 2005. Neste período havia um total de 560 espécimes, distribuídos em 02 subfamílias, 07 tribos, 18 gêneros, 66 espécies e 09 morfotipos, todos coletados no estado Amapá.Palavras-chave: arboviroses, malária, taxonomia, vetores.The scientific collection of Culicidae of Scientific Research Institute of the State of Amapá began in 1992 with the development of projects aimed at studying the taxonomy and the bioecology of culicids of importance in the transmission of arboviruses and malaria in Amapá. In this work discloses the list and the locations of occurrence of species of Culicidae collection Scientific Research Institute of Scientific and Technological of Amapá State (ISPA), covering the period from 1992 to 2005. In this period there were a total of 560 specimens, distributed in 2 subfamilies, 7 tribes, 18 species and 66 genera and 9 morfotipos, all colected in Amapá State.Keywords: Arboviruses; malaria; taxonomy; vectors


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    o presente artigo tem como objetivo de mostrar a importância da monitoria na qual seguem os princípios que direcionam as práticas dos cursos de licenciatura e bacharelado em Geografia, principalmente nos períodos 2019.2 e 2019.4, sendo uma disciplina do núcleo de Formação Básica do curso, atendendo aproximadamente 80 alunos, discutindo atividades teóricas e práticas no laboratório de Cartografia