13,987 research outputs found

    Molecular correlations and solvation in simple fluids

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    We study the molecular correlations in a lattice model of a solution of a low-solubility solute, with emphasis on how the thermodynamics is reflected in the correlation functions. The model is treated in Bethe-Guggenheim approximation, which is exact on a Bethe lattice (Cayley tree). The solution properties are obtained in the limit of infinite dilution of the solute. With h11(r)h_{11}(r), h12(r)h_{12}(r), and h22(r)h_{22}(r) the three pair correlation functions as functions of the separation rr (subscripts 1 and 2 referring to solvent and solute, respectively), we find for r≥2r \geq 2 lattice steps that h22(r)/h12(r)≡h12(r)/h11(r)h_{22}(r)/h_{12}(r) \equiv h_{12}(r)/h_{11}(r). This illustrates a general theorem that holds in the asymptotic limit of infinite rr. The three correlation functions share a common exponential decay length (correlation length), but when the solubility of the solute is low the amplitude of the decay of h22(r)h_{22}(r) is much greater than that of h12(r)h_{12}(r), which in turn is much greater than that of h11(r)h_{11}(r). As a consequence the amplitude of the decay of h22(r)h_{22}(r) is enormously greater than that of h11(r)h_{11}(r). The effective solute-solute attraction then remains discernible at distances at which the solvent molecules are essentially no longer correlated, as found in similar circumstances in an earlier model. The second osmotic virial coefficient is large and negative, as expected. We find that the solvent-mediated part W(r)W(r) of the potential of mean force between solutes, evaluated at contact, r=1r=1, is related in this model to the Gibbs free energy of solvation at fixed pressure, ΔGp∗\Delta G_p^*, by (Z/2)W(1)+ΔGp∗≡pv0(Z/2) W(1) + \Delta G_p^* \equiv p v_0, where ZZ is the coordination number of the lattice, pp the pressure, and v0v_0 the volume of the cell associated with each lattice site. A large, positive ΔGp∗\Delta G_p^* associated with the low solubility is thus reflected in a strong attraction (large negative WW at contact), which is the major contributor to the second osmotic virial coefficient. In this model, the low solubility (large positive ΔGp∗\Delta G_p^*) is due partly to an unfavorable enthalpy of solvation and partly to an unfavorable solvation entropy, unlike in the hydrophobic effect, where the enthalpy of solvation itself favors high solubility, but is overweighed by the unfavorable solvation entropy.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Vapour reactive distillation process for hydrogen production by hi decomposition from hi-i2-h2o solutions

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    In this contribution, a sequential and hierarchical approach for the feasibility analysis and the preliminary design of reactive distillation columns is extended to systems involving vapour phase chemical reaction and is successfully applied to the HI vapour phase decomposition to produce H2. The complex phase and physico chemical behaviour of the quaternary HI-H2-I2-H2O system is represented by the Neumann’s thermodynamic model and instantaneous vapour phase chemical equilibrium is assumed. Then, from minimal information concerning the physicochemical properties of the system, three successive steps lead to the design of the unit and the specification of its operating conditions: the feasibility analysis, the synthesis and the design step. First, the analysis of reactive condensation curve map method (rCCM), assuming infinite internal liquid and vapour flow rate and infinite reflux ratio, is used to assess the feasibility of the process. It determines the column structure and estimates the attainable compositions. These results are used as inputs data for the synthesis step. Based on the boundary value design method (BVD), considering finite internal liquid and vapour flow rate and finite reflux ratio while neglecting all thermal effects and assuming a constant heat of vaporisation, the synthesis step provides more precise information about the process configuration (minimum reflux ratio, number of theoretical stages, localisation and number of reactive plates, position of the feed plate). Finally, the BVD method results are used to initialise rigorous simulations, based on an equilibrium stage model with energy balance, to estimate the reflux ratio taking into account thermal effect on the process. The resulting design configuration consists in a single feed and entirely reactive distillation column. The column operates under a pressure of 22 bars. The feed of the reactive distillation column, coming from the Bunsen reaction section [xHI=0.10; xI2=0.39 xH2O=0.51], is at its boiling temperature. The residue consists in pure iodine. Water and produced hydrogen are recovered at the distillate. The column operates at a reflux ratio of 5 and is composed of 11 theoretical plates including the reboiler and the partial condenser with the feed at the stage 10 (counted downwards). The obtained HI dissociation yield is 99.6%

    Liquid Polymorphism and Density Anomaly in a Lattice Gas Model

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    We present a simple model for an associating liquid in which polymorphism and density anomaly are connected. Our model combines a two dimensional lattice gas with particles interacting through a soft core potential and orientational degrees of freedom represented through thermal \char`\"{}ice variables\char`\"{} . The competition between the directional attractive forces and the soft core potential leads to a phase diagram in which two liquid phases and a density anomaly are present. The coexistence line between the low density liquid and the high density liquid has a positive slope contradicting the surmise that the presence of a density anomaly implies that the high density liquid is more entropic than the low density liquid
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