46 research outputs found


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    Este estudo tem como objetivo conhecer o processo saúde/doença e cuidado em famílias descendentes de pomeranos. Participaram do estudo cinco famílias descendentes de pomeranos residentes no interior do município de São Lourenço do Sul/RS que responderam uma entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados a partir de grupos temáticos. Os resultados demonstram que estas famílias têm forte ligação com a natureza, à principal fonte de renda é a produção agrícola, por isso trabalham diariamente na terra. Muitas famílias associaram a saúde e a doença com o processo de trabalho. Esta ligação com a terra também é percebida em relação aos cuidados de saúde, uma vez que recursos naturais, como as plantas medicinais, são utilizados para manter a saúde. O ambiente em que estas famílias vivem proporciona um local de aprendizado para os profissionais da saúde, contribuindo para uma assistência integral em saúde


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    ABSTRACT: This study aimed to describe the social representations of key members of the Butia Palm Groves Network in relation to health. Methodology: Qualitative study with a descriptive approach, whose data collection was carried out from March to April / 2020. For data treatment, the theoretical framework of Serge Moscovici's Theory of Social Representations and the thematic content analysis by Laurence Bardin were used. Results: For the members of the Butia Palm Groves Network, health has to do with the spiritual, psychological, balance of the soul, mind, being centered, because the person is a holistic being. They express that health is the balance of organic, physical, biological and chemical functions, which involves the whole body, exercising, taking care of food, spooning the foot, eating the things that are produced without losing vital force, drinking water, having an adequate weight without pain. Also, health is related to well-being, planting health at home, being happy, with your energies. Conclusion: Respondents exposed that butiá is good for health, being close to the plant calming and brings pleasure, and this exchange with nature influences health, occupies the head, works as a therapy.RESUMEM: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir las representaciones sociales de los miembros clave de la Ruta Butiazais en relación con la salud. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque descriptivo, cuya recolección de datos se realizó de marzo a abril / 2020. Para el tratamiento de los datos se utilizó el marco teórico de la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales de Serge Moscovici y el análisis de contenido temático de Laurence Bardin. Resultados: Para los integrantes de la Ruta Butiazais, la salud tiene que ver con el equilibrio espiritual, psicológico, del alma, la mente, el estar centrado, porque la persona es un ser holístico. Expresan que la salud es el equilibrio de las funciones orgánicas, físicas, biológicas y químicas, que involucra a todo el cuerpo, hacer ejercicio, cuidar la comida, acurrucarse el pie, comer las cosas que se producen sin perder fuerza vital, beber agua, tener un Peso adecuado sin dolor. También que la salud está relacionada con el bienestar, sembrando salud en casa, ser feliz, con tu energía. Conclusión: Los entrevistados manifestaron que el butiá es bueno para la salud, estar cerca de la planta calma y da placer, y este intercambio con la naturaleza influye en la salud, ocupa la cabeza, funciona como terapia.RESUMO: Este estudo teve o objetivo de descrever as representações sociais de integrantes chave da Rota dos Butiazais em relação à saúde. Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo de abordagem descritiva, cuja coleta de dados foi realizada de março a abril/2020. Para tratamento dos dados utilizou-se o referencial teórico da Teoria das Representações Sociais de Serge Moscovici e a análise de conteúdo temática de Laurence Bardin. Resultados: Para os integrantes da Rota dos Butiazais a saúde tem a ver com a questão espiritual, psicológica, equilíbrio da alma, da mente, estar centrado, porque a pessoa é um ser holístico. Expressam que a saúde é o equilíbrio das funções orgânicas, físicas, biológicas e químicas, que envolve todo corpo, praticar exercícios, cuidar da alimentação, colher do pé, comer as coisas que são produzidas sem perder a força vital, beber água, ter um peso adequado, sem dores. Também que saúde tem relação com o bem-estar, plantar a saúde em casa, estar feliz, com suas energias. Conclusão: Os entrevistados expuseram que o butiá faz bem para a saúde, ter proximidade com a planta acalma e dá prazer, e essa troca com a natureza influencia a saúde, ocupa a cabeça, funciona como uma terapia

    Palm forest landscape in Castillos (Rocha, Uruguay): contributions to the design of a conservation area

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    Butia palm forests are considered unique due to their aesthetic value, high biodiversity level and historical, archaeological and cultural value. The lack ofregeneration of butia palms caused by cattle overgrazing and natural grasslands replacement by agriculture endangers these palm forests. The aim of this work is to provide information for the proposal of a conservation area in this rural landscape within the framework of sustainable development. This work was developed within the context of a Geographic Information System with thematic information on palm forest density levels, soils, land use aptitude and rural registers. Field surveys were conducted to record the presence of plant species and genetic resources in different vegetation units. The main category of soil cover was natural grasslands, followed by native forests, wetlands and palm forests. Palm forests grow mainly on soil units with poor to rather poor drainage and on arable or non-arable lands under special conditions. We identified 212 farms where the palm forest is found, a high diversity of vegetation units, the presence of 302 native taxa of plants and a significant number of plant genetic resources for various uses. For the designation of a conservation area, we propose 20 priority farms that will ensure that palm forests are well represented regarding ecosystem diversity. We consider the creation of a Protected Landscape, a State Park or a GIAHS to be the best alternatives so as to protect this unique multifunctional landscape

    Diallel analysis for tolerance to barley yellow dwarf virus in Brazilian cultivars of bread wheat

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    Seis cultivares brasileiras de trigo com diferentes níveis de tolerância ao vírus-do-nanismoamarelo- da-cevada (VNAC) foram cruzadas de modo dialélico para avaliar as capacidades geral e específica de combinação quanto à herança da tolerância. Um isolado do vírus transmitido por Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) foi inoculado nas cultivares e nos híbridos F1 no estádio de plântula com duas folhas. Foram atribuídas notas individuais a cada planta de acordo com a severidade de sintomas apresentados. Os dados obtidos foram analisados segundo os três métodos: o de Griffing, o modelo fixo, e método 2. Ficou evidenciada a presença de heterose, provavelmente decorrente do efeito aditivo de genes complementares. As cultivares BR 34 e BR 35 se destacaram com melhores valores de capacidade geral de combinação (CGC), e é recomendado seu uso como genitores em programas de melhoramento de trigo que visem à obtenção de combinações genéticas com tolerância ao VNAC.Six Brazilian bread wheat cultivars differing in tolerance to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) were crossed according to a diallel design, to determine general and specific combining ability. A BYDV isolate transmitted by Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) was inoculated in plants when seedlings had two leaves. Ten days after anthesis each plant was examined receiving a score according to its symptom severity. Data were evaluated according to Griffing method, fixed model and method two. Heterosis was evidenced, related to the addictive effects of complementary genes. Cultivars BR 34 and BR 35 showed the best values of general combining ability (GCA). They are recommended as parents in wheat breeding programs to obtain tolerant genotypes to BYDV

    Diversity of vegetable landraces in the Pampa biome of Brazil and Uruguay: utilization and conservation strategies

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    The historical meeting between originally American people, European colonizers, and slaved peoples from Africa in the biome Pampa in South Brazil and Uruguay involved a cultural syncretism and a great genetic diversity of landraces of cultivated species. Genetic richness evolved by selection and cultural processes in response to different environments, cultural backgrounds, and needs. This review summarized the knowledge on vegetable and maize landraces in South Brazilian and Uruguayan Pampa biome, to design a strategy towards the rediscovery, conservation, and sustainable use. Landraces diversity maintained in situ and ex situ is described, specific case studies are presented, and the main problems and tools towards landraces re-valorization are discussed. We show that traditional family farming systems maintain diverse vegetable species, mainly squashes (Cucurbita spp.), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), beans (Phaseolus spp.), onion (Allium cepa), peppers (Capsicum spp.), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), next to leafy vegetables and maize, among others. We propose the priority of systematic surveys as a basis for monitoring genetic erosion, increasing complementariness between in situ and ex situ conservation, and implementing sustainable conservation and utilization. The case studies highlight genetic diversity within each cultivated species, with different crop physiological responses; disease resistances, different quality traits and associated uses, from animal feeding in maize to a range of culinary uses linked to traditional culture in maize and vegetable species, and ornamental uses of specific Capsicum and Cucurbita. Some landraces were the basis for breeding, where improved cultivars allowed the competitiveness of landrace germplasm in the markets. Renewed industrialized products allowed the competitive and sustainable use of Capsicum landraces in Brazilian farmers communities. Strategies towards in situ conservation improvements and valorization are discussed; emphasizing the role played by agroecology, community seed banks and custodian farmers, participatory plant breeding, promotion of landraces specialties among consumers, and the need of research and capacity building, among others. Farmers’ participation in the decisions is a key factor, along with the academia and the public sector. Landraces and associated knowledge are treasures to be used to benefit from farmers to consumers, directing the course of agriculture towards sustainable directions

    Biologia reprodutiva da espinheira-santa (Monteverdia ilicifolia, Celastraceae)

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    Monteverdia ilicifolia, popularly known as espinheira-santa, is a medicinal plant native of Brazil used in the treatment of gastritis and gastric ulcers. This paper aimed to evaluate floral morphology and biology, to characterize the reproductive system and to describe the reproductive phenology of M. ilicifolia. Floral morphology and biology analysis on espinheira-santa plants from an Active Germplasm Bank were performed. The reproductive system was evaluated through self-pollination, apomixis, cross-pollination, natural pollination and geitonogamy tests. Reproductive phenophases were followed for two years and correlated with climatic variables. All evaluated flowers are morphologically hermaphrodites; however, three floral types were found in terms of sexual expression: functionally female flowers, functionally male flowers and hermaphrodite flowers. Functionally male and functionally female flowers occur in different plants, characterizing an evolutionary process for dioecy in this species. The floral types can be differentiated by comparing the stamens length with the style length, stamens position, the color of the anthers and the amount of pollen in each flower. The species presented a preferably allogamous reproductive system. The reproductive period occurred from June to February, considering that the reproductive phenophases are correlated with temperature and length of day.Monteverdia ilicifolia, conhecida popularmente como espinheira-santa, é uma planta medicinal nativa do Brasil utilizada no tratamento de gastrites e úlceras gástricas.  Este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a morfologia e biologia floral, caracterizar o sistema reprodutivo e descrever a fenologia reprodutiva de M. ilicifolia. Foram feitas análises de morfologia e biologia floral em plantas de espinheira-santa de um Banco Ativo de Germoplasma. O sistema reprodutivo foi avaliado por meio de testes de autopolinização, apomixia, polinização cruzada, polinização natural e geitonogamia. As fenofases reprodutivas foram acompanhadas durante dois anos e correlacionadas a variáveis climáticas. Todas as flores avaliadas são morfologicamente hermafroditas, no entanto foram encontrados três tipos florais quanto a expressão sexual: flores funcionalmente femininas, flores funcionalmente masculinas e flores hermafroditas. As flores funcionalmente masculinas e funcionalmente femininas ocorrem em diferentes plantas, caracterizando um processo evolutivo para a dioicia nessa espécie. Os tipos florais podem ser diferenciados comparando o comprimento estames com o comprimento do estilete, posição dos estames, a coloração das anteras e a quantidade de pólen em cada flor. A espécie apresentou sistema reprodutivo preferencialmente alógamo. O período reprodutivo ocorreu de junho até fevereiro, sendo que as fenofases reprodutivas estão correlacionadas com a temperatura e o comprimento do dia

    Preliminary characterization of Psidium germplasm in different Brazilian ecogeographic regions

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar 119 acessos de goiabeira e 40 acessos de araçazeiro identificados em 35 ecorregiões brasileiras, de acordo com descritores da International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). A maioria dos acessos de araçazeiro apresentou grandes espaços entre as nervuras da folha, enquanto os de goiabeira apresentaram espaços pequenos. Os frutos de araçazeiro foram classificados como pequenos, enquanto os de goiabeira apresentaram tamanho de médio a grande. A maioria dos acessos de araçazeiro (91%) apresentou cor branca para a polpa do fruto, enquanto 58% dos de goiabeira apresentaram cor de rosa-claro a rosa-escuro. As diferenças nos frutos entre Psidium selvagens e domesticados indicam que os frutos foram os mais alterados pela seleção artificial.The objective of this work was to characterize 119 accessions of guava and 40 accessions of “araçá” sampled in 35 Brazilian ecoregions, according to the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) descriptors. The majority of “araçá” accessions presented wide spacing of leaf veins, while guava accessions presented medium to close spacing. Most fruits of “araçá” accessions were classified as small, contrasting with medium to large fruits of guava accessions. Most of “araçá” accessions (91%) presented white flesh fruit color, while 58% of guava accessions presented pale pink, pink and dark pink colors. Fruitdifferences among wild and cultivated Psidium species indicate fruit as the most altered trait under artificial selection

    12,500+ and counting: biodiversity of the Brazilian Pampa

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    Knowledge on biodiversity is fundamental for conservation strategies. The Brazilian Pampa region, located in subtropical southern Brazil, is neglected in terms of conservation, and knowledge of its biodiversity is fragmented. We aim to answer the question: how many, and which, species occur in the Brazilian Pampa? In a collaborative effort, we built species lists for plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi that occur in the Brazilian Pampa. We included information on distribution patterns, main habitat types, and conservation status. Our study resulted in referenced lists totaling 12,503 species (12,854 taxa, when considering infraspecific taxonomic categories [or units]). Vascular plants amount to 3,642 species (including 165 Pteridophytes), while algae have 2,046 species (2,378 taxa) and bryophytes 316 species (318 taxa). Fungi (incl. lichenized fungi) contains 1,141 species (1,144 taxa). Animals total 5,358 species (5,372 taxa). Among the latter, vertebrates comprise 1,136 species, while invertebrates are represented by 4,222 species. Our data indicate that, according to current knowledge, the Pampa holds approximately 9% of the Brazilian biodiversity in an area of little more than 2% of Brazil’s total land The proportion of species restricted to the Brazilian Pampa is low (with few groups as exceptions), as it is part of a larger grassland ecoregion and in a transitional climatic setting. Our study yielded considerably higher species numbers than previously known for many species groups; for some, it provides the first published compilation. Further efforts are needed to increase knowledge in the Pampa and other regions of Brazil. Considering the strategic importance of biodiversity and its conservation, appropriate government policies are needed to fund studies on biodiversity, create accessible and constantly updated biodiversity databases, and consider biodiversity in school curricula and other outreach activitie