247 research outputs found

    Visualisation Focus+Contexte pour l'Exploration Interactive de Maillages Tétraèdriques

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    in Revue Électronique Francophone d'Informatique Graphique (REFIG) , Vol 2, Num 1, http://www.irit.fr/REFIG/index.php/refig/issue/view/2National audienceL'exploration et l'analyse visuelle de grands maillages tétraédriques restent des tâches coûteuses en temps lorsque les ensembles de données sont affichés dans leur globalité. Pourtant, dans la plupart des cas, l'utilisateur n'explorera que de petites zones compactes où se concentrent les informations qu'il juge remarquables. Se basant sur ce constat, nous proposons une approche focus+contexte reposant sur une double résolution des données. Dans l'espace objet, une Région Locale d'Intérêt (RLI) - le focus - est extraite du maillage précis originel et est entourée par une représentation grossière globale - le contexte. Pour unir les deux résolutions, une connexion topologiquement valide est créée interactivement. Les techniques de rendu classiques y sont intégrées. De plus, quand le focus est déplacé, l'extraction de la RLI ainsi que son affichage sont accélérés en utilisant la cohérence temporelle. Les dernières cartes graphiques sont utilisées afin d'accélérer le Rendu Volumique Direct. Notre approche focus+contexte réduit de manière significative le nombre de primitives affichées ce qui permet une exploration interactive de grands maillages tétraédriques

    Plan d'expériences numérique pour l'analyse des conditions de contact en microformage

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    Les effets d'échelle en microformage peuvent être observés aussi bien sur l'écrouissage du matériau que dans les conditions de frottement à l'interface outil/matière. Ici nous proposons un plan d'expériences numérique basé sur des essais de compression de cylindre afin de mettre en évidence l'influence des propriétés géométriques de surface sur l'effort de compression. Les surfaces de l'outil et du cylindre ont été modélisées par un profil sinusoïdal. Ainsi, les cinq paramètres d'entrée pour le plan d'expériences numérique sont l'amplitude et la période du profil sinusoïdal pour l'outil et le cylindre ainsi que le déphasage entre les deux profils en contact. L'évolution de l'effort de compression est utilisée comme paramètre de sortie du plan d'expériences numérique. L'analyse des résultats du plan permet de mettre en évidence la sensibilité des paramètres tribologiques des surfaces vis-à-vis de l'effort de compression. Sur la base de ce plan d'expériences numérique, une modélisation plus réaliste des conditions de contact et frottement en microformage tenant compte des critères de rugosité peut être envisagée

    Volumetric modeling and interactive cutting of deformable bodies

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    Special Issue on Biomechanical Modelling of Soft Tissue MotionInternational audienceA new approach for the interactive simulation of viscoelastic object cutting is presented. Two synchronized geo- metrical models at different resolutions are used, both derived from medical images. In contrast with most previous approaches, the blade deforms the object, and cutting occurs once a contact pressure threshold is exceeded. Moreover, we achieve interactive simulation rates by embedding a high resolution geometry within a regular grid with arbitrary resolution. This allows to trade off accuracy for speed in the computation of deformations. The input data is a high- resolution volumetric model of the objects. The surface model of the object, used for rendering as well as collision detection and response, is a polygonal level set of the volumetric data. It is embedded in the volume model using barycentric coordinates. Cutting is performed by removing voxels at the fine level, and updating the surface and volume models accordingly. We introduce a new data structure, which we call a Dynamic Branched Grid, in order to preserve the fine level topology at the coarse level. When an element of the coarse volumetric model is cut, it is replaced by a number of superimposed elements with the same size and at the same rest position as the original one. Each new element is assigned a part of material contained in the original one, and the mass and stiffness are recomputed accordingly. The well-known problem of creating small, ill-shaped finite elements while remeshing is thus completely avoided

    Experimental validation of opto-thermo-elastic modeling in OOFELIE Multiphysics

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    The objective of this work is to demonstrate the correlation between a simple laboratory test bench case and the predictions of the Oofelie MultiPhysics software in order to deduce modelling guidelines and improvements. For that purpose two optical systems have been analysed. The first one is a spherical lens fixed in an aluminium barrel, which is the simplest structure found in an optomechanical system. In this study, material characteristics are assumed to be well known: BK7 and aluminium have been retained. Temperature variations between 0 and +60°C from ambient have been applied to the samples. The second system is a YAG laser bar heated by means of a dedicated oven. For the two test benches thermo-elastic distortions have been measured using a Fizeau interferometer. This sensor measures wavefront error in the range of 20 nm to 1 μm without physical contact with the optomechanical system. For the YAG bar birefringence and polarization measurements have also been performed using a polarimetric bench. The tests results have been compared to the predictions obtained by Oofelie MultiPhysics which is a multiphysics toolkit treating coupled problems of optics, mechanics, thermal physics, electricity, electromagnetism, acoustics and hydrodynamics. From this comparison modelling guidelines have been issued with the aim of improving the accuracy of computed thermo-elastic distortions and their impact on the optical performances

    It starts at home? Climate policies targeting household consumption and behavioral decisions are key to low-carbon futures

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    Through their consumption behavior, households are responsible for 72% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, they are key actors in reaching the 1.5 °C goal under the Paris Agreement. However, the possible contribution and position of households in climate policies is neither well understood, nor do households receive sufficiently high priority in current climate policy strategies. This paper investigates how behavioral change can achieve a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in European high-income countries. It uses theoretical thinking and some core results from the HOPE research project, which investigated household preferences for reducing emissions in four European cities in France, Germany, Norway and Sweden. The paper makes five major points: First, car and plane mobility, meat and dairy consumption, as well as heating are the most dominant components of household footprints. Second, household living situations (demographics, size of home) greatly influence the household potential to reduce their footprint, even more than country or city location. Third, household decisions can be sequential and temporally dynamic, shifting through different phases such as childhood, adulthood, and illness. Fourth, short term voluntary efforts will not be sufficient by themselves to reach the drastic reductions needed to achieve the 1.5 °C goal; instead, households need a regulatory framework supporting their behavioral changes. Fifth, there is a mismatch between the roles and responsibilities conveyed by current climate policies and household perceptions of responsibility. We then conclude with further recommendations for research and policy

    The Hepatokine TSK does not affect brown fat thermogenic capacity, body weight gain, and glucose homeostasis

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    Objectives Hepatokines are proteins secreted by the liver that impact the functions of the liver and various tissues through autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine signaling. Recently, Tsukushi (TSK) was identified as a new hepatokine that is induced by obesity and cold exposure. It was proposed that TSK controls sympathetic innervation and thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and that loss of TSK protects against diet-induced obesity and improves glucose homeostasis. Here we report the impact of deleting and/or overexpressing TSK on BAT thermogenic capacity, body weight regulation, and glucose homeostasis. Methods We measured the expression of thermogenic genes and markers of BAT innervation and activation in TSK-null and TSK-overexpressing mice. Body weight, body temperature, and parameters of glucose homeostasis were also assessed in the context of TSK loss and overexpression. Results The loss of TSK did not affect the thermogenic activation of BAT. We found that TSK-null mice were not protected against the development of obesity and did not show improvement in glucose tolerance. The overexpression of TSK also failed to modulate thermogenesis, body weight gain, and glucose homeostasis in mice
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