118 research outputs found

    Bayesian hierarchical models for analysing the spatial distribution of bioclimatic indices

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    A methodological approach for modelling the spatial distribution of bioclimatic indices is proposed in this paper. The value of the bioclimatic index is modelled with a hierarchical Bayesian model that incorporates both structured and unstructured random effects. Selection of prior distributions is also discussed in order to better incorporate any possible prior knowledge about the parameters that could refer to the particular characteristics of bioclimatic indices. MCMC methods and distributed programming are used to obtain an approximation of the posterior distribution of the parameters and also the posterior predictive distribution of the indices. One main outcome of the proposal is the spatial bioclimatic probability distribution of each bioclimatic index, which allows researchers to obtain the probability of each location belonging to different bioclimates. The methodology is evaluated on two indices in the Island of Cyprus.Peer Reviewe

    Estudi etnogràfic i etnobotànic de l'artesania de la llata

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    Justicia restaurativa y técnicas de reparación del daño ecológico en el delito medioambiental

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    The purpose of this work is to study the scope of some of the tools in the Spanish Penal Code in order, from a new perspective of restorative justice, to try to improve the repair of ecological damage resulting from the commission of an environmental crime. Specifically, will be analyzed the capacities that fine penalties, the institute of confiscation and some of the functions of civil liability may have when improving the expectations of reparation for injuries caused by an ecological crime.El presente trabajo tiene por objeto estudiar el alcance de algunas de las herramientas vigentes en el Código penal para intentar mejorar la reparación del daño ecológico resultante de la comisión de un delito medioambiental. En concreto, se analizarán las capacidades que pueden tener las penas de multa, el instituto del decomiso y, algunas de las funciones de la responsabilidad civil ex delicto, para, desde una nueva mirada de justicia restaurativa, mejorar las expectativas de reparación del daño ante lesiones provocadas por la comisión de un delito ecológico.

    Bayesian hierarchical models for analysing the spatial distribution of bioclimatic indices

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    A methodological approach for modelling the spatial distribution of bioclimatic indices is proposed in this paper. The value of the bioclimatic index is modelled with a hierarchical Bayesian model that incorporates both structured and unstructured random effects. Selection of prior distributions is also discussed in order to better incorporate any possible prior knowledge about the parameters that could refer to the particular characteristics of bioclimatic indices. MCMC methods and distributed programming are used to obtain an approximation of the posterior distribution of the parameters and also the posterior predictive distribution of the indices. One main outcome of the proposal is the spatial bioclimatic probability distribution of each bioclimatic index, which allows researchers to obtain the probability of each location belonging to different bioclimates. The methodology is evaluated on two indices in the Island of Cyprus

    Assaig d'apropament a la qüestió de la relació entre sentit comú i coneixement filosòfic del món

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    Trends and patterns in the use of computed tomography in children and young adults in Catalonia — results from the EPI-CT study

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    Background Although there are undeniable diagnostic benefits of CT scanning, its increasing use in paediatric radiology has become a topic of concern regarding patient radioprotection. Objective To assess the rate of CT scanning in Catalonia, Spain, among patients younger than 21 years old at the scan time. Materials and methods This is a sub-study of a larger international cohort study (EPI-CT, the International pediatric CT scan study). Data were retrieved from the radiological information systems (RIS) of eight hospitals in Catalonia since the implementation of digital registration (between 1991 and 2010) until 2013. Results The absolute number of CT scans annually increased 4.5% between 1991 and 2013, which was less accentuated when RIS was implemented in most hospitals. Because the population attending the hospitals also increased, however, the rate of scanned patients changed little (8.3 to 9.4 per 1,000 population). The proportions of patients with more than one CT and more than three CTs showed a 1.51- and 2.7-fold increase, respectively, over the 23 years. Conclusion Gradual increases in numbers of examinations and scanned patients were observed in Catalonia, potentially explained by new CT scanning indications and increases in the availability of scanners, the number of scans per patient and the size of the attended population.Supported in part by the Seventh Framework Programme from the European Community (Grant agreement no: 269912) and the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear