171 research outputs found

    Online Scientific Volunteering: the technological immersion for the co-construction of knowledge, employability, entrepreneurship and innovation in a logic of inclusion

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    “We all have something to learn and something to share” is the motto of this project, through which we aim to assess the impact of a multilingual platform which combines and makes the most of the potentials of digital environments and favours inclusion, in the co-construction of knowledge in learning/practice, in employability, entrepreneurism and innovation. In this article we will introduce an ongoing project which is founded on the principle of openness to the research community. Its philosophy is Online Scientific Volunteering for the co-construction of knowledge about learning best practices. The platform that will emerge from the project will be open access. The academic community, whether national or international, can contribute with content and knowledge to the platform, through interaction and discussions around relevant and emerging topics. The community may also exploit, without encumbrance, the contents of the platform for their own benefit. This way students and scientific expertise can share in a common knowledge space, and together build a comprehensive knowledge base.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    NEETin with ICT

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    Science and Technology Advisory Council (STAC) outlines that 49% of EU citizens identified “job creation” and 33% identified “education and skills” as the top priorities for science and technology innovation over the next fifteen years. Both documents justify the needs in Europe for the ICT field especially for the NEET (not in education, employment or training) citizens. On the other hand, Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs (GC4DJ) in Europe identifies: the training and matching digital jobs; certification; innovative learning and teaching; mobility; awareness raising; increasing effectiveness of education; increasing equity and producing positive impact in the economy, as a priority for European countries. NEETin is a project directed to NEET citizens, to be developed by Higher Education Institutions, VET providers and Enterprises in order to help to overcome a social European dimension through lifelong learning. By creating a Joint Vocational Education Training in Digital Competences in a collaboration between VET providers and the Enterprises, widening the access to higher education, in an innovative student-centred learning model to apply in a European level, we aim to contribute to improve the quality of Education. Through this certified JVET, NEET citizens will develop their digital skills and the success of employability of these learners will be enhanced.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Visualyzart Project – The role in education

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    The VisualYzARt project intends to develop research on mobile platforms, web and social scenarios in order to bring augmented reality and natural interaction for the general public, aiming to study and validate the adequacy of YVision platform in various fields of activity such as digital arts, design, education, culture and leisure. The VisualYzARt project members analysed the components available in YVision platform and are defining new ones that allow the creation of applications to a chosen activity, effectively adding a new language to the domain YVision. In this paper we will present the role of the InstitutoPolitécnico de Santarém which falls into the field of education.VisualYzART is funded by QREN – Sistema de Incentivos à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (SI I&DT), Project n. º 23201 - VisualYzARt (from January 2013 to December 2014). Partners: YDreams Portugal; Instituto Politécnico de Santarém - Gabinete de e-Learning; Universidade de Coimbra - Centro de Informática e Sistemas; Instituto Politécnico de Leiria - Centro de Investigação em Informática e Comunicações; Universidade Católica do Porto - Centro de Investigação em Ciência e Tecnologia das Artes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    #Uptake_ICT2life-cycle: digital literacy and inclusion to learners with disadvantaged background# is an Erasmus + project that aims at enhancing digital literacy among adults with disadvantaged backgrounds. The partners have produced didactic materials and pedagogical guidelines to meet this aim. Based on these materials, and their didactical exploitation, a network of stakeholders was formed and trained in order to subsequently be able to teach citizens that both have disadvantaged backgrounds and are digitally illiterate or quasi-illiterate. This paper relates how this experience was undertaken in Portugal in what concerns the creation of the Stakeholders' network and presents its results. The reality that has boosted the creation of this project was the shocking situation portrayed in 2013 Eurostat statistics, according to which one in every three Portuguese had never used the Internet. Uptake ICT was then conceived and designed in order to engage synergies to counter this problem, aiming at a variety of focus groups (but paying special attention to learners of various ages that have never used Internet, like adults with disadvantaged backgrounds), in line with the transversal priorities for education, training and youth of the European Commission and seeking to assist in the meeting of the aims of Europe 2020. To add up, it also intended to enhance and to develop ideas that answer to the Societal Challenges’ needs, by sharing and creating scientific, social, technological and policies impact. The main aspects that the project focused on were digital literacy inclusion, re-qualification and employability of disadvantaged citizens, in order to help them to face the present process of civilizational change (social, political, economic, and cultural). The addressed priorities were to contribute towards a reduction of the number of low-skilled adults (re-skilling and up-skilling of adults thanks to lifelong-learning and training), and to strengthen the links between education and employment in the area of ICT | New technologies | digital literacy and digital competences | basic skills. After having identified both the most preeminent needs and ways of integrating ICT in daily life, and a set of good practices already tested in the areas of digital literacy, inclusion and employability, the project team has built a number of educational contents addressing the issues that were considered most relevant in three main levels of knowledge (Basic, Intermediate, and advanced) , and in the four languages of the project (Portuguese, Italian, English and German). The decision to work on the three levels was due to the fact that in the various partner countries there were groups of target audiences that were positioned differently with respect to their level of digital expertise. The teachinglearning materials that were conceived were afterwards reworked in order to fit in a variety of contexts and formats (e-modules, ebook, MOOC). This option for multi-format was taken having in mind different learning profiles, and the need to provide flexible and attractive materials in order to avoid any kind of rejection. Finally, a number of didactical guidelines were produced in order to provide an interface of suggestions to the stakeholders that would use these materials in their classes or workshop sessions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    e-skills, soft skills & social skills - students' competences on a digital age

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    The demands on today‟s digital society raise the necessity of students to acquire different skills and competences - a new kind of literacy. Besides digital skills, there is also the need of being in possess of social and soft skills. Learning, due to the advent of social Web and collaborative virtual environments, has a lot to do with socialization. This article aims to know if and how these competences and access to digital and virtual tools can change students learning processes, allowing them to be more participative in constructing their knowledge.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Etiologia e sensibilidade bacteriana em infecções do tracto urinário

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    AbstractIntroductionUrinary tract infections (UTI) are very prevalent in Humans immediately following respiratory infections. The main microorganisms involved have remained relatively constant over time, and their treatment, in many cases, has been done empirically, making use of antibiotics that, in principle, are supposed to have an extended-spectrum and are able to eradicate the infection.ObjectiveThe main objective of this work was to understand the behaviour of the most prevalent strains that cause urinary tract infections and assess if we can discern some trends in their resistance to antibiotics during two different time periods.Material and methodsThe retrospective study was carried out at Local Health Unit (Guarda), involving the use of 200 cultures with a positive result, for half of the year 2002 and for the rest of the year 2007. All urine samples were plated on agar CLED. The identification and their respective antibiotic were performed at VITEK 2 system (bioMérieux).ResultsThe main results suggested that the most prevalent strain in 2002 was E. coli constituting 64% of the strains identified, followed by S. marcescens with 16% and K. pneumoniae with 14%. For the year 2007, E. coli prevailed again with 66% of urinary infections, followed by P. aeruginosa with 14%. As far as the behavior of more prevalent strains towards antibiotics is concerned we found that there was an increased sensitivity of Escherichia coli compared to amoxicillin (68.8% in 2002 to 93.9% in 2007), compared to ampicillin (56.3% in 2002 to 75.8% in 2007) and to cephalothin (84.4% in 2002 to 93.9% in 2007). It only increased its resistance to trimethoprim, in 2002 it had a resistance of 18.8% and this number rose to 24.2% in 2007. Klebsiella pneumoniae has increased its capacity of resistance to amoxicillin (0% in 2002 to 75% in 2007), became completely resistant to ampicillin and reduced its sensitivity to cephalothin (85.7% in 2002 and only 25% in 2007). They also increased their resistance to pefloxacin, since in 2002 all strains were sensitive and in 2007 only 25% showed sensitivity to this antibiotic. For trimethoprim there was also a sharp increase of resistance to this bacterium: in 2002 only 28.6% of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains were resistant while in 2007 this figure rose to 75%. Klebsiella pneumoniae only increased its susceptibility to netilmicin, from a sensitivity of 85.7% in 2002 to 100% in 2007.DiscussionFrom the results we can see that Escherichia coli did not change its performance towards the antibiotics tested, even increasing its sensitivity in some cases. In relation to Klebsiella pneumoniae, there is a clear decrease in their sensitivity to most antibiotics tested.ConclusionIt is necessary to know the prevalence of the main bacteria that infect the urinary tract in order to continue empirical treatments with antibiotics

    Math4All : atreve-te na matemática

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    Aprender matemática é um direito básico de todas as pessoas, em especial de todas as crianças e jovens, e uma resposta a necessidades individuais e sociais. Segundo o Departamento de Educação Básica, a matemática “constitui um património cultural da humanidade e um modo de pensar, sendo a sua apropriação, um direito de todos”1. Todas as crianças e jovens devem desenvolver a sua capacidade de usar a matemática para analisar e resolver situações problemáticas, para raciocinar e comunicar, bem como a auto-confiança necessária para o fazer. O Math4All – Atreve-te na Matemática é um site desenvolvido com o principal objetivo de ajudar todas as pessoas, em especial crianças e jovens com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e os 13 anos, a aprender matemática de um modo significativo, através de actividades lúdicas e dinâmicas. A literacia matemática das/os alunas/os é determinada pelo modo como usam os conhecimentos, as capacidades e as atitudes na resolução de problemas. Assim, é necessário propor-lhes experiências diversificadas que permitam desenvolver as suas capacidades de resolução de problemas, de modo a poderem tirar partido da Matemática ao longo da vida. Este projeto aborda o tema Números e operações e respeita os objetivos gerais de aprendizagem, bem como as indicações metodológicas previstas no novo Programa de Matemática do Ensino Básico. O site Math4All – Atreve-te na Matemática pretende ser um desafio, e contribuir para a construção de uma Matemática com sentido. ATREVE-TE

    Implicações do "feminino" na ética, a partir do pensamento de Carol Gilligan

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    A crítica de Carol Gilligan ao modelo de desenvolvimento moral de Kohlberg suscita novas considerações quanto à importância dos paradigmas na investigação e a necessidade de se encontrar uma perspetiva ética que ultrapasse o unilateralismo de género. A desconstrução deste modelo através da inclusão do “feminino” contempla a ideia de reciprocidade a partir da natureza contextual das relações, possibilitando uma visão mais global do desenvolvimento humano e alargando os limites da compreensão ética para além da interpretação intelectual do juízo moral. Ao introduzir a temporalidade e a relação entre pessoas como ingredientes da justiça, permite abarcar na definição de maturidade humana outras perspetivas e critérios que possibilitam a integração das dimensões dos direitos e da responsabilidade, articulando cuidado e justiça na reflexão ética. A sua relevância é, assim, não apenas ética, mas também axiológica, já que refletir sobre uma ética do cuidado é pensar essa “voz diferente” e é também um debate sobre os valores e sobre como deve ser uma ética para todos – uma ética inclusiva que permita a partilha do espaço público e do espaço privado, por mulheres e por homens, numa sociedade onde seja possível viver melhor; ABSTRACT: Carol Gilligan’s criticism to Kohlberg’s development model brings about new concerns related to the relevance of paradigms used in research and the need to define an ethical perspective in order to overcome unilateralism of gender. Deconstructing this approach by including the “feminine” view introduces the idea of reciprocity within the context of human relations. It, thus, provides a more comprehensive approach on human development and expands the boundaries of ethical understanding beyond the intellectual interpretation of moral judgment. Considering temporality and people’s relationships as part of the concept of justice, it allows other views and standards when defining human maturity because it opens up to the domains of rights and responsibility, articulating care and justice in the ethical thought. Its relevance is both ethical and axiological because reflecting upon the ethics of care is to consider that “different voice” and to set an argument about values and an ethics for all, an inclusive one that allows public and private places to be shared by men and women, within a society where we can hope for a better life

    Relatório de Estágio da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada

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    O presente relatório foi estruturado de acordo com o regulamento da prática de ensino supervisionada dos cursos habilitadores à docência do Instituto Politécnico da Guarda. As práticas de ensino supervisionadas que se realizaram em instituições do Ensino Pré-Escolar e do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico permitiram colocar em prática conhecimentos adquiridos para com as diferentes faixas etárias com que tivemos o prazer de ensinar e aprender; experienciar a realidade das instituições de educação e refletir sobre esta mesma realidade e as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas. A infância de uma criança é, maioritariamente, marcada por histórias que preenchem e enriquecem o seu imaginário. A poesia, como corrente literária, estudada e investigada pelos contemporâneos, é vista como um meio de desenvolvimento cognitivo e social que tem contributos fundamentais na evolução da criança, mas nem sempre é valorizada no meio escolar. Assim, o presente relatório pretende explorar a importância pedagógica da poesia no crescimento e desenvolvimento da criança e posteriormente apresenta algumas estratégias de atividades a serem realizadas em ambiente pré-escolar com vista à promoção e valorização da poesia

    Aprendizagem híbrida: b-learning - da sala de aula ao ciberespaço

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    O presente artigo, Aprendizagem híbrida: b-Learning – da sala de aula ao ciberespaço, pretende apresentar os resultados de uma investigação que teve como finalidade a criação e a avaliação do impacto de um módulo on-line, como complemento às aprendizagens em regime presencial, no desenvolvimento e aquisição de competências, transversais e específicas, em alunos do primeiro ano do ensino superior politécnico, no domínio das tecnologias da informação e comunicação, mais especificamente no módulo que dizia respeito à linguagem HTML. Não foi nossa intenção, neste estudo, explorar, de forma aprofundada, conceitos tecnológicos inerentes ao e- Learning, mas antes perceber de que forma este paradigma de ensino-aprendizagem poderá beneficiar os alunos na aquisição e aperfeiçoamento de determinadas competências. - The main objective of the present study, Hybrid Learning: b-learning – from the classroom to cyberspace, was to create and evaluate the impact of an on-line training module as a complement to traditional lectures. This module contributed to the development and acquisition of specific and transversal competences in Information and Communication Technologies. We intend to verify the improvement in HTML language, on the competence level, of those students who attend the first year, second semester subject multimedia of a degree in the area of cultural animation lectured at a Superior School of Education. It was not our intention, in this study, to explore inherent technological concepts to e-Learning, but to recognize how this paradigm of teach-learning will be able to benefit students in the acquisition and development of determined skills