1,128 research outputs found

    Diseño de acciones de alfabetización informacional en TIC para profesionales del Sector de la Salud en Cuba

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    Usage, appropriation and access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are priorities in countries involved in development processes. This research shows the effort made in Cuba (Guáimaro, Camagüey Province), to help professionals in their scientific and educational training to make them more efficient, specifically in the health area. For this purpose, we developed a needs diagnosis and a proposal on digital information basic contents involved in the process of solving practical problems in information management activities in the health sector. The diagnosis identified initial knowledge needs (text and data processing and presentations creation), and some issues related to web pages, Moodle platform, bibliographic management, e-mail and browsing along with search and meta-search engines for knowledge generation and spread. As a complement to the diagnosis development, the research was supplemented with the results assessment via qualitative research techniques involving experts from Health and ICT areas

    Brand gender and consumer-based brand equity on Facebook: The mediating role of consumer-brand engagement and brand love

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    Brand gender has been suggested as a relevant source of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE). The purpose of this paper is to deepen understanding of the relationship between brand gender and CBBE by analyzing the mediating roleofconsumer–brandengagement (CBE)andbrandlove(BL)onthisrelationship.Thisresearchwas conducted on Facebook, the dominant global social media platform. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. Results support 6 of the 9 hypotheses, with a significant relationship between analyzed constructs. This study advances prior work by showing that brand gender has an indirect and relevant impact on CBBE through BL and CBE. Therefore, this research confirms the advantages of clear gender positioning and extends prior research by suggesting that brands with a strong gender identity will encourage BL and CB

    Terrestrial mammal responses to habitat structure and quality of remnant riparian forests in an Amazonian cattle-ranching landscape

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    Extensive 1970–2010 deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has generated a ~ 1.5 Mha fragmented region known as the ‘arc of deforestation’. Farmers and cattle ranchers throughout Brazil are legally required to set-aside riparian forest strips within their landholdings, but recent legislative changes have relaxed the minimum mandatory conditions of these riparian forests. In this context, we assessed the functional role of riparian forest remnants as landscape connectors for medium to large-bodied terrestrial mammals in a vast fragmented landscape of southern Amazonia. We selected 38 riparian forest strips and five riparian sites within continuous forest, installed four to five camera-traps along each riparian zone (199 camera-trap stations), and sampled the terrestrial mammal assemblage for 60 days per station during the dry seasons of 2013 and 2014. We compared mammal use of riparian forests within both continuous and highly fragmented forests, and examined the effects of corridor width, corridor habitat structure, and landscape context on mammal species richness, composition, and functional diversity, all of which were higher in continuous forests than in riparian remnants. Functional diversity differences between corridor type was trait-independent and mediated by differences in species richness. Forest habitat degradation was associated with overall lower species richness, whereas forest specialists were more species-rich in increasingly wider corridors. Compositional shifts indicate that deforestation and forest degradation favours matrix-tolerant species with lower levels of forest habitat specificity. We show the potential landscape connectivity role for forest mammals of riparian corridors, whose width and forest degradation status are key predictors of community-wide responses. We provide evidence on the importance of these relict riparian strips to forest vertebrates, strengthening the scientific arguments that help justify the recently embattled legal requirements to maintain effective riparian corridors in Brazil

    A Teoria da Reprodução Social como um modo de pensar dialético

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o caminho histórico que levou ao desenvolvimento da Teoria da Reprodução Social (TRS), propondo compreendê-la como um modo de pensar dialético. O argumento central do artigo é que a TRS tornou-se uma das abordagens mais profícuas produzidas no seio do marxismo por ter sido resultado de um movimento dialético constante de autocrítica, produzindo novas elaborações a partir da incorporação de críticas e da abertura ao contraditório, que toma como central para entender e transformar a realidade. O artigo propõe, ainda, que esse movimento dialético tem relação com o lugar social subalternizado dos sujeitos envolvidos no desenvolvimento dessa teoria

    O trabalho sexual online com recurso a plataformas de distribuição de conteúdo: um estudo exploratório

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    A expansão da Internet e da sua utilização levaram a transformações a todos os níveis e a indústria do sexo não foi exceção com o surgimento do trabalho sexual online, que engloba diversas formas de o executar, incluindo o recurso a plataformas de distribuição de conteúdo. Ainda que este seja um fenómeno crescente, a literatura científica não tem acompanhado essa tendência, deixando este tema por explorar e as vozes dos seus intervenientes por ouvir. Assim, para dar um contributo para colmatar a lacuna na investigação acerca deste tópico, principalmente no contexto nacional, este estudo exploratório pretendeu descrever, explorar e compreender a utilização de plataformas de distribuição de conteúdo para a realização de trabalho sexual online. Para tal, foram realizadas dez entrevistas semiestruturadas a mulheres que recorrem a plataformas de distribuição de conteúdo para a realização de trabalho sexual online, com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 37 anos. Estas foram analisadas através do recurso à análise de conteúdo temática, da qual surgiram seis temas: caracterização do trabalho sexual online; trajetórias no trabalho sexual online; riscos e benefícios; consequências da realização do trabalho sexual online; clientes. Concluiu-se que o contexto do trabalho sexual online se pauta por diversidade em todas as suas dimensões, influenciando as mulheres que o desempenham em diferentes aspetos da sua vida. Também os clientes são descritos como um grupo heterogéneo, motivados principalmente pela procura de autenticidade e intimidade. Além disso, o estigma apresenta-se como algo que exerce uma intensa pressão nas pessoas que desempenham trabalho sexual online, afetando-as nos níveis pessoal, das relações interpessoais e, ainda, no que toca ao emprego e ensino, devido, em grande parte, à dualidade promiscuidade-vitimação através da qual são vistas. O presente estudo parece colmatar a falta de conhecimento e investigação científica sobre este fenómeno emergente, compreendendo o modo de funcionamento desta indústria e as perceções e vivências de quem nela participa, procurando dar voz e empoderar esta população. Esperamos que esta investigação permita, assim, impulsionar novas investigações na área e promover uma redução do estigma face a quem realiza trabalho sexual online, diminuindo a sua influência negativa

    The origin of man: Biological Sciences and Pedagogy students’ conceptions

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    This study aims at analyzing Biological Sciences and Pedagogy University students’ conceptions on the topic origin of man. It was carried out at the University Center of Formiga, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The analysis focused on the answers to the question of the European questionnaire Biohead-CITIZEN “A.62 — In the list below, tick the three expressions you think are most strongly associated with the origin of humankind” with the following answer alternatives: Adam and Eve; Australopithecus; Creation; Evolution; God; Natural selection. The alternatives associated to the theory of evolution were prevalent among students of Biological Sciences, but the number of future biologists that indicated the alternatives linked to the religious field was not negligible, especially the alternative “God”. In the second semester of Biological Sciences, the most marked option was “God” whereas in the sixth semester the most marked one was “Evolution”, indicating the progress throughout the course towards the Theory of Evolution. Pedagogy students indicated predominantly alternatives linked to the religious field, since in all Pedagogy semesters both “God” and “Creation” answers were the most selected ones. These results are relevant since these future teachers may use their religious views when teaching their students the theme of the origin of life in sciences classes.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT)Projeto Estratégico da FCT: UID/CED/00317/201

    O Cuidar do idoso no contexto familiar

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Serviço Social