2,475 research outputs found

    Faith Development, Religious Styles and Biographical Narratives: Methodological Perspectives

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    Keller B, Streib H. Faith Development, Religious Styles and Biographical Narratives: Methodological Perspectives. Journal for Empirical Theology. 2013;26(1):1-21.Narrative study of religious lives has formed part of numerous projects at the Bielefeld Research Center for Biographical Studies in Contemporary Religion. An essential instrument in our designs, which mostly combine qualitative and quantitative methods, is the Faith Development Interview (FDI). In response to longstanding criticism its cognitive structural framework has been revised in respect of styles and schemata. The religious styles perspective examines the self as articulated in narratives and associates it with affectivity and emotion. This article gives an overview of our theoretical and methodological revisions, which take cognizance of current developments in lifespan developmental and clinical psychology such as attachment, mentalization and wisdom. We illustrate the implementation of these advances with a case study from our current study of ‘spirituality’ , which we locate in the complex multi-method design, and outline the triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data

    Foreign ant queens are accepted but produce fewer offspring

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    Understanding social evolution requires us to understand the processes regulating the number of breeders within social groups and how they partition reproduction. Queens in polygynous (multiple queens per colony) ants often seek adoption in established colonies instead of founding a new colony independently. This mode of dispersal leads to potential conflicts, as kin selection theory predicts that resident workers should favour nestmate queens over foreign queens. Here we compared the survival of foreign and resident queens as well as their relative reproductive share. We used the ant Formica exsecta to construct colonies consisting of one queen with workers related to this resident queen and introduced a foreign queen. We found that the survival of foreign queens did not differ from that of resident queens over a period of 136days. However, the genetic analyses revealed that resident queens produced a 1.5-fold higher number of offspring than introduced queens, and had an equal or higher share in 80% of the colonies. These data indicate that some discrimination can occur against dispersing individuals and that dispersal can thus have costs in terms of direct reproduction for dispersing queen

    Educational Considerations, vol. 34(2) Full Issue

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    Educational Considerations, vol. 34(2)-Fall 2007-Full issu

    Customer Relationship Management in a Public Cloud environment – Key influencing factors for European enterprises

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    Customer Relationship Management is crucial influencing factor for competitiveness in saturated markets. Public cloud-computing services for customer-relationship management provide many benefits. However, their usage in Europe is reluctant. Our research identifies several core and sub-influence factors and reveals how strong they are. Enterprises strive for covering risks in terms of safety and security. Further important influencing factors are functional completeness and integration into the existing environment. Our research provides new knowledge of the use of public cloud services in general and in particular for the use of customer relationship in a public cloud environment

    Inclusion Extended: Educators With Disabilities

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    Although historically the focus of disability-related research in education has centered on special education and the inclusion of students with disabilities, schools also employ teachers, administrators, and other educational personnel who have disabilities. How these educators fare in the workplace is of growing concern. If inclusion of students with disabilities in classrooms is a desirable goal, should not the idea be extended to adults with disabilities? Our response to this question is a resounding “Yes!” [Introduction to the special issue.

    Design of Dynamic Pricing Systems for Online-Retailer\u27s-Core Functionalities and Qualitative Insights

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    The intense competition in e-commerce makes many small- and medium-sized retailers striving for dynamic pricing. Therefore, the core functionalities of a dynamic pricing system are investigated using single case study research method. They embrace both external and internal factors for price calculation. First, there are functions to get external information such as price information from competing retailers. They provide important information for calculation and forecasting. Second, internal oriented functions exist, which analyse personal information such as the birthday in order to influence the buyers’ decisions in a positive way

    Table of contents and editorial information for Vol. 34, no.2, Spring 2007

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    This content includes the table of contents and editorial information for this special issue Inclusion Extended: Educators With Disabilities
