7 research outputs found

    The structure of the infralitoral fish community in the protected area of the Lastovo and Mljet islands

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    Analizirana je struktura nekto-bentičke zajednice riba i njen odnos sa staništem u infralitoralu zaštićenog područja Lastovskog otočja i otoka Mljeta, što je prvo istraživanje takvog tipa na tom području. Vizualnom aproksimacijom bilježen je tip i kompleksnost staništa. Parametri zajednice riba prikupljeni su metodom vizualnog cenzusa na 168 transekata na 31 postaji, te na sedam tipova staništa. Staništa su u obradi podataka sažeta u četiri osnovna tipa: (i) staništa zajednice infralitoralnih algi, (ii) staništa zajednice infralitoralnih algi s manjim naseljima posidonije, (iii) staništa podjednakog omjera algi i posidonije i (iv) staništa naselja posidonije s manjim dijelovima zajednice infralitoralnih algi. Utvrđena je povezanost tipa staništa sa strukturom zajednice riba. Broj vrsta, brojnost i biomasa najviši su u staništima zajednice infralitoralnih algi s manjim naseljima posidonije, a najmanji na staništima većinski prekrivena posidonijom. Nije dokazan utjecaj kompleksnosti staništa na strukturu zajednice. Ovo istraživanje pruža osnovu za buduće procjene učinkovitosti zona potpune zabrane ribolova, koje su planirane u istraživanim morskim zaštićenim područjima. Procjene će biti moguće jer je odabir kontrolnih postaja dobar za većinu postaja unutar NP Mljet koji će biti unutar zona potpune zabrane ribolova. Većina kontrolnih postaja odgovara staništem i strukturom zajednice riba postajama u budućim zonama zaštite.The structure of the necto-benthic fish community and its relationship with habitat features was investigated for the first time by visual census in the protected area of the Lastovo Islands and the island of Mljet. Habitat type and rugosity were recorded by visual approximation. Fish assemblage data were collected by the method of underwater visual census on seven habitat types, which were summarized into four basic habitats for data analysis: (i) infralittoral algae communities, (ii) infralittoral alge with posidonia paches, (iii) half ratio of algae and posidonia and (iv) posidonia meadows with infralittoral algae patches. The structure of the necto-benthic fish community corresponed to a certain level to the habitat type. The highest species richness, abundance and biomass was recorded at the habitats of the infralitoral algae community with patches of posidonia, at the same time the smallest was recorded in the posidonia meadows. Influence of the habitat rugosity was not proven to affect the structure of the fish community. This study provides a basis for assessing the effectiveness of the „no-take“ zones planned in the investigated marine protected areas. Assesments of effectivness will be possible because the selection of control stations has been positively evaluated for most stations within NP Mljet planed for the "no-take" zone. Most control stations were similar in habitat and current qualitative and quantitative fish structure as stations in future „no-take“ zones

    Cephalopods of the Adriatic Sea

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    Jadran je, još uvijek, velikim dijelom neistraženo more, pogotovo njegov srednji i južni bazen (Jabučka i Južnojadranska kotlina) koji obuhvaćaju staništa vjerojatno bogata teutofaunom. Novozabilježene vrste popisuju se svakim novim istraživanjem po batijalnoj i abisalnoj stepenici Jadranskog mora, dok su plića područja cirkulitorala relativno dobro istražena. Ovaj rad daje pregled većine vrsta koje su nađene u Jadranskom moru. Nakon sažetog sistematskog pregleda te opće građe tijela i karakteristika ove raznolike skupine, dan je kratak morfološki opis navedenih vrsta, te informacije o njihovoj rasprostranjenosti i staništu na kojem obitavaju.The Adriatic Sea is an unexplored sea, especially the deeper parts of Middle and South Adriatic Basin (Jabuka Pit and South Adriatic Pit) probably rich in teutofauna. New species are added to the list of Adriatic cephalopods with every research in the bathyal and abyssal area. This paper is presenting a review of a major part of Adriatic teutofauna. After a brief systematic and morphological review of this divers cluster, follows a short list of the enlisted species with a brief morphological description, information on dispersion and habitat

    The structure of the infralitoral fish community in the protected area of the Lastovo and Mljet islands

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    Analizirana je struktura nekto-bentičke zajednice riba i njen odnos sa staništem u infralitoralu zaštićenog područja Lastovskog otočja i otoka Mljeta, što je prvo istraživanje takvog tipa na tom području. Vizualnom aproksimacijom bilježen je tip i kompleksnost staništa. Parametri zajednice riba prikupljeni su metodom vizualnog cenzusa na 168 transekata na 31 postaji, te na sedam tipova staništa. Staništa su u obradi podataka sažeta u četiri osnovna tipa: (i) staništa zajednice infralitoralnih algi, (ii) staništa zajednice infralitoralnih algi s manjim naseljima posidonije, (iii) staništa podjednakog omjera algi i posidonije i (iv) staništa naselja posidonije s manjim dijelovima zajednice infralitoralnih algi. Utvrđena je povezanost tipa staništa sa strukturom zajednice riba. Broj vrsta, brojnost i biomasa najviši su u staništima zajednice infralitoralnih algi s manjim naseljima posidonije, a najmanji na staništima većinski prekrivena posidonijom. Nije dokazan utjecaj kompleksnosti staništa na strukturu zajednice. Ovo istraživanje pruža osnovu za buduće procjene učinkovitosti zona potpune zabrane ribolova, koje su planirane u istraživanim morskim zaštićenim područjima. Procjene će biti moguće jer je odabir kontrolnih postaja dobar za većinu postaja unutar NP Mljet koji će biti unutar zona potpune zabrane ribolova. Većina kontrolnih postaja odgovara staništem i strukturom zajednice riba postajama u budućim zonama zaštite.The structure of the necto-benthic fish community and its relationship with habitat features was investigated for the first time by visual census in the protected area of the Lastovo Islands and the island of Mljet. Habitat type and rugosity were recorded by visual approximation. Fish assemblage data were collected by the method of underwater visual census on seven habitat types, which were summarized into four basic habitats for data analysis: (i) infralittoral algae communities, (ii) infralittoral alge with posidonia paches, (iii) half ratio of algae and posidonia and (iv) posidonia meadows with infralittoral algae patches. The structure of the necto-benthic fish community corresponed to a certain level to the habitat type. The highest species richness, abundance and biomass was recorded at the habitats of the infralitoral algae community with patches of posidonia, at the same time the smallest was recorded in the posidonia meadows. Influence of the habitat rugosity was not proven to affect the structure of the fish community. This study provides a basis for assessing the effectiveness of the „no-take“ zones planned in the investigated marine protected areas. Assesments of effectivness will be possible because the selection of control stations has been positively evaluated for most stations within NP Mljet planed for the "no-take" zone. Most control stations were similar in habitat and current qualitative and quantitative fish structure as stations in future „no-take“ zones

    Nanoparticles in Medicine: Current Status in Cancer Treatment

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    Cancer is still a leading cause of deaths worldwide, especially due to those cases diagnosed at late stages with metastases that are still considered untreatable and are managed in such a way that a lengthy chronic state is achieved. Nanotechnology has been acknowledged as one possible solution to improve existing cancer treatments, but also as an innovative approach to developing new therapeutic solutions that will lower systemic toxicity and increase targeted action on tumors and metastatic tumor cells. In particular, the nanoparticles studied in the context of cancer treatment include organic and inorganic particles whose role may often be expanded into diagnostic applications. Some of the best studied nanoparticles include metallic gold and silver nanoparticles, quantum dots, polymeric nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes and graphene, with diverse mechanisms of action such as, for example, the increased induction of reactive oxygen species, increased cellular uptake and functionalization properties for improved targeted delivery. Recently, novel nanoparticles for improved cancer cell targeting also include nanobubbles, which have already demonstrated increased localization of anticancer molecules in tumor tissues. In this review, we will accordingly present and discuss state-of-the-art nanoparticles and nano-formulations for cancer treatment and limitations for their application in a clinical setting

    Phytoplankton Diversity and Co-Dependency in a Stratified Oligotrophic Ecosystem in the South Adriatic Sea

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    The oligotrophy of the southern Adriatic Sea is characterized by seasonal stratification which enables nutrient supply to the euphotic layer. A set of interdisciplinary methods was used to elucidate the diversity and co-dependency of bacterio- and phytoplankton of the water column during the stratification period of July 2021. A total of 95 taxa were determined by microscopy: 58 diatoms, 27 dinoflagellates, 6 coccolithophores, and 4 other autotrophs, which included Chlorophyceae, Chrysophyceae, and Cryptophytes. Nanophytoplankton abundances were higher in comparison to microphytoplankton. The prokaryotic plankton community as revealed by HTS was dominated by Proteobacteria (41–73%), Bacteroidota (9.5–27%), and cyanobacteria (1–10%), while the eukaryotic plankton community was composed of parasitic Syndiniales (45–80%), Ochrophyta (2–18%), Ciliophora (2–21%), Chlorophytes (2–4%), Haptophytes (1–4%), Bacillariophyta (1–13%), Pelagophyta (0.5–12%) and Chrysophyta (0.5–3%). Flow cytometry analysis has recorded Prochlorococcus and photosynthetic picoeukaryotes as more abundant in deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), and Synechococcus and heterotrophic bacteria as most abundant in surface and thermocline layers. Surface, thermocline, and DCM layers were distinct considering community diversity, temperature, and nutrient correlations, while extreme nutrient values at the beginning of the investigating period indicated a possible nutrient flux. Nutrient and temperature were recognized as the main environmental drivers of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton community abundance

    Proceedings of the 23rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: part one

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