6 research outputs found

    Mortalitatea prematură cauzată de boala ischemică cardiacă la populația adultă din Republica Moldova (2003-2015)

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    La nivel global și național boala ischemică cardiacă este determinată ca principala cauză de deces din cadrul maladiilor aparatului circulator. Scopul acestui studiu a fost evaluarea dinamicii mortalității cauzate de boala ischemică cardiacă centrată pe fenomenul decesului prematur pentru a evidenția rolul măsurării mortalității premature în aprecierea stării de sănătate a populației. Material și metode: cercetarea este un studiu sistematic de sinteză la nivel de populație pentru perioada 2003-2015. A fost aplicată metoda standardizării directe cu utilizarea Standardului mondial de distribuție a populației (%) elaborat de Organizația Mondială a Sănătății (OMS) în baza populației medii 2000-2025. Rezultate: alături de o evoluție procentuală în descreștere (-1,6%) pentru mortalitatea sub aspect clasic (cazuri de deces) s-a identifi cat o evoluție procentuală în creștere ( 10,7%) pentru mortalitatea prematură (ani potențiali de viață pierduți) cauzată de boala ischemică cardiacă. Concluzii: evoluția fenomenului mortalităţii cauzat de boala ischemică cardiacă demonstrează tendinţe evidente de întinerire. Evaluarea bidimensională a mortalităţii, atât sub aspect clasic (cazuri de deces), cât şi sub aspect al decesului prematur (ani potențiali de viață pierduți), permite sesizarea tendinţelor de întinerire relativă a fenomenulu

    Aspecte conceptuale privind asigurarea şi managementul calităţii asistenţei medicale

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    Lucrarea conţine descrierea conceptului de asigurare şi de management al calităţii asistenţei medicale care se doresc a fi implementate în practică. Sunt refl ectate ideologia, valorile, priorităţile şi principiile naţionale în domeniul calităţii, precum şi condiţiile de bază pentru îmbunătăţirea sistemului de gestionare a calităţii asistenţei medicale

    Mosaic: A Satellite Constellation to Enable Groundbreaking Mars Climate System Science and Prepare for Human Exploration

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    The Martian climate system has been revealed to rival the complexity of Earth\u27s. Over the last 20 yr, a fragmented and incomplete picture has emerged of its structure and variability; we remain largely ignorant of many of the physical processes driving matter and energy flow between and within Mars\u27 diverse climate domains. Mars Orbiters for Surface, Atmosphere, and Ionosphere Connections (MOSAIC) is a constellation of ten platforms focused on understanding these climate connections, with orbits and instruments tailored to observe the Martian climate system from three complementary perspectives. First, low-circular near-polar Sun-synchronous orbits (a large mothership and three smallsats spaced in local time) enable vertical profiling of wind, aerosols, water, and temperature, as well as mapping of surface and subsurface ice. Second, elliptical orbits sampling all of Mars\u27 plasma regions enable multipoint measurements necessary to understand mass/energy transport and ion-driven escape, also enabling, with the polar orbiters, dense radio occultation coverage. Last, longitudinally spaced areostationary orbits enable synoptic views of the lower atmosphere necessary to understand global and mesoscale dynamics, global views of the hydrogen and oxygen exospheres, and upstream measurements of space weather conditions. MOSAIC will characterize climate system variability diurnally and seasonally, on meso-, regional, and global scales, targeting the shallow subsurface all the way out to the solar wind, making many first-of-their-kind measurements. Importantly, these measurements will also prepare for human exploration and habitation of Mars by providing water resource prospecting, operational forecasting of dust and radiation hazards, and ionospheric communication/positioning disruptions


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    The synthesis and antiviral activity evaluation of new derivatives of 2-aminothiazole, 1,2,4-triazole, as well as oxindoles has been realized. The synthesized compounds exhibited different cytotoxicity, in particular, oxindols 4 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 58 as well as thiazole/triazole 73 and 75 turned out to be the most cytotoxic for MT-4 cell lines. The compounds 11, 12, 73, and 75 are more toxic than reference compound Efavirenz. As far as the antiviral activity is concerned, none of the title compounds turned out active against Reo-1, Sb-1, VSV, RSV, YFV and VV viruses. The results obtained against Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) showed that nine compounds (six from oxindol’s seria 6, 12, 13, 52, 56, 58 and three 73, 75, 77 of triazole homologues) resulted moderate active. Among all of them, the most potent compound was 52, with EC50 of 6.6 μM. Studies of effect of synthesized compounds against Coxsakie Virus (CVB-2) revealed that only two compounds, 13 and 73 exhibit moderate activity (EC50 >40 and >18 μM, respectively). It should be noticed that eleven compounds, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 58, and 75 showed moderate activity against HIV-1 (EC50 >16 – m >59μM)

    MOSAIC: A Satellite Constellation to Enable Groundbreaking Mars Climate System Science and Prepare for Human Exploration

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    International audienceThe Martian climate system has been revealed to rival the complexity of Earth's. Over the last 20 yr, a fragmented and incomplete picture has emerged of its structure and variability; we remain largely ignorant of many of the physical processes driving matter and energy flow between and within Mars' diverse climate domains. Mars Orbiters for Surface, Atmosphere, and Ionosphere Connections (MOSAIC) is a constellation of ten platforms focused on understanding these climate connections, with orbits and instruments tailored to observe the Martian climate system from three complementary perspectives. First, low-circular near-polar Sun-synchronous orbits (a large mothership and three smallsats spaced in local time) enable vertical profiling of wind, aerosols, water, and temperature, as well as mapping of surface and subsurface ice. Second, elliptical orbits sampling all of Mars' plasma regions enable multipoint measurements necessary to understand mass/energy transport and ion-driven escape, also enabling, with the polar orbiters, dense radio occultation coverage. Last, longitudinally spaced areostationary orbits enable synoptic views of the lower atmosphere necessary to understand global and mesoscale dynamics, global views of the hydrogen and oxygen exospheres, and upstream measurements of space weather conditions. MOSAIC will characterize climate system variability diurnally and seasonally, on meso-, regional, and global scales, targeting the shallow subsurface all the way out to the solar wind, making many first-of-their-kind measurements. Importantly, these measurements will also prepare for human exploration and habitation of Mars by providing water resource prospecting, operational forecasting of dust and radiation hazards, and ionospheric communication/positioning disruptions

    Mosaic: A Satellite Constellation to Enable Groundbreaking Mars Climate System Science and Prepare for Human Exploration

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    The Martian climate system has been revealed to rival the complexity of Earth\u27s. Over the last 20 yr, a fragmented and incomplete picture has emerged of its structure and variability; we remain largely ignorant of many of the physical processes driving matter and energy flow between and within Mars\u27 diverse climate domains. Mars Orbiters for Surface, Atmosphere, and Ionosphere Connections (MOSAIC) is a constellation of ten platforms focused on understanding these climate connections, with orbits and instruments tailored to observe the Martian climate system from three complementary perspectives. First, low-circular near-polar Sun-synchronous orbits (a large mothership and three smallsats spaced in local time) enable vertical profiling of wind, aerosols, water, and temperature, as well as mapping of surface and subsurface ice. Second, elliptical orbits sampling all of Mars\u27 plasma regions enable multipoint measurements necessary to understand mass/energy transport and ion-driven escape, also enabling, with the polar orbiters, dense radio occultation coverage. Last, longitudinally spaced areostationary orbits enable synoptic views of the lower atmosphere necessary to understand global and mesoscale dynamics, global views of the hydrogen and oxygen exospheres, and upstream measurements of space weather conditions. MOSAIC will characterize climate system variability diurnally and seasonally, on meso-, regional, and global scales, targeting the shallow subsurface all the way out to the solar wind, making many first-of-their-kind measurements. Importantly, these measurements will also prepare for human exploration and habitation of Mars by providing water resource prospecting, operational forecasting of dust and radiation hazards, and ionospheric communication/positioning disruptions