123 research outputs found


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    Anaerobic biodegradability of leachate from MSW intermediate landfill

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    Anaerobic digestion has been used for decades to treat leachate from municipal solid waste landfills.Due to the characteristics of this kind of effluent, the biodegradability results have not been as satisfactory as could be hoped. Consequently, this area has long been a focus of study. This paper contributes to knowledge of the characteristics of biodegradability of this kind of waste effluent, through application to a real case. Biodegradation performance was studied in depth using a range of physicochemical parameters and the amount of methane produced by various volumetric ratios of substrate: inoculum between 2:50 and 50:50 at 35 ºC and atmospheric pressure by using anaerobic batch tests in 500 mL bottles. It has been observed an optimal situation for the ratios between 16:50 and 24:50 ratios with values of biodegradability COT 45% and 35% in COD. For smaller proportions it has detected the completion of the lack of readily biodegradable substrate. For higher proportions it is considered that the ammoniacal nitrogen has had an inhibiting effect on the anaerobic  process

    Life-threatening lithium-induced diabetes insipidus after colonic surgery

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    Colonic surgery is associated with major disturbances to patients’ fluid balance as aresult of pre-operative starvation, intra-operative blood loss, insensible losses, andpost-operative ‘third space’ losses. In the post-operative period, junior surgeons arewell trained to manage oliguria, but have little experience of the management ofpost-operative polyuria. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus occurs in 12% of patientson lithium therapy and may present in the immediate post-operative period withmassive polyuria, profound dehydration and life threatening hypernatraemia, aspatients are unable to ingest large volumes of fluid orally. We report two cases, onelife threatening, of lithium induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (LINDI) whichpresented in the early postoperative period after emergency colonic surgery whilstthe patients were denied oral intake. The first patient attained a peak serum sodiumconcentration of 185mmol/l and required ventilation after a respiratory arrest. Wesuggest any surgical patient who describes a history of bipolar disorder or lithiumtherapy should be questioned directly to ascertain confirmatory features of LINDI,and have post-operative polyuria treated with aggressive fluid replacement

    Where do seedlings go? A spatio-temporal analysis of seedling mortality in a semi-arid gypsophyte

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    Studies of seedling population dynamics often focus on survival because it provides an integrated measure of seedling performance. However, this approach involves a substantial loss of information because survival is the net result of a wide range of mechanisms. The present study overcomes these shortcomings by investigating spatial and temporal patterns in the causes of plant mortality in a population of Helianthemum squamatum seedlings. We use new point pattern analyses based on K functions combined with a new null model (‘‘independent labeling’’). A total of 871 seedlings of H. squamatum were mapped and regularly monitored over an 18-month period. More than 60% of seedlings died during this period. Causes of mortality were spatially structured, and these structures shifted through time. Small differences in either the time of emergence or the environment surrounding H. squamatum seedlings had profound influences on their fate. Seedlings emerging late in the season under the canopy of adult plants died from drought more often than expected, whereas those emerging earlier in the same microsite survived more than expected. The identity of neighbors also affected the spatio-temporal dynamics of mortality causes. Our results show that seedling-adult interactions cannot be easily predicted from simple models, and that the time of seedling emergence, its age and the identity of its neighbors determine the sign and the spatial scale of these interactions. The new methods introduced in this article open an avenue for the detailed analyses of the spatio-temporal dynamics of plant mortality and can help to disentangle the complexity of biotic interactions along environmental severity gradients

    Larvicidal activity of metabolites from the endophytic Podospora sp. against the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae

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    In a screening for natural products with mosquito larvicidal activities, the endophytic fungus Podospora sp. isolated from the plant Laggera alata (Asteraceae) was conspicuous. Two xanthones, sterigmatocystin (1) and secosterigmatocystin (2), and an anthraquinone derivative (3) 13-hydroxyversicolorin B were isolated after fermentation on M2 medium. These compounds were characterised using spectroscopic and X-ray analysis and examined against third instar larvae of Anopheles gambiae. The results demonstrated that compound 1 was the most potent one with LC50 and LC90 values of 13.3 and 73.5 ppm, respectively. Over 95% mortality was observed at a concentration 100 ppm after 24 h. These results compared farvourably with the commercial larvicide pylarvex® that showed 100% mortality at the same concentration. Compound 3 was less potent and had an LC50 of 294.5 ppm and over 95% mortality was achieved at a concentration of 1,000 ppm. Secosterigmatocystin (2) revealed relatively weak activity and therefore LC values were not determined

    Seedling emergence and establishment of Pinus sylvestris in the Mongolian forest-steppe ecotone

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    Syftet med studien är att undersöka och beskriva pedagogers uppfattningar av hur de skapar delaktighet och inflytande, i en kommuns förskoleverksamhet och organisation.Mina frågeställningar är hur pedagogerna beskriver sina möjligheter och hinder för att få och skapa delaktighet och inflytande, samt vilka inre och yttre faktorer som finns som påverkar möjligheten för delaktighet och inflytande.För att undersöka detta har jag valt en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Jag har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju pedagoger. Det empiriska materialet har bearbetats kvalitativt i en empirinära ansats.I resultatet såg jag att ett större fokus på processkvaliteten behöver läggas och medvetenheten behöver ökas, kring den pedagogiska dokumentationens betydelse.Sammanfattningsvis behöver den undersökta kommunens förskolor en gemensam samsyn i hela systemet i ett förståelsebaserat och tolkande perspektiv som gynnar en långsiktig och hållbar utveckling.Participation and influence in the preschool, a study with teachers in one municipality.The purpose of this study is to explore and describe teacher’s perceptions of how they create participation and influence, in a municipality´s preschool and organization.My questions are how teachers describe their opportunities and barriers to get and create participation and influence, and what internal and external factors that affecting the ability of participation and influence.To examine this, I have chosen a qualitative research approach. I have conducted semi structured interviews, with seven teachers. The empirical data have been processed in a qualitative empirical closely approach.In the result, I found that a greater focus on process quality needs to be added and awareness needs to be increased, on the pedagogic documentations significances.In conclusion, needs the municipal preschools, which have been examined, get a common consensus of the entire system in a understanding based and interpretive perspective, that support a long term and sustainable development

    How Spatial Heterogeneity of Cover Affects Patterns of Shrub Encroachment into Mesic Grasslands

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    We used a multi-method approach to analyze the spatial patterns of shrubs and cover types (plant species, litter or bare soil) in grassland-shrubland ecotones. This approach allows us to assess how fine-scale spatial heterogeneity of cover types affects the patterns of Cytisus balansae shrub encroachment into mesic mountain grasslands (Catalan Pyrenees, Spain). Spatial patterns and the spatial associations between juvenile shrubs and different cover types were assessed in mesic grasslands dominated by species with different palatabilities (palatable grass Festuca nigrescens and unpalatable grass Festuca eskia). A new index, called RISES (“Relative Index of Shrub Encroachment Susceptibility”), was proposed to calculate the chances of shrub encroachment into a given grassland, combining the magnitude of the spatial associations and the surface area for each cover type. Overall, juveniles showed positive associations with palatable F. nigrescens and negative associations with unpalatable F. eskia, although these associations shifted with shrub development stage. In F. eskia grasslands, bare soil showed a low scale of pattern and positive associations with juveniles. Although the highest RISES values were found in F. nigrescens plots, the number of juvenile Cytisus was similar in both types of grasslands. However, F. nigrescens grasslands showed the greatest number of juveniles in early development stage (i.e. height<10 cm) whereas F. eskia grasslands showed the greatest number of juveniles in late development stages (i.e. height>30 cm). We concluded that in F. eskia grasslands, where establishment may be constrained by the dominant cover type, the low scale of pattern on bare soil may result in higher chances of shrub establishment and survival. In contrast, although grasslands dominated by the palatable F. nigrescens may be more susceptible to shrub establishment; current grazing rates may reduce juvenile survival

    Association between Use of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Protocol and Postoperative Complications in Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty in the Postoperative Outcomes Within Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Protocol in Elective Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Study (POWER2)

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    Importance: The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) care protocol has been shown to improve outcomes compared with traditional care in certain types of surgery. Objective: To assess the association of use of the ERAS protocols with complications in patients undergoing elective total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Design, Setting, and Participants: This multicenter, prospective cohort study included patients recruited from 131 centers in Spain from October 22 through December 22, 2018. All consecutive adults scheduled for elective THA or TKA were eligible for inclusion. Patients were stratified between those treated in a self-designated ERAS center (ERAS group) and those treated in a non-ERAS center (non-ERAS group). Data were analyzed from June 15 through September 15, 2019. Exposures: Total hip or knee arthroplasty and perioperative management. Sixteen individual ERAS items were assessed in all included patients, whether they were treated at a center that was part of an established ERAS protocol or not. Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary outcome was postoperative complications within 30 days after surgery. Secondary outcomes included length of stay and mortality. Results: During the 2-month recruitment period, 6146 patients were included (3580 women [58.2%]; median age, 71 [interquartile range (IQR), 63-76] years). Of these, 680 patients (11.1%) presented with postoperative complications. No differences were found in the number of patients with overall postoperative complications between ERAS and non-ERAS groups (163 [10.2%] vs 517 [11.4%]; odds ratio [OR], 0.89; 95% CI, 0.74-1.07; P =.22). Fewer patients in the ERAS group had moderate to severe complications (73 [4.6%] vs 279 [6.1%]; OR, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.56-0.96; P =.02). The median overall adherence rate with the ERAS protocol was 50.0% (IQR, 43.8%-62.5%), with the rate for ERAS facilities being 68.8% (IQR, 56.2%-81.2%) vs 50.0% (IQR, 37.5%-56.2%) at non-ERAS centers (P <.001). Among the patients with the highest and lowest quartiles of adherence to ERAS components, the patients with the highest adherence had fewer overall postoperative complications (144 [10.6%] vs 270 [13.0%]; OR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.64-0.99; P <.001) and moderate to severe postoperative complications (59 [4.4%] vs 143 [6.9%]; OR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.45-0.84; P <.001) and shorter median length of hospital stay (4 [IQR, 3-5] vs 5 [IQR, 4-6] days; OR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.96-0.99; P <.001). Conclusions and Relevance: An increase in adherence to the ERAS program was associated with a decrease in postoperative complications, although only a few ERAS items were individually associated with improved outcomes

    Caracterización del Banco de La Concepción

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    Se integra información hidrográfica, geomorfológica, sedimentológica, biológica, sobre hábitats marinos y pesquera, para establecer las bases ecológicas necesarias para la protección y conservación del Banco de La ConcepciónEl proyecto INDEMARES ha permitido utilizar amplios medios económicos y personales para estudiar en detalle y desde múltiples perspectivas la zona del Banco de La Concepción. Se han aplicado metodologías para el estudio de la hidrografía, caracterizando la región, describiendo sus principales masas de agua y la hidrodinámica de las corrientes. También se ha abordado la geología de la zona, incluyendo levantamientos batimétricos, perfiles sísmicos, muestreos de sedimento y petrológicos, obteniendo modelos digitales del terreno, mapas de tipos de fondo, geomorfológicos. Se han caracterizado las comunidades bentopelágicas, demersales, epibentónicas y endobentónicas, prestando especial atención a aquellas que conforman o estructuran los hábitats sensibles cuyo inventariado y cartografía era objeto principal del proyecto. Los trabajos de identificación de hábitats se han realizado con muestreadores directos, pero también con muestreadores visuales, que han permitido hacer un mayor esfuerzo de muestreo sin aumentar el impacto sobre los fondos de la zona. Por otro lado se ha estudiado la huella pesquera de la zona por medio del análisis de los datos VMS y los cuadernos de pesca proporcionados por la SGP, además de una ardua labor a pie de puerto de entrevistas y encuestas. Toda la información ha sido gestionada y analizada por diferentes grupos de investigación de diferentes centros (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, Centro Oceanográfico de Santander y Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga del Instituto Español de Oceanografía, …), aunque el grueso de esta labor, además de la coordinación, se ha llevado a cabo en el Centro Oceanográfico de Canarias del Instituto Español de Oceanografía. Los resultados permiten tener un conocimiento profundo y multidisciplinar de la zona de estudio comparable a pocos proyectos de investigación marina en la macaronesia. El estudio oceanográfico, el geológico, y el de las comunidades biológicas, ha permitido la caracterización de los hábitats de la zona, y su cartografiado mediante el intenso muestreo y la aplicación de análisis de idoneidad de hábitats.INDEMARES Project made possible to bring together economic and staff resources to study in detail, and from multiple perspectives, the area of Banco de La Concepción. Methodologies have been applied to study hydrography, making a regional characterization, depicting main water masses, and current hydrodynamics. Geology has been tackled including bathymetric uplifting, seismic profiles, sediment and petrological sampling, obtaining digital terrain models, type of bottom maps, geomorphological maps, as an output. Benthopelagic, demersal, epibenthic and endobenthic communities have been characterized, paying special attention to sensitive habitats which inventory and mapping was the project’s main aim. Habitat identification has been made with direct and visual samplers, the latter making a major sampling effort possible without an increase of bottom impact. Moreover, fisheries footprint has been identified by Vessel Monitoring System data, together with logbooks from Secretaría General de Pesca (Fisheries Ministry), as well as a hard interviewing and surveying task at landing points. Information has been managed and analysed by different research groups from different Centres (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, Centro Oceanográfico de Santander y Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga del Instituto Español de Oceanografía), although the main body of the work, plus coordination, has been made by the Canary Islands Oceanographic Centre, from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography. Results let us have a multidisciplinary profound knowledge of the study zone, comparable to few other marine research projects off Macaronesia. The study about oceanography, geology and biologic communities has allowed the habitats characterization and mapping by means of intensive sampling and habitat suitability analysis.Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Comisión Europea Programa LIFE+, Fundación Biodiversida

    Caracterización del Sur de Fuerteventura

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    Se integra información hidrográfica, geomorfológica, sedimentológica, biológica, sobre hábitats marinos y pesquera, para establecer las bases ecológicas necesarias para la protección y conservación del Sur de Fuerteventura (Montes de Amanay y El Banquete)El proyecto INDEMARES ha permitido utilizar amplios medios económicos y personales para estudiar en detalle y desde múltiples perspectivas la zona del Sur de Fuerteventura (montes de Amanay y El Banquete). Se han aplicado metodologías para el estudio de la hidrografía, caracterizando la región, describiendo sus principales masas de agua y la hidrodinámica de las corrientes. También se ha abordado la geología de la zona, incluyendo levantamientos batimétricos, perfiles sísmicos, muestreos de sedimento y petrológicos, obteniendo modelos digitales del terreno, mapas de tipos de fondo, geomorfológicos. Se han caracterizado las comunidades bentopelágicas, demersales, epibentónicas y endobentónicas, prestando especial atención a aquellas que conforman o estructuran los hábitats sensibles cuyo inventariado y cartografía era objeto principal del proyecto. Los trabajos de identificación de hábitats se han realizado con muestreadores directos, pero también con muestreadores visuales, que han permitido hacer un mayor esfuerzo de muestreo sin aumentar el impacto sobre los fondos de la zona. Por otro lado se ha estudiado la huella pesquera de la zona por medio del análisis de los datos VMS y los cuadernos de pesca proporcionados por la SGP, además de una ardua labor a pie de puerto de entrevistas y encuestas. Toda la información ha sido gestionada y analizada por diferentes grupos de investigación de diferentes centros (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, Centro Oceanográfico de Santander y Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga del Instituto Español de Oceanografía, …), aunque el grueso de esta labor, además de la coordinación, se ha llevado a cabo en el Centro Oceanográfico de Canarias del Instituto Español de Oceanografía. Los resultados permiten tener un conocimiento profundo y multidisciplinar de la zona de estudio comparable a pocos proyectos de investigación marina en la Macaronesia. El estudio oceanográfico, el geológico, y el de las comunidades biológicas, ha permitido la caracterización de los hábitats de la zona, y su cartografiado mediante el intenso muestreo y la aplicación de análisis de idoneidad de hábitats.Abstract: INDEMARES Project made possible to bring together economic and staff resources to study in detail, and from multiple perspectives, the area of South of Fuerteventura (Amanay and El Banquete Semounts). Methodologies have been applied to study hydrography, making a regional characterization, depicting main water masses, and current hydrodynamics. Geology has been tackled including bathymetric uplifting, seismic profiles, sediment and petrological sampling, obtaining digital terrain models, type of bottom maps, geomorphological maps, as an output. Benthopelagic, demersal, epibenthic and endobenthic communities have been characterized, paying special attention to sensitive habitats which inventory and mapping was the project’s main aim. Habitat identification has been made with direct and visual samplers, the latter making a major sampling effort possible without an increase of bottom impact. Moreover, fisheries footprint has been identified by Vessel Monitoring System data, together with logbooks from Secretaría General de Pesca (Fisheries Ministry), as well as a hard interviewing and surveying task at landing points. Information has been managed and analysed by different research groups from different Centres (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, Centro Oceanográfico de Santander y Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga del Instituto Español de Oceanografía), although the main body of the work, plus coordination, has been made by the Canary Islands Oceanographic Centre, from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography. Results let us have a multidisciplinary profound knowledge of the study zone, comparable to few other marine research projects off Macaronesia. The study about oceanography, geology and biologic communities has allowed the habitats characterization and mapping by means of intensive sampling and habitat suitability analysis.Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Comisión Europea Programa LIFE+, Fundación Biodiversida