248 research outputs found

    Football training program and injury prevention program WTA: a season of analysis with IT management Weakrisk Sporstsolutions in Italan élite football players third division (Serie C).

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is analyze the relationship with training program and injury prevention program in professional football players during competitive season in AJ Fano Calcio 1906 srl (Italian 3rd Division Serie C, 2019-2020). In fact, it is very important for the team to try to minimize or greatly reduce the incidence of injuries to ensure a better choice of players available to the coach according to the match. Our analysis will try to better understand the importance of creating an adequate postural set up by optimizing the functioning of the muscle kinetic chains, during the pre-training phase. Twenty eigth (n=28) élite football players took part in this study (age 21.4±3.3; body weigth 79.7±3.4 ; heigth 182.4±5.5 ; fat mass 9.2±1.9 ; ), without goalkeepers. In pre-season (4 weeks, from july to august) and during a season (december) the players performed yo yo intermittent recovery test level 2 (IR2), to evaluate aerobic and anaerobic performance before the start of season. At same time the players perfomed jump test (SJ, CMJ, CMJAS, JUMPS 15’’), with Optojump Microgate (Microgate, Bolzano, Italy). Every players has been analyzed with K-GPS Live 50Hz (K-Sport Universal STATS, Montelabbate (PU), Italy) and Polar Team System PRO 2 (Polar Electro, Finland, OY) to recorder maximal heart rate during a intermittent test and official match. Every players has done from July (start preseason) to February (in season), 300 sessions of WTA primitive prevention training program before and after training to preparare muscle chains to daily workout, 244 training during this period. Pre and post training program, performed on a daily basis, highlighted that AJ Fano Calcio 1906 srl, total incidence injury is 3.14/1000h, training incidence injury is 1.34/1000h and match incidence injury is 23.6/1000h, respectively - 23.4% to UEFA data total incidence injury (4.1/1000h), -46.4% to UEFA data training incidence injury (2.5/1000h) and 22.3% to Uefa data match incidence injury (19.3/1000h). Infact, this improvement in match injury (contact and non-contact), probabily due, to difference level of football players: in professional third division there are players that have a reduced coordination and intervention times compared to top level players. This element is clear also in different energy cost (í) from different players level during official matches: first division (21.7±0.7%) vs third division (27±2.5%) (ES=3.05, p<0.05). This event represent energy expenditure during a match: third division has low physical, technical and tactical quality compare first division pro and players have high energy expenditure levels. Probabily our hypothesis on this type of prevention program (primitive WTA) should be used already started youth to prepare muscle chains and improve coordination and movements in future athletes to reduce injuries

    The transition of medical students through residency: Effects on physical activity and other lifestyle-related behaviors

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    © 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.Background: Little is known about lifestyle choices and preventive healthcare-seeking behaviors during the transition from medical school graduation to residency training, a period characterized by increased rates of stress and lack of free time due to demanding working conditions. All of these issues are likely to affect physical activity (PA) level. This study explored the evolution of PA and other lifestyle behaviors during this transition. Methods: A cross-sectional study and a cohort study were conducted with medical students (2010) and physicians before and after the first year of residency (2013 and 2014). A self-administered questionnaire assessed PA, health and lifestyle behaviors. Results: From a sample of 420 medical students and 478 residents, 74%comply with current PA guidelines. PA decreased by 16%during residency. Low levels of PA were found among (i) females and in respondents who reported (ii) poor self-perceived health and (iii) unhealthy body weight (P <.05). Low PA level was also significantly associated with poor mental health in first-year residents. Conclusions: The transition has a negative effect on physicians' PA level that may affect physicians' own health and patient care. Medical programs should encourage residents to engage in PA to assure physicians' personal and mental health

    Programming DNA-Based Systems through Effective Molarity Enforced by Biomolecular Confinement

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    The fundamental concept of effective molarity is observed in a variety of biological processes, such as protein compartmentalization within organelles, membrane localization and signaling paths. To control molecular encountering and promote effective interactions, nature places biomolecules in specific sites inside the cell in order to generate a high, localized concentration different from the bulk concentration. Inspired by this mechanism, scientists have artificially recreated in the lab the same strategy to actuate and control artificial DNA-based functional systems. Here, it is discussed how harnessing effective molarity has led to the development of a number of proximity-induced strategies, with applications ranging from DNA-templated organic chemistry and catalysis, to biosensing and protein-supported DNA assembly

    Active stretching and length-tension relationship of the hamstring muscles

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el efecto agudo de una rutina de estiramientos estático activos para la extremidad inferior, con parámetros de la carga contextualizados respecto a la realidad físico-deportiva, sobre la relación tensión-longitud excéntrica de la musculatura isquiosural. 49 deportistas recreativos completaron tres sesiones de evaluación, una inicial defamiliarización y dos experimentales (control y estiramientos). Inmediatamente después de ambos tratamientos (control y estiramientos), se valoraron los parámetros isocinéticos pico de fuerza máxima excéntrico, ángulo de fuerza máxima excéntrico y trabajo total excéntrico empleando para ello una posición de tendido prono. Si la modificación de la curva tensión-longitud excéntrica puede ser utilizada como factor de riesgo primario de distensiones de la musculatura isquiosural, los hallazgos de este estudio sugieren que el estiramiento estático activo podría no alterar el riesgo relativo de lesión de la musculatura isquiosural.The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effect of an active lower limb stretching routine with sports-related training load on the eccentric length-tension relationship of the hamstring. 49 recreational athletes completed three assessment sessions, an initial familiarization session and two experimental sessions (control and stretching in random order). Immediately after both interventions (stretching or control), eccentric isokinetic peak torque, angle of peak torque and total work were measured in prone position. If the modification on the eccentric length-tension relationship can be used as indexes of the risk of hamstring muscle strains, the findings of the present study tentatively suggested that static stretching may not alter the relative risk of hamstring strains

    ¿Pagamos las bolsas de plástico? trabajando en el aula con los objetivos de la educación ambiental en mente

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    En esta comunicación se presenta una actividad de Educación Ambiental (EA) llevada a cabo con alumnado de 3º de la Diplomatura de Educación Social, en la que se pretendía trabajar los cinco objetivos de la EA. La actividad ha consistido en la búsqueda de información y toma de decisión, por parte del alumnado, en torno a la imposición de una hipotética tasa a las bolsas de plástico. Los primeros resultados indican que buena parte del alumnado participante cree que ha conocido diferentes aspectos de las bolsas de plástico, que se ha sensibilizado sobre la problemática generada, que se siente más responsable de ésta, que ha trabajado competencias de resolución de problemas y toma de decisión y, finalmente, que ha modificado sus hábitos

    Protein-templated reactions using DNA-antibody conjugates

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    DNA-templated chemical reactions have found wide applications in drug discovery, programmed multistep synthesis, nucleic acid detection, and targeted drug delivery. The control of these reactions has, however, been limited to nucleic acid hybridization as a means to direct the proximity between reactants. In this work a system capable of translating protein-protein binding events into a DNA-templated reaction which leads to the covalent formation of a product is introduced. Protein-templated reactions by employing two DNA-antibody conjugates that are both able to recognize the same target protein and to colocalize a pair of reactant DNA strands able to undergo a click reaction are achieved. Two individual systems, each responsive to human serum albumin (HSA) and human IgG, are engineered and it is demonstrated that, while no reaction occurs in the absence of proteins, both protein-templated reactions can occur simultaneously in the same solution without any inter-system crosstalk

    Validity and reliability of the new Basic Functional Assessment protocol (BFA)

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    The global evaluation of motion patterns can examine the synchrony of neuromuscular control, range of motion, strength, resistance, balance and coordination needed to complete the movement. Visual assessments are commonly used to detect risk factors. However, it is essential to define standardized field-based tests that can evaluate with accuracy. The aims of the study were to design a protocol to evaluate fundamental motor patterns (FMP), and to analyze the validity and reliability of an instrument created to provide information about the quality of movement in FMP. Five tasks were selected: Overhead Squat (OHS); Hurdle Step (HS); Forward Step Down (FSD); Shoulder Mobility (SM); Active Stretching Leg Raise (ASLR). A list of variables was created for the evaluation of each task. Ten qualified judges assessed the validity of the instrument, while six external observers performed inter-intra reliability. The results show that the instrument is valid according to the experts’ opinion; however, the reliability shows values below those established. Thus, the instrument was considered unreliable, so it is recommended to repeat the reliability process by performing more training sessions for the external observers. The present study creates the basic functional assessment (BFA), a new protocol which comprises five tasks and an instrument to evaluate FMP

    The Effect of Spent Coffee Grounds to the Growth of Solanum lycopersicum (Tomato)

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    Six billion tonnes of spent coffee grounds (SCG) are thrown untreated into landfills, leading the spent coffee grounds to leach organic pollutants that may potentially harm bodies of water and emit methane, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. Studies have confirmed that the ratio of carbon and nitrogen (C: N) of SCG is ideal for plant fertilizers. This study focused on determining the effects of SCG on the growth of tomato plants using four parameters: the number of leaves, the average leaf surface area, and the relative growth rate. The study used an experimental research design to study the causal relationship between SCG treatments and plant growth. Tomato seeds were grouped into four and sown on separate pots. The study used three trials, each containing different weights of SCG, namely: 0 g, 5 g, 9 g, and 14 g. The SCG treatments were applied after germination using the side-dressing method. The number of expanded leaves, leaf surface area, and relative growth rate of the tomato plants were observed every five days for 45 days. The researchers found that SCG treatments that exceeded SCG-5 displayed adverse effects on the growth of the tomato. Thus, the relative growth rate and SCG treatments of over 5 g are inversely related to one another. Results show that SCG-5 had the highest positive effect on plant growth in terms of all the parameters. The researchers can then conclude that SCG-5 is an effective alternative fertilizer that improves plant growth