61 research outputs found

    Experimental research of vibrations of angle measurement comparator

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    The aim of the presented research was to determine calibration error caused by mechanical instability of angle measurement comparator system. Vibrations were measured at the significant points of the system and dynamic characteristics of the system were subsequently established

    Investigation of vibrations of line scale calibration systems

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    The paper treats the issue of embedding the traceable length metrology directly into technological process by performing precise dynamic measurements of line scale in real industrial environment. It addresses the error-related problems specific to line scale calibration in dynamic mode of operation that are caused primarily by static and dynamic loads as well as geometrical deviations of the calibration system components. Introducing the dynamic regime of calibration leads to the dynamic calibration error originating due to vibration sources in the structure. This term should be considered and implicated in the measurement uncertainty budget. A new 3D finite element model has been developed in order to both investigate the influence of dynamical excitations of a long stroke comparator structure and evaluate possible influence of vibrations on geometrical dimensions of the line scale. The experiments have been conducted on the new interferometer-controlled comparator setup with a moving microscope in order to evaluate the performance of the precision scale calibration proces

    Cognitive reserve, presynaptic proteins and dementia in the elderly

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    Differences in cognitive reserve may contribute to the wide range of likelihood of dementia in people with similar amounts of age-related neuropathology. The amounts and interactions of presynaptic proteins could be molecular components of cognitive reserve, contributing resistance to the expression of pathology as cognitive impairment. We carried out a prospective study with yearly assessments of N=253 participants without dementia at study entry. Six distinct presynaptic proteins, and the protein–protein interaction between synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP-25) and syntaxin, were measured in post-mortem brains. We assessed the contributions of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology, cerebral infarcts and presynaptic proteins to odds of dementia, level of cognitive function and cortical atrophy. Clinical dementia was present in N=97 (38.3%), a pathologic diagnosis of AD in N=142 (56.1%) and cerebral infarcts in N=77 (30.4%). After accounting for AD pathology and infarcts, greater amounts of vesicle-associated membrane protein, complexins I and II and the SNAP-25/syntaxin interaction were associated with lower odds of dementia (odds ratio=0.36–0.68, P<0.001 to P=0.03) and better cognitive function (P<0.001 to P=0.03). Greater cortical atrophy, a putative dementia biomarker, was not associated with AD pathology, but was associated with lower complexin-II (P=0.01) and lower SNAP-25/syntaxin interaction (P<0.001). In conclusion, greater amounts of specific presynaptic proteins and distinct protein–protein interactions may be structural or functional components of cognitive reserve that reduce the risk of dementia with aging

    Transcriptome Sequencing Revealed Significant Alteration of Cortical Promoter Usage and Splicing in Schizophrenia

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    While hybridization based analysis of the cortical transcriptome has provided important insight into the neuropathology of schizophrenia, it represents a restricted view of disease-associated gene activity based on predetermined probes. By contrast, sequencing technology can provide un-biased analysis of transcription at nucleotide resolution. Here we use this approach to investigate schizophrenia-associated cortical gene expression.The data was generated from 76 bp reads of RNA-Seq, aligned to the reference genome and assembled into transcripts for quantification of exons, splice variants and alternative promoters in postmortem superior temporal gyrus (STG/BA22) from 9 male subjects with schizophrenia and 9 matched non-psychiatric controls. Differentially expressed genes were then subjected to further sequence and functional group analysis. The output, amounting to more than 38 Gb of sequence, revealed significant alteration of gene expression including many previously shown to be associated with schizophrenia. Gene ontology enrichment analysis followed by functional map construction identified three functional clusters highly relevant to schizophrenia including neurotransmission related functions, synaptic vesicle trafficking, and neural development. Significantly, more than 2000 genes displayed schizophrenia-associated alternative promoter usage and more than 1000 genes showed differential splicing (FDR<0.05). Both types of transcriptional isoforms were exemplified by reads aligned to the neurodevelopmentally significant doublecortin-like kinase 1 (DCLK1) gene.This study provided the first deep and un-biased analysis of schizophrenia-associated transcriptional diversity within the STG, and revealed variants with important implications for the complex pathophysiology of schizophrenia

    The Estimation Of Drained Swamps State And Suggestion Of Renovation

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    Darbe nagrinėjama nusausintų pelkių degradavimas, jų hidrologinio rėžimo būklė, jo atstatymo galimybės ir pasiūlymai. Analizuojami ir įvertinami pelkių renovacijos būdai. Pelkių tyrimams buvo panaudota specializuota šiems darbams technika ir įprasta mokslinių tyrimų metodika. Geologiniams tyrimams naudotasi pelkių zondu, hidrologiniams – plonasieniai skydai, aukščių ir vietų nustatymui – nivelyras ir GPS įranga. Atlikus tyrimus ir išanalizavus gautus duomenis, buvo atliktas rezultatų įvertinimas. Didžiausią įtaką aukštapelkių būklei turi sausinimo poveikis. Visų trijų nagrinėjamų pelkių hidrologinis rėžimas yra pažeistas, degraduoja aukštapelkinė ekosistema, nyksta durpių klodai, kyla gaisrai, gresia pelkinės bioįvairovės rūšių išnykimas. Hidrologinio rėžimo atkūrimas būtų geriausia priemonė sustabdyti pelkių degradavimą. Todėl būtina sustabdyti pelkių sausinimą. Grioviuose įrengti užtvankas, kurios sudarytų sąlygas pakelti vandens lygį aukštapelkėse.The study researches into the degradation of drained bogs, the status of their hydrological regime, possibilities and proposals concerning its restoration. The methods of bog renovation are analysed and evaluated. In the bog research, specialized technical means of this area and the usual scientific research methodology were employed. The following equipment was used: bog probe in geological research, thin-walled screens in hydrological research, levelling instrument and GPS equipment for the determination of altitudes and location. After research and analysis of the data obtained, the evaluation of results was carried out. The effect of draining has the biggest impact on upland bogs. The hydrological regime of all three bogs considered in the study is affected negatively, the upland bog ecosystem is under degradation, peat layers are diminishing, fires emerge, there is a threat of extinction of various species making up the bog biological diversity. The restoration of the hydrological regime would be the best measure to stop bog degradation. Therefore, bog drainage has to be stopped. Dikes should be constructed in trenches in order to form conditions to lift the water level in upland bogs.Žemės ūkio akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Analysing the lack of consideration for local people’s perspectives and opinions in mining permitting approvals in Sweden  –  the case of Gállok

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    This paper uses an environmental justice framework which is expanded through decolonial theory to analyse whether the mine permitting process used by the Swedish state does justice to local people’s opinions, perspectives and cultural histories. The specific case of Gállok is chosen as it is widely known in national and international circles and therefore has potential to make long-term impact. Research analysing the Swedish permitting process and its implications is severely lacking, thus this paper aims to act as an important stepping stone for future research into the subject. To answer the question, yarning was used to capture local perspectives in Jokkmokk. The conversations were later transcribed and coded using the expanded forms of justice as main coding topics. The results show that the inclusion of local communities in the consultation process is mostly symbolic and that they have no say or power over project details. The conversations also revealed that there is an overwhelming belief that the benefits to the local community are greatly exaggerated, while costs are understated. The analysis shows that the local communities, especially the Sámi sub-group, would have to bare the largest part of ecological and social damages, while overall benefits would be minimal. Finally, the paper argues that the Indigenous community members in northern Sweden cannot live according to their own ways, as land alterations from industrial developments force them to adapt, in order to be able to continue herding reindeer. This study fills a gap in research looking at the permitting process in the Swedish context as a potential source of oppression from a local community’s perspective. It emphasises the importance of understanding and addressing a larger system’s subsystems in order to cause an eventual transition towards more equitable functioning.

    Įmonių gaivinimo teisminės procedūros: lyginamieji aspektai

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    The proper legal regulation of company rescue is of crucial importance since wealth of a country as well as wealth of society and its every member depends on it. Nevertheless, certain aspects of the aforesaid legal regulation still remain inappropriate in many countries and they not only do not facilitate the rescue of viable companies but also sometimes even create unjustified barriers to it. Consequently, viable companies experiencing temporary difficulties may be wound-up unfoundedly due to imperfectness of legal regulation without an attempt to rescue such companies and to overcome temporary difficulties faced by these companies or with an unsuccessful attempt to do that merely because there are no proper conditions ensured in particular countries. As a result, unjustified costs may be incurred that could be avoided if legal regulation of company rescue was reformed. In order to facilitate the implementation of such a legislative reform the best practice of legal regulation on judicial procedures for company rescue established in jurisdictions that are being studied is presented in this study as well as certain framework for regulation of these procedures that could serve as a point of reference when the issue of how to improve legal regulation is being addressed is developed. Legal regulation valid in the United States of America, Great Britain, Germany, France, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania has been chosen as the object of comparative analysis. This research is based not only on certain national laws but also on case law and certain studies of scholars of jurisprudence concerning issues that are being analysed

    Analysing the lack of consideration for local people’s perspectives and opinions in mining permitting approvals in Sweden  –  the case of Gállok

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    This paper uses an environmental justice framework which is expanded through decolonial theory to analyse whether the mine permitting process used by the Swedish state does justice to local people’s opinions, perspectives and cultural histories. The specific case of Gállok is chosen as it is widely known in national and international circles and therefore has potential to make long-term impact. Research analysing the Swedish permitting process and its implications is severely lacking, thus this paper aims to act as an important stepping stone for future research into the subject. To answer the question, yarning was used to capture local perspectives in Jokkmokk. The conversations were later transcribed and coded using the expanded forms of justice as main coding topics. The results show that the inclusion of local communities in the consultation process is mostly symbolic and that they have no say or power over project details. The conversations also revealed that there is an overwhelming belief that the benefits to the local community are greatly exaggerated, while costs are understated. The analysis shows that the local communities, especially the Sámi sub-group, would have to bare the largest part of ecological and social damages, while overall benefits would be minimal. Finally, the paper argues that the Indigenous community members in northern Sweden cannot live according to their own ways, as land alterations from industrial developments force them to adapt, in order to be able to continue herding reindeer. This study fills a gap in research looking at the permitting process in the Swedish context as a potential source of oppression from a local community’s perspective. It emphasises the importance of understanding and addressing a larger system’s subsystems in order to cause an eventual transition towards more equitable functioning.

    Aspects of motivation for choice of non-professional sports activity among adults

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    Pagrindinis šio baigiamojo bakalauro darbo tikslas – nustatyti veiksnius lemiančius suaugusiųjų žmonių mėgėjiško sporto propagavimą. Taikant į Lietuvių kalbą adaptuotą SMS-6 klausimyną buvo tirtas pagrindinis tyrimo objektas – suaugusiųjų žmonių mėgėjiško sporto propagavimą lemiantys veiksniai. Kaip tyrimo subjektas ¬¬buvo pasirinktas – suaugę mėgėjiško sporto propaguotojai. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti iškelti tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti fizinio aktyvumo, sporto, mėgėjiško sporto, fizinį aktyvumą lemiančių veiksnių teorinius aspektus; 2. Išanalizuoti galimus veiksnius lemiančius mėgėjiško sporto propagavimą pagal tam tikras motyvacijos formas. 3. Nustatyti suaugusių žmonių elgesio formų pagal SDT pasiskirstymą; 1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė atskleidė, kad dažnai kuomet kalbama apie sportą, fizinį aktyvumą ar kūno kultūrą šios sąvokos būna sutapatinamos. Remiantis moksline literatūra nustatyta, kad nors šios sąvokos yra panašios tarp jų egzistuoja keletas pagrindinių skirtumų. Mėgėjiškas sportas skiriasi nuo profesionalaus sporto taisyklių, traumų prevencijos, honorarų bei jį propaguojančių žmonių atsidavimo laipsniu. Mokslinės literatūros analizė atskleidė, kad pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais, kartu ir Lietuvoje, suaugusiųjų fizinis aktyvumas augo nežymiai, nepasiekė rekomendacijos nurodymų, ypatingai mėgėjiško sporto srityse. 2. Tyrimo rezultatų analizė atskleidė, kad veiksniai lemiantys mėgėjiško sporto propagavimą labiausiai priklauso nuo išorinės motyvacijos formų. Atsižvelgiant į įvairias jų klasifikacijas bei tyrimo instrumentus nustatyta, kad labiausiai tyriamuosius veikia išorinės motyvacijos introjekcinio reguliavimo forma. Remiantis empiriniais tyrimo rezultatais atskleidusiais dominuojančius motyvacijos aspektus tyrimo dalyvių tarpe galima daryti prielaidą, kad veiksniai lemiantys mėgėjiško sporto propagavimą yra susiję su pasitenkinimo jausmu jaučiamu sportuojant, valingu įsitraukimu į veiklas patenkinant savo asmeninius norus bei poreikius atitikti tam tikrą visuomenės nuomonę bei stereotipus. 3. Nustatyti suaugusių žmonių elgesio formų pagal SDT pasiskirstymą; Tyrimo rezultatų analizė atskleidė, kad tyrimo dalyviu tarpe dominuoja elgesio introjekcinio reguliavimo forma. Tai yra labiau išorinės motyvacijos aspektas. Analizuojant tyrimo duomenis atskleista, kad kiek mažiau dominuoja vidinės motyvacijos aspektai, t.y. pati vidinė motyvacija. Taip pat išorinės motyvacijos, labiau susijusios su vidinių naudų suvokimų t.y integruotas reguliavimas bei identifikuotas reguliavimas. Mažiausiai dominuoja elgesio išorinio reguliavimo forma bei amotyvacija. Remiantis tyrimo duomenimis galima teigti, kad tyrimo dalyvių tarpe dominuoja labiau išorinės – vidinės motyvacijos aspektai.Švietimo akademij