347 research outputs found

    Investigation of high energy radiation from a plasma focus

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    Included are seventeen topics covering the experimental setup, diagnostics, analyses and various applications of the plasma focus. An invention, a hypocycloidal-pinch apparatus, is also included

    Interventions to improve patient safety in transitional care - a review of the evidence

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    When a patient’s transition from the hospital to home is less than optimal, the repercussions can be far-reaching – hospital readmission, adverse medical events, and even mortality. Elderly, especially frail older patients with complex health care problems appear to be a group particularly at risk for adverse events in general, and during transitions across health providers in particular. We undertook a systematic review to identify interventions designed to improve patient safety during transitional care of the elderly, with a particular focus on discharge interventions. We searched the literature for qualitative and quantitative studies on the subject published over the past ten years. The review revealed a set of potential intervention types aimed at the improvement of communication that contribute to safe transitional care. Intervention types included professionoriented interventions (e.g. education and training), organisational/culture interventions (e.g. transfer nurse, discharge protocol, discharge planning, medication reconciliation, standardized discharge letter, electronic tools), or patient and next of kin oriented interventions (e.g. patient awareness and empowerment, discharge support). Results strongly indicate that elderly discharged from hospital to the community will benefit from targeted interventions aimed to improve transfer across healthcare settings. Future interventions should take into account multicomponent and multi-disciplinary interventions incorporating several single interventions combined

    Non-pharmaceutical Interventions and the Infodemic on Twitter: Lessons Learned from Italy during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic changed expectations for information dissemination and use around the globe, challenging accepted models of communications, leadership, and social systems. We explore how social media discourse about COVID-19 in Italy was affected by the rapid spread of the virus, and how themes in postings changed with the adoption of social distancing measures and non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI). We used topic modeling and social network analysis to highlight critical dimensions of conversations around COVID-19: 1) topics in social media postings about the Coronavirus; 2) the scope and reach of social networks; and 3) changes in social media content as the nation moved from partial to full social distancing. Twitter messages sent in Italy between February 11th and March 10th, 2020. 74,306 Tweets sent by institutions, news sources, elected officials, scientists and social media influencers. Messages were retweeted more than 1.2 million times globally. Non-parametric chi-square statistic with residual analysis to identify categories, chi-square test for linear trend, and Social Network Graphing. The first phase of the pandemic was dominated by social media influencers, followed by a focus on the economic consequences of the virus and placing blame on immigrants. As the crisis deepened, science-based themes began to predominate, with a focus on reducing the spread of the virus through physical distancing and business closures Our findings highlight the importance of messaging in social media in gaining the public’s trust and engagement during a pandemic. This requires credible scientific voices to garner public support for effective mitigation. Fighting the spread of an infectious disease goes hand in hand with stemming the dissemination of lies, bad science, and misdirection

    Building local decision-making competencies during COVID-19: Accelerating the transition from learning healthcare systems to learning health communities

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    Introduction: The persisting and evolving COVID-19 pandemic has made apparent that no singular policy of mitigation at a regional, national or global level has achieved satisfactory and universally acceptable results. In the United States, carefully planned and executed pandemic policies have been neither effective nor popular and COVID-19 risk management decisions have been relegated to individual citizens and communities. In this paper, we argue that a more effective approach is to equip and strengthen community coalitions to become local learning health communities (LLHCs) that use data over time to make adaptive decisions that can optimize the equity and well-being in their communities. Methods: We used data from the North Carolina (NC) county and zip code levels from May to August 2020 to demonstrate how a LLHC could use statistical process control (SPC) charts and simple statistical analysis to make local decisions about how to respond to COVID-19. Results: We found many patterns of COVID-19 progression at the local (county and zip code) levels during the same time period within the state that were completely different from the aggregate NC state level data used for policy making. Conclusions: Systematic approaches to learning from local data to support effective decisions have promise well beyond the current pandemic. These tools can help address other complex public health issues, and advance outcomes and equity. Building this capacity requires investment in data infrastructure and the strengthening of data competencies in community coalitions to better interpret data with limited need for advanced statistical expertise. Additional incentives that build trust, support data transparency, encourage truth-telling and promote meaningful teamwork are also critical. These must be carefully designed, contextually appropriate and multifaceted to motivate citizens to create and sustain an effective learning system that works for their communities

    The collaborative communication model for patient handover at the interface between high-acuity and low-acuity care

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    Background: Cross-unit handovers transfer responsibility for the patient among healthcare teams in different clinical units, with missed information, potentially placing patients at risk for adverse events. Objectives: We analysed the communications between high-acuity and low-acuity units, their content and social context, and we explored whether common conceptual ground reduced potential threats to patient safety posed by current handover practices. Methods: We monitored the communication of five content items using handover probes for 22 patient transitions of care between high-acuity ' sender units' and low-acuity 'recipient units'. Data were analysed and discussed in focus groups with healthcare professionals to acquire insights into the characteristics of the common conceptual ground. Results: High-acuity and low-acuity units agreed about the presence of alert signs in the discharge form in 40% of the cases. The focus groups identified prehandover practices, particularly for anticipatory guidance that relied extensively on verbal phone interactions that commonly did not involve all members of the healthcare team, particularly nursing. Accessibility of information in the medical records reported by the recipient units was significantly lower than reported by sender units. Common ground to enable interpretation of the complete handover content items existed only among selected members of the healthcare team. Conclusions: The limited common ground reduced the likelihood of correct interpretation of important handover information, which may contribute to adverse events. Collaborative design and use of a shared set of handover content items may assist in creating common ground to enable clinical teams to communicate effectively to help increase the reliability and safety of cross-unit handovers

    Helium in the adult critical care setting

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    Helium is a low-density inert gas whose physical properties are very different from those of nitrogen and oxygen. Such properties could be clinically useful in the adult critical care setting, especially in patients with upper to more distal airway obstruction requiring moderate to intermediate levels of FiO2. However, despite decades of utilization and reporting, it is still difficult to give any firm clinical recommendation in this setting. Numerous case reports are available in the context of upper airway obstruction of different origins, but there is a lack of controlled studies for this indication. One study reported a helium-induced beneficial effect on surrogates of work of breathing after extubation in non-COPD patients, possibly in relation to laryngeal consequences of tracheal intubation. Physiological benefits of helium-oxygen breathing have been demonstrated in the context of acute severe asthma, but there is a lack of large controlled studies demonstrating an effect on pertinent clinical endpoints, except for a study reported only as an abstract, which mentioned a reduction in the intubation rate in helium-treated patients. Finally, there are a number of physiological studies in the context of COLD-COPD patients demonstrating a beneficial effect, mainly by a reduction in the resistive inspiratory work of breathing but also by a reduction in hyperinflation. Reduction of hypercapnia was mainly observed in spontaneously breathing and noninvasively ventilated helium-treated patients but not in intubated patients during controlled ventilation, suggesting that the decrease in PaCO2 was mainly in relation to a diminution in CO2 production, related to the diminution in work of breathing and not an improved alveolar ventilation. Moreover, there is little evidence that helium-oxygen could improve parameters of heterogeneity in such patients. Two RCTs were unable to demonstrate a reduction in the intubation rate in such setting, but they were likely underpowered. An adequately powered international multicentric study is ongoing and will help to determinate the exact place of the helium-oxygen mixture in the future. The place of the mixture during the weaning period will deserve further evaluation

    The ‘new normality’ in research? What message are we conveying our medical students?

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    The impact of COVID-19 on medical education has been mainly viewed from the perspective of the imposed transition from face-to- face to online delivery of information and the inforced stopping of practical teaching in hospitals.1-5 However, unfortunately, the deleterious effects of COVID-19 on how research findings are obtained, communicated and valued needs also careful consideration. Whilst teaching students that it is a genuinely exciting and unique time to be in medicine, as teachers of a subject entitled ‘Introduction to Research’ to second-year medical students, we feel particularly worried about what the handling of the pandemia is transmitting our future physicians. Now, more than ever before, scholars need to reaffirm the importance on how research findings are obtained and communicated

    Effects on incident reporting after educating residents in patient safety: a controlled study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Medical residents are key figures in delivering health care and an important target group for patient safety education. Reporting incidents is an important patient safety domain, as awareness of vulnerabilities could be a starting point for improvements. This study examined effects of patient safety education for residents on knowledge, skills, attitudes, intentions and behavior concerning incident reporting.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A controlled study with follow-up measurements was conducted. In 2007 and 2008 two patient safety courses for residents were organized. Residents from a comparable hospital acted as external controls. Data were collected in three ways: 1] questionnaires distributed before, immediately after and three months after the course, 2] incident reporting cards filled out by course participants during the course, and 3] residents' reporting data gathered from hospital incident reporting systems.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Forty-four residents attended the course and 32 were external controls. Positive changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes were found after the course. Residents' intentions to report incidents were positive at all measurements. Participants filled out 165 incident reporting cards, demonstrating the skills to notice incidents. Residents who had reported incidents before, reported more incidents after the course. However, the number of residents reporting incidents did not increase. An increase in reported incidents was registered by the reporting system of the intervention hospital.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Patient safety education can have immediate and long-term positive effects on knowledge, skills and attitudes, and modestly influence the reporting behavior of residents.</p

    Life After Succession in the Family Business: Is It Really the End of Problems?

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    The succession processes in family business are well chronicled in the business literature. Most of the research focuses on the process of transferring power within the business-family. What has not been as closely examined is the after-succession environment that exists when the management and leadership of the family business are passed on to the next generation. This article addresses that organizational climate and the potential for additional problems in the business-family if post-succession issues are not identified and addressed and suggests some steps that will be helpful in producing complete succession success.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline