540 research outputs found

    Enhanced cooperation in property matters in the EU and non-participating Member States

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    The analysis of sports results obtained by pupils in Primary Schools Championships in Katowice in swimming in the years 2012 – 2016

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    Aim of study: The objective of the study was to analyze the sports results of pupils from primary schools in Katowice over five years. Methodology: The research was conducted in the years 2012-2016. Results were gathered over the last five years from the pupils swimming competitions in primary schools in Katowice. The study included together 290 third grade pupils aged 8-10 years old and sixth grade girls and boys aged 12-13 years old. The research was conducted on a 25 m swimming pool in Interschool Sports Centre in Katowice. For the research were used the method of data analysis documentaries. Secondary data sets have been examined. The results of the 25m freestyle and 50m freestyle swimming competition held in 2012-2016 have been analysed. Results: For the analysis of obtained data were used statistics descriptive which include the mean ± standard deviation (SD), Min-Max range, the coefficient of variation, skewness and kurtosis, an analysis of variance (ANOVA). The shape of the trend changes over time and the prediction were made by using regression, setting trends in linear and non-linear. The level of significance 0.05. Conclusions: In the most diverse group of boys occurred in 2011/2012 at a distance of 25 m, and the distance of 50 m. In the group of girls greatest variability was observed in years 2015/2016 at the distance of 25 m and 50 m. The diversity at both distances tested was higher in girls group than in boys. The best average time for the girls was in the years 2013/2014 at a distance of 25 m, and in 2014/2015 at a distance of 50 m. The boys over a distance of 25 m achieved the best average times in the years 2013/2014 and for a distance of 50 m in the years 2012/2013

    The relationships between the immunoexpression of KAI1, MMP-2, MMP-9 and steroid receptors expression in endometrial cancer

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    The role of the parallel expression of the KAI1 protein and metalloproteinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) in respect to the status of steroid receptors in endometrial cancer is still incompletely understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of and correlation between KAI1 on one hand and MMP-2 and MMP-9 on the other hand in terms of the status of the estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR) in 100 patients with endometrial cancer. The expressions of KAI1, MMP-2, MMP-9, ER and PR were assessed immunohistochemically on paraffin-embedded tissues. No correlations were found between these biomarkers and the clinical and pathological parameters of the endometrial cancer. However, in KAI1-positive cases, the expression was limited to a small area of tumor tissue in FIGO stages III–IV. A tendency towards the high expression of MMP-9 and MMP-2 was observed in the advanced stages of endometrial cancer (FIGO IIIA–IV). Positive correlations between the presence of KAI1 and PR and between the presence of MMP-9 and PR were found in endometrial cancer. A positive correlation was also observed between KAI1 and MMP-2 expression, and a borderline one between KAI1 and MMP-9 expression in endometrial cancer. KAI1+/PR+ and KAI1+/ER– immunophenotypes were observed more frequently in FIGO low stages and with well-differentiated tumor grade. However, the KAI1–/ER+ and KAI1–/PR+ immunophenotypes were mainly observed in advanced stages of endometrial cancer. KAI1+/MMP-2+ and KAI1+/MMP-9+ immunophenotypes were observed in FIGO Istage and with well-differentiated tumors. KAI1–/MMP-2+ and KAI1–/MMP-9+ phenotypes were more often observed in FIGO stage II. Our study showed that KAI1 protein, as well as steroid receptors, might modulate MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in endometrial cancer. Our study revealed that the overlapping expression of the biomarkers investigated here suggests that cooperation between these molecules exists, even at the early stages of endometrial cancer growth, and may determine the speed of tumor cell dissemination and might characterize the biological behavior of endometrial cancer

    The analysis of sports results obtained by pupils in Primary Schools Championships in Katowice in swimming in the years 2012 – 2016

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    Gniezińska Anna, Bar Karol. The analysis of sports results obtained by pupils in Primary Schools Championships in Katowice in swimming in the years 2012 – 2016. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(11):328-336. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1490543 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.phpohs/article/view/6304 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part b item 1223 (26/01/2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eissn 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2018; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 25.10.2018. Revised: 25.10.2018. Accepted: 18.11.2018. The analysis of sports results obtained by pupils in Primary Schools Championships in Katowice in swimming in the years 2012 – 2016 Anna Gniezińska1*, Karol Bar2 1The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Katowice, Poland 2The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Katowice, Poland *Corresponding author: Anna Gniezińska, The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Kłodnicka 72/15, 40-705 Katowice, Poland. [email protected] ABSTRACT Aim of study: The objective of the study was to analyze the sports results of pupils from primary schools in Katowice over five years. Methodology: The research was conducted in the years 2012-2016. Results were gathered over the last five years from the pupils swimming competitions in primary schools in Katowice. The study included together 290 third grade pupils aged 8-10 years old and sixth grade girls and boys aged 12-13 years old. The research was conducted on a 25 m swimming pool in Interschool Sports Centre in Katowice. For the research were used the method of data analysis documentaries. Secondary data sets have been examined. The results of the 25m freestyle and 50m freestyle swimming competition held in 2012-2016 have been analysed. Results: For the analysis of obtained data were used statistics descriptive which include the mean ± standard deviation (SD), Min-Max range, the coefficient of variation, skewness and kurtosis, an analysis of variance (ANOVA). The shape of the trend changes over time and the prediction were made by using regression, setting trends in linear and non-linear. The level of significance 0.05. Conclusions: In the most diverse group of boys occurred in 2011/2012 at a distance of 25 m, and the distance of 50 m. In the group of girls greatest variability was observed in years 2015/2016 at the distance of 25 m and 50 m. The diversity at both distances tested was higher in girls group than in boys. The best average time for the girls was in the years 2013/2014 at a distance of 25 m, and in 2014/2015 at a distance of 50 m. The boys over a distance of 25 m achieved the best average times in the years 2013/2014 and for a distance of 50 m in the years 2012/2013. Key words: analysis of sports results, swimming Scientific discipline: Physical Educatio

    Insulinoma in a patient with MEN 1 syndrome - 9-year follow-up: case report

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    Wstęp: Zespół MEN 1 jest rzadkim schorzeniem dziedziczonym w sposób autonomiczny dominujący charakteryzujący się współwystępowaniem guzów trzustki, przytarczyc i przysadki. Hyperkalcemia spowodowana guzami przytarczyc jest zwykle pierwszą manifestacją tego zespołu. Guzy trzustki występują rzadziej, a wśród nich najczęstszymi są gastrinoma i insulinoma. Guzy wydzielające prolaktynę są stosunkowo najczęstszą przysadkową prezentacją choroby. Gen odpowiedzialny za powstanie zespołu MEN 1 jest zlokalizowany na chromosomie 11 w pozycji 11q13 i koduje białko nazywane meniną, które wchodzi w reakcje z różnymi białkami biorącymi udział w regulacji transkrypcji, podziału komórek i naprawie DNA. Mimo opisania różnych mutacji w genie meniny, nie znaleziono do tej pory ścisłej korelacji pomiędzy genotypem i fenotypem. Opis przypadku: W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 31-letniego mężczyzny, prawnika, który miał zdiagnozowany zespół MEN 1 w wieku 21 lat, kiedy był operowany z powodu guza przysadki wydzielającego prolaktynę oraz z powodu nadczynności przytarczyc. W 2000 roku wysunięto podejrzenie insulinoma i stwierdzono wieloogniskowe zmiany w trzustce. Jednakże pacjent nie zgodził sie na leczenie operacyjne. Od tej pory chory był leczony diazoksydem. U pacjenta obserwuje się stopniową progresję choroby, ale chory pozostaje w relatywnie dobrej kondycji fizycznej. Wnioski: Badania przesiewowe w kierunku zespołu MEN 1 są szczególnie ważne u młodych chorych z guzami przysadki. Regularne wizyty kontrolne są bardzo istotne nawet po leczeniu chirurgicznym. U prezentowanego pacjenta stopniowo powiększają się zmiany w trzustce, również zaobserwowano nawrót nadczynności przytarczyc. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (2): 212-216)Introduction: Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited endocrine disease characterized by pancreatic, parathyroid, and anterior pituitary tumours. Hypercalcaemia due to parathyroid tumours is usually the first manifestation of MEN 1. Pancreatic islet tumours occur less frequently, among them gastrinomas and insulinomas are the most prevalent. Prolactinomas are a relatively common pituitary presentation of the syndrome. The gene causing MEN 1 is localized in chromosome 11q13 and encodes a protein named menin, which interacts with various proteins involved in transcriptional regulation, cell division, and DNA repair. Various mutations in the menin gene have been described, but so far no strong correlation between genotype and phenotype has been found. Case report: We report a case of a 31-year-old man, a lawyer, who was diagnosed with MEN 1 syndrome in 1999 at the age of 21 when he was operated because of prolactinoma and hyperparathyroidism. In 2000 insulinoma was suspected and eventually multifocal lesions in the pancreas were revealed. However, the patient did not agree to be operated on. Since then he has been followed up and has been treated with diazoxid. We observed gradual progression of the disease, but the patient remains in relatively good condition. Conclusions: Careful screening for MEN 1 is important in young patients with pituitary tumours. Regular follow up is crucial even after surgical treatment. The presented patient developed gradual enlargement of insulinomas and reoccurrence of hyperparathyroidism as well. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (2): 212-216

    MRI-based in vivo detection of coronary microvascular dysfunction before alterations in cardiac function induced by short-term high-fat diet in mice

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    Endothelial dysfunction is one of the hallmarks of vascular abnormalities in metabolic diseases and has been repeatedly demonstrated in coronary and peripheral circulation in mice fed high-fat diet (HFD), particularly after long-term HFD. However, the temporal relationship between development of coronary microvascular endothelial dysfunction and deterioration in diastolic and systolic cardiac function after short-term feeding with HFD has not yet been studied. This study aimed to correlate the changes in coronary microvascular endothelial function and global cardiac performance indices in vivo after short-term feeding with HFD in mice. Short-term feeding with a HFD (60% fat + 1% cholesterol) resulted in severely impaired coronary microvascular function, as evidenced by the diminished effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibition (by L-NAME) assessed using T1 mapping via in vivo MRI. Deterioration of coronary microvascular function was detected as early as after 7 days of HFD and further declined after 8 weeks on a HFD. HFD-induced coronary microvascular dysfunction was not associated with impaired myocardial capillary density and was present before systemic insulin resistance assessed by a glucose tolerance test. Basal coronary flow and coronary reserve, as assessed using the A2A adenosine receptor agonist regadenoson, were also not altered in HFD-fed mice. Histological analysis did not reveal cardiomyocyte hypertrophy or fibrosis. Increased lipid accumulation in cardiomyocytes was detected as early as after 7 days of HFD and remained at a similar level at 8 weeks on a HFD. Multiparametric cardiac MRI revealed a reduction in systolic heart function, including decreased ejection rate, increased end-systolic volume and decreased myocardial strain in diastole with impaired ejection fraction, but not until 4 weeks of HFD. Short-term feeding with HFD resulted in early endothelial dysfunction in coronary microcirculation that preceded alteration in cardiac function and systemic insulin resistance

    Au-MoS2 Hybrids as Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysts

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    Core-shell nanoparticles provide a unique morphology to exploit electronic interactions between dissimilar materials, conferring upon them new or improved functionalities. MoS2 is a layered transition-metal disulfide that has been studied extensively for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) but still suffers from low electrocatalytic activity due to its poor electronic conductivity. To understand the fundamental aspects of the MoS2-Au hybrids with regard to their electrocatalytic activity, a single to a few layers of MoS2 were deposited over Au nanoparticles via a versatile procedure that allows for complete encapsulation of Au nanoparticles of arbitrary geometries. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy of the Au@MoS2 nanoparticles provides direct evidence for the core-shell morphology and also reveals the presence of morphological defects and irregularities in the MoS2 shell that are known to be more active for HER than the pristine MoS2 basal plane. Electrochemical measurements show a significant improvement in the HER activity of Au@MoS2 nanoparticles relative to freestanding MoS2 or Au-decorated MoS2. The best electrochemical performance was demonstrated by the Au nanostars - the largest Au core employed here - encapsulated in a MoS2 shell. Density-functional theory calculations show that charge transfer occurs from the Au to the MoS2 layers, producing a more conductive catalyst layer and a better electrode for electrochemical HER. The strategies to further improve the catalytic properties of such hybrid nanoparticles are discussed

    Tremor associated with focal and segmental dystonia

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    Background and purpose: Tremor occurs in 10-85% of pa - tients with focal dystonia as so-called dystonic tremor or tremor associated with dystonia. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence and to characterize parameters of tremor accompanying focal and segmental dystonia. Material and methods: One hundred and twenty-three patients with diagnosis of focal and segmental dystonia together with 51 healthy controls were included in the study. For each participant, clinical examination and objective assessment (accelerometer, electromyography, graphic tablet) of hand tremor was performed. Frequency and severity of tremor were assessed in three positions: at rest (rest tremor); with hands extended (postural tremor); during ‘finger-to-nose’ test and during Archimedes spiral drawing (kinetic tremor). Based on the mass load test, type of tremor was determined as essential tremor type or enhanced physiological type. Results: The incidence of tremor was significantly higher in dystonic patients as compared to controls (p = 0.0001). In clinical examination, tremor was found in 50% of dystonic patients, and in instrumental assessment in an additional 10-20%. The most frequent type of tremor was postural and kinetic tremor with 7 Hz frequency and featured essential tremor type. In the control group, tremor was detected in about 10% of subjects as 9-Hz postural tremor of enhanced physiological tremor type. No differences were found between patients with different types of dystonia with respect to the tremor incidence, type and parameters (frequency and severity). No correlations between tremor severity and dystonia severity were found either