16 research outputs found
Análisis de los proyectos del sector agropecuario financiados por Colciencias durante el año 2010
Objetivo. Analizar los proyectos del sector agropecuario financiados por Colciencias durante el año 2010. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizó la base de datos de registro de proyectos correspondientes al Programa Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Agropecuarias para identificar las propuestas presentadas, elegibles y financiadas de las convocatorias del año 2010. Los proyectos se clasificaron con base en la nomenclatura Internacional de la UNESCO para los campos de la ciencia y la tecnología. Se identificó la convocatoria, campos, disciplinas, rama productiva, entidades participantes, departamento de ejecución y montos financiados. Resultados. Durante el año 2010 Colciencias recibió un total de 4.725 propuestas para financiación, de éstas, 790 correspondieron al Programa Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Agropecuaria. Las disciplinas de los proyectos financiados, fueron en su mayoría pertenecientes al subsector agrícola, seguido por el pecuario y el agroindustrial. Las universidades públicas fueron el tipo de entidad ejecutora al que se le financió un mayor número de proyectos. Los departamentos en los cuales se ejecutó la mayoría de las propuestas financiadas fueron Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Boyacá y Tolima. Conclusiones. El Programa Nacional de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación Agropecuaria recibió el 16.7% del total de proyectos recibidos por Colciencias en sus convocatorias del año 2010. El mayor número de proyectos recibidos, elegibles y financiables fueron del subsector agrícola y estuvieron presentados y ejecutados por universidades públicas. La inversión total de Colciencias en proyectos del sector agropecuario fue de 33.225.740.000
New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. We performed a two-stage genome-wide association study totaling 111,326 clinically diagnosed/'proxy' AD cases and 677,663 controls. We found 75 risk loci, of which 42 were new at the time of analysis. Pathway enrichment analyses confirmed the involvement of amyloid/tau pathways and highlighted microglia implication. Gene prioritization in the new loci identified 31 genes that were suggestive of new genetically associated processes, including the tumor necrosis factor alpha pathway through the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex. We also built a new genetic risk score associated with the risk of future AD/dementia or progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD/dementia. The improvement in prediction led to a 1.6- to 1.9-fold increase in AD risk from the lowest to the highest decile, in addition to effects of age and the APOE ε4 allele
Multiancestry analysis of the HLA locus in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases uncovers a shared adaptive immune response mediated by HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes
Across multiancestry groups, we analyzed Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) associations in over 176,000 individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus controls. We demonstrate that the two diseases share the same protective association at the HLA locus. HLA-specific fine-mapping showed that hierarchical protective effects of HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes best accounted for the association, strongest with HLA-DRB1*04:04 and HLA-DRB1*04:07, and intermediary with HLA-DRB1*04:01 and HLA-DRB1*04:03. The same signal was associated with decreased neurofibrillary tangles in postmortem brains and was associated with reduced tau levels in cerebrospinal fluid and to a lower extent with increased Aβ42. Protective HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes strongly bound the aggregation-prone tau PHF6 sequence, however only when acetylated at a lysine (K311), a common posttranslational modification central to tau aggregation. An HLA-DRB1*04-mediated adaptive immune response decreases PD and AD risks, potentially by acting against tau, offering the possibility of therapeutic avenues
Motivación, autoeficacia y plan de carrera en estudiantes de Psicología de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, seccional Bogotá
La presente investigación busca establecer la relación entre las formas de motivación (interna–externa) y (logro, poder, afiliación y cognitiva), con los sentimientos de autoeficacia académica y el plan de carrera, que está enfocado en este caso hacia la Psicología como profesión. Se realizó de acuer- do con los parámetros de los principios de la complejidad y se utilizó un diseño de investigación de tipo mixto, para lo cual se aplicaron instrumentos cuantitativos (encuesta) y cualitativos (entrevista semiestructurada). La población participante fue de estudiantes de Psicología de la Univer- sidad Cooperativa de Colombia, seleccionados a través de muestras por cuotas.
Entre los resultados más sobresalientes, se encontró que los motivos que predominaron en los estudiantes del Progra- ma de Psicología en el momento de escogerla como plan de carrera son, en orden de importancia, la motivación de conocimiento, logro, afiliación y poder. Asimismo, se observa que los motivos internos predominan sobre los externos. En cuanto a los sentimientos de autoeficacia, se evidencia que la mitad de la población muestra seguridad en las habilida- des y destrezas que poseen para enfrentar satisfactoriamente los objetivos académicos, destacándose entre éstas las habili- dades sociales. También se encontró que casi la mitad de los estudiantes muestra seguridad en la elección de la Psicología como profesión, mientras que la parte restante la escogieron como segunda o tercera opción.The present investigation looks for to establish the relatio- nship between the motivation forms (internal–external) and (achievement, power, affiliation and cognitive), with the feelings of academic autoefficiency and the career plan, that is focused in this case, towards psychology as a profes- sion. This was made under the parameters of the complexi- ty principles using a mixed form of investigation design, for which quantitative instruments (survey) and qualitative instruments (semistructured interview) were applied. The participant population was psychology students of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, selected through quota sampling. Within the most outstanding results, was found that the predominant reasons in the students of the psychology program at the moment for choosing it as a career plan in order of relevance are: the motivation of knowledge, the achievement, the affiliation and the power. In adittion, it was observed that the internal reasons predominate on the external ones. In the case of feelings of self–efficiency is evident that half of the population shows confidence in the abilities and skills that they have to reach the academic goals satisfactorily, standing out the social abilities between these. It was also found that almost half of the student samples show reliance in the election of psychology as a profession. Meanwhile, oppositely, the remaining part chose it as a second or third option
Molecular Diversity of Vaccine Candidates in Leptospira spp.
The aim of this study was to determine the molecular diversity of OmpL1, LipL32, LipL41, LigA and LigB proteins and that of the genes that encode them using bioinformatic analysis in different pathogenic strains of Leptospira spp. based on the information available in databases. The amino acid sequences of OmpL1, LipL32, LipL41, LigA and LigB proteins were used, as well as the genes encoding them in strains of Leptospira spp. reported at The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The analysis of proteins and genes were performed using the Protein, Nucleotide and Gene resources from the NCBI. The alignment of the consensus sequences was performed using the PSI-BLAST and BLASTn tools. The coverage percentage of the selected sequences of the ompL1, lipL32, lipL41, ligA and ligB genes in pathogenic strains of Leptospira spp. is 100% for ompL1, lipL32 and lipL41, 75% for ligA and 99% for ligB with identity percentages of 85, 98, 88, 90 and 80% respectively; the coverage percentage of the selected protein sequences is 100, 77, 99, 100 and 100% with identity percentages of 90, 99, 92, 63 and 60% respectively, indicating that genes and proteins, except LigA and LigB proteins, are highly conserved in various pathogenic serovars of Leptospira spp. According to these results, it is recommended that further analysis of these proteins be made in order to determine the feasibility of its use as vaccine candidates
Diversidad molecular de candidatos vacunales en Leptospira spp.
El objetivo de este estudo foi determinar a diversidade molecular das proteínas OmpL1, LipL32, LipL41, LigA e LigB e dos genes que as codificam mediante análises bioinformáticas em diferentes cepas patógenas de Leptospira spp. A partir da informação disponível nas bases de dados. Utilizaram-se as sequências de aminoácidos das proteínas OmpL1, LipL32, LipL41, LigA e LigB, assim como as dos genes que as codificam nas cepas de Leptospira spp. Reportadas em The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). As análises das proteínas e dos genes se realizaram mediante os recursos Protein, Nucleotide e Gene do NCBI. O alinhamento das sequências consenso se realizou com as ferramentas PSI-BLAST e BLASTn. A porcentagem de cobertura das sequências selecionadas dos genes ompL1, lipL32, lipL41, ligA e ligB em cepas patógenas de Leptospira spp. É de 100 % para ompL1, lipL32 e lipL41, 75 % para ligA e 99 % para ligB com porcentagens de identidade de 85, 98, 88, 90 e 80 % respectivamente A porcentagem de cobertura das sequências selecionadas das proteínas é de 10 77, 99, 100 e 100 % com porcentagens de identidade de 9 99, 92, 63 e 60 % respectivamente, o que indica que os genes e as proteínas, exceto as proteínas LigA e LigB, são altamente conservadas nos diferentes serovares patogênicos de Leptospira spp. Segundo esses resultados, se recomenda realizar análises complementares destas proteínas com finalidade de determinar se é viável o seu uso como candidatos para vacina
Functional diversity mediates macroecological variation in plant-hummingbird interaction networks
Aim: Species interaction networks are known to vary in structure over large spatial scales. We investigated the hypothesis that environmental factors affect interaction network structure by influencing the functional diversity of ecological communities. Notably, we expect more functionally diverse communities to form interaction networks with a higher degree of niche partitioning. Locatio