1,398 research outputs found

    On the Origin of the -4.4 eV Band in CdTe(100)"

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    We calculate the bulk- (infinite system), (100)-bulk-projected- and (100)-Surface-projected Green's functions using the Surface Green's Function Matching method (SGFM) and an empirical tight-binding hamiltonian with tight-binding parameters (TBP) that describe well the bulk band structure of CdTe. In particular, we analyze the band (B--4) arising at --4.4 eV from the top of the valence band at Γ\Gamma according to the results of Niles and H\"ochst and at -4.6 eV according to Gawlik {\it et al.} both obtained by Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). We give the first theoretical description of this band.Comment: 17 pages, Rev-TEX, CIEA-Phys. 02/9

    New records of springtails (Collembola) from Sicily, Italy

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    Along with some studies on soil fauna in various Sicilian sites, both agricultural lands and typical Mediterranean habitats, particular attention was paid to the Collembolan. Specifc identifcation allowed to assess the occurrence in Sicily of 39 species not previously recorded, belonging to 10 families: Hypogastruridae (six species), Brachystomellidae (one species), Neanuridae (fve species), Onychiuridae (three species), Tullbergiidae (seven species), Isotomidae (nine species), Entomobryidae (three species), Cyphoderidae (one species), Dicyrtomidae (one species), and Katiannidae (one species). Of these 39 species, 21 are new also for Italy. Furthermore, this is the frst record of the genus Doutnatcia Rusek, 1974 for the fauna of Italy. The discovery of such a number of new species for Sicily (i.e. 35 % of those known) and Italy by sampling a limited number of habitats, shows that the knowledge relating to this group of arthropods in Sicily is still very scarce

    New species of Entomobrya from Etna Mountain, Sicily (Collembola, Entomobryomorpha)

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    A new species of the genus Entomobrya Rondani, 1861 (Collembola, Entomobryidae) from Mount Etna in eastern Sicily is described. Entomobrya siciliana n. sp. is separated from all other known species by the following combination of characters: characteristic colour pattern, ratio antennae/head length ≈ 2, apical vesicle bilobated, labral papillae almost smooth, with two small projections on central ones, claw with 4 internal teeth and empodium with serrate external edge (leg III). The macrochaetotaxy is described. For the identification and description of these species we used the set of characters proposed by JORDANA and BAQUERO (2005)

    La autohemoterapia en oftalmología (continuación)

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    Pongo a continuación dos historias en las que las recaídas no tardaron en presentarse. I.-C. Quevedo. De Chía. 25 años, soltera; profesión, oficios domésticos. Diagnóstico clínico: Queratitis Ulcerosa O. D. La enferma se presenta al consultorio externo el 29 de marzo. Al examen encontramos: Ojo rojo con lagrimeo, fotofobia y blefaroespasmo. Violentos dolores oculares con propagación a la mitad derecha del cráneo. Al examen con alumbrado oblicuo se encuentra una córnea opaca con ulceraciones múltiples

    Mutation rate is reduced by increased dosage ofmutL gene in Escherichia coli K-12

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    This work was supported by the grants BIO2005-04278, LSHM-CT-2005-018705 and LSHM-CT-2005-518152.Peer reviewe

    Mutation rate is reduced by increased dosage ofmutL gene in Escherichia coli K-12

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    This work was supported by the grants BIO2005-04278, LSHM-CT-2005-018705 and LSHM-CT-2005-518152.Peer reviewe

    Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in the Assessment of Pericardial Abnormalities: a Case Series

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    Background: Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has a unique role in evaluating pericardial disease, permitting non-invasive tissue analysis, and haemodynamic assessment. Case summary: In Case 1 of recurrent pericarditis, CMR confirmed reactivation of inflammation with late gadolinium enhancement and native T1/T2 mapping techniques, prompting therapeutic changes. In constrictive pericarditis, CMR is the only modality capable of differentiating a subacute potentially reversible form (Case 2), from a chronic, burnt out irreversible phase characterized by constrictive physiology (Case 3). Discussion: Cardiac magnetic resonance is an effective tool to tailor individual therapy, particularly in cases of recurrent and constrictive pericarditis. Late gadolinium enhancement provides diagnostic and prognostic information, and multiparametric mapping has emerged as a promising tool with incremental diagnostic value.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Narración y personaje en Cervantes

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    The aim of the present piece of work consist of underlying once again the modernity of Cervantes' and his narrative technique, concretely in relation to the creation of narrating characters. Opposite that traditional frame where the narrator and his tale appear not to be linked, it is frequent in Cervantes to notice a meaniful connexion between one and the other, and the points of view of the characters influences the narration. This work is precisely based on some of these cases, a reduced corpus wich, nevertheless, is really representative to highlight our author's genius.El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en poner una vez más de relieve la modernidad y cuidadosa técnica narrativa cervantina, en relación concretamente con la configuración de los personajes narradores. Frente a esa habitual tradición del marco en que el narrador y su historia aparecen desvinculados, lo frecuente en la obra de Cervantes es que exista entre uno y otra, una significativa conexión, y que el punto de vista del primero pueda incluso, influir en la segunda. En algunos de tales casos se basa precisamente este trabajo, reducido corpus que sin embargo, resulta representativo para subrayar el genio literario de su autor
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