359 research outputs found
Finite jet determination of CR mappings
We prove the following finite jet determination result for CR mappings: Given
a smooth generic submanifold M of C^N, N >= 2, which is essentially finite and
of finite type at each of its points, for every point p on M there exists an
integer l(p), depending upper-semicontinuously on p, such that for every smooth
generic submanifold M' of C^N of the same dimension as M, if h_1 and h_2:
(M,p)->M' are two germs of smooth finite CR mappings with the same l(p) jet at
p, then necessarily their k-jets agree for all positive integers k. In the
hypersurface case, this result provides several new unique jet determination
properties for holomorphic mappings at the boundary in the real-analytic case;
in particular, it provides the finite jet determination of arbitrary
real-analytic CR mappings between real-analytic hypersurfaces in C^N of
D'Angelo finite type. It also yields a new boundary version of H. Cartan's
uniqueness theorem: if Omega and Omega' are two bounded domains in C^N with
smooth real-analytic boundary, then there exists an integer k, depending only
on the boundary of Omega, such that if H_1 and H_2: Omega -> Omega' are two
proper holomorphic mappings extending smoothly up to the boundary of Omega near
some point boundary point p and agreeing up to order k at p, then necessarily
H_1=H_2.Comment: Article in press at Adv. Mat
On the CR transversality of holomorphic maps into hyperquadrics
Let be a smooth Levi-nondegenerate hypersurface of signature
in with , and write for the standard
hyperquadric of the same signature in with .
Let be a holomorphic map sending into . Assume does
not send a neighborhood of in into . We show
that is necessarily CR transversal to at any point. Equivalently,
we show that is a local CR embedding from into .Comment: To appear in Abel Symposia, dedicated to Professor Yum-Tong Siu on
the occasion of his 70th birthda
Projection on Segre varieties and determination of holomorphic mappings between real submanifolds
It is shown that a germ of a holomorphic mapping sending a real-analytic
generic submanifold of finite type into another is determined by its projection
on the Segre variety of the target manifold. A necessary and sufficient
condition is given for a germ of a mapping into the Segre variety of the target
manifold to be the projection of a holomorphic mapping sending the source
manifold into the target. An application to the biholomorphic equivalence
problem is also given.Comment: 16 page
Remarks on the rank properties of formal CR maps
We prove several new transversality results for formal CR maps between formal
real hypersurfaces in complex space. Both cases of finite and infinite type
hypersurfaces are tackled in this note
Nowhere minimal CR submanifolds and Levi-flat hypersurfaces
A local uniqueness property of holomorphic functions on real-analytic nowhere
minimal CR submanifolds of higher codimension is investigated. A sufficient
condition called almost minimality is given and studied. A weaker necessary
condition, being contained a possibly singular real-analytic Levi-flat
hypersurface is studied and characterized. This question is completely resolved
for algebraic submanifolds of codimension 2 and a sufficient condition for
noncontainment is given for non algebraic submanifolds. As a consequence, an
example of a submanifold of codimension 2, not biholomorphically equivalent to
an algebraic one, is given. We also investigate the structure of singularities
of Levi-flat hypersurfaces.Comment: 21 pages; conjecture 2.8 was removed in proof; to appear in J. Geom.
Formal and finite order equivalences
We show that two families of germs of real-analytic subsets in are
formally equivalent if and only if they are equivalent of any finite order. We
further apply the same technique to obtain analogous statements for
equivalences of real-analytic self-maps and vector fields under conjugations.
On the other hand, we provide an example of two sets of germs of smooth curves
that are equivalent of any finite order but not formally equivalent
Super-rigidity for CR embeddings of real hypersurfaces into hyperquadrics
Let Q^N_l\subset \bC\bP^{N+1} denote the standard real, nondegenerate
hyperquadric of signature and M\subset \bC^{n+1} a real, Levi
nondegenerate hypersurface of the same signature . We shall assume that
there is a holomorphic mapping H_0\colon U\to \bC\bP^{N_0+1}, where is
some neighborhood of in \bC^{n+1}, such that
but . We show that if then, for any , any holomorphic mapping H\colon U\to \bC\bP^{N+1} with and must be the standard linear embedding
of into up to conjugation by automorphisms of
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