49 research outputs found

    A Review on Machine Learning Applications: CVI Risk Assessment

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    Comprehensive literature has been published on the development of digital health applications using machine learning methods in cardiovascular surgery. Many machine learning methods have been applied in clinical decision-making processes, particularly for risk estimation models. This review of the literature shares an update on machine learning applications for cardiovascular intervention (CVI) risk assessment. This study selected peer-reviewed scientific publications providing sufficient detail about machine learning methods and outcomes predicting short-term CVI risk in cardiac surgery. Thirteen articles fulfilling pre-set criteria were reviewed and tables were created presenting the relevant characteristics of the studies. The review demonstrates the usefulness of machine learning methods in high-risk CVI applications, identifies the need for improvement, and provides efficient support for future prediction models for the healthcare system

    Evaluation of protein and lipid oxidative stress in the patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis

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    Objective: Oxidative stress may change cellular function in multiple pathological conditions, including osteoporosis. We aimed to determine malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, advanced oxidation protein pruducts (AOPP), levels end products of protein oxidation, thiol as known antioxidant, serum paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activities as known lipid antioxidant, induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) for evaluating oxidative stress in osteoporotic patients. Methods: 59 patients diagnosed with postmenopaual osteoporosis were included in the study and compared with 21 healthy controls. Serum AOPP, MDA, thiol levels and PON1 activity were measured according to an enzymatic spectrophotometric method. Results: The serum MDA, AOPP, and thiol levels was significantly higher in the patient group than controls (p<0.05). PON1 activity was found lower in the patients group than the control group. Conclusion: Increased ROS levels in osteoporotic patients may result in a pro-oxidation environment, which in turn could result in increased MDA, AOPP. As a result, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation may have a role in the pathogenesis of the osteoporotic patients

    Single-center experience with routine clinical use of 3D technologies in surgical planning for pediatric patients with complex congenital heart disease

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    PURPOSEThis study was planned to assess the application of three-dimensional (3D) cardiac modeling in preoperative evaluation for complex congenital heart surgeries.METHODSFrom July 2015 to September 2019, 18 children diagnosed with complex congenital heart diseases (CHDs) were enrolled in this study (double outlet right ventricle in nine patients, complex types of transposition of the great arteries in six patients, congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries in two patients, and univentricular heart in one patient). The patients’ age ranged from 7 months to 19 years (median age, 14 months). Before the operation, 3D patient-specific cardiac models were created based on computed tomography (CT) data. Using each patient’s data, a virtual computer model (3D mesh) and stereolithographic (SLA) file that would be printed as a 3D model were generated. These 3D cardiac models were used to gather additional data about cardiac anatomy for presurgical decision-making.RESULTSAll 18 patients successfully underwent surgeries, and there were no mortalities. The 3D patient-specific cardiac models led to a change from the initial surgical plans in 6 of 18 cases (33%), and biventricular repair was considered feasible. Moreover, the models helped to modify the planned biventricular repair in five cases, for left ventricular outflow tract obstruction removal and ventricular septal defect enlargement. 3D cardiac models enable pediatric cardiologists to better understand the spatial relationships between the ventricular septal defect and great vessels, and they help surgeons identify risk structures more clearly for detailed planning of surgery. There was a strong correlation between the models of the patients and the anatomy encountered during the operation.CONCLUSION3D cardiac models accurately reveal the patient’s anatomy in detail and are therefore beneficial for planning surgery in patients with complex intracardiac anatomy


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    Bu çalışmada etil 2-amino-4-feniltiyofen karboksilat türevleri kenetlenme bileşeni olarak kullanılarak, çeşitli sübstitüe karbosiklik ve heterosiklik aminlerin diazonyum tuzları ile kenetlendi ve dört seri azo boyarmadde sentezlendi. Bu bileşiklerin yapıları FT-IR, 1H-NMR ve kütle spektrometresi ile aydınlatıldı. Bileşiklerin DMSO, metanol, asetik asit ve kloroform içindeki absorpsiyon spektrumları incelendi. Ayrıca bu boyarmaddelerin rengi üzerine çözücü, sübstitüent ve asit-baz etkisi ayrıntılı olarak incelendi. Karbosiklik aminlerden sentezlenen bileşiklerin absorpsiyon maksimumları ile Hammett sübstitüent sabitleri arasında doğrusal bir ilişki olduğu gözlendi. Ayrıca sübstitüent etkilerinin çözücüden çok fazla etkilenmediği belirlendi.In this study, Four series of azo dyes were synthesized by using some ethyl 2- amino-phenylthiophene carboxylate derivatives as coupling components and coupling them with diazonium salts of various substituted carbocyclic and heterocyclic amines. The structures of the compounds were evaluated by using FT-IR, 1H-NMR and mass spectroscopic techniques. The absorption spectra of these compounds in DMSO, methanol, acetic acid and chloroform were investigated. The solvent, substituent and acid-base effects on the absorption spectra of the dyes were also examined in detail. A linear correlation was observed between the Hammett substituent constants and the absorption maxima of the dyes which are synthesized from carbocyclic amines. It was also determined that substituent effect was not affected by the solvent

    Doğumsal kalp hastalıklarının tamiri için akışkanlar dinamiği hesaplamaları ile ameliyat öncesi planlama

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    The treatment of complex congenital heart diseases (CHD) requires a careful patient-specific approach and surgical correction plan. In this thesis, a large radiological database was created to provide supportive information for the treatment planning of patients undergoing aortic hypoplasia, pulmonary stenosis, ventricular septal defect (VSD) and Fontan procedure. State-of-the-art repair alternatives using customized baffle and patch designs were virtually generated in the computer through image-based three-dimensional (3D) modeling, and their structural and hemodynamic analysis are evaluated. In aortic repair section, different virtual repair methods were performed for each selected hypopilastic aortic arch models. Blood flow analyzes were compared in preoperative, postoperative and virtual repair models. The methods were examined by computational fluid dynamics analysis in terms of velocity, wall shear stress and pressure distributions. In the pulmonary artery stenosis section, the deformation of the patch material was evaluated by computational structural analysis. In Fontan cases, the aim was to determine the geometry giving the optimum flow distribution from hepatic veins to the lungs. In VSD cases, virtual models obtained after segmentation provided information that could not be obtained from the image data to facilitate the decision whether the obtimum treatment by catheter intervention or surgery. It has been observed that the findings obtained by 3D modeling, virtual repair and numerical analysis can make significant contributions to the process of determining the repair method. Overall this dissertation aims to provide solution-oriented information to planning procedures in CHD treatment and to present more objective, case-specific and reproducible planning options with computerized modeling and numerical simulation techniques in the light of concrete data.Kompleks doğumsal kalp hastalıklarının (CHD) tedavisi hastaya özel dikkatli bir yaklaşım ve onarım planı gerektirir. Bu tez çalışmasında, geniş bir radyolojik veri tabanı oluşturulmuş; aort hipoplazisi, pulmoner darlık, ventrikül septal defekt (VSD) ve Fontan prosedürü uygulanan hastaların tedavi planlamasına mühendislik yaklaşımlarıyla destekleyen yardımcı bilgi sağlamak amaçlı bir yöntem geliştirilmiştir. Görüntü tabanlı üç boyutlu (3B) modelleme, yapıya özel şant ve yama tasarımı, hızlı prototipleme, bilgisayarlı yapısal ve hemodinamik analiz yardımı ile çeşitli sanal tamir yöntemleri ile oluşturulan modeller sonlu eleman analizleri sonrasında karşılaştırılmıştır. Seçilen aort hipopilazisi vakalarının her biri için birbirinden farklı sanal tamirler uygulanarak; kan akışı analizleri ameliyat öncesi, sonrası ve sanal tamir modellerinde karşılaştırılmıştır. Hastaya özel damar geometrisine uygun tamir yöntemi hız, kayma gerilimi ve basınç dağılımları açısından hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği analizi ile irdelenmiştir. Pulmoner arter darlığı bölümünde hastaya özel yamanın deformasyonu da hesaplamalı yapısal analiz ile değerlendirilerek elde edilen modellerde akış simülasyonları yapılmıştır. Fontan vakalarında hasta için ortalama on farklı sanal şant konfigürasyonu oluşturlarak hesaplamalı akış görelleştirmeleri ile optimum akış dağılımını veren geometrinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. VSD vakalarında segmentasyon sonrası elde edilen sanal modeller ile görüntü verisinden sağlanamayan enformasyon sağlanabilmiş ve tedavinin kateter girişimi ile ya da cerrahi olarak çözümlenmesi kararını kolaylaştıracak bulgular elde edilmiştir. Üç boyutlu modelleme, sanal tamir ve sonlu eleman analizi ile elde edilen bulguların CHD tedavisini belirleme sürecine anlamlı katkılar sağlayabildiği birbirinden farklı hastalıklarda ve farklı damarlarda örnekler ile gözlemlenmiştir. Bu tez, CHD tedavisinde planlama prosedürlerine çözüm odaklı bilgi sağlamayı, bilgisayarlı modelleme ve nümerik simülasyon teknikleriyle daha objektif, vakaya özel ve tekrarlanabilir planlama seçeneklerini somut veriler eşliğinde sunmayı amaçlamaktadır

    TBMM'deki cenaze töreninde ilk kez sloganlar atıldı:Meclis'te tarihi protesto

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 161/A-Ahmet Taner KışlalıUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Characterization of Marine Debris in Marmara Sea

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    Marine debris is a global issue. It is proper to know the characterization of marine debris for determining the applicable strategies. For that reason, this study was conducted at 10 different locations of Marmara Sea within the boundaries of Istanbul Province, which is one of the most strategic location of our country. As a result of the study, it was determined that, sea surface debris were composed of 69.66% biodegradable wastes, 26.98% recyclable wastes, 0.34% hazardous waste, 2.56% textile waste, 0.04% diaper, 0.18% non-burning materials and 0.23% burnin materials, while sea coast wastes were composed of 65.36% biodegradable waste, 27.77% recyclable waste, 0.39% hazardous waste, 6.47% textile waste and 0.02% nonburning materials

    Taurodontism and C-shaped anatomy: is there an association?

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    WOS: 000560603900001PubMed: 32803678Objectives To evaluate the relation between taurodontism and C-shaped configuration, as well as the prevalence and classification according to sex, left/right position, and arc length in the mandibular premolar and molar teeth using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods the presence of taurodontism and C-shaped configuration were evaluated using CBCT scans and classified by two independent radiologists. the sex, location in the jaw (left-right), and mandibular arc length measurements were recorded. the Chi-square test was used to determine the presence of taurodontism and C-shape configuration according to sex, left/right location, and independent-samplettests were used to assess the relation between the arc length. Results the prevalence of taurodontism was significantly higher in the female population, whereas the C-shaped configuration was more frequent in males (p 0.05). Conclusions A high correlation was revealed between taurodontism and complicated C-shape canal configurations. Practitioners should be very careful about the presence of C-shape morphology in taurodontism treatment, and various types of C-shaped morphology ranging from coronal to the apical direction