38 research outputs found

    Some Experiences with Implementation of Roundabouts in Croatia / Požega

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    Suvremena sklonost sve većoj primjeni kružnih raskrižja nije zaobiÅ”la ni Hrvatsku, odnosno Požegu, ali bilo bi zanimljivo provesti savjesniju analizu njihove prometne i ambijentalno-estetske vrijednosti. Proceduralna je praksa da građevinsko-projektnoj dokumentaciji trebaju prethoditi viÅ”edisciplinarna prometna i urbanistička istraživanja, Å”to se za slučajeve izbora kružnih raskrižja vrlo često ne provodi. Na osnovi najnovijih spoznaja u svijetu te nakon provedenih znanstvenih istraživanja na 30 lokaliteta u Zagrebu, moglo bi se procijeniti najbitnija kapacitivna i sigurnosna svojstva kružnih raskrižja u gradu Požegi i Å”ire.The modern tendency to an increasing use of roundabouts is not bypassed nor Croatia nor our Požega, but it would be interesting to spend a conscientious analysis of their traffic and ambient-aesthetic values. Procedural practice that construction-project documentation should be preceded by multidisciplinary transportation and planning researches, as in cases of choice roundabouts are often not enforced. Based on the latest discoveries in the world and the scientific research conducted at 30 sites in Zagreb, one could estimate the most important capacitive and security features of roundabouts in the town of Požega and wider

    Pathohistological Diagnosis of Adrenal Tumors: Experience of a Single Center

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    Introduction: To investigate adrenal tumors of patients operated on at the University Hospital Center Osijek from 2016 to 2019 for the purpose of examining the location and histopathological findings of the tumors and determining whether there is a difference related to that in terms of the age and sex of the subjects. Subjects and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with historical data analysis. The subjects were patients of both sexes (N=23) diagnosed with adrenal tumors (N=23) who underwent surgery at the University Hospital Center Osijek in the period from 2016 to 2019. The archive was used in the University Hospital Center Osijek. Results: Adrenal tumors were more often unilateral than bilateral. No differences were found in the localization of tumors of the right and left adrenal glands. Benign tumors were more common than malignant tumors and were the most common adenoma. Seventeen women underwent surgery and were 10 years older on average (61.6 years). There were no significant differences regarding tumor occurrence with respect to the patientsā€™ age. Benign tumors were more common in women, but the difference was not statistically significant. Regarding histopathological findings, women were more likely to have adenoma (N=10) and hyperplasia (N=4), while men had other benign tumors (N=3) and metastatic tumors (N=1). However, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: In patients who have undergone surgery for adrenal tumors, there were more unilateral tumors compared to bilateral ones, but there was no difference in tumor localization (left and right). Benign tumors were more common, the most common of which were adenomas. There were no significant differences with respect to age and sex. (Lekić I, Banović V, Marjanović K, Kovačić B, Feldi I, Bačun T. Pathohistological Diagnosis of Adrenal Tumors: Experience of a Single Center. SEEMEDJ 2020; 4(2); 108-112

    Seismic base isolation using a layer of natural stone pebbles

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    Prikazani su rezultati eksperimentalne studije efikasnosti seizmičke izolacije pomoću sloja od prirodnih kamenih oblutaka. Ispitivani su modeli krute i srednje krute zgrade. Razmatrani su slučajevi oslanjanja modela na krutu podlogu te na četiri različite podloge od oblutaka (tanka i debela podloga sa sitnom i krupnom frakcijom oblutaka). Aplicirana su četiri različita horizontalna akcelerograma i mjereni karakteristični pomaci, ubrzanja i deformacije na testiranim modelima. Sve deformacije/naprezanja modela ostala su u elastičnom području. Zaključeno je da efikasnost sloja od kamenih oblutaka ispod temelja, u odnosu na klasično rjeÅ”enje s krutom podlogom, značajno ovisi o tipu apliciranog akcelerograma i relativno malo o razmatranim debljinama sloja i frakcijama oblutaka. RjeÅ”enje se pokazalo vrlo efikasnim, uz smanjenje potresnih sila čak do oko 70 %.The results of a shake table study of the effectiveness of seismic base isolation using a layer of natural stone pebbles are presented. Models of stiff and medium-stiff buildings were tested. Case studies were conducted with the model foundation on the rigid base and on four different layers of pebbles (thin and thick layer with small and large pebbles). Four different horizontal accelerograms were applied. The characteristic displacements, accelerations and strains were measured. Strains/stresses of the tested models were in the elastic area. It was concluded that the efficiency of the stone pebbles layer under the foundation, compared to the classical solution of a foundation, strongly depends on the type of the applied excitation and depends relatively little on the layer thickness and pebbles fraction. The solution proved to be very efficient, with a reduction of earthquake forces up to about 70%


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    Cilj rada. Istražiti može li patoloÅ”ka maternična elektromiografska aktivnost (EMG aktivnost) tijekom razdoblja placentacije poremetiti taj proces, kako se poviÅ”ena EMG aktivnost odražava na pupčani, fetalni i maternični protok, te istražiti dostignutu težinu djeteta i kakve se promjene javljaju uz tokolizu ritodrinom ovisno o uspjehu ili neuspjehu liječenja. Metode. 114 trudnica s kliničkom dijagnozom prijetećeg preranog poroda podijeljeno je u 4 skupine (A, B, C, D) ovisno o elektromiografskom zapisu nakon 20. tjedna trudnoće i započetom liječenju ritodrinom. U skupini A (N=41) bile su trudnoće s EMG mirnim miometrijem, u skupini B (N=17) trudnice s patoloÅ”kom EMG aktivnoŔću koje nisu liječene, u skupini C (N=34) trudnice s patoloÅ”kom EMG aktivnoŔću unatoč liječenju i u skupini D (N=22) trudnice u kojih je patoloÅ”ka EMG aktivnost uspjeÅ”no prekinuta tokolizom ritodrinom. Protoci u fetalnoj, placentarnoj i materničnoj cirkulacijiĀ¬ mjereni su od 28. tjedna trudnoće do poroda i iskazani indeksom otpora (RI) i brzinama protoka krvi (najviÅ”om u sistoli, najnižom u dijastoli i srednjom). Rezultati. Trudnice s patoloÅ”kom električkom aktivnoŔću miometrija prije 24. tjedna koje nisu liječene ritordinom (skupina B) imale su značajno viÅ”e indekse otpora u arteriji arkuati i pupčanoj arteriji od trudnica bez patoloÅ”ke uterine aktivnosti (skupina A), trudnica koje su uspjeÅ”no liječene (skupina D) i trudnica u kojih postoji električka aktivnost, ali primaju ritordin (C). Udio pothranjene djece u istoj skupini B bio je 70%, značajno viÅ”e nego u skupinama A (7,3%) i D (9,1%). Indeks otpora u fetalnoj aorti skupine B značajno je viÅ”i nego u trudnica skupina A, C, D. Indeks otpora srednje moždane arterije do 32. tjedna jednak je za sve četiri skupine nakon čega je pad u skupini B značajno veći nego u skupinama A, C i D. U skupini B značajno je snižena sistolička, dijastolička i srednja brzina protoka krvi u pupčanoj arteriji i aorti u odnosu na ostale skupine, a značajno je i povećanje brzine u srednjoj moždanoj arteriji u odnosu na skupinu A. Zaključak. PatoloÅ”ka maternična elektromiografska aktivnost tijekom prve polovine trudnoće, remeteći placentaciju, uzrokuje poremetnje protoka kroz uteroplacentarne i fetalne krvne žile i, sekundarno, rast djeteta. UspjeÅ”na tokoliza ritodrinom normalizira parametre protoka i rast djeteta. Tokoliza ritordinom samo je jedna od mogućnosti prekidanja patoloÅ”ke EMG aktivnosti maternice te je njen uspjeh vidljiv, ali nije idealan. Promjene parametara fetalnog aortalnogĀ¬ protoka i protoka kroz srediÅ”nju moždanu arteriju djeteta tijekom tokolize ritodrinom vjerojatno nisu posljedica izravnog učinka lijeka, već njegova uspjeÅ”nog ili neuspjeÅ”nog djelovanja na miometrijsku EMG aktivnost i uterini protok.Negative factors can influence the development of the placenta during the midterm of the second trimester having negative effects on the fetal growth and development. The aim of this study was to determine possible negative influences of pathologic electromyographic uterine activity (EMG activity) during the second trimester on the process of placental development, the effects of pathologic EMG activity on the fetoplacental, fetal and uterine blood flow, fetal birthweight and the changes depending on the success or failure of ritordine therapy. Methods. 114 pregnant women were divided in four groups (A, B, C, D) according to the electromyographic findings after the 20th week of pregnancy and the ritordine treatment. Group A were pregnancies (N=41) with ellectrically quiet myometrium, group B (N=17) pregnancies with pathologic EMG activity unopposed by the therapy, group C (N=34) were pregnancies with persistent pathologic EMG activity in spite of the therapy, while group D (N=22) were pregnancies with electrically quiet myometrium during the ritodine therapy. Fetal aortal and fetal middle cerebral artery, umbilical and arcuate artery resistance indexes (RI) and blood flow velocities, were measured from the 28th week of pregnancy until the delivery. Results. Pregnant women with pathologic uterine EMG activity before the 24th week who received no treatment (B) had significantly higher values of resistance indexes in the arcuate and umbilical arteries compared to pregnant women without uterine electrical activity (group A), pregnant women who were successfully treated (group D) and those with EMG uterine activity during the ritordine therapy (group C). In total, 70% of children born in group B were growth retarded, compared to 7% in group A and 9% in group D. Resistance indexes in the fetal aorta in group B were significantly higher than in the groups A, C, and D. Group B had a significantly lower systolic, diastolic and middle blood flow velocity in aorta and umbilical artery than in the other groups, with significant velocity increment in the middle cerebral artery, compared to the group A. Conclusion.Ā¬ Pathologic uterine EMG activity predicts placental hemodynamic disorder, which, by causing abnormal placentation, leads to consequential abnormalities in fetal and fetoplacental blood flow and growth retardation. Tocolitic ritordine therapyĀ¬ is just one possibility for stopping pathological EMG uterine activity but still, it is far from perfect. It appears, however, that blood flow divergences during the therapy are not the consequences of the pharmacologic effect of the drug itself, but of the drugs tocolytic success or failure

    KirurŔko liječenje lokalno proŔirenog raka dojke

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    Surgical treatment for breast cancer has remained the primary modality for locoregional treatment, except in the case of locally advanced breast cancer. The surgical treatment is aimed at removing the tumor, achieving local control of the disease and obtaining enough tissue for pathohistological diagnosis and evaluation of breast cancer hormone receptor status. The assessment of local spread of the disease is of the utmost importance for surgical decision making.KirurÅ”ko liječenje raka dojke bilo je i ostalo osnovna metoda lokoregionalnog liječenje, osim u slučaju lokalno proÅ”irenog raka dojke. Cilj kirurÅ”kog liječenja je uklanjanje tumora i postizanje lokalne kontrole bolesti, te osiguravanje dovoljno tkiva za postavljanje patohistoloÅ”ke dijagnoze i određvanje hormonskog statusa tumora. Procjena lokalne proÅ”irenosti bolesti od najveće je važnosti u odabiru kirurÅ”kog postupka

    KirurŔko liječenje lokalno proŔirenog raka dojke

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    Surgical treatment for breast cancer has remained the primary modality for locoregional treatment, except in the case of locally advanced breast cancer. The surgical treatment is aimed at removing the tumor, achieving local control of the disease and obtaining enough tissue for pathohistological diagnosis and evaluation of breast cancer hormone receptor status. The assessment of local spread of the disease is of the utmost importance for surgical decision making.KirurÅ”ko liječenje raka dojke bilo je i ostalo osnovna metoda lokoregionalnog liječenje, osim u slučaju lokalno proÅ”irenog raka dojke. Cilj kirurÅ”kog liječenja je uklanjanje tumora i postizanje lokalne kontrole bolesti, te osiguravanje dovoljno tkiva za postavljanje patohistoloÅ”ke dijagnoze i određvanje hormonskog statusa tumora. Procjena lokalne proÅ”irenosti bolesti od najveće je važnosti u odabiru kirurÅ”kog postupka

    How To Measure Oscillatorā€™s Short-Term Stability Using Frequency Counter

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    In this paper a few methods of how to use frequency counter in time-domain frequency stability analysis are described. Three implemented methods are presented. As an experiment, a comparison of the realized methods in the Technical Test Center (TOC) and the ā€œreferencesā€ obtained in the Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals (DMDM) in Belgrade are accomplished. The measurement uncertainty estimation for time interval measurement with one frequency counter is presented as well

    Varijacija profila citokina u gingivalnoj zglobnoj tečnosti između različitih grupa parodontalno zdravih zuba

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    Profiling of biomarkers of physiological process represents an integrative part in optimisation of diagnostic markers in order to adjust the diagnostic ranges to the potential effects of the local factors such occlusal forces in case of periodontal tissues. The objective of this study was estimation of IL-1Ī², IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL- 6, IL-9, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17, IL-22, TNFĪ± and IFNĪ³ concentrations in gingival crevicular fluid samples (GCF) between different groups of teeth. Two hundred fifty-nine systemically healthy non-smokers having at least one vital tooth without restorations, with healthy periodontal tissues, were clinically examined and the GCF sample was retrieved. The cytokine levels were estimated using flow cytometry and compared between central incisors (CI), lateral incisors, canines, first premolars, second premolars, first molars and second molars. Cytokine profiles varied between different groups of teeth with tendency of increase in proinflammatory cytokines from anterior teeth toward molars. Molars might be considered teeth with natural predisposition for faster bone resorption while the adjustment of diagnostic range of periodontal biomarkers for anterior or posterior teeth should be considered within diagnostic context. Cytokine profiles varied between different groups of teeth with tendency of increase in proinflammatory cytokines from anterior teeth toward molars. Molars might be considered teeth with natural predisposition for faster bone resorption while the adjustment of diagnostic range of periodontal biomarkers for anterior or posterior teeth should be considered within diagnostic context.Profilisanje biomarkera fizioloÅ”kog procesa predstavlja integrativni deo optimalizacije dijagnostičkih markera, kako bi se dijagnostički rasponi prilagodili potencijalnim uticajima lokalnih faktora poput okluzijskih sila u slučaju parodontalnih tkiva. Cilj ove studije bila je procena koncentracija IL-1b, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17, IL- 22, TNFĪ± i IFNĪ³ u uzorcima gingivalne tečnosti (GT) kod različitih grupa zuba. Klinički je pregledano dvesta pedeset devet sistemski zdravih nepuÅ”ača sa najmanje jednim vitalnim zubom bez restauracija, sa zdravim parodontalnim tkivima, i uzet je GT uzorak. Nivoi citokina procenjeni su protočnom citometrijom i upoređeni između centralnih sekutića (CS), bočnih sekutića, očnjaka, prvih i drugih premolara, kao i prvih i drugih kutnjaka. Profil citokina varirao je između različitih grupa zuba sa tendencijom povećanja pro-upalnih citokina od prednjih zuba do kutnjaka. Molari se mogu smatrati zubima sa prirodnom predispozicijom za bržu resorpciju kosti, dok bi podeÅ”avanje dijagnostičkog raspona parodontalnih biomarkera za prednje ili zadnje zube trebalo razmotriti unutar dijagnostičkog konteksta