37 research outputs found

    Development and Application of Efficient Methods for the Computation of Electronic Spectra of Large Systems

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    In this thesis, an efficient procedure to compute electronic excitation spectra of molecular systems is presented, focusing particularly on the computation of electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectra. ECD spectroscopy is commonly used to distinguish between the two enantiomers of a chiral compound. Due to a strong sensitivity to the three-dimensional structure, reliable simulation of ECD spectra of solvated molecules by quantum chemical methods requires the knowledge of the relevant conformers along with the corresponding ECD signals (i.e., the individual transition intensities and energies) and Boltzmann populations. The latter point can be addressed by an established thermochemical protocol. It combines electronic energies computed in gas phase by dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT-D) with nuclear ro-vibrational and solvation contributions to yield the free energies in solution. This model is applied to study the association of two intermolecular frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs). Though this case study does not aim at computing an ECD spectrum, it provides insight on whether such a scheme could also be suited to rank conformers in solution. Comparison to high-level reference methods and partially available experimental data suggests that the largest uncertainty can be attributed to the implicit solvation model. The errors for different dimer arrangements, however, appear to be within the order of 1 kcal mol-1, which is encouraging for the pursued computation of conformer free energies. In combination with a quadruple-ζ basis set, hybrid DFT-D methods like the PW6B95-D3 are almost converged with respect to a complete basis and provide satisfactory results for the electronic energy contribution. Hence, they are recommended choices for the final electronic structure level to rank different conformers in routine calculations. The major part of this thesis deals with the development and application of cost-efficient excited state methods. The current state-of-the-art to compute ECD spectra for systems with roughly 100 atoms is the time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) approach. Based on the latter, the simplified TD-DFT (sTD-DFT) method is developed. The excited state treatment is accelerated by at least three orders of magnitude, resulting from semiempirically approximated two-electron integrals and a significant reduction of the involved matrix dimensions. The introduced approximations are in line with the ones in the previously presented simplified Tamm-Dancoff approximated TD-DFT (sTDA-DFT). It is shown that the sTD-DFT and the sTDA-DFT approaches provide roughly the same accuracy for vertical excitation energies, as well as absorption and ECD spectra, as their parental schemes, i.e., TD-DFT and Tamm-Dancoff approximated TD-DFT (TDA-DFT), respectively. Thus, sTD-DFT is an efficient approach that is suitable for the computation of ECD spectra. Furthermore, sTD-DFT calculations conducted on "snapshots" from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations offer an appealing way to effectively incorporate vibronic effects without a quantum mechanical (QM) treatment of the nuclei. Such a treatment is exemplified for [16]helicene (102 atoms) and a di-substituted derivative (164 atoms). While the feasibility of applying sTDA-DFT to very large systems is demonstrated for two palladium(II) metallosupramolecular spheres (822 and 1644 atoms, respectively), it is also shown that this method produces ECD spectra of incorrect sign in the origin-independent dipole velocity formalism for extended π-systems. This behavior is due to the Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA) and, therefore, it is also present in TDA-DFT and the related configuration interaction singles (CIS) approach. Based on the insights obtained from this study, the A+B/2 correction is developed, which corrects the (simplified) TDA eigenvectors affording origin-independent dipole velocity ECD spectra of roughly (s)TD-DFT quality, while retaining the lower computational cost of the (s)TDA excited state treatment. Combination with a newly developed, purpose-specific extended tight-binding procedure for the ground state yields the ultra-fast sTDA-xTB approach. Due to different adjustments of the atomic orbital basis and the tight-binding Hamiltonian, the method is on a par with TDA-PBE0/def2-SV(P) for vertical excitation energies. The entire computation of an ECD spectrum ( The last part of this thesis reports on another purpose-specific extended tight-binding scheme, GFN-xTB, which provides molecular geometries, harmonic vibrational frequencies, and non-covalent interaction energies with comparable or better accuracy than existing semiempirical methods. Since parameters are available for all elements with Z ≀ 86, the method offers great potential to sample the conformational space of almost arbitrary molecules with up to a few hundred atoms. In combination with the ultra-fast sTDA-xTB approach, ECD spectra can be computed in an almost "black box" manner, e.g., by computing spectra on MD snapshots. Together with the established thermochemistry protocol mentioned above, the newly developed architecture sets the stage for a fully automatic multi-level ECD procedure to be developed in the near future.Diese Dissertation stellt einen effizienten Ansatz zur Berechnung von elektronischen Anregungsspektren molekularer Systeme vor, wobei der besondere Fokus auf der Berechnung von elektronischen Circulardichroismus-(ECD-)Spektren liegt. Die ECD-Spektroskopie wird typischerweise verwendet, um zwischen den beiden Enantiomeren einer chiralen Verbindung zu unterscheiden. Aufgrund der hohen SensibilitĂ€t fĂŒr die rĂ€umliche Struktur des MolekĂŒls wird zur zuverlĂ€ssigen Simulation von ECD-Spektren die Kenntnis der relevanten Konformere inklusive ihrer Boltzmann-Populationen und der jeweiligen ECD-Signale (d.h. deren energetische Lage und IntensitĂ€ten) benötigt. Die Populationen können mithilfe eines literaturbekannten Thermochemieprotokolls unter Verwendung der dispersionskorrigierten Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT-D) nĂ€herungsweise berechnet werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dieses Modell verwendet, um die Komplexbildung von zwei intermolekularen frustrierten Lewispaaren (FLPs) zu untersuchen. Obwohl diese Fallstudie keine Berechnung eines ECD-Spektrums zum Ziel hat, geben die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse durchaus Aufschluss darĂŒber, ob sich der gewĂ€hlte Ansatz auch dazu eignet, die Populationen verschiedener Konformere zu bestimmen. Der Vergleich mit hochwertigen Vergleichsrechnungen auf der einen und mit zum Teil verfĂŒgbaren experimentellen Daten auf der anderen Seite legt nahe, dass der grĂ¶ĂŸte Unsicherheitsfaktor in den SolvatationsbeitrĂ€gen vorliegt, welche mithilfe eines impliziten Lösungsmittelmodells bestimmt werden. Allerdings liegen deren geschĂ€tzte Fehler fĂŒr unterschiedliche rĂ€umliche Anordnungen des Komplexes, d.h. bei einer gleichbleibenden SystemgrĂ¶ĂŸe von ca. 50-100 Atomen, lediglich bei etwa 1 kcal mol-1. FĂŒr die Berechnung von freien konformellen Enthalpien ist mit Ă€hnlich großen Fehlern zu rechnen. Kombiniert mit Quadruple-ζ-BasissĂ€tzen weisen Hybrid-DFT-Methoden bereits nahezu konvergierte elektronische Energien auf und können bei gleichzeitiger Verwendung einer Dispersionskorrektur relativ genaue GasphasenenergiebeitrĂ€ge (so z.B. PW6B95-D3) zu den freien Enthalpien in Lösung beitragen. Der Großteil dieser Dissertation beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und Anwendung von kosteneffizienten Methoden zur Berechnung angeregter ZustĂ€nde. Die gegenwĂ€rtig am hĂ€ufigsten verwendete Methode zur Berechnung von ECD-Spektren ist die zeitabhĂ€ngige Dichtefunktionaltheorie (TD-DFT). Von dieser ausgehend wird die vereinfachte TD-DFT Methode (sTD-DFT) entwickelt. Aufgrund der semiempirischen NĂ€herung der Zweielektronenintegrale und der deutlichen Reduzierung der relevanten Matrixdimensionen wird die Berechnung der angeregten ZustĂ€nde um mindestens drei GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnungen beschleunigt. Diese NĂ€herungen sind konsistent zu jenen, die bereits in dem vereinfachten Tamm-Dancoff-genĂ€herten TD-DFT (sTDA-DFT) Ansatz eigefĂŒhrt wurden. Im Vergleich zu den Ausgangsmethoden, also TD-DFT und seiner Tamm-Dancoff-NĂ€herung (TDA-DFT), ist weder eine signifikante BeeintrĂ€chtigung der senkrechten Anregungsenergien noch eine Verschlechterung der Absorptions- und ECD-IntensitĂ€ten bemerkbar. Insbesondere die sTD-DFT Methode eignet sich zur effizienten und zuverlĂ€ssigen Berechnung von ECD-Spektren. Die Effizienz der sTD-DFT Methode ermöglicht unter anderem die Berechnung von Spektren auf Nichtminimumsstrukturen, die aus einer Molekulardynamik-(MD)-Simulation stammen. Somit können vibronische Effekte nĂ€herungsweise erfasst werden, ohne dass ein quantenmechanischer (QM) Ansatz fĂŒr die Kerne verwendet werden muss. Exemplarisch wird dieses Verfahren fĂŒr das [16]Helicen (102 Atome) und einem disubstituierten Derivat (164 Atome) angewandt. Die Anwendbarkeit der sTDA-DFT Methode auf sehr große Systeme wird am Beispiel von zwei Palladium(II)-metallosupramolekularen Komplexen (822 und 1644 Atome) verdeutlicht, doch zeigt eine weitere Studie, dass Tamm-Dancoff-genĂ€herte (TDA) Methoden fĂŒr die ECD Spektren von ausgedehnten, delokalisierten π-Systemen im Impulsformalismus das falsche Vorzeichen liefern. Gleiches gilt fĂŒr den verwandten Konfigurationswechselwirkungs-Ansatz mit Einfachanregungen (CIS). Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen dieser Studie ist es gelungen, die sogenannte A+B/2-NĂ€herung zu entwickeln, welche die entsprechenden Fehler in den TDA Eigenvektoren behebt, ohne die Kosten der Methode sichtlich zu erhöhen. Durch die Kombination des so korrigierten vereinfachten TDA-Ansatzes mit einer speziell optimierten semiempirischen Tight-Binding-Methode fĂŒr den Grundzustand wird die Ă€ußerst schnelle sTDA-xTB-Methode erhalten. Aufgrund verschiedener Modifikationen der Atomorbitalbasis und des Tight-Binding-Potentials erreicht diese Methode eine Ă€hnliche Genauigkeit fĂŒr senkrechte Anregungsenergien wie z.B. eine DFT-basierende Rechnung auf TDA-PBE0/def2-SV(P) Niveau. Die beachtliche Effizienz der Methode wird im Vergleich zum bereits effizienten sTD-BHLYP/def2-SV(P) Ansatz fĂŒr das [16]Helicen (alle Anregungen bis 9 eV) deutlich: WĂ€hrend letzterer Ansatz etwas mehr als eine Stunde Rechenzeit benötigt, ist das ECD-Spektrum mit sTDA-xTB bereits nach 10 s verfĂŒgbar. Da die Parametrisierung nahezu das gesamte Periodensystem abdeckt, werden Standardrechnungen von Spektren großer Systeme (mit ca. 1000 Atomen) ermöglicht, selbst wenn mehrere Konformere berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wird eine weitere spezialisierte Tight-Binding-Methode vorgestellt (GFN-xTB), die wiederum auf die Berechnung von Geometrien, harmonischen Frequenzen und nichtkovalenten Wechselwirkungen ausgelegt ist und hierfĂŒr bessere Ergebnisse liefert als vergleichbare semiempirische Methoden. Die VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Parametern fĂŒr alle Elemente mit Z ≀ 86 ermöglicht das Absuchen des konformellen Raums fĂŒr unterschiedliche Systeme mit wenigen hundert Atomen. Zusammen mit sTDA-xTB sind in kĂŒrzester Zeit Berechnungen von Sprektren z.B. entlang von MD-Trajektorien möglich. Vereint mit den bereits existierenden Thermochemieprotokollen sind somit die ersten Voraussetzungen fĂŒr eine völlig automatische Prozedur zur Berechnung von ECD-Spektren geschaffen worden

    Free electrons and ionic liquids: study of excited states by means of electron-energy loss spectroscopy and the density functional theory multireference configuration interaction method

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    The technique of low energy (0–30 eV) electron impact spectroscopy, originally developed for gas phase molecules, is applied to room temperature ionic liquids (IL). Electron energy loss (EEL) spectra recorded near threshold, by collecting 0–2 eV electrons, are largely continuous, assigned to excitation of a quasi-continuum of high overtones and combination vibrations of low-frequency modes. EEL spectra recorded by collecting 10 eV electrons show predominantly discrete vibrational and electronic bands. The vibrational energy-loss spectra correspond well to IR spectra except for a broadening ([similar]0.04 eV) caused by the liquid surroundings, and enhanced overtone activity indicating a contribution from resonant excitation mechanism. The spectra of four representative ILs were recorded in the energy range of electronic excitations and compared to density functional theory multireference configuration interaction (DFT/MRCI) calculations, with good agreement. The spectra up to about 8 eV are dominated by π–π* transitions of the aromatic cations. The lowest bands were identified as triplet states. The spectral region 2–8 eV was empty in the case of a cation without π orbitals. The EEL spectrum of a saturated solution of methylene green in an IL band showed the methylene green EEL band at 2 eV, indicating that ILs may be used as a host to study nonvolatile compounds by this technique in the future

    Diaryltriazolium Photoswitch: Reaching a Millisecond Cycloreversion with High Stability and NIR Absorption

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    The exceptional thermal stability of diarylethene closed isomers enabled many applications but also prevented utilization in photochromic systems that require rapid thermal reversibility. Herein, we report the diaryltriazolium (DAT+) photoswitch undergoing thermal cycloreversion within a few milliseconds and absorption of the closed form in the near-infrared region above 900 nm. Click chemistry followed by alkylation offers modular and fast access to the electron-deficient DAT+ scaffold. In addition to excellent fatigue resistance, the introduced charge increases water solubility, rendering this photoswitch an ideal candidate for exploring biological applications.Peer Reviewe

    IOP roadmap : semiempirical methods

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    Semiempirical electronic structure methods reduce the cost of solving the many-body Schršodinger equation by simple models and approximate solutions and mitigate the resulting errors with parameters fitted to reference data, either from experiments or higher levels of theory. Typically, they use a minimal atomic orbital basis set, parameterized multi-center integral approximations, and mean-field calculations based on Hartree-Fock (HF) theory or density-functional theory (DFT). The semiempirical Hšuckel method for π electrons was proposed only a year after HF theory in 1931, and it inspired more general models based on the zero-differential overlap (ZDO) approximation in the 1950’s. By the 1980’s, this had been further refined into the neglect of diatomic differential overlap (NDDO) approximation and developed into popular thermochemistry models such as AM1 and PM3, which are implemented in the MOPAC progra

    The Thermochemistry of London Dispersion-Driven Transition Metal Reactions: Getting the ‘Right Answer for the Right Reason’

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    Reliable thermochemical measurements and theoretical predictions for reactions involving large transition metal complexes in which long-range intramolecular London dispersion interactions contribute significantly to their stabilization are still a challenge, particularly for reactions in solution. As an illustrative and chemically important example, two reactions are investigated where a large dipalladium complex is quenched by bulky phosphane ligands (triphenylphosphane and tricyclohexylphosphane). Reaction enthalpies and Gibbs free energies were measured by isotherm titration calorimetry (ITC) and theoretically ‘back-corrected’ to yield 0 K gas-phase reaction energies (DE). It is shown that the Gibbs free solvation energy calculated with continuum models represents the largest source of error in theoretical thermochemistry protocols. The (‘backcorrected’) experimental reaction energies were used to benchmark (dispersion-corrected) density functional and wave function theory methods. Particularly, we investigated whether the atom-pairwise D3 dispersion correction is also accurate for transition metal chemistry, and how accurately recently developed local coupled-cluster methods describe the important long-range electron correlation contributions. Both, modern dispersion-corrected density functions (e.g., PW6B95-D3(BJ) or B3LYP-NL), as well as the now possible DLPNO-CCSD(T) calculations, are within the ‘experimental’ gas phase reference value. The remaining uncertainties of 2–3 kcalmol1 can be essentially attributed to the solvation models. Hence, the future for accurate theoretical thermochemistry of large transition metal reactions in solution is very promisin

    Biomimicry designs for passive optical solutions for nanoscale radiative cooling applications

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    Inspired by the mechanism of the wings of Morpho butterfly, here we propose biomimicry designs which have the potential to be used for radiative cooling purposes. We numerically analyzed the spontaneous emission at near-field and determined radiative heat flux at nano-scale in order to investigate the impact of geometric variations and material selection in these systems. Our findings suggest that these metasurfaces which support phononic surface waves, can be used to tailor radiative heat transfer at nano-scale in the atmospheric transparency window (8-13 mu m) within the infrared regime

    MolBar: A Molecular Identifier for Inorganic and Organic Molecules with Full Support of Stereoisomerism

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    Before a new molecular structure is registered to a chemical structure database, a duplicate check is essential to ensure the integrity of the database. The Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification (SMILES) and the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) stand out as widely used molecular identifiers for these checks. Notable limitations arise when dealing with molecules from inorganic chemistry or structures characterized by non-central stereochemistry. When the stereoinformation needs to be assigned to a group of atoms, widely used identifiers cannot describe axial and planar chirality due to the atom-centered description of a molecule. To address this limitation, we introduce a novel chemical identifier called the Molecular Barcode (MolBar). Motivated by the field of theoretical chemistry, a fragment-based approach is used in addition to the conventional atomistic description. In this approach, the 3D structure of fragments are normalized using a specialized force field and characterized by physically inspired matrices derived solely from atomic positions. The resulting permutation-invariant representation is constructed from the eigenvalue spectra, providing comprehensive information on both bonding and stereochemistry. The robustness of MolBar is demonstrated through duplication and permutation invariance tests on the Molecule3D dataset of 3.9 million molecules. A Python implementation is available as open source and can be installed via pip install molbar

    GFN2-xTB - an Accurate and Broadly Parametrized Self-Consistent Tight-Binding Quantum Chemical Method with Multipole Electrostatics and Density-Dependent Dispersion Contributions

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    An extended semiempirical tight-binding model is presented, which is primarily designed for the fast calculation of structures and non-covalent interactions energies for molecular systems with roughly 1000 atoms. The essential novelty in this so-called GFN2-xTB method is the inclusion of anisotropic second order density fluctuation effects via short-range damped interactions of cumulative atomic multipole moments. Without noticeable increase in the computational demands, this results in a less empirical and overall more physically sound method, which does not require any classical halogen or hydrogen bonding corrections and which relies solely on global and element-specific parameters (available up to radon, Z=86). Moreover, the atomic partial charge dependent D4 London dispersion model is incorporated self-consistently, which can be naturally obtained in a tight-binding picture from second order density fluctuations. Fully analytical and numerically precise gradients (nuclear forces) are implemented. The accuracy of the method is benchmarked for a wide variety of systems and compared with other semiempirical methods. Along with excellent performance for the “target” properties, we also find lower errors for “off-target” properties such as barrier heights and molecular dipole moments. High computational efficiency along with the improved physics compared to it precursor GFN-xTB makes this method well-suited to explore the conformational space of molecular systems. Significant improvements are futhermore observed for various benchmark sets, which are prototypical for biomolecular systems in aqueous solution.<br /