156 research outputs found

    Problems of Strategic Management Formation in Russian Agrarian Sector

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    The rapid changes in Russian agriculture during the last fifteen years require development of particular strategies for efficient farm management. The West-European approaches of strategic management and planning decisions are not directly applicable in the Russian agricultural economy; Russian large and medium-sized agricultural enterprises act on different organisational principles, due to the specific peculiarities of their business mentality. The objective of the research is to adopt modern strategic management concepts to the peculiarities of Russian agriculture and to work out proposals on formation of strategic planning system in agricultural production. To this end it is necessary to define the strategic planning features which take into account the nature of modern stage of the development of Russian economy and the specific character of agricultural production; to indicate the preconditions which promote the wide implementation of strategic planning into economic practice; to establish the features of the concept of strategic planning for agricultural enterprises and to elaborate a methodical set of instructions providing formalized character to strategic planning. Applying the methodologies of monographic research and expert interviews, we conducted the analysis of peculiarities and problems of Russian agricultural production, revealed and systematized the features of development of strategy for agricultural enterprises. Based on the results of our investigation we developed strategic development models for the agricultural enterprises of Stavropol region applying the approach of Strength /Neutral / Weakness (SNW) analysis of the methodology of comparative advantage. The usefulness and empirical value of the developed models have been approved on the example of “LUCH” agricultural enterprise, which is the first in the region according to effectiveness indicators and the fourth according to its relative size.Farm Management,

    Особенности формирования профессионального этоса будущих инженеров

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    Modern engineering professionalism involves not only the development of the scientific foundations of engineering design, but also the awareness of the goals, meanings and objectives of engineering. The article is devoted to the study of issues of professional socialization of technical students (future engineers). The empirical basis of the study was the results of a mass survey of students as a part of the seventh stage of sociological monitoring of Ural students (bachelors in engineering educational programs). The influence of contradictions in the development of modern engineering on the processes of forming a professional ethos for future holders of engineering diplomas is substantiated. It has been established that in the structure about a future profession of students of a technical profile, the significance of factors of free creativity is constantly decreasing. Analysis of changes in students' professional plans revealed an increase in the dominant trend of a decrease in the number of students planning to work in their specialty after graduation.La profesionalidad de la ingeniería moderna implica no solo el desarrollo de los fundamentos científicos de su diseño, sino también el conocimiento de sus metas, significados y objetivos. Este artículo está dedicado al estudio de temas de socialización profesional de estudiantes técnicos (futuros ingenieros). La base empírica del estudio son los resultados de una encuesta realizada a estudiantes como parte de la séptima etapa de monitoreo sociológico de alumnos del Distrito Federal del Ural (licenciados en programas educativos de ingeniería). Los resultados confirman la influencia de las contradicciones en el desarrollo de la ingeniería moderna en los procesos de formación de un espíritu profesional para los futuros titulares de diplomas de ingeniería. Se ha establecido que en la estructura sobre una futura profesión de estudiantes de perfil técnico, la importancia de los factores de la creatividad libre está disminuyendo constantemente. El análisis de los cambios en los planes profesionales de los estudiantes reveló una acentuación en la disminución del número de estudiantes que planean trabajar en su especialidad después de graduarse.Современный инженерный профессионализм предполагает не только освоение научных основ проектирования техники, но и осознание целей, смыслов и задач инженерии. Статья посвящена исследованию вопросов профессиональной социализации студентов технического профиля подготовки, будущих инженеров. Эмпирической основой исследования выступили результаты массового опроса студентов в рамках седьмого этапа социологического мониторинга уральских студентов – бакалавров инженерных образовательных программ. Обосновано влияние противоречий в развитии современной инженерии на процессы формирования профессионального этоса будущих обладателей инженерных дипломов. Установлено, что в структуре представлений студентов технического профиля подготовки о будущей профессии постоянно уменьшается значение факторов свободного творчества. Анализ изменения профессиональных планов студентов выявил нарастание доминирующей тенденции снижения числа студентов, планирующих работу по специальности после окончания обучения

    A woman in the man’s culture of engineering education

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    The study is aimed at identifying barriers to the research career of women in the academic environment of a technical university. The authors present the results of their study of the women’s status in the academic community. The study is based on a quantitative (questionnaire survey) and qualitative (biographical interviews) analysis of the opinions of students and teachers of STEM disciplines of a technical university about the features and problems of women’s professional careers. It is established that women of the same university evaluate the presence and degree of influence of barriers to the research careers differently. In some cases, women assessing their professional status note that they do not feel professional discrimination on the basis of gender. In general, the analysis revealed that women who received a STEM education use a strategy of avoiding a research career and choosing alternative career options: either outside the academic environment, or by transitioning to teaching as a way to circumvent gender barriers in grant and publication activities. © 2019 Moscow Polytechnic University. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBRRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 19-011-00252in the framework of the project «Comparative analysis of social effects and the impact of institutional conditions on the professional training of engineering specialists», implemented with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research – RFBR (grant № 19-011-00252)

    State stimulation of development of small entrepreneurship in developing countries

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    Purpose – This article offers a hypothesis that small business cannot activate in developing countries without state stimulation, as distortion of market mechanism does not allow creating necessary competitive environment and eliminating incoming barriers. The purpose of the article is to verify this hypothesis, determine perspective, and develop recommendations for state stimulation of development of small entrepreneurship in developing countries. Design/methodology/approach – As methods of conduct of scientific research, this work uses the method of systemic, problem, comparative, and structural & functional analysis, as well as method of modeling and formalization. Findings – The authors determine specifics and role of small entrepreneurship in developing countries. The work views practice of state regulation of development of small entrepreneurship in developing countries, which allowed determining positive and negative aspects of such management and barriers for development of small business. Originality/value – The largest scientific novelty and value belongs to the developed proprietary model and recommendations for stimulation of development of small entrepreneurship in developing countries.peer-reviewe

    System to raise professional engineering staff according to experts

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    The organization of system of improvement of professional skill on a number of large industrial enterprises of the region in the estimates of engineers. Designated priority measures for improving the quality of training of engineering professionals. The assumption is made that identified in the expert survey problem areas in the content of training programs can be promising areas of training of elite engineersРассматривается организация системы повышения профессионального мастерства на крупных промышленных предприятиях области в оценках инженеров-практиков. Обозначены первоочередные меры, обеспечивающие повышение качества подготовки инженерных специалистов. Сделано предположение о том, что выявленные в ходе экспертного опроса проблемные зоны в содержании программ подготовки могут стать перспективными направлениями подготовки элитных инженерных кадро

    Institutional aspects of STEM-directions master training: from models to reality

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    В статье рассматриваются проблемы и перспективы магистерской подготовки инженерных кадров в Уральском федеральном университете. Исследуются целевые модели, значимость ключевых компетенций и индивидуальные профессиональные траектории магистров STEM-направления.The article examines the problems and prospects of master training of engineering personnel in the Ural Federal University. Researched the target model, the importance of key competencies and individual professional trajectory of STEM-direction Masters.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ-Урал в рамках проекта №13-06-96013 «Формирование современной технической элиты в условиях модернизации экономики Свердловской области: проектирование модели непрерывного инженерного образования»

    Innovative resource modern engineer

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    В статье исследуется одна из значимых проблем для формирования технической элиты — развитие инновационной активности инженерно-технических специалистов. В качестве эмпирического материала использованы материалы экспертного опроса инженеров-практиков (N=240) трех региональных промышленных предприятий (лето 2013 года). В опросе приняли участие как организаторы производства (линейные и функциональные руководители), так и специалисты (инженер-сметчик, инженер-конструктор, инженер-технолог и пр.).This article examines one of the most important problems for the formation of a technical elite — the development of innovative activity of engineering professionals. As the empirical material used materials expert survey practicing engineers (N = 240), three regional industrial enterprises (summer of 2013 year). The survey involved as organizers of production (linear and functional managers) and specialists (engineer quantity surveyor, engineer-designer, engineer, etc.).Статья подготовлена в рамках проекта « Новые модели инженерного образования как фактор воспроизводства технической элиты индустриального региона» № 13-06-00610, поддержанного РФФ

    KiDS0239-3211: A new gravitational quadruple lens candidate

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    We report the discovery of a candidate to quadrupole gravitationally lensed system KiDS0239-3211 based on the public data release 3 of the KiDS survey and machine learning techniques

    Socio-professional choice of youth: the reality and challenges

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    The article indicated by the problems and contradictions of implementing social and professional choices of young people. The analysis of the existing practices of regional programs of vocational guidance work with young students. The urgency to develop a new ideology and methods of implementation of activities for professional orientation of youth.В статье обозначены проблемы и противоречия реализации социально-профессиональных выборов молодёжи. Проводится анализ существующих практик, областных программ профориентационной работы с учащейся молодёжью. Обоснована актуальность разработки новой идеологии и методов реализации деятельности по профессиональной ориентации молодежи