1,456 research outputs found

    Deceleration in World Economic Growth and Industrial Development in the Third World

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    SUMMARY UNCTAD's work in the area of manufactures has been guided by the idea that manufacturing is the engine of autonomous growth and development. Until recently industrialisation proceeded apace in the Third World. But many countries have built up a highly import?dependent industrial structure and have fared badly in the downturn in the world economy since the late 1970s. UNCTAD needs to shift the balance away from the expansion of industrial capacity per se towards the creation of industrial structures with a lower propensity to import. RESUMEN DesaceleraciĂłn en el crecimiento econĂłmico mundial y en el desarrollo industrial del Tercer Mundo El trabajo de la UNCTAD en el campo de los productos manufacturados se ha guiado hasta el momento por la idĂ©a de que los productos manufacturados actĂșan como motor para un crecimiento y desarrollo autĂłnomos, Hasta hace poco la industrializaciĂłn en el Tercer Mundo se movĂ­a a marcha forzada. Pero muchos paĂ­ses formaron una estructura industrial basada en la importaciĂłn y salieron perdiendo al bajar la economĂ­a mundial en los años 70. La UNCTAD necesita cambiar el Ă©nfasis en la expansiĂłn de la capacidad industrial para llegar a la creaciĂłn de estructuras mundiales menos propensas a la importaciĂłn. RESUMES Ralentissement de la croissance Ă©conomique mondiale et du dĂ©veloppement industriel dans le Tiers Monde Les travaux de CNUCED dans le domaine de l'industrie ont Ă©tĂ© guidĂ©s par l'idĂ©e que l'industrialisation est le moteur de la croissance et du dĂ©veloppement autonomes. Jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent l'industrialisation se dĂ©veloppait rapidement dans le Tiers Monde. Mais plusieurs pays ont Ă©tabli une structure industrielle grandement dĂ©pendantes de l'importation et ont beaucoup perdu dans le retournement de l'Ă©conomie mondiale Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 70. CNUCED doit dĂ©placer l'Ă©quilibre au?delĂ  de l'expansion industrielle en elle — mĂȘme vers la crĂ©ation de structures industrielles avec une dĂ©pendance moindre sur l'importation

    Performance of Credit Risk Management in Indian Commercial Banks

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    ABSTRACT: For banks and financial institutions, credit risk had been an essential factor that needed to be managed well. Credit risk was the possibility that a borrower of counter party would fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms. Credit risk; therefore arise from the bank's dealings with or lending to corporate, individuals, and other banks or financial institutions. Credit risk had been the oldest and biggest risk that bank, by virtue of its very nature of business, inherited.Currently in India there were many banks in operation. From these some public sector banks are namely State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Bank of India, Indian Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, Syndicate Bank, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Allahabad Bank, UCO Bank, Vijaya Bank and private sector banks are Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, IndusInd Bank, ING Vysya Bank, Dhanlaxmi Bank, HDFC Bank, YES Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Karnataka Bank, ABN Amro Bank, Federal Bank, Laxmi Vilas Bank were selected to examine the impact level of credit risk management towards the profitability of Indian commercial banks. To examine its impact level the researcher had used multiple regression models by taking 11 years return on asset (ROA), non performing asset (NPA) and capital adequacy ratio (CAR) from each bank. The researcher had collected data from RBI annual report since 2003 to 2013 for regression purpose

    Tackling Child Undernutrition in India: Governance Challenges Need More Attention

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    This article puts a governance lens on India's current approach to tackling undernutrition through DFID's governance framework of state capability, accountability and responsiveness. State capability is analysed in terms of strength of political leadership to tackle undernutrition and to mobilise cross government actions. Accountability for results is assessed in the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) – India's foremost programme for children under six years of age with nutrition and health as one of the programme components. Finally, state responsiveness is assessed especially with respect to the Right?to?Food (RTF) campaign that has taken a legal route to advocacy by successfully petitioning the Supreme Court (SC) that has directed the Government of India (GoI) to improve the functioning of ICDS – with a special focus on the disadvantaged sections of the population

    India as a global security actor

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    Thanks to sustained economic growth and key investments in military capabilities, India will face growing demands from within and the international community to seek and play a greater role in global security affairs. The values and interests likely to guide India’s future behavior will be a mixture of old and new, eastern and western. India’s international aspirations have an important pre-history, covered in this chapter’s first section where non-alignment, as idea and practice, is explored for its enduring significance. India’s relevance as a security actor is assessed in terms of its activities and capacity to influence developments within two security zones of major contemporary importance: Afghanistan and the Indian Ocean. Finally, a section on the constraints and challenges examines India’s ability to navigate a multi-polar world, the fallout and gains of nuclearization, the 2008 Indo-US nuclear deal, as well as ‘the weaknesses from within’ in terms of human security

    Tracking official development assistance for reproductive health in conflict-affected countries: 2002-2011.

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    OBJECTIVE: To provide information on trends on official development assistance (ODA) disbursement patterns for reproductive health activities in 18 conflict-affected countries. DESIGN: Secondary data analysis. SAMPLE: 18 conflict-affected countries and 36 non-conflict-affected countries. METHODS: The Creditor Reporting System (CRS) database was analyzed for ODA disbursement for direct and indirect reproductive health activities to 18 conflict-affected countries (2002-2011). A comparative analysis was also made with 36 non-conflict-affected counties in the same 'least-developed' income category. Multivariate regression analyses examined associations between conflict status and reproductive health ODA and between reproductive needs and ODA disbursements. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Patterns of ODA disbursements (constant U.S. dollars) for reproductive health activities. RESULTS: The average annual ODA disbursed for reproductive health to 18 conflict-affected countries from 2002 to 2011 was US$ 1.93 per person per year. There was an increase of 298% in ODA for reproductive health activities to the conflict-affected countries between 2002 and 2011; 56% of this increase was due to increases in HIV/AIDS funding. The average annual per capita reproductive health ODA disbursed to least-developed non-conflict-affected countries was 57% higher than to least-developed conflict-affected countries. Regression analyses confirmed disparities in ODA to and between conflict-affected countries. CONCLUSIONS: Despite increases in ODA for reproductive health for conflict-affected countries (albeit largely for HIV/AIDS activities), considerable disparities remains. TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: Study tracking 10 years of aid for reproductive aid shows major disparities for conflict-affected countries
