15 research outputs found

    The Syndicate Pattern Of The Human Trafficking From The Criminological Perspective In Indonesia

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    The crime of human trafficking is a transnational crime and become a global concern for countries in all around the world. Indonesia has Law No. 21 Of 2007 concerning Detention of Persons Trafficking Offenders. The purpose of this researchis to find out criminological point of view of human trafficking. The research uses normative methods with doctrine and statutory approaches. The results of the research show that the problem of human trafficking does not only affect one institution, but must involve all community actors, namely. state agencies, non-governmental organizations, municipal organizations joining the state-enhanced partnership, decrees and ministerial decrees together to solve human trafficking problems

    The Urgency of War Crimes Regulation in Indonesian Criminal Law

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    Indonesia has Law Number 26 of 2000 concerning the Human Rights Court or the Law on Human Rights Courts, similar to the Rome Statute. However, this law does not regulate war crimes, while the Rome Statute specifically regulates war crimes. Meanwhile, the perpetrators of war crimes must be tried at any time because those crimes do not know the expiration date. Meanwhile, the perpetrators of war crimes must be tried at any time because those crimes do not know the expiration date. It is the background of this research that the problem will be discussed: How are war crimes provisions in humanitarian law and international criminal law? Why do war crimes need to be regulated in Indonesian criminal law? This type of research is normative juridical research with a statute approach through qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study show that the regulation of war crimes is governed by humanitarian law and international criminal law. In humanitarian law, war crimes are regulated in the 1907 Hague Convention, the 1949 Geneva Convention, The Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency 1974, and Additional Protocol II Geneva Convention 1977. Meanwhile, international criminal law regulates the responsibility of war crime perpetrators in the IMT Charter 1945, IMTFE Charter 1946, the 1993 ICTY Statute, the 1994 ICTR Statute, and the 1998 Rome Statute. The urgency of regulating war crimes in Indonesian law is due to four aspects: 1) Indonesia has ratified the 1949 Geneva Convention. 2) No regulations in Indonesia regulate war crimes, even in the 2023 Criminal Code. 3) Indonesia is part of the international community. 4) Law enforcement armed conflict cases in Indonesia is unresolved

    Enhancing Restorative Justice in Indonesia: Exploring Diversion Implementation for Effective Juvenile Delinquency Settlement

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    Indonesia’s juvenile delinquency is rapidly increasing in a high number every year. At the same time, restorative justice’s implementation through the diversion mechanism is ineffective. This circumstance indicates that efforts to enhance juvenile delinquency settlement are essential. Hence, this research elaborates on diversion challenges in settling cases involving juveniles in Indonesia. Moreover, it will analyse efforts to optimise diversion implementation in strengthening restorative justice in settling juvenile cases in Indonesia. This is normative research that uses a statutory approach and is described qualitatively. The research illustrates numerous obstacles in applying diversion during juvenile delinquency resolution in Indonesia. Amongst the difficulties are legal factors; law enforcer factors; factors of means or supporting facilities; societal factors, and cultural factors. These challenges incline the necessity to improve diversion applications in Indonesia’s juvenile delinquency. The effectiveness of diversion will contribute positively to the restorative justice system in Indonesia. Furthermore, optimising diversion is possible through reformulating regulation and prioritising prevention efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency from reaching litigation settlement

    The Role of Prosecutors in The Effort For Assets Recovery From Corruption Crimes

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    Corruption is an extraordinary crime because the impact of corruption harms the financial condition of a country; corruption is also alleged to violate the social and economic rights of the community or citizens in the country. Since corruption criminal is included as a extraordinary crime, an extraordinary method must be applied to eradicate corruption. For this reason, also steps are needed to provide a deterrent effect to perpetrators of corruption. Punishment of corruption perpetrators is expected to provide a deterrent effect. One of that steps is to return the state losses caused by corruption perpetrators, as well as being one of the anticipatory steps so that later, people will not dare to commit corruption. This research was made to answer how to recover assets from corruption and determine the prosecutor's office's role in recovering assets from corruption crimes. In this research, the author uses a normative legal research method that conducts an inventory of applicable laws and regulations. The results of research regarding efforts to recover assets can be carried out through criminal and civil legal remedies. Furthermore, the role of the Prosecutor's Office as a law enforcement officer in charge of law enforcement regarding assets recovery through criminal acts recognizes two mechanisms or procedures for recovery assets, the first mechanism or procedure is the seizure of assets without punishment, and the second is the mechanism or procedure for voluntary asset return. The steps that can be carried out in asset recovery are divided into several steps, including asset tracking, blocking or freezing, foreclosure, confiscation, and return

    Insult in National Criminal Law and Islamic Criminal Law: Sanctions Perspective and Legal Developments Review

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    Insulting still very colorful in this life. Nevertheless, honor, dignity and fame for all people must be maintained and protected, and everyone must be safe from all disturbances and all efforts to humiliate based on Islamic provisions and state law. Based on this background, the formulation of the problem that will be discussed in this study is how are the sanction provision of insult in Indonesian law? How is the development of Islamic criminal law regarding criminal acts of insult in Indonesia? The method used in this study is normative research with data sources used in this study based on primary data sources and secondary data sources. The main data source is based on the Law No. 1 of 2023 concerning Criminal Code (KUHP), while secondary data is obtained from related books or articles. Sanctions for criminal acts of insult under Indonesian law are regulated in the Law No. 1 of 2023 concerning Criminal Code, which are grouped into 8 types of actions of insulting and The Electronic Information and Transaction Law or the ITE Law. Whereas in Islamic criminal law, it is regulated in the Al-Qur'an and Hadith Sahih: Muttafaq alaih. Criminal sanctions for insult in the development of Islamic criminal law use takzir punishment or are called jarimah takzir. In the modern era like now Islamic criminal law remains a judge's consideration for criminal imposition according to the provisions of takzir punishment

    Perlindungan dan Akses Hak Pekerja Wanita di Indonesia: Telaah Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan Atas Konvensi ILO

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    Meskipun Indonesia sudah meratifikasi konvensi-konvensi International Labor Organization (ILO) yang mengatur tentang keseteraan gender, namun faktanya masih banyak berbagai pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang berkaitan dengan konvensi tersebut. Tahun 2016 yang menyebutkan bahwa buruh perempuan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia masih mengalami diskriminasi. Bentuk diskriminasi mulai dari kesenjangan hak kerja, hingga pelecehan seksual. Permasalahan yang akan dibahas oleh peneliti adalah bagaimana pelaksanaan dan perlindungan akses hak pekerja wanita berdasarkan Konvensi ILO dan UU No. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada dasarnya hak-hak pekerja wanita sebagaimana mengacu pada Konvensi ILO terdiri dari kesetaraan upah, diskriminasi dalam pekerjaan dan jabatan, perlindungan kehamilan dan pekerja dengan tanggung jawab keluarga. Hak-hak tersebut juga telah diatur dan termuat dalam hukum Indonesia yakni dalam UU No.13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Namun dalam praktiknya, masih terdapat beberapa hak pekerja wanita yang belum terpenuhi di berbagai perusahaan Indonesia, seperti hak reproduktif, hak cuti melahirkan, hak perlindungan dari kekerasan seksual serta terjadinya diskriminasi upah, jabatan, dan diskriminasi tunjangan. Sehingga dalam rangka untuk memenuhi hak-hak pekerja wanita, pemerintah Indonesia melakukan berbagai wujud nyata sebagai bentuk Implementasi dari Konvensi ILO di Indonesia.

    Perlindungan dan Akses Hak Pekerja Wanita di Indonesia: Telaah Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan Atas Konvensi ILO

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    Meskipun Indonesia sudah meratifikasi konvensi-konvensi International Labor Organization (ILO) yang mengatur tentang keseteraan gender, namun faktanya masih banyak berbagai pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang berkaitan dengan konvensi tersebut. Tahun 2016 yang menyebutkan bahwa buruh perempuan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia masih mengalami diskriminasi. Bentuk diskriminasi mulai dari kesenjangan hak kerja, hingga pelecehan seksual. Permasalahan yang akan dibahas oleh peneliti adalah bagaimana pelaksanaan dan perlindungan akses hak pekerja wanita berdasarkan Konvensi ILO dan UU No. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada dasarnya hak-hak pekerja wanita sebagaimana mengacu pada Konvensi ILO terdiri dari kesetaraan upah, diskriminasi dalam pekerjaan dan jabatan, perlindungan kehamilan dan pekerja dengan tanggung jawab keluarga. Hak-hak tersebut juga telah diatur dan termuat dalam hukum Indonesia yakni dalam UU No.13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Namun dalam praktiknya, masih terdapat beberapa hak pekerja wanita yang belum terpenuhi di berbagai perusahaan Indonesia, seperti hak reproduktif, hak cuti melahirkan, hak perlindungan dari kekerasan seksual serta terjadinya diskriminasi upah, jabatan, dan diskriminasi tunjangan. Sehingga dalam rangka untuk memenuhi hak-hak pekerja wanita, pemerintah Indonesia melakukan berbagai wujud nyata sebagai bentuk Implementasi dari Konvensi ILO di Indonesia.


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    The environment is a victim of various armed conflicts that occur in some parts of the world. Such as Congo war in 1998 that create environmental damage like deployment of the HIV-AIDS virus, the extinction of national parks, wildlife poaching and the forest burning. In addition the Rwanda civil war in 1994 affected the loss of biodiversity, natural resources and population decline in rare animals such as the African Gorillas. While the former Yugoslavia war in 1991 that impact in environmental pollution of water, air and land that threaten human survival. The environment becomes a victim when the war was happend its caused the human, but on the other side, the environment can’t be separated from human life because somehow humans need the environment to. However, when the war was happend human can’t maintaining the environment even though there have been rules that regulate about the protection of the environment when the war takes place. Therefore, its necessary to analysed an environmental protection in armed conflict according to international humanitarian law. This research is discusses about how an environmental protection in armed conflict according to international humanitarian law, which aims to explain the regulations that apply to protect the environment at the armed conflict. This research uses normative law approach (literature research). The results of this study show that environmental protection in armed conflict is regulated in the conventions of international humanitarian law both from the Hague Law and the Geneva Law. In The Hague law the environmental protection is governed by the IV Hague Convention 1907of respecting the laws and customs of war and land Art 23 (g) and Art 55. In the Geneva Law an environmental protection is contained in the IV Geneva Convention 1949 Art 53 and Additional Protocol I in 1977 Art 35 (3), 54, 55, 56, 59, and Art 68. Basically both of Geneva and Hague Law against the use of weapons during the war that have an effected in environmental damage and the existence of precautions in the war on environmental protection life. Beside the Geneva and the Hague Law there are have other arrangements to protect the environment in the event of a war that is in ENMOD Convention Art 1 and 2

    The Application of The Sustainable Development Concept In Indonesia’s Environmental Law

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    The reality of state life places the environment in sustainable development as an integral part of the national dynamics development. Moreover, Indonesia itself has issued various policies and instruments in the development of environmental law. Therefore, the development of environmental law cannot be separated from efforts to develop environmental law in accordance with international and national concepts or principles, one of which is the concept of sustainable development. However, environmental problems in Indonesia often occur, for example, forest fires, river pollution, air pollution, garbage, etc. This can raise doubts for the Indonesian people regarding the concept of sustainable development has really been applied in environmental law regulations in Indonesia so that it is necessary to examine the application of the sustainable development concept in Indonesia’s environmental law. Based on this background, the problem discussed in this paper is how the concept and application of sustainable development are in Indonesia’s environmental law? The method used in this article is normative legal research with a library law approach. The results of the study indicate that environmental law regulations in Indonesia such as: Law Number 4 of 1982 concerning Basic Provisions for Environmental Management, Law Number 23 of 1997 concerning Environmental Management, Law no. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, and Law no. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, has been in accordance with the concept of sustainable development as stated in the articles in each of these laws


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    Policies for resolving religious blasphemy in Indonesia are regulated in Law Number 1/PNPS/1965 concerning the Prevention of Blasphemy of Religion and Article 156a of the Criminal Code. Sentences are often repressive and do not fulfill the value of justice. The formulation of the problem in this article is: what is the criminal law policy in the settlement of blasphemy and what kind of settlement model is chosen to handle the case. This research method is normative legal research with a statutory approach based on primary legal materials. The research results show that the imposition of punishment is the main solution. Meanwhile, the model chosen in the resolution of defamation of freedom of expression according to the concept of restorative justice uses an integrated approach that tries to implement penal and non-penal efforts simultaneously to fulfill justice for the perpetrators of defamation, including involving the role of the community through the Religious Communication Forum (FKUB). Suggestions that need to be conveyed are that criminal law policies are still being implemented, but harsh criminal sanctions are softened by using the concept of restorative justice, bearing in mind that not every case of blasphemy deserves a harsh sentence