1,505 research outputs found

    Viabilité et vieillissement des semences d’arganier (Arganiaspinosa (L.) Skeels

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    La viabilité des semences est un facteur limitant de la production des plants d’arganier (Arganiaspinosa (L.) Skeels) en pépinière. Dans cette étude, on a comparé la viabilité des semences de trois âges (semences dedeux ans, d’un an et de l’année) conservées à la température ambiante. Des semences de six génotypes de pieds-mères différents ont été traitées au froid (4 °C) pendant un mois, scarifiées et traitées à l’acide  gibbérellique (GA3) pendant 24 heures avant leur mise en germination en présence de la lumière. La viabilité des semences a significativement diminué avec le vieillissement des semences. Ainsi, le pourcentage de germination est de 88,6 % pour les semences de l’année, de 74,7 % pour celles âgées d’un an et de 51,1 % pour celles âgées de deux ans. Le pourcentage de germination est corrélé hautement significativement avec le pourcentage de semences contaminées par les Fusarium (– 0,93) et par les Aspergillus (– 0,72). Les pourcentages de germination et de  contamination par les différents champignons sont très variables selon les génotypes des pieds-mères. Les semences de l’année conservées au froid dès leur récolte assurent une meilleure production de plants variant entre 75 % et 98,4 % selon les piedsmères.Mots-clés : âge des semences, Arganiaspinosa, Aspergillus,  contamination, Fusarium, génotypes des piedsmères, germination, Penicillium, viabilité

    Children and carer's experience and satisfaction of two local anaesthetic techniques; for treatment of carious mandibular primary molars in children

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    Background: Local anaesthesia (LA) forms the backbone of pain control techniques in dentistry and has a major role in dentistry for children. Inferior Dental Nerve Block (IDNB) has been the LA technique of choice for treatment of carious mandibular primary molars in children. However, several disadvantages have been associated with the IDNB. Buccal Infiltration (BI) with 4% Articaine have been proposed as more comfortable and pleasant alternative LA techniques to IDNB which became widely used in paediatric dentistry especially for the treatment of carious mandibular primary molars in children above the age of 4 years. Aim: To explore children and carer`s experience and satisfaction of their child’s dental treatment under LA and compare their acceptance of two LA techniques; BI with 4% Articaine and IDNB with 2% lidocaine for the treatment of mandibular carious primary molars in children under ten years of age. Method: A prospective study design was used to explore patient and carer`s acceptance of the two local anaesthetic techniques. 96 patients aged 5-9 years and their carer`s completed two questionnaires on treatment acceptance. Result: A total of 49 (50%) participants received BI with 4% Articaine and 49 (50%) had IDNB with 2% lidocaine. Two patients had IDNB but no dental treatment was performed as patients could not cope with dental treatment, thus these participants did not complete the questionnaires. The majority of the children (84.7%) and their carers (91%) were happy with their experience at the dentist including the administration of the LA (61.5% for BI and 64% for IDNB), delivery of the dental treatment (87.8% for BI and 81.6% for IDNB) and dentist management including dental teamwork (over 90%). Conclusion: Both local anaesthetic techniques; BI with 4% articaine and IDNB with 2% lignocaine were accepted among patients and carers. Dental team attitude can significantly impact the treatment outcome in children. Establishing a clear communication between the dentist, the child patient and his/her carer as well as implementing good behaviour management techniques contribute significantly to treatment acceptance among children and carers

    Seismic resilience assessment of Small Modular Reactors by a Three-loop Monte Carlo Simulation

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    We develop a three-loop Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) framework for the seismic resilience assessment of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), embedding Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA), seismic fragility evaluation and multiple SMR units accident sequence analysis. A set of metrics are computed to capture different aspects of SMR resilience to earthquakes, specifically the ability to withstand seismic disruption, mitigate consequences and restore normal operation. The MCS framework allows accounting for the aleatory and epistemic uncertainties of the PSHA and fragility parameters. An application is given with regards to an advanced Nuclear Power Plant (aNPP) consisting of four reactor units of NuScale SMR design. A comparison is made to a conventional NPP (cNPP), i.e., a typical large reactor of equivalent generation capacity. Both plants are fictitiously located on the Garigliano nuclear site (southern Italy). The results show that resilient features of SMRs overcome cNPPs in terms of post-accident scenario mitigation and restoration capabilities


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    The Indonesian government minimizes the spread of the Covid-19 Pandemic and improves the welfare of the people in Indonesia by means of the government making new policies on social security programs, one of which is the Village Fund Direct Assistance (BLT-DD). the central government hopes that the distribution of BLT can be carried out in an orderly, fair and precise manner, namely right on target, right people, right time, right process, and right administrative report. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, data obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation. Based on the results of the study, the implementation of the BLT program policy in the government area of Southwest Sumba Regency went well. the supporting factor in this research is the collaboration between the village government and the community to participate in the distribution of BLT. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor is the completeness of community documents in the form of family cards (KK) and identity cards (KTP) in receiving BLT, but this can be overcome by the village government so that overall BLT distribution goes well.AsbtrakPemerintah Indonesia meminimalisir penyebaran Pandemi Covid-19 dan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Indonesia dengan cara pemerintah membuat kebijakan baru tentang program jaminan sosial salah satunya adalah Bantuan Langsung Tunai Dana Desa (BLT-DD) Adanya Bantuan BLT-DD diwilayah pemerintahan Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya pemerintah pusat berharap pendistribusian BLT bisa terlaksana secara tertib, adil, dan tepat yaitu tepat sasaran, tepat orang, tepat waktu, tepat proses, dan tepat laporan administrasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa Implementasi kebijakan program BLT diwilayah pemerintahan Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya berjalan dengan baik. faktor pendukung dalam penelitian ini adalah kerjasama antara pemerintah Desa dan masyarakat untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam penyaluran BLT. Sedangkan yang menjadi faktor penghambat adalah kelengkapan dokumen masyarakat yang berupa kartu keluarga (KK) dan kartu tanda penduduk (KTP) dalam menerima BLT namun hal tersebut dapat di atasi oleh pemerintah desa sehingga secara keseluruahan penyaluran BLT berjalan dengan baik

    Variations of some blood parameters in rabbit reared under different environmental conditions

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    High environmental temperature induces physiological stress in rabbits leading to production losses, also because of their quite poor thermoregulation ability. Some consequences of heat stress affect digestive system functions, with impaired appetite, growth and feed conversion, but also with increased disease incidence. These effects can also reflect on the levels of some blood metabolites. Relatively few experimental works are available on the effects of high environmental temperature on the rabbit metabolic profile reared in commercial farms. The aim of this study was to study, in separate experiments, the effects of "fresh" spring and of "hot" summer temperatures on rabbits performance with particular attention to the behaviour of some metabolic parameters and of some aspects of the functionality of the digestive system


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    Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) also known as toddy cat or Asian palm civet. Urinary system is a system that plays an important role in cleaning products that are not useful in the body, the cleaning process includes all products that dissolve in the blood, transporting all the material out of the body and also eliminate excess water in the body. The purpose of this research was to observe the structure of the anatomy and histology of kidney and urinary bladder the asian palm civet. Three Asian palm civets were used in this study. Asian palm civets were anaesthetized and perfused then opened the abdomen to observe the anatomy of kidneys and urinary bladder. The anatomy of kidney and urinary bladder representation showed that the asian palm civet had 3 parts: the renal cortex, renal medulla and renal pelvis. The mean length, width and weight of toddy cat kidney was 1.80 ± 0.1 cm, 1.16 ± 0.15 cm and 1.43 ± 0.15 g respectively. Meanwhile, renal histology with Hematoxiline Eosin staining (HE) showed the glomerulus, Bowman's capsule, urinary space, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, and macula densa. Overview anatomy bladder Asian palm civets (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) had conical with a strong and flexible muscles when pulled. The mean length, width and weight of the bladder for urine unallocated was 2.43 ± 0.15 cm, 1.7 ± 0.1 cm, and 1.13 ± 0.2 g respectively. Meanwhile, the bladder looks epithelial histology transisional, longitudional and circular muscle  smooth and connective tissue

    Helicobacter pylori genotypes identified in gastric biopsy specimens from Jordanian patients

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    BACKGROUND: The genetic diversity of Helicobacter pylori can be analyzed at two different levels: the genomic variation between strains originating from different individuals, and the variation in bacterial populations within an individual host. We reported for the first time the H. pylori genotypes in Jordanian patients with gastrointestinal diseases. METHODS: Upper endoscopy was performed on 250 patients with symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. Multiple gastric biopsy specimens were taken from the antrum. All the biopsies were tested by PCR for the H. pylori virulence genes vacA, cagA, and iceA, and 151 were tested by histology. RESULTS: The biopsies positive for H. pylori by PCR were 110/250 (44%), and by histology 117/151 (77.5%), and these results were highly associated (P < 0.02). Analyses of virulence genes revealed that iceA2 (73.6%) was the predominant genotype, the vacAs2 allele was more frequently identified than the vacAs1 allele, while the cagA genotype was low (26.4%). The presence of certain genotypes might be associated with each other, but the presence of certain genotypes was not significantly associated with the age, or gender of the patient. CONCLUSION: The results illustrate the geographic nature of the genetic diversity of H. pylori, as the identified genotypes are similar to those reported in neighboring countries. This study provides a baseline data of H. pylori genotypes identified in gastric biopsy specimens from Jordan, serving as a powerful epidemiological tool for prospective investigations to better understand the genetic diversity of this pathogen

    Upper limb recovery prediction after stroke rehabilitation based on regression method

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of a machine-learning algorithm using the Support Victor Machine Regression (SVMR) to predict the motor functional recovery of moderate post stroke patients during their rehabilitation program. To train the model, we used the recorded electromyography (EMG) signals from the upper limb muscles of the patients during their initial rehabilitation sessions. Then we tested the trained model to predict the later muscles performance of the patient during the same sessions. The results of this pilot study were promising; data were, to some extent, predictable. We believe such research direction could be essential to motivate the patient to complete the designed rehabilitation program and can assist the therapist to innovate proper rehabilitation menu for individual patients

    The influence of HAART on the efficacy and safety of pegylated interferon and ribavirin therapy for the treatment of chronic HCV infection in HIV-positive individuals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>This study was performed to investigate the impact of HAART versus no HAART and nucleoside free versus nucleoside containing HAART on the efficacy and safety of pegylated interferon and ribavirin therapy for the treatment of chronic HCV infection in HIV/HCV co-infected patients. In addition a control group of HCV mono-infected patients undergoing anti-HCV therapy was evaluated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Multicenter, partially randomized, controlled clinical trial. HIV-negative and -positive patients with chronic HCV infection were treated with pegylated interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin (800 - 1200 mg/day) for 24 - 48 weeks in one of four treatment arms: HIV-negative (A), HIV-positive without HAART (B) and HIV-positive on HAART (C). Patients within arm C were randomized to receive open label either a nucleoside containing (C1) or a nucleoside free HAART (C2).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>168 patients were available for analysis. By intent-to-treat analysis similar sustained virological response rates (SVR, negative HCV-RNA 24 weeks after the end of therapy) were observed comparing HIV-negative and -positive patients (54% vs. 54%, p = 1.000). Among HIV-positive patients SVR rates were similar between patients off and on HAART (57% vs. 52%, p = 0.708). Higher SVR rates were observed in patients on a nucleoside free HAART compared to patients on a nucleoside containing HAART, though confounding could not be ruled out and in the intent-to-treat analysis the difference was not statistically significant (64% vs. 46%, p = 0.209).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Similar response rates for HCV therapy can be achieved in HIV-positive and -negative patients. Patients on nucleoside free HAART reached at least equal rates of sustained virological response compared to patients on standard HAART.</p

    Genetic and environmental influences on in vitro digestibility of alfalfa

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    To study the relationships between in vitro NDF or true dry matter digestibility (NDFD and IVTDMD) and forage fibre content, 95 alfalfa samples from 5 cultivars grown in 3 different locations and from different cuts were analysed for fibre fractions and evaluated for NDFD and IVTDMD. NDFD was mainly influenced by order of cut and age of the fields. The multifoliate cultivar controlled did not appear to differ for fibre composition and NDFD from the other ones. Fibre fractions contents explained a large part of the difference in NDFD and IVTDMD, and no significant differences in this relationships appeared for first-cut vs. aftermath forage. The best predictive equation of NDFD from fibre factions was: NDFD = 73.61 -0.62 * NDF (% DM) – 56.33 * ADL/NDF (R2=0.39). Variations in fibre content and quality do not completely explain differences in NDFD suggesting the interference of other factors that are worth to be better studied
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