891 research outputs found

    Design and analysis of an axisymmetric aerospike supersonic micro-nozzle for a refrigerant-based cold-gas propulsion system for small satellites

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    The cold-gas propulsion system being developed by M-SAT requires improvements to its original nozzle design. This study documents the research, design, and analysis of a supersonic plug nozzle concept that could be integrated to the refrigerant-based cold-gas propulsion system to possibly improve its performance. As documented in this thesis, CFD analysis showed that the outlined nozzle design method resulted in a feasible nozzle concept that has the ability to out-perform a conventional nozzle of the same area ratio. The flow-fields and thrust of the aerospike nozzle, for the full and truncated nozzles, were investigated. The purpose of this study is to investigate other rocket nozzles that might have the ability to improve performance of a propulsion system without a large penalty on vehicle mass or cost. Based on the information presented in this thesis, university-based satellite teams can manipulate the inputs of the design and analysis methods to investigate the use of an aerospike nozzle design concept to meet their design goals --Abstract, page iii


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    Arm motor recovery after stroke is usually incomplete; six months after onset about two-thirds of patients suffer from arm motor impairment that significantly impacts the individual's activities of daily living. Thus, novel concepts beyond current strategies for arm motor rehabilitation after stroke are needed. An essential approach for this is to better understand whether motor learning-related neural changes in stroke are similar with those in healthy controls and how these neural changes relate to recovery of the pre-morbid movement pattern or "true" recovery. Abnormal task-related activation in primary and non-primary motor cortices has been a consistent finding in functional MRI studies of stroke. Disturbed functional network architecture, e.g., the influence that one motor area exerts over another, also impacts stroke recovery. The outcome measures chosen to evaluate recovery are also important for the interpretation of these brain changes. Thus, the long-range goal of this work was to longitudinally investigate the changes in cortical motor function at two levels, regional (micro-circuitry, regional activation) and network (macro-circuitry, functional connectivity), following an arm-focused motor training in chronic stroke survivors and how these brain changes relate to recovery of the pre-morbid movement pattern or "true" recovery. In the Chapter I, we reviewed the literature concerning the pathophysiology of stroke, neural substrates of motor control, and motor learning principles and neural substrates in healthy and pathological (stroke) brain. In the Chapter II, we examined the relationships between task-related motor activation and clinical and kinematic metrics of arm motor impairment in survivors of subcortical stroke. We found evidence that primary motor activation was significantly correlated to kinematic metrics of arm motor impairment, but not with clinical metrics. In the Chapter III, we longitudinally investigated the regional changes in motor-related activation (functional MRI) in primary and non-primary motor areas following an arm-focused motor training in stroke survivors and age-sex matched healthy controls. We demonstrated that similar changes in the motor areas contralateral to the trained arm were found with training in both stroke and healthy participants. We also demonstrated a significant increase in motor performance in both groups as well as a normalization of the correlations between bilateral motor activation and movement kinematics in participants with stroke. In the Chapter IV, we also investigated the changes in functional connectivity between primary and non-primary motor areas following an arm-focused motor training and how these changes correlate with "true" motor recovery. We demonstrated significant enhanced functional connectivity in motor areas contralateral to the trained hand (or ipsilesional), although no "normalization" of the inter-hemispheric inhibition following training in our survivors. We also showed a "normalization" of the relationships between cortical motor functional connectivity and movement kinematics. In the Chapter V, we concluded that the present dissertation work support the hypotheses that motor system is plastic at different levels, regional and network, even in the chronic stage of stroke and some of these changes are similar with those reported in healthy controls. Further, these changes provide a substrate for "true" recovery. These findings promote the use of neuroimaging and kinematic metrics to improve our understanding of the neural substrates underlying reorganization in remaining intact brain structures after stroke. Such an approach may further enable monitoring recovery or compensation based on this reorganization and evaluating new treatment regimes that assist motor recovery

    Uso de morfometría geométrica para la identificación de variaciones ecofenotípicas en juveniles de esturión persa Acipenser persicus

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    Study of phenotypic variation is essential for identifying discrete phenotypic stocks. We sampled immature Persian sturgeon from the eastern and western portion of the southern Caspian Sea to test for morphological differences that could predict the ecophenotypic variation of Persian sturgeon. Geometric morphometric methods were used to quantify body shape. Configuration of landmark coordinates of fish body were scaled, translated and rotated using generalized Procrustes analysis, followed by univariate analysis of variance of resulting shape coordinates to evaluate potential morphological differences between regions. A principal component analysis was carried out to reduce the number of dimensions without the loss of information. The discriminate function analysis was performed to determine the efficacy of body landmarks for discrimination by geographic variants. Within-group linkage was inferred for dendrogram clusters using Pearson correlation distance on the basis of the average linkage method as a complement for discriminate analysis. Principle component analysis revealed that the largest differences were in body size. Most notable were differences in distance between head landmarks and the dorsal fin between eastern and western regions. Fish from the western region exhibited a longer distance from head landmarks to the dorsal fin than fish from the eastern region. Furthermore, the ventral portion of fish from the western region was longer than that of the eastern individuals. These findings show that juvenile Persian sturgeon already possess morphological traits that can be used to discriminate fish from different regions. Furthermore, these differences are discernible in spite of the volume of artificially-inseminated sturgeon larva that have been released during the past 40 years.El estudio de la variación fenotípica es esencial para la identificación de estirpes fenotípicas concretas. Con el fin de identificar diferencias morfológicas que permitan predecir variaciones eco-fenotípicas en el esturión persa, individuos inmaduros de esta especie se muestrearon en diferentes regiones del este y el oeste del sur del mar Caspio. Se utilizaron métodos morfométricos geométricos para cuantificar la forma del cuerpo. La configuración de coordenadas referenciadas del cuerpo del pez fueron escaladas, trasladadas y rotadas utilizando el análisis generalizado Procrustes, seguido del análisis Univariante de la Varianza de las coordenadas de forma resultantes, con el fin de evaluar posibles diferencias morfológicas entre diferentes zonas. Se utilizó un análisis de componentes principales para reducir el número de dimensiones sin perder información. Los scores de los componentes del cuerpo se sometieron a análisis discriminante, con el objeto de determinar la eficacia de las coordenadas referenciadas en la discriminación de las variantes geográficas. Las relaciones entre grupos para clusters de dendrograma se infirieron usando la correlación de distancias de Pearson, tomando como base el método de relación media como complemento del análisis discriminante. El análisis de componentes principales reveló que las mayores distancias fueron en la talla. Destacaron las diferencias encontradas en la distancia entre las referencias de cabeza y aleta dorsal entre las regiones del Este y Oeste. La distancia relativa entre las referencias de cabeza y aleta dorsal fue mayor en los peces de la región Oeste que en los de la región Este. Además, la porción ventral de los peces de la región Oeste fue mayor que la de los individuos del Este. Estos resultados indican que los juveniles de esturión persa ya muestran características morfológicas que pueden utilizarse para la discriminación de individuos de diferentes regiones. Además, estas diferencias son discernibles a pesar de la cantidad de larvas de esturión que, obtenidas por inseminación artificial, han sido liberadas al medio natural durante los últimos 40 años

    Educational and Behavioral Disparities among Kindergarten Children and their Peers Who did not enroll in it from the Point of View of the First Grade Teachers in the Light of Some Variables

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    This study aims to know the educational and behavioral differences between kindergarten children and their friends who did not enrolled in kindergarten from point of view of first grade teachers, the total sample of the study consist of 58 first grade teachers. to achieve the goals of the study the analytical descriptive approach  has been used, tool of the study has been developed by the researcher consisting 43 items distributed into four areas were checked by specialist professors. Results indicated that there are educational and behavioral differences in favor of the students who attend the kindergarten, which is presents the important of kindergarten stage Keywords: differences, kindergarten, educational, behavioral. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-4-1

    Semen Quality and Chemical Oxidative Stress; Quantification and Remediation

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    The necessary multi-step process to prepare human semen for assisted reproduction (AR) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) is known to induce oxidative stress in human spermatozoa and subsequent damage to the integrity of their cell components and, thus, to their function. Literature reports have viewed this as a potential link with the high frequency of birth defects among the IVF babies. In this work, we studied the effect of incubation and centrifugation on human sperm quality using established AR protocols. We found that in vitro incubation and centrifugation (20 min at 220g) of sperm generally degrade sperm quality in terms of motility and DNA oxidation. The total antioxidant capacity of the semen significantly decreased upon raising the centrifugation force from 220g to 400g. We then studied the efficacy of supplements such as L-carnitine (LC) on remediating the oxidative stress. We found that supplementation with LC counteracts the overall damage of quality brought by the multi-step method of sperm processing. We determined the LC concentration range (0.1-1.0 mg/mL) with optimum oxidative stress remediation and which enhances qualities such as motility. Among the various oxidative stress species, we particularly focused on nitric oxide as a species with known dual functional and cytotoxic properties. We have demonstrated a method to monitor its dynamic concentrations in spermatozoa. The method enabled us to establish a link between motility and nitric oxide levels in spermatozoa. The method also allowed us to establish that the LC-induced enhancement of human sperm motility is also accompanied with a simultaneous increase in NO productio

    An Approach To Enhance Image Encryption Using Block-Based Trasformation Algorithm.

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    Penyulitan data (data encryption) telah digunakan secara meluas untuk menjamin keselamatan dalam rangkaian terbuka (open network), contohnya internet. Data encryption is widely used to ensure security in open networks such as the internet

    Fouling in Plate Heat Exchangers: Some Practical Experience

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    Legal Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in Accordance With the Jordanian Copyright Law "A Comparative Study"

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    The Jordanian legislator ensured on a variety of means aimed at protecting copyright material and moral of assault in order to ensure the safety of protected works of distortion and all that would detriment them, and thus ensure the rights of the author on the works. As the Jordanian legislator between what the precautionary measures that aim to stop abuse and reduce the aggravation of the damages caused by that and prevent the risk of publishing the work Impersonator or stop trading and delete some of its parts, or some modifications in addition to booking the impersonator workbook and that at the request of the author or withdrawn in order to stop publishing the imitator and the prevention of circulation and to prevent the aggressor from the disposition of counterfeit copies of the work as part of the booking procedures prescribed by law. As if the attack took place on the work protected under copyright law, it is not the author's methods, but civil and penal responsibility, which aims to deter the aggressor to copyright through civil sanctions in the form of compensation to the author who is the right holder. In addition to criminal penalties original or dependency as a result of the prescribed legal assault on the rights of the author of what injury caused by material and moral damage. Key words : assault , Jordanian legislator , counterfeit , copyrigh

    The Legal Responsibility of the Guarantor of Those Who Are Bound by the Commercial Paper in The Jordanian Law"

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    The legal relationship between the reserve  guarantor and the secured person and the rest of the obligators  in the commercial paper may raise legal problems among them . This is evidenced by legal texts related to the effect of collateral  and the presentation of jurisprudential opinions on this subject and the available judicial rulings. In this paper , an attempt is made to work out  a methodology for comparative legal research which goes beyond the functional method . the researcher aims at using the comparative method as an instrument of learning and knowledge . In addition ,  the researcher is contributing  to his own legal system : understanding it better , improving it , and using it as a means for interpreting the legal laws and legislations . The researcher explained the legislative shortcomings that have characterized the provisions  of this relationship. He recommends that there is a need to review the drafting of some legal texts in a manner consistent with the legal problems that may arise from the relationship between the parties of  the collateral . Key words: collateral , commercial paper , Jordanian legislator , guarantor , obligator, holder , drawer. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/83-14 Publication date: March 31st 201


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    The research aims to clarify the effect of exchange rates on the measurement and accounting disclosure in the financial statements in commercial banks in Jordan and the commitment of the commercial banks listed on the Amman Financial Market in Jordan to disclose the accounting on the translation differences foreign exchange earnings and the statement of the impact of changes in currency exchange rates on the elements of financial statements and also calls for IAS 21: the effects of changes in exchange rates and to identify the relationship between the changes of exchange rates and the elements of financial statements. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the descriptive method, analytical and interpretative as well as analysis of variance and display graphics, tables, illustrations to clarify the relationships between the variables of the study . The study found that the banks of Jordan is committed to applying the requirements of International Accounting Standard (No. 21): the effects of changes in exchange rates, for each of the translation of transactions denominated in foreign currencies and net investments in foreign subsidiaries and foreign operations which are complementary to the Bank's operations and the translation of vocabulary of the financial statements of foreign affiliates of the Bank, and disclosure requirements of the standard, showing results of the analysis study it. There is also a relationship between each of the earnings per share in commercial banks operating in Jordan and the volume of assets in commercial banks and shareholders equity and cash flows and profits of commercial banks and changes in exchange rates and are affected by. The researcher recommended the need to adhere to the application of IAS 21: the effects of changes in exchange rates and the rest of the criteria because of its importance is reflected on the financial statements and thus the resolution used in the decision-making banks and auditing firms to keep up with new developments in international standards, to take by changes in the the terms of the criteria for modernization, development and activating the role of financial statements in making rational decision, the need to do studies take into account the effects of changes in exchange rates on the financial statements in whole or in part, as well as the need for further studies that take into account the commitment of the Jordanian banks apply other standard