111 research outputs found


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    Mapping of Ecosystems in Mount Bromo Using Remote Sensing Technology. Covered land analyses of Landsatimage have been done to get ecosystem types and map in Mount Bromo region using remote sensing technology. Thereare nine types of ecosystems in Mount Bromo region, i.e. primary forest, secondary forest, lake, crater, sands,uncovered land, underbrush, dry-field and residence. Distribution of rock analysis has also been done by comparing themanual image interpretation with geological map. The results were coorelated with the digital image interpretation tofind rock distribution map which can be useful to get the information about water reservation potencial in Mount Bromoregion. The coorelation results together with slope, covered vegetation and rain falls can give description about absolutewater reservation and buffer zone map in Mount Bromo region.Keywords: Mapping, water reservation, buffer zone, remote sensing technolog

    Mapping the Potential and Quality of Limestone Rocks Using Remote Sensing Method (Study Case: Semanding, Sub District Tuban)

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    The mine Exploration is an activity to find the points where an area could be mined and the area is still mined, for economic value. One of the most important in the work of mining is the calculation of the estimated potential of mine. Estimation of the potential mine played an important role in determining the amount of work the quality, production, how the mining is done, even to estimate the time required to do the mining. With the advancement of technology in the field of remote sensing, computation of the vast potential of the estimation and the quality of limestone can be done using high resolution satellite image data one is Quickbird. Satellite image data can be used for a wide range of research, such as the mapping of rock quality in relation to the exploration of natural resources. Vast potential of Cretaceous rocks in Semanding sub district is dominated by the high potential of an area of 5480,479 ha. To a limestone rock quality obtained based on limestone CaCO3 levels, the most highs quality i.e. have levels of CaCO3 amounted to 6.81%

    Analisis Perubahan Kawasan Terbangun Kota Surabaya Berdasarkan Metode Multi Temporal Citra Landsat Thematic Mapper

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    Perkembangan kawasan terbangun yang objektif dalam wilayah perkotaan dengan pengukuran secara langsung di lapangan akan mendapatkan banyak kesulitan, membutuhkan waktu panjang dan memerlukan biaya yang besar. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu cara yang lebih praktis, lebih murah, sehingga tingkat perkembangan kawasan terbangun dapat terdeteksi. Teknik penginderaan jauh berdasarkan data citra Landsat TM multi temporal adalah salah satu cam yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendeteksi terjadinya perubahan kawasan terbangun pada periode tertentu, di antaranya perubahan kawasan terbangun kota Surabaya dari tahun 1993 sampai dengan tahun 1999. Cakupan wilayah penelitian pada citra Landsat TM, berpedoman dari hasil digitasi pets rupabumi Kota Surabaya tahun 1999. Untuk mendapatkan citra yang mempunyai sistem koordinat, dilakukan koreksi geometrik dengan bantuan titik kontrol di darat. Dari pembuatan contoh latihan citra Landast TM tahun 1993 dan tahun 1999 diklasifikasi dengan jenis klasifikasi terbimbing. Untuk meyakinkan kebenaran hasil klasifikasi itu, dilakukan pengecekan langsung di lapangan. Perubahan yang terjadi pada kawasan terbangun, didapat dari proses tumpang susun antara citra Landsat TM hasil klasifikasi tahun 1993 dan tahun 1999. Perubahan Kawasan terbangun dari tahun 1993 dan 1999 di Kota Surabaya,adalah seluas 2.822,487 hektar (6,844 %) dengan pertumbuhan rata-rata sebesar 1,141 % pertahun. Katakunci: PenginderaanJauh, Citra Landsat TM, klasifikasi terbimbing, tumpang susun, perubahan kawasan terbangu

    Analisa Ketelitian Geometrik Citra Pleiades 1A dan Worldview-2 untuk Pembuatan Peta Dasar Rencana Detail Tata Ruang Perkotaan (Studi Kasus: Surabaya Pusat)

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    Perkembangan teknologi penginderaan jauh mulai banyak diterapkan untuk berbagai keperluan, misalnya pembuatan peta Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) dengan skala 1:5000. Saat ini, ada beberapa satelit yang dapat menghasilkan citra resolusi tinggi dengan resolusi spasial kurang dari 1-2 m. Namun data citra yang diperoleh dari satelit-satelit tersebut harus diolah sedemikian rupa untuk meminimalisasi adanya kesalahan, terutama kesalahan geometrik. Data citra Pleiades 1A tahun 2015 dan citra Worldview-2 tahun 2012. Kedua citra tersebut dikoreksi secara geometrik menggunakan dua metode transformasi yaitu affine dan polynomial orde-2. Proses koreksi geometrik dengan menggunakan 8 titik kontrol tanah (GCP) tersebar merata pada keseluruhan area studi yaitu Surabaya Pusat. Koordinat GCP diukur langsung di lapangan menggunakan GPS geodetik dengan metode statik dan lama pengamatan untuk setiap titik sekitar 40 menit. Kemudian citra terkoreksi dilakukan uji ketelitian koordinat dengan menggunakan ICP sebanyak 12 titik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai RMSE menggunakan metode transformasi polynomial orde-2 lebih baik dibandingkan dengan metode affine. Citra Worldview-2 menghasilkan nilai RMSE lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan citra Pleiades 1A pada kedua metode transformasi yang digunakan. Untuk kelayakan citra sebagai peta dasar, citra Pleiades 1A memenuhi syarat peta skala 1:5000 dan citra Worldview-2 memenuhi syarat peta skala 1:5000

    Examining Aesthetic Subjectivity in Embodied Environments

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    This inquiry has been concerned with identifying aesthetic languages that make visible relationships and processes that connect body and world beyond the surface of the skin. It hypothesised that aesthetic language provides a material connection which co-enables this exchange. Examining the aesthetic dimension of the embodiment-environment intersection, this inquiry reasoned, could make tangible the material continuum generated through transient processes of living. The key sites of the home and the landscape framed the scope of this research. The methodology used to undertake this research combined multi-artform practice spanning sculpture, video, installation, and drawing, visual diary-led observation and critical reflection, theoretical research, and critical engagement with the work of other artists and practitioners working in two- and three-dimensions. An examination of subjectivity and of aesthetics as an intersection of body and world centres this research. A new materialist perspective provides a logic and drive for scrutinising this intersection. New materialism unsettles traditional assumptions about the passivity of matter. It provides a framework for re-imagining the materiality of the world and the position of human subjectivity within it: a re-imagining, this research contends, that the current ecological crisis demands. The notion of aesthetics used in this inquiry is an embodied aesthetics that refers to the meaningful sensuousness that adheres and orients the body in the world. Ideas from John Dewey and the field of everyday aesthetics informed critical engagement in this embodied aesthetics through creative practice. This approach enabled a dialogue between special aesthetic experiences, everyday aesthetics, and habitual perception to emerge in the research. This research used aesthetics to examine how spaces are demarcated and different experiences enabled. Over time, the home as it is situated within the landscape became analogous for the body’s intertwining with the environment. In this context, the material passage of water through the home provided a powerful and instructive embodiment of this intertwining, revealing both the demarcation and the continuity of disparate spaces. The final body of artwork is an installation that integrates the key aesthetic languages developed through this inquiry to form a three-dimensional river that is animated with the everyday sounds of water and the textures of domestic warmth. It is titled Oikos, the Greek root for ecology. ‘Oikos’ means ‘whole house and dwelling place’. The artwork reflects the multi-layering of aesthetic relationships through which our bodies fuse with this world
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