957 research outputs found

    Ethylene and flooding resistance : III. The role of ethylene in shoot elongation of Rumex plants in response to flooding

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    Evaluation de la Substitution Partielle du Tourteau de Glycine max (L.) Merr (Soja) par le Tourteau de la Pulpe de Dacryodes edulis (Safou) H.J. Lam. (1932) dans l’Alimentation des Poules Pondeuses au Congo-Brazzaville

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    La substitution du tourteau de soja par des intrants locaux est  souvent proposĂ©e comme une alternative dans l’amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© avicole. Pour tester cette hypothèse, le tourteau de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis a Ă©tĂ© expĂ©rimentĂ© chez des poules pondeuses âgĂ©es de 24 semaines. L’étude avait pour but de substituer partiellement le tourteau de soja par le tourteau de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis  Ă  7 % dans l’alimentation des poules pondeuses. Au cours de cette Ă©tude, un Ă©chantillon de 60 poules pondeuses avait Ă©tĂ© rĂ©parti en deux  lots ; le tourteau de Dacryodes edulis a Ă©tĂ© incorporĂ© Ă  7 % dans le premier lot  et le second groupe a servi de tĂ©moin. Les deux groupes ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s sur des paramètres zootechniques et Ă©conomiques. Le  traitement a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement  (p< 0,05), l’efficacitĂ© alimentaire (4,03 contre 3,11) quoi qu’on ait observĂ© une baisse de la consommation volontaire d’aliment et d’eau respectivement de 16,7 % et 17,4%.  De mĂŞme, l’incorporation du tourteau de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis Ă  7% a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement la ponte, en l’occurrence le nombre moyen d’œufs pondus par poule  (43,12 contre 46,62), le poids moyen de l’œuf (54,41 g contre 56,48 g), le taux de ponte au pic de ponte, (71,42% contre 74,30%)  et la production des Ĺ“ufs commercialisables  (744 Ĺ“ufs contre 876 Ĺ“ufs). Sur le plan Ă©conomique, le traitement a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement  le coĂ»t de revient  du kg d’aliment  (299, 82 FCFA contre 275,95 FCFA), le  prix de production de l’œuf  (95,17 FCFA contre 68,10 FCFA). L'hypothèse formulĂ©e au dĂ©but de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©e. L’incorporation du tourteau de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis dans l’alimentation des poules pondeuses est une alternative en aviculture fermière. Cette Ă©tude ouvre des perspectives intĂ©ressantes   en arboriculture fruitière et en aviculture fermière  au Congo.   Substitution of soybean or meal cake with local inputs is often proposed as an alternative to improving poultry productivity. To test this hypothesis, Dacryodes edulis cake were tested in 24-week-old laying hens. The aim of the study was to partially replace soybean cake with Dacryodes edulis pulp residues at 7% in the diet of laying hens. During this study, a sample of 60 laying hens was divided into two groups; Dacryodes edulis cake was incorporated at 7% in the first batch and the second group served as a control. The two groups were compared on zootechnical and economic parameters. The treatment significantly (p<0.05) improved feed efficiency (4.03 versus 3.11), although a drop in voluntary food and water consumption of 16.7 was observed respectively. % and 17.4%. Likewise, the incorporation of Dacryodes edulis pulp cake at 7% significantly improved laying, in this case, the average number of eggs laid per hen (43.12 versus 46.62), the average weight of the egg (54.41 g versus 56.48 g), the laying rate at peak laying (71.42% versus 74.30%) and the production of marketable eggs (744 eggs versus 876 eggs). Concerning the economic level, the treatment significantly improved the cost per kg of food (299.82 FCFA vs  275.95 FCFA), and the production price of the egg (95.17 FCFA vs 68.10 FCFA). The hypothesis formulated at the beginning of this study was verified. Incorporating residues of Dacryodes edulis seeds or cake into the feed of laying hens is an alternative in free-range poultry farming. This study points to interesting perspectives on fruit cultivation and poultry farming in Congo

    Images in Clinical Urology: Complex open pyeloplasty in a pelvic kidney

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    A pelvic kidney occurs in between 1 in 2200 and 1 in 3000 people,1 due to failure of ascent during development. It is commonly asymptomatic and usually functions normally. Pelvic ureteral junction obstruction can either be congenital or acquired, and is characterized by intrinsic stenosis or extrinsic compression of the ureter at the junction with the pelvicalyceal renal system. This can cause symptomatic or asymptomatic hydronephrosis. We describe the complex case and management of a patient with a massive pelvic ureteral junction obstruction in a pelvic kidney

    Input-dependent structural identifiability of nonlinear systems

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    A dynamic model is structurally identifiable if it is possible to infer its unknown parameters by observing its output. Structural identifiability depends on the system dynamics, output, and input, as well as on the specific values of initial conditions and parameters. Here we present a symbolic method that characterizes the input that a model requires to be structurally identifiable. It determines which derivatives must be non-zero in order to have a sufficiently exciting input. Our approach considers structural identifiability as a generalization of nonlinear observability and incorporates extended Lie derivatives. The methodology assesses structural identifiability for time-varying inputs and, additionally, it can be used to determine the input profile that is required to make the parameters structurally locally identifiable. Furthermore, it is sometimes possible to replace an experiment with time-varying input with multiple experiments with constant inputs. We implement the resulting method as a MATLAB toolbox named STRIKE-GOLDD2. This tool can assist in the design of new experiments for the purpose of parameter estimation

    Validation of the modified Berlin questionnaire to identify patients at risk for the obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome

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    Background & Objectives: Awareness regarding obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) among general public as well as practicing physicians is low in India. The present study was undertaken to test the utility of modified Berlin questionnaire for risk categorization of OSA in Indian setting. Methods: The modified Berlin questionnaire was administered in 180 middle aged adults (of 320 screened), of whom, 104 underwent overnight polysomnograhy, in a cross-sectional study at a tertiary care, referral center in north India. Questionnaire addressed the presence of frequency of snoring, wake time sleepiness, fatigue, obesity and hypertension. Subjects with persistent and frequent symptoms in any two of these three domains were considered in high risk category for obstructive sleep apnoea. Overnight polysomnograhy was performed to measure apnoea and hypopnoea index (AHI). Results: Questions about the symptoms demonstrated internal consistency (Cronbach alpha correlations 0.92-0.96). Of the 180 respondents to the screening questions, 80 were in the high risk and the rest were in low risk group. For 104 subjects who underwent polysomnograhy, risk grouping was useful in prediction of AHI. High risk category predicted an AHI > 5 with a sensitivity of 86 per cent, specificity of 95 per cent, positive and negative predictive values of 96 and 82 per cent respectively. These results were comparable to Berlin questionnaire study done in the western population for validation. Interpretation & Conclusion: On the basis of the findings of present study it is concluded that administration of modified Berlin questionnaire prior to a polysomnography study can identify high risk subjects and can thus avoid unnecessary polysomnography studies especially in resource-limited settings. To identify subjects at risk for OSA syndrome in general population, this questionnaire can be applied. However, the findings of the present study need to be confirmed further in a large number of subjects in a community-based setting
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