194 research outputs found

    Host-parasite interactions in vector-borne protozoan infections

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    Protists embrace many species, some of which may be either occasional or permanent parasites of vertebrate animals. Between the parasite species, several of medical and veterinary importance are vector-transmitted. The ecology and epidemiology of vector-borne parasitoses, including babesiosis, leishmaniasis and malaria, are particularly complex, as they are influenced by many factors, such as vector reproductive efficiency and geographical spread, vectorial capacity, host immunity, travel and human behaviour and climatic factors. Transmission dynamics are determined by the interactions between pathogen, vector, host and environmental factors and, given their complexity, many different types of mathematical models have been developed to understand them. A good basic knowledge of vector-pathogen relationships and transmission dynamics is thus essential for disease surveillance and control interventions and may help in understanding the spread of epidemics and be useful for public health planning

    Babesiosis due to the canine Babesia microti-like small piroplasm in dogs - first report from Portugal and possible vertical transmission

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Canine babesiosis (or piroplasmosis) is endemic in northern Portugal, but molecularly confirmed cases of infection with small piroplasms have not been reported in the country. Three German shepherd dogs - a bitch and its 2-month old pup and an unrelated male - clinically suspected of piroplasmosis were assessed for babesial infection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Parasitemia with small piroplasms was detected by microscopy in two dogs. All three dogs were positive by PCR and the <it>Babesia microti</it>-like small piroplasm (syn. <it>Theileria annae</it>) was identified by DNA sequencing. These are the first confirmed cases of babesiosis caused by the <it>B. microti</it>-like piroplasm both in dogs from Portugal and in dogs suspected of clinical piroplasmosis outside of Spain.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although the bitch and the male had visited neighboring Galicia (northwestern Spain), where the disease is endemic, incursion of this piroplasm into northern Portugal is evident and infection of the non-traveled pup was due to either vertical transmission or autochthonous tick infection.</p

    Molekularni dokaz filarija u pasa u Nigeriji, zapadna Afrika

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    The filarioid worm Dirofilaria repens has long been reported in dogs in Nigeria. Recent studies however, did not only report increased prevalence of D. repens but also the presence of Dirofilaria immitis. The classical diagnostic methods used in these studies have low sensitivity. Therefore, we screened 197 canine blood samples from seven states in Nigeria, using a highly sensitive and specific High Resolution Melt Real Time PCR and sequencing, to determine the prevalence and species of filarial worms infecting Nigerian dogs. Only one (0.5%) of the 197 samples screened was positive and showed a melt curve similar to Acanthocheilonema reconditum. Nevertheless, the sequence of this positive sample had only 94% similarity to its first GenBank match, a A. reconditum (JF461460.1). This could be a new filarioid species or a variant of an existing species and deserves further investigation. The low prevalence reported herein is in discrepancy with previous reports that showed the frequent presence of canine filariasis in Nigeria. A large scale survey is needed of filarioids infecting dogs in Nigeria, using highly sensitive and specific methods, to identify the present species and provide a baseline data on their national prevalence and geographic distribution.O parazitu Dirofilaria repens u pasa u Nigeriji odavno postoje podaci. Novija istraživanja, međutim, ne pokazuju samo povećanu prevalenciju D. repens nego i prisutnost D. immitis. Klasične dijagnostičke metode primijenjene u ovom istraživanju imaju nisku osjetljivost. Stoga smo ispitali 197 uzoraka pseće krvi iz sedam pokrajina u Nigeriji koristeći se visokoosjetljivom i visokospecifičnom metodom High Resolution Melt Real Time PCR i sekvenciranjem kako bismo odredili prevalenciju i vrste filarija koje invadiraju pse u Nigeriji. Samo je jedan (0,5 %) od 197 uzoraka bio pozitivan i pokazao je krivulju sličnu krivulji za parazita Acanthocheilonema reconditum. Sekvencija tog pozitivnog uzorka imala je samo 94 % sličnosti s prvom podudarnom sekvencijom iz banke gena, A. reconditum (JF461460.1). To bi mogla biti nova vrsta filarija ili varijanta postojećih vrsta i zahtijeva daljnja istraživanja. Opisana niska prevalencija u ovome radu odstupa od prijašnjih izvješća koja pokazuju čest nalaz psećih filarija u Nigeriji. Kako bi se dokazale postojeće vrste i pružili referentni podaci o prevalenciji i zemljopisnoj raširenosti filarija u pasa u Nigeriji, potrebno je provesti opsežnija istraživanja

    Molecular Detection of Theileria, Babesia, and Hepatozoon spp. in ixodid ticks from Palestine

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    Ixodid ticks transmit various infectious agents that cause disease in humans and livestock worldwide. A cross-sectional survey on the presence of protozoan pathogens in ticks was carried out to assess the impact of tick-borne protozoa on domestic animals in Palestine. Ticks were collected from herds with sheep, goats and dogs in different geographic districts and their species were determined using morphological keys. The presence of piroplasms and Hepatozoon spp. was determined by PCR amplification of a 460–540 bp fragment of the 18S rRNA gene followed by RFLP or DNA sequencing. A PCR-RFLP method based on the 18S rRNA was used in order to detect and to identify Hepatozoon, Babesia and Theileria spp. A total of 516 ticks were collected from animals in six Palestinian localities. Five tick species were found: Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Rhipicephalus bursa, Haemaphysalis parva and Haemaphysalis adleri. PCR-based analyses of the ticks revealed Theileria ovis (5.4%), Hepatozoon canis (4.3%), Babesia ovis (0.6%), and Babesia vogeli (0.4%). Theileria ovis was significantly associated with ticks from sheep and with R. turanicus ticks (p < 0.01). H. canis was detected only in R. sanguineus s.l. and was significantly associated with ticks from dogs (p < 0.01). To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the presence of these pathogens in ticks collected from Palestine. Communicating these findings with health and veterinary professionals will increase their awareness, and contribute to improved diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases.This study was supported financially by grant 2014.52146 funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, Netherlands and USAID grant MERC TA-MOU-12-M32-038. We thank Mr. Samir Sawalha, Taher Zaid and Ahmad Abdelkader for their kind help during sample collection

    Diagnosis of Hepatozoon canis in young dogs by cytology and PCR

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Hepatozoon canis </it>is a widespread tick-borne protozoan affecting dogs. The diagnosis of <it>H. canis </it>infection is usually performed by cytology of blood or buffy coat smears, but this method may not be sensitive. Our study aimed to evaluate the best method to achieve a parasitological diagnosis of <it>H. canis </it>infection in a population of receptive young dogs, previously negative by cytology and exposed to tick infestation for one summer season.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 73 mongrel dogs and ten beagles younger than 18 months of age, living in an animal shelter in southern Italy where dogs are highly infested by <it>Rhipicephalus sanguineus</it>, were included in this study. In March-April 2009 and in October 2009, blood and bone marrow were sampled from each dog. Blood, buffy coat and bone marrow were examined by cytology only (at the first sampling) and also by PCR for <it>H. canis </it>(second sampling). In March-April 2009, only one dog was positive for <it>H. canis </it>by cytological examination, whereas in October 2009 (after the summer season), the overall incidence of <it>H. canis </it>infection by cytological examinations was 43.9%. Molecular tests carried out on samples taken in October 2009 showed a considerably higher number of dogs positive by PCR (from 27.7% up to 51.2% on skin and buffy coat tissues, respectively), with an overall positivity of 57.8%. All animals, but one, which were positive by cytology were also PCR-positive. PCR on blood or buffy coat detected the highest number of <it>H. canis</it>-positive dogs displaying a sensitivity of 85.7% for both tissues that increased up to 98% when used in parallel. Twenty-six (74.8%) out of the 28 <it>H. canis</it>-positive dogs presented hematological abnormalities, eosinophilia being the commonest alteration observed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results suggest that PCR on buffy coat and blood is the best diagnostic assay for detecting <it>H. canis </it>infection in dogs, although when PCR is not available, cytology on buffy coat should be preferred to blood smear evaluation. This study has also demonstrated that <it>H. canis </it>infection can spread among young dogs infested by <it>R. sanguineus </it>and be present in the majority of the exposed population within 6 months.</p

    LeishVet update and recommendations on feline leishmaniosis

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    Limited data is available on feline leishmaniosis (FeL) caused by Leishmania infantum worldwide. The LeishVet group presents in this report a review of the current knowledge on FeL, the epidemiological role of the cat in L. infantum infection, clinical manifestations, and recommendations on diagnosis, treatment and monitoring, prognosis and prevention of infection, in order to standardize the management of this disease in cats. The consensus of opinions and recommendations was formulated by combining a comprehensive review of evidence-based studies and case reports, clinical experience and critical consensus discussions. While subclinical feline infections are common in areas endemic for canine leishmaniosis, clinical illness due to L. infantum in cats is rare. The prevalence rates of feline infection with L. infantum in serological or molecular-based surveys range from 0 % to more than 60 %. Cats are able to infect sand flies and, therefore, they may act as a secondary reservoir, with dogs being the primary natural reservoir. The most common clinical signs and clinicopathological abnormalities compatible with FeL include lymph node enlargement and skin lesions such as ulcerative, exfoliative, crusting or nodular dermatitis (mainly on the head or distal limbs), ocular lesions (mainly uveitis), feline chronic gingivostomatitis syndrome, mucocutaneous ulcerative or nodular lesions, hypergammaglobulinaemia and mild normocytic normochromic anaemia. Clinical illness is frequently associated with impaired immunocompetence, as in case of retroviral coinfections or immunosuppressive therapy. Diagnosis is based on serology, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cytology, histology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) or culture. If serological testing is negative or low positive in a cat with clinical signs compatible with FeL, the diagnosis of leishmaniosis should not be excluded and additional diagnostic methods (cytology, histology with IHC, PCR, culture) should be employed. The most common treatment used is allopurinol. Meglumine antimoniate has been administered in very few reported cases. Both drugs are administered alone and most cats recover clinically after therapy. Follow-up of treated cats with routine laboratory tests, serology and PCR is essential for prevention of clinical relapses. Specific preventative measures for this infection in cats are currently not available

    Recent advances on Dirofilaria repens in dogs and humans in Europe

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    Dirofilaria repens is a nematode affecting domestic and wild canids, transmitted by several species of mosquitoes. It usually causes a non-pathogenic subcutaneous infection in dogs and is the principal agent of human dirofilariosis in the Old World. In the last decades, D. repens has increased in prevalence in areas where it has already been reported and its distribution range has expanded into new areas of Europe, representing a paradigmatic example of an emergent pathogen. Despite its emergence and zoonotic impact, D. repens has received less attention by scientists compared to Dirofilaria immitis. In this review we report the recent advances of D. repens infection in dogs and humans, and transmission by vectors, and discuss possible factors that influence the spread and increase of this zoonotic parasite in Europe. There is evidence that D. repens has spread faster than D. immitis from the endemic areas of southern Europe to northern Europe. Climate change affecting mosquito vectors and the facilitation of pet travel seem to have contributed to this expansion; however, in the authors’ opinion, the major factor is likely the rate of undiagnosed dogs continuing to perpetuate the life-cycle of D. repens. Many infected dogs remain undetected due to the subclinical nature of the disease, the lack of rapid and reliable diagnostic tools and the poor knowledge and still low awareness of D. repens in non-endemic areas. Improved diagnostic tools are warranted to bring D. repens diagnosis to the state of D. immitis diagnosis, as well as improved screening of imported dogs and promotion of preventative measures among veterinarians and dog owners. For vector-borne diseases involving pets, veterinarians play a significant role in prevention and should be more aware of their responsibility in reducing the impact of the zoonotic agents. In addition, they should enhance multisectorial collaboration with medical entomologists and the public health experts, under the concept and the actions of One Health-One Medicine

    A new piroplasmid species infecting dogs: Morphological and molecular characterization and pathogeny of Babesia negevi n. sp.

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    Introduction: Babesiosis is a protozoan tick-borne infection associated with anemia and life-threatening disease in humans, domestic and wildlife animals. Dogs are infected by at least six well-characterized Babesia spp. that cause clinical disease. Infection with a piroplasmid species was detected by light microscopy of stained blood smears from five sick dogs from Israel and prompted an investigation on the parasite's identity. Methods: Genetic characterization of the piroplasmid was performed by PCR amplification of the 18S rRNA and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) genes, DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Four of the dogs were co-infected with Borrelia persica (Dschunkowsky, 1913), a relapsing fever spirochete transmitted by the argasid tick Ornithodoros tholozani Laboulbène & Mégnin. Co-infection of dogs with B. persica raised the possibility of transmission by O. tholozani and therefore, a piroplasmid PCR survey of ticks from this species was performed. Results: The infected dogs presented with fever (4/5), anemia, thrombocytopenia (4/5) and icterus (3/5). Comparison of the 18S rRNA and cox1 piroplasmid gene sequences revealed 99-100% identity between sequences amplified from different dogs and ticks. Phylogenetic trees demonstrated a previously undescribed species of Babesia belonging to the western group of Babesia (sensu lato) and closely related to the human pathogen Babesia duncani Conrad, Kjemtrup, Carreno, Thomford, Wainwright, Eberhard, Quick, Telfrom & Herwalt, 2006 while more moderately related to Babesia conradae Kjemtrup, Wainwright, Miller, Penzhorn & Carreno, 2006 which infects dogs. The piroplasm forms detected included tetrads (Maltese cross), merozoite and trophozoite stages whose average size was larger than stages of other canine Babesia spp. belonging to the Babesia (s.l.) and B. gibsoni Patton, 1910, and smaller than other canine Babesia (sensu stricto) spp. Of 212 O. tholozani ticks surveyed, 11 (5.2%) harbored DNA of the new species of Babesia. Conclusions: Babesia negevi n. sp. is described based on morphological and genetic characterization and phylogenetic analyses. The species is named after the Negev desert of southern Israel, where the first infected dog originated from. Despite co-infection in four dogs, the fifth dog had fatal disease attesting that B. negevi n. sp. infection requires clinical attention. Incriminating O. tholozani or another tick species as the vector of Babesia negevi n. sp., would require additional studies.Fil: Baneth, Gad. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; IsraelFil: Nachum Biala, Yaarit. Koret School Of Veterinary Medicine; IsraelFil: Birkenheuer, Adam Joseph. North Carolina State University; Estados UnidosFil: Schreeg, Megan Elizabeth. North Carolina State University; Estados UnidosFil: Prince, Hagar. North Carolina State University; Estados UnidosFil: Jacobsen, Monica Ofelia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigacion En Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronomicas. Instituto de Patobiologia Veterinaria. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Pque. Centenario. Instituto de Patobiologia Veterinaria.; ArgentinaFil: Schnittger, Leonhard. Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigacion En Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronomicas. Instituto de Patobiologia Veterinaria. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Pque. Centenario. Instituto de Patobiologia Veterinaria.; ArgentinaFil: Aroch, Itamar. Koret School Of Veterinary Medicine; Israe

    Borrelia persica infection in dogs and cats: clinical manifestations, clinicopathological findings and genetic characterization

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    Background: Relapsing fever (RF) is an acute infectious disease caused by arthropod-borne spirochetes of the genus Borrelia. The disease is characterized by recurrent episodes of fever that concur with spirochetemia. The RF borrelioses include louse-borne RF caused by Borrelia recurrentis and tick-borne endemic RF transmitted by argasid soft ticks and caused by several Borrelia spp. such as B. crocidurae, B. coriaceae, B. duttoni, B. hermsii, B. hispanica and B. persica. Human infection with B. persica is transmitted by the soft tick Ornithodoros tholozani and has been reported from Iran, Israel, Egypt, India, and Central Asia. Methods: During 2003-2015, five cats and five dogs from northern, central and southern Israel were presented for veterinary care and detected with borrelia spirochetemia by blood smear microscopy. The causative infective agent in these animals was identified and characterized by PCR from blood and sequencing of parts of the flagellin (flab), 16S rRNA and glycerophosphodiester phosphodiestrase (GlpQ) genes. Results: All animals were infected with B. persica genetically identical to the causative agent of human RF. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that DNA sequences from these pet carnivores clustered together with B. persica genotypes I and II from humans and O. tholozani ticks and distinctly from other RF Borrelia spp. The main clinical findings in cats included lethargy, anorexia, anemia in 5/5 cats and thrombocytopenia in 4/5. All dogs were lethargic and anorectic, 4/5 were febrile and anemic and 3/5 were thrombocytopenic. Three dogs were co-infected with Babesia spp. The animals were all treated with antibiotics and the survival rate of both dogs and cats was 80 %. The cat and dog that succumbed to disease died one day after the initiation of antibiotic treatment, while survival in the others was followed by the rapid disappearance of spirochetemia. Conclusions: This is the first report of disease due to B. persica infection in cats and the first case series in dogs. Infection was associated with anemia and thrombocytopenia. Fever was more frequently observed in dogs than cats. Domestic canines and felines suffer from clinical disease due to B. persica infection and may also serve as sentinels for human infection