471 research outputs found

    Solar Neutrinos: Radiative Corrections in Neutrino-Electron Scattering Experiments

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    Radiative corrections to the electron recoil-energy spectra and to total cross sections are computed for neutrino-electron scattering by solar neutrinos. Radiative corrections change monotonically the electron recoil spectrum for incident \b8 neutrinos, with the relative probability of observing recoil electrons being reduced by about 4 \% at the highest electron energies. For p−pp-p and \be7 neutrinos, the recoil spectra are not affected significantly. Total cross sections for solar neutrino-electron scattering are reduced by about 2 \% compared to previously computed values. We also calculate the recoil spectra from 13^{13}N and 15^{15}O neutrinos including radiative corrections.Comment: 40 pages, uuencoded, Z-compress file

    Particle Detection by Evaporation from Superfluid Helium

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    We report the first experiments in which 5-MeV alpha particles are detected via evaporation from a bath of superfluid helium. The α excites phonons and rotons in the liquid helium, and these excitations are sufficiently energetic to evaporate helium atoms when they reach the free surface of the liquid. The approximate overall efficiency of this process has been determined, and we compare this with expectations. We have also been able to detect evaporation induced by a flux of γ’s from a 137Cs source

    Removal of superfluid helium films from surfaces below 0.1 K

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    We have constructed an apparatus that is able to maintain a helium‐free surface at low temperature (T≀0.1 K) in a cell containing superfluid helium. We discuss the considerations involved in the design of this device, and describe tests that we have made to confirm that a film‐free surface has been produced

    Phonon amplification using evaporation and adsorption of helium

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    We report the results of experiments designed to investigate the feasibility of amplifying a phonon signal using the evaporation of helium from a superfluid film and its subsequent readsorption onto a helium-free surface. We envision a multistage amplifier in which helium is evaporated from a wafer with a helium film only on one side and then adsorbed onto the film-free surface of a similar wafer. The phonons created by the adsorption reach the film on the opposite side of the wafer and potentially desorb more helium than was evaporated by the first wafer. The amplification would come from the high ratio of the binding energy of a helium atom to a film-free surface relative to the binding energy to the liquid. A number of experiments are reported that investigate the efficiencies of the individual steps of the process. The gain per stage is found to be about 3 for high-energy densities in which multiphonon processes are possible. At low-energy densities, the energy deposited into a film-free wafer is found to be less than the original input energy, with the ratio of output to input energy 0.2. Since in applications requiring amplification the phonon density produced by the adsorption of helium on a wafer will be low, the configuration we have studied—phonons produced in silicon coated with a saturated He4 film—will not result in amplification. However, other configurations might improve the efficiency enough to make an amplifier possible

    Angular Distribution of Rotons Generated by Alpha Particles in Superfluid Helium: A Possible Tool for Low Energy Particle Detection

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    We report measurements of the distribution of rotons generated by α particles interacting in a bath of superfluid helium. The roton flux is found to be anisotropic; it is about 4 times larger transverse to the track direction than along it. This asymmetry may provide a powerful tool in particle and astrophysics experiments where sensitivity to low energy recoil track direction is important

    Heat Capacity and Thermal Conductance Measurements of a Superconducting-Normal Mixed State by Detection of Single 3 eV Photons in a Magnetic Penetration Thermometer

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    We report on measurements of the detected signal pulses in a molybdenum-gold Magnetic Penetration Thermometer (MPT) in response to absorption of one or more 3 eV photons. We designed and used this MPT sensor for x-ray microcalorimetry. In this device, the diamagnetic response of a superconducting MoAu bilayer is used to sense temperature changes in response to absorbed photons, and responsivity is enhanced by a Meissner transition in which the magnetic flux penetrating the sensor changes rapidly to minimize free energy in a mixed superconducting normal state. We have previously reported on use of our MPT to study a thermal phonon energy loss to the substrate when absorbing x-rays. We now describe results of extracting heat capacity C and thermal conductance G values from pulse height and decay time of MPT pulses generated by 3 eV photons. The variation in C and G at temperatures near the Meissner transition temperature (set by an internal magnetic bias field) allow us to probe the behavior in superconducting normal mixed state of the condensation energy and the electron cooling power resulting from quasi-particle recombination and phonon emission. The information gained on electron cooling power is also relevant to the operation of other superconducting detectors, such as Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors

    Single-cell delineation of lineage and genetic identity in the mouse brain

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    During neurogenesis, mitotic progenitor cells lining the ventricles ofthe embryonic mouse brain undergo their final rounds of cell division, giving rise to a wide spectrum of postmitotic neurons and glia(1,2). The link between developmental lineage and cell-type diversity remains an open question. Here we used massively parallel tagging of progenitors to track clonal relationships and transcriptomic signatures during mouse forebrain development. We quantified clonal divergence and convergence across all major cell classes postnatally, and found diverse types of GABAergic neuron that share a common lineage. Divergence of GABAergic clones occurred during embryogenesis upon cell-cycle exit, suggesting that differentiation into subtypes is initiated as a lineage-dependent process at the progenitor cell level
