352 research outputs found

    Bladnematoder i prydnadsväxter

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    Jordgubbs bladnematoden (Ap helenehoides fragariae) och krysantemumbladnematoden (A ritzemabosi) har båda stora värdväxtkretsar. Angrepp förekommer i en mängd olika krukväxtslag, av vilka Begonia och Saintpaulia tillhör de mest utsatta. Inkräktarna är mycket små, 0,5-1,2 mm, och kan endast påvisas med hjälp av mikroskop

    Filmen som verktyg för landskapsarkitekter

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    Den här uppsatsen undersöker filmmediets egenskaper och på vilket sätt den rörliga bilden kan bidra till en djupare förståelse för en plats. Arbetet är uppdelat i två delar. Den första delen är en litteraturstudie där filmen blir jämförd med andra illustrativa medier. Den andra delen är ett praktiskt avsnitt som består av experiment där filmkameran används för att dokumentera en plats. Avsikten är att undersöka hur ett arbetssätt med filmkameran kan bidra till nya idéer kring för den som vill göra analyser inför en gestaltning.This bachelor thesis examines film’s characteristics and the way in which the moving pictures can contribute to a deeper understanding of a place. The work is divided into two parts, a literature part where film is being compared with other illustrative mediums and a practical part consisting of experiments in which the film camera is used to document a place. The intention is to examine how working with camera can lead to new ideas for those who want to perform analysis prior to a design of a place

    Os castigos corporais como práticas punitivas e disciplinadoras nas escolas isoladas do Paraná (1857-1882)

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    Orientador: Marcus Aurelio Taborda de OliveiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa: Curitiba, 2005Inclui bibliografiaResumo: Nesta pesquisa investiguei a temática da disciplinarização e punição escolar, centrada na questão dos castigos corporais. Neste sentido, objetivei entender de que forma os castigos corporais contribuíram para a disciplinarização e controle dos corpos dos alunos das escolas isoladas paranaenses, no período de 1857 a 1882. Os acervos pesquisados foram os da Biblioteca Pública do Paraná (divisão paranaense) e o do Arquivo Público do Paraná. O conjunto de fontes coligidas englobou os seguintes documentos: relatórios de presidentes da província, inspetores da Instrução Pública e professores; correspondências provinciais; termos de visita dos inspetores paroquiais, mapas escolares, cartas, circulares e a coleção de leis da província do Paraná, no que se refere à Instrução Pública do período. A historiografia na qual me apoiei inclui autores como: Alves (2002); Galvão (1998); Lemos (2002); Siqueira (2000); Souza (2000); Souza (2001) e Vago (2002). Lembrando que o Brasil e o Paraná eram recém emancipados, sua sociedade era: patriarcal, escravocrata e marcada por relações violentas nas diversas esferas sociais, como em casa, no trabalho e na escola. As marcas desta violência estiveram presentes no cotidiano e nos corpos dos alunos nas diversas escolas brasileiras do século XIX, que puniam e/ou disciplinavam os educandos através de castigos corporais, castigos morais ou de premiações. Como estes foram os meios mais comuns de se exercer a autoridade e buscar manter a ordem e a disciplina em muitas escolas brasileiras, se fez necessário buscar o entendimento que as pessoas do século XIX tinham sobre castigos corporais e qual o significado que esta prática adquiriu com o passar dos tempos. Neste sentido, foi possível identificar que os castigos físicos eram usados como sinónimo de castigos corporais, assim como a palmatória. Imbricado aos castigos físicos estavam os castigos morais, que apesar de muitas vezes serem mais sutis, pois não deixavam as marcas de sua violência explícitas no corpo, não eram necessariamente menos severos. Estes estiveram previstos em todos os regulamentos que contemplam o período estudado. Outra forma de disciplinar e punir os alunos era a distribuição de prémios, que tornava o bom aluno o exemplo a ser seguido, contrariamente aos castigos físicos ou morais. Independente do mecanismo utilizado (castigos físicos, castigos morais ou premiação), a manutenção da ordem e disciplina, assim como a necessidade de civilizar a população, se estabeleceram como discursos legitimadores para a permanência destas práticas no ambiente escolar paranaense da segunda metade do século XIX.Abstract: This research was conducted in order to investigate the disciplinarian thematic and school punishment focused on corporal punishment. I tried to find out how does the body punishment contribute to the discipline and control on student's body in isolated schools in the state of Parana, south of Brazil, during the period between 1857 and 1882. To establish my project I researched oh the Parana Public Library and also on the State of Parana Archive office. The sources conjoint include official documents such as: Province Governor reports, Public Education inspectors and teachers, letters from that period, parochial inspectors and documents related to their visitations, school maps, law state manuscripts of the Province regarding the Public Instruction of that era. The bibliography used on my research included writers such as: Alves (2002); Galvão (1998); Lemos (2002); Siqueira (2000); Souza (2000); Souza (2001) e Vago (2002). It is necessary to keep in mind that Brazil and the Parana State were both freshly emancipated on that period and their society was known as patriarchal, enslaver and marked by violent relations on many social spheres as home, school and work. The signs related to this brutal behavior always could be detected on the daily routine and on the student's body of many Brazilian school of the 19th century where punishment and education through corporal and moral punishments or rewards were common sense. As those were the most common tactics to impose authority and maintain the discipline all over Brazil it was necessary to find out what was the people understanding regarding body punishment and what it meant as time went by. During the time spent on this research it was possible to identify and attest that these physical punishments were used as synonymous of body punishment too, such as the device known as "palmatória" which consisted a wood instrument stroking the palms of the hand. Imbricate to the physical punishments, was the moral punishment too, that even apparently softer because they did not leave scars of their explicit violence it does not mean they were weightless. This kind of punishment was always described on the rules of the schools of that time. I also have found other kind of punishment system which is based on prizes to be distributed to the best students and make them examples to be followed in opposition to the physical and moral punishments. Unattached of the apparatus used (physical and moral punishments and also prizes to distributed), the order sustenance and discipline and the necessity of educate the population was imposed as authentic speech to the permanence of this practical on the school ambient of the State of Parana during the second half of the 19th century

    Intrathecal long-term gene expression by self-complementary adeno-associated virus type 1 suitable for chronic pain studies in rats

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    BACKGROUND: Intrathecal (IT) gene transfer is an attractive approach for targeting spinal mechanisms of nociception but the duration of gene expression achieved by reported methods is short (up to two weeks) impairing their utility in the chronic pain setting. The overall goal of this study was to develop IT gene transfer yielding true long-term transgene expression defined as ≥ 3 mo following a single vector administration. We defined "IT" administration as atraumatic injection into the lumbar cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) modeling a lumbar puncture. Our studies focused on recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV), one of the most promising vector types for clinical use. RESULTS: Conventional single stranded rAAV2 vectors performed poorly after IT delivery in rats. Pseudotyping of rAAV with capsids of serotypes 1, 3, and 5 was tested alone or in combination with a modification of the inverted terminal repeat. The former alters vector tropism and the latter allows packaging of self-complementary rAAV (sc-rAAV) vectors. Combining both types of modification led to the identification of sc-rAAV2/l as a vector that performed superiorly in the IT space. IT delivery of 3 × 10e9 sc-rAAV2/l particles per animal led to stable expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) for ≥ 3 mo detectable by Western blotting, quantitative PCR, and in a blinded study by confocal microscopy. Expression was strongest in the cauda equina and the lower sections of the spinal cord and only minimal in the forebrain. Microscopic examination of the SC fixed in situ with intact nerve roots and meninges revealed strong EGFP fluorescence in the nerve roots. CONCLUSION: sc-rAAVl mediates stable IT transgene expression for ≥ 3 mo. Our findings support the underlying hypothesis that IT target cells for gene transfer lack the machinery for efficient conversion of the single-stranded rAAV genome into double-stranded DNA and favor uptake of serotype 1 vectors over 2. Experiments presented here will provide a rational basis for utilizing IT rAAV gene transfer in basic and translational studies on chronic pain

    Osteotropism of neuroendocrine tumors: role of the CXCL12/ CXCR4 pathway in promoting EMT in vitro.

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    Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) metastasize to the skeleton in approximately 20% of patients. We have previously shown that the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) regulates the NET osteotropism and that CXCR4 overexpression predicts bone spreading. Here, we unravel the molecular mechanisms linking the activation of the CXCL12/CXCR4 axis to the bone colonization of NETs using cell lines representative of pancreatic (BON1, CM, QGP1), intestinal (CNDT 2.5), and bronchial origin (H727). By combining flow cytometry and ELISA, BON1, CM and QGP1 cells were defined as CXCR4high/CXCL12low, while H727 and CNDT 2.5 were CXCR4low/CXCL12high. CXCL12 was inert on cell proliferation, but significantly increased the in vitro osteotropism of CXCR4high/CXCL12low cells, as assessed by transwell assays with or without Matrigel membranes. In these cells, CXCL12 induced in vitro a marked EMT-like transcriptional shift with acquirement of a mesenchymal shape. The nuclei of CXCR4high/CXCL12low NET cells were typically enriched in non-phosphorylated CXCR4, particularly upon agonist stimulation. Silencing of CXCR4 via siRNA prevented the CXCL12-induced EMT in CXCR4high/CXCL12low NET cell lines resulting in the abrogation of both migration and transcriptional mesenchymal patterns. Our data suggest that CXCL12 conveys EMT-promoting signals in NET cells through CXCR4, which in turn regulates transcriptional, morphologic and functional modifications resulting in enhanced in vitro osteotropism of NET cells. Unique functions of CXCR4 may be segregated in relation to its subcellular localization and may acquire potential relevance in future in vivo studies