155 research outputs found

    Comment la modernitĂ© vint au Maroc. Analyse d’une image du sport scolaire colonial (1955)

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    ProlĂ©gomĂšnes mĂ©thodologiques Choisir une image du sport aux colonies : voilĂ  qui relĂšve de la gageure... Quelle image choisir ? Et comment justifier un choix ? Trois problĂšmes, au moins, se posent au chercheur. Le premier est la diversitĂ© des sources iconographiques possibles : images de pĂ©riodiques, illustrations de livres, cartes postales, affiches, photographies privĂ©es
 il faudrait pouvoir rĂ©pertorier tous les types de supports par lesquels ont Ă©tĂ© vĂ©hiculĂ©es ces reprĂ©sentations, mais aus..

    Une patrimonialisation musĂ©ale de l’histoire coloniale est-elle possible ?

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    On pourrait s’étonner des controverses françaises contre le postcolonialisme dans un pays ne possĂ©dant pas de musĂ©e sur l’histoire coloniale. Cet article pose l’hypothĂšse que cette configuration s’origine dans l’impossibilitĂ© de « normaliser » l’histoire coloniale, notamment par une dĂ©marche de patrimonialisation.One may be surprised by the French controversies against postcolonialism in a country that does not have a museum on colonial history. This article hypothesizes that this configuration originates in the impossibility of «normalizing» colonial history, notably through a patrimonialization process

    « Danses macabres » : Une technologie culturelle du massacre des Tutsi au Rwanda

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    Au cƓur de l’important rĂ©pertoire chorĂ©graphique du Rwanda rĂ©publicain, les danses dites imihamirizo composent une technologie guerriĂšre qui marque les corps de « l’animation politique » du pays. La souillure et l’irrĂ©gularitĂ© constituent les principaux Ă©lĂ©ments adverses contre lesquels combat le groupe. Dans le cadre de la sĂ©dimentation d’une hexis guerriĂšre purificatrice, l’ennemi est rigoureusement identifiĂ© Ă  la chair tutsi, prĂ©tendument responsable de l’infection des organes hutu. Du combat des danseurs Ă  l’action de couper les inyenzi (serpents), danses guerriĂšres et techniques des pogroms fabriquent une technologie culturelle du massacre des Tutsi au Rwanda.At the center of the large choreographic repertoire of Republican Rwanda, the so-called imihamirizo dances constitute a technology of war that marks the bodies of the “political animation” of the country. The group of dancers mainly fights two major opposing components: filth and irregularity. Within the frame of the sedimentation of a purifying war hexis, the enemy is closely identified with the Tutsi flesh, which is allegedly responsible for the infection of Hutu organs. From the dancers’ fights to the slicing of inyenzi (snakes), war dances and pogrom techniques build a cultural technology of Tutsi slaughter in Rwanda

    Les « kings » de l’athlĂ©tisme handisport français : ElĂ©ments pour la prosopographie d’une Ă©lite paralympique (1964-2014)

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    DĂšs les annĂ©es 1980, les champions paralympiques en fauteuil roulant, surnommĂ©s les « kings », sont les athlĂštes handisport mobilisant le plus l’attention des mĂ©dias. Depuis les Jeux paralympiques de Tokyo en 1964, 16 athlĂštes français en fauteuil remportent aux Jeux paralympiques 61 mĂ©dailles dans les courses individuelles et en relais. En recoupant des sources orales et Ă©crites, cette contribution vise Ă  reconstruire les trajectoires biographiques de ces sportifs d’élite. Tout en identifiant leurs rĂ©seaux d’appartenance et leurs engagements communs, nous mettons en Ă©vidence plusieurs Ă©lĂ©ments structurant la construction de leur excellence athlĂ©tique, parmi lesquels leur jeunesse sportive, leur longue rĂ©Ă©ducation sportive dans des centres, leur rencontre avec des « modĂšles en fauteuil » et la reconversion sportive de dispositions socioprofessionnelles et culturelles. Depuis les annĂ©es 1980, ces athlĂštes bĂ©nĂ©ficient aussi en France de la structuration progressive du sport et de l’athlĂ©tisme pour les personnes en situation de handicap physique autour de trois logiques complĂ©mentaires : sportive, technologique et politique.In the 1980s, wheelchair Paralympic champions, dubbed the “kings,” were the disabled athletes attracting the greatest media attention. Starting with the Tokyo 1964 Paralympic Games, 16 French wheelchair athletes won 61 Paralympic medals in relays and individual races. Based on oral and written sources, this article strives to retrace these elite athletes’ biographical trajectories. We identify the networks to which they belonged and the commitments they shared and discover several elements underlying their athletic excellence, including the influence of “wheelchair role models,” and the integration of socioprofessional and cultural attributes into sports. Since the 1980s in France, this category of athletes has also benefited from the gradual development of sports and athleticism for people with disabilities around the three complementary areas of athletics, technology, and politics.DĂšs les annĂ©es 1980, les champions paralympiques en fauteuil roulant, surnommĂ©s les « kings », sont les athlĂštes handisport mobilisant le plus l’attention des mĂ©dias. Depuis les Jeux paralympiques de Tokyo en 1964, 16 athlĂštes français en fauteuil remportent aux Jeux paralympiques 61 mĂ©dailles dans les courses individuelles et en relais. En recoupant des sources orales et Ă©crites, cette contribution vise Ă  reconstruire les trajectoires biographiques de ces sportifs d’élite. Tout en identifiant leurs rĂ©seaux d’appartenance et leurs engagements communs, nous mettons en Ă©vidence plusieurs Ă©lĂ©ments structurant la construction de leur excellence athlĂ©tique, parmi lesquels leur jeunesse sportive, leur longue rĂ©Ă©ducation sportive dans des centres, leur rencontre avec des « modĂšles en fauteuil » et la reconversion sportive de dispositions socioprofessionnelles et culturelles. Depuis les annĂ©es 1980, ces athlĂštes bĂ©nĂ©ficient aussi en France de la structuration progressive du sport et de l’athlĂ©tisme pour les personnes en situation de handicap physique autour de trois logiques complĂ©mentaires : sportive, technologique et politique.In the 1980s, wheelchair Paralympic champions, dubbed the “kings,” were the disabled athletes attracting the greatest media attention. Starting with the Tokyo 1964 Paralympic Games, 16 French wheelchair athletes won 61 Paralympic medals in relays and individual races. Based on oral and written sources, this article strives to retrace these elite athletes’ biographical trajectories. We identify the networks to which they belonged and the commitments they shared and discover several elements underlying their athletic excellence, including the role of sports in their youth, their long athletic rehabilitation in facilities, the influence of “wheelchair role models,” and the integration of socioprofessional and cultural attributes into sports. Since the 1980s in France, this category of athletes has also benefited from the gradual development of sports and athleticism for people with disabilities around the three complementary areas of athletics, technology, and politics

    « Danses macabres » : Une technologie culturelle du massacre des Tutsi au Rwanda

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    Au cƓur de l’important rĂ©pertoire chorĂ©graphique du Rwanda rĂ©publicain, les danses dites imihamirizo composent une technologie guerriĂšre qui marque les corps de « l’animation politique » du pays. La souillure et l’irrĂ©gularitĂ© constituent les principaux Ă©lĂ©ments adverses contre lesquels combat le groupe. Dans le cadre de la sĂ©dimentation d’une hexis guerriĂšre purificatrice, l’ennemi est rigoureusement identifiĂ© Ă  la chair tutsi, prĂ©tendument responsable de l’infection des organes hutu. Du combat des danseurs Ă  l’action de couper les inyenzi (serpents), danses guerriĂšres et techniques des pogroms fabriquent une technologie culturelle du massacre des Tutsi au Rwanda.At the center of the large choreographic repertoire of Republican Rwanda, the so-called imihamirizo dances constitute a technology of war that marks the bodies of the “political animation” of the country. The group of dancers mainly fights two major opposing components: filth and irregularity. Within the frame of the sedimentation of a purifying war hexis, the enemy is closely identified with the Tutsi flesh, which is allegedly responsible for the infection of Hutu organs. From the dancers’ fights to the slicing of inyenzi (snakes), war dances and pogrom techniques build a cultural technology of Tutsi slaughter in Rwanda

    Des livres et des idées - Biennale des sciences humaines et sociales 2012

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    "L\u27Ă©dition de sciences humaines et sociales : le cƓur en danger", ainsi Sophie Barluet intitulait-elle son rapport commandĂ© par le ministĂšre de la Culture et de la Communication, remis en 2004. Si la question du devenir des sciences humaines et sociales n\u27est pas rĂ©ductible Ă  sa seule prĂ©sence sur les tables des libraires, la vitalitĂ© du secteur est sans cesse questionnĂ©e, depuis la mort des PĂšres : Sartre, Foucault, Barthes, Bourdieu, Derrida
, depuis la chute du mur de Berlin, et la prĂ©gnance – comme allant de soi - du capitalisme (financier), et l\u27effacement du politique, depuis le 11 septembre 2001, entrĂ©e fracassante dans le XXIe siĂšcle, comme il y eut Sarajevo un siĂšcle plus tĂŽt, depuis le bouleversement des techniques de lecture et de publication (numĂ©rique). Pour autant, la pensĂ©e est toujours fĂ©conde. De jeunes chercheurs interrogent l\u27histoire et le colonialisme pour comprendre les rĂ©volutions du Moyen-Orient, sondent l\u27Ă©conomie et la finance, analysent nos sociĂ©tĂ©s. Pour autant, l\u27Ă©dition critique traduit, dĂ©couvre, parfois survit, les chercheurs publient ; voir, Ă  ce propos, l\u27ouvrage de Sophie NoĂ«l : L\u27Ă©dition indĂ©pendante critique : engagements politiques et intellectuels (Presses de l\u27enssib, novembre 2012), ainsi que les trois volumes Faire les sciences sociales aujourd\u27hui publiĂ©s par les Ă©ditions de l\u27EHESS (octobre 2012). C\u27est pour donner la parole Ă  ceux et celles qui nous aident Ă  comprendre le monde que l\u27enssib, avec la librairie Passages, l\u27Ă©cole des hautes Ă©tudes en sciences sociales (EHESS) et la bibliothĂšque municipale de Lyon, en collaboration avec la Fondation de la Maison des sciences de l\u27homme (FMSH), ont organisĂ© cette premiĂšre biennale des sciences humaines et sociales, dont le thĂšme (gĂ©nĂ©rique) est "penser la crise"

    The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: a consolidated design for the system requirement review of the preliminary definition phase

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    The Athena X-ray Integral Unit (X-IFU) is the high resolution X-ray spectrometer, studied since 2015 for flying in the mid-30s on the Athena space X-ray Observatory, a versatile observatory designed to address the Hot and Energetic Universe science theme, selected in November 2013 by the Survey Science Committee. Based on a large format array of Transition Edge Sensors (TES), it aims to provide spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy, with a spectral resolution of 2.5 eV (up to 7 keV) over an hexagonal field of view of 5 arc minutes (equivalent diameter). The X-IFU entered its System Requirement Review (SRR) in June 2022, at about the same time when ESA called for an overall X-IFU redesign (including the X-IFU cryostat and the cooling chain), due to an unanticipated cost overrun of Athena. In this paper, after illustrating the breakthrough capabilities of the X-IFU, we describe the instrument as presented at its SRR, browsing through all the subsystems and associated requirements. We then show the instrument budgets, with a particular emphasis on the anticipated budgets of some of its key performance parameters. Finally we briefly discuss on the ongoing key technology demonstration activities, the calibration and the activities foreseen in the X-IFU Instrument Science Center, and touch on communication and outreach activities, the consortium organisation, and finally on the life cycle assessment of X-IFU aiming at minimising the environmental footprint, associated with the development of the instrument. Thanks to the studies conducted so far on X-IFU, it is expected that along the design-to-cost exercise requested by ESA, the X-IFU will maintain flagship capabilities in spatially resolved high resolution X-ray spectroscopy, enabling most of the original X-IFU related scientific objectives of the Athena mission to be retained. (abridged).Comment: 48 pages, 29 figures, Accepted for publication in Experimental Astronomy with minor editin

    The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: a consolidated design for the system requirement review of the preliminary definition phase

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    The Athena X-ray Integral Unit (X-IFU) is the high resolution X-ray spectrometer studied since 2015 for flying in the mid-30s on the Athena space X-ray Observatory. Athena is a versatile observatory designed to address the Hot and Energetic Universe science theme, as selected in November 2013 by the Survey Science Committee. Based on a large format array of Transition Edge Sensors (TES), X-IFU aims to provide spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy, with a spectral resolution of 2.5 eV (up to 7 keV) over a hexagonal field of view of 5 arc minutes (equivalent diameter). The X-IFU entered its System Requirement Review (SRR) in June 2022, at about the same time when ESA called for an overall X-IFU redesign (including the X-IFU cryostat and the cooling chain), due to an unanticipated cost overrun of Athena. In this paper, after illustrating the breakthrough capabilities of the X-IFU, we describe the instrument as presented at its SRR (i.e. in the course of its preliminary definition phase, so-called B1), browsing through all the subsystems and associated requirements. We then show the instrument budgets, with a particular emphasis on the anticipated budgets of some of its key performance parameters, such as the instrument efficiency, spectral resolution, energy scale knowledge, count rate capability, non X-ray background and target of opportunity efficiency. Finally, we briefly discuss the ongoing key technology demonstration activities, the calibration and the activities foreseen in the X-IFU Instrument Science Center, touch on communication and outreach activities, the consortium organisation and the life cycle assessment of X-IFU aiming at minimising the environmental footprint, associated with the development of the instrument. Thanks to the studies conducted so far on X-IFU, it is expected that along the design-to-cost exercise requested by ESA, the X-IFU will maintain flagship capabilities in spatially resolved high resolution X-ray spectroscopy, enabling most of the original X-IFU related scientific objectives of the Athena mission to be retained. The X-IFU will be provided by an international consortium led by France, The Netherlands and Italy, with ESA member state contributions from Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, with additional contributions from the United States and Japan.The French contribution to X-IFU is funded by CNES, CNRS and CEA. This work has been also supported by ASI (Italian Space Agency) through the Contract 2019-27-HH.0, and by the ESA (European Space Agency) Core Technology Program (CTP) Contract No. 4000114932/15/NL/BW and the AREMBES - ESA CTP No.4000116655/16/NL/BW. This publication is part of grant RTI2018-096686-B-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. This publication is part of grant RTI2018-096686-B-C21 and PID2020-115325GB-C31 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033
