9 research outputs found

    Influence of the vadose zone on groundwater pollution - A review

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    The vadose zone is the geologic profile that lies between the water table and the ground surface. It has low water content relative to the saturated zone and commonly referred as the unsaturated zone. Recharge to the water table passes through the vadose zone and understanding transport through this region is critical in groundwater pollution studies. Groundwater pollution is controlled by a number of physical and chemical processes which may retard or transform contaminants as they pass through the vadose zone.  Porous materials hold water under tension as a component of soil structure, ambient fluid pressures and other factors. When vadose zone water content is below saturation, leakage liquid as well as the dissolved materials passed on in it are retained. Hydrologically, the depth of unsaturated zone plays an important role in controlling water movement and contaminant transport from the land surface to the aquifer. The purpose of this study is to present an overview of the principles of fluid flow and moisture retention in the vadose zone and its influence on groundwater pollution. The study is presented in two parts: Part I includes descriptions of zones of soil moisture, basic principles of properties controlling the fluid distribution in pore spaces and how subsurface soil properties can be used to assess the leachate mobility. Part II review the principle of fluid movement in the vadose zone and impact of seepage on groundwater pollution. This study will focus on how vadose zone conditions and soil properties act to control groundwater pollution

    SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Route in Wastewater and Possible Solutions

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    In the view of present SARS-CoV-2 pandemic a study on the presence of this novel virus in wastewater treatment facilities is proposed. Other coronavirus species are known to survive in wastewater for days to weeks. Present data also shows that SARS-CoV-2 can be present in waste product generated by infected humans. This generated waste can be source of this virus to wastewater stream and being an enveloped virus can survive for longer period, which can be aerosolized and act as secondary transmission source. Here we propose this pathway of transmission should be rigorously studied, especially in countries like India, where minimum hygiene and sanitation can be tough to achieve because of high population density. We further propose to look into different disinfection methods, which can be most useful to deactivate this lethal viru

    Assessment of seasonal groundwater quality using CHIDAM software in Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu.

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    Hard rock aquifer is the most predominant in the southern peninsula exclusively in Tamil Nadu, India. Virudhunagar district is situated in the South west part of Tamil Nadu, mostly of hard rock topography. Groundwater plays a major role in this area contributing to domestic, irrigation and industrial practices. Running down of groundwater by extreme consumption and less recharge in the study area has reduced the level of groundwater. On the other hand, intensive domestic, agriculture and industrial practices impacts the quality of quality of groundwater as well. Hydro geochemistry plays an important role in evaluation of suitability of groundwater for its usage in several purposes. A total of 72 samples from North East Monsoon (NEM) and Post Monsoon (POM) has been analyzed hydrochemically. The irrigation quality parameters such as sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), %Na, Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Kelley’s index and Magnesium hazard were calculated using CHIDAM software 2020 in conjunction with USSL and Doneen diagrams. During NEM, EC and TDS ranges from 273 to 5869 mg/L and 194 to 4159 mg/L and during POM is from 235 to 6850 mg/L and 233.8 to 6916 mg/L. The hydrogeochemical facies represents that Ca-HCO3 and mixed Ca-Mg-Cl facies are predominant during NEM and Na-Cl and mixed Ca-Mg-Cl are predominant during POM. The higher concentration of TDS and EC in the samples reflects the unsuitability of groundwater in both seasons

    Assessment of sources and distribution metals in groundwater of Pondicherry region, India

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    The proposed study investigates the seasonal variation in the concentration and the source of the heavy metals like Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn and Fe in the groundwater samples of Pondicherry region. The study results reveal that, the heavy metal concentration is high during South West Monsoon season (SWM) compared to that of North East Monsoon season (NEM). The pH was near neutral and metal load representing most of the samples were low during NEM. Statistical analysis shows that the 63.7 % of the total variance is observed during NEM and 68.9% during SWM. Geographic information system (GIS) tool was considered for the study to understand the environmental pollution status of the groundwater systems of the study area and to identify the groundwater quality parameters. The multivariate statistical analysis explains that the source of trace metal in the groundwater is derived from natural origin except copper and lead as these contaminants were derived from anthropogenic activities. Based on the output of WATEQ4F, several species of heavy metals exist, in which the dominant species are Mn, CuCl2, PbCO3, Fe and Zn

    Ferrihydrite Reduction Increases Arsenic and Uranium Bioavailability in Unsaturated Soil

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    Redox driven mobilization and plant uptake of contaminants under transiently saturated soil conditions need to be clarified to ensure food and water quality across different irrigation systems. We postulate that solid-phase iron reduction in anoxic microsites present in the rhizosphere of unsaturated soil is a key driver for mobilization and bioavailability of contaminants under nonflooded irrigation. To clarify this, two major crops, corn and soybean differing in iron uptake strategies, were grown in irrigated synthetic soil under semiarid conditions with gravimetric moisture content ∼12.5 ± 2.4%. 2-line ferrihydrite, which was coprecipitated with uranium and arsenic, served as the only iron source in soil. Irrespective of crop type, reduced iron was detected in pore water and postexperiment rhizosphere soil confirming ferrihydrite reduction. These results support the presence of localized anoxic microsites in the otherwise aerobic porous bulk soil causing reduction of ferrihydrite and concomitant increase in plant uptake of comobilized contaminants. Our findings indicate that reactive iron minerals undergo reductive dissolution inside anoxic microsites of primarily unsaturated soil, which may have implications on the mobility of trace element contaminants such as arsenic and uranium in irrigated unsaturated soils, accounting for 55% of the irrigated area in the US. Includes supplemental materials

    Source apportionment and health risk assessment of nitrate in foothill aquifers of Western Ghats, South India

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    The present research reports the level of nitrate (NO3-), associated health risks and possible sources of contamination in groundwater from south India. Many samples (32%) are above or approaching the recommended level of NO3- for safe drinking water. The correlation analysis indicates different sources of NO3- contamination in different regions rather than a common origin. The isotopic measurements provide information about potential nitrogen sources contributing NO3- to the groundwater. Based on isotope analysis, the sources of NO3- in the groundwater of this region are likely to be from (a) septic sewage (b) organic nitrogen (animal and livestock excreta) (c) sewage (domestic & chemical fertilizers). Among the sample analyzed sewage, manure and septic sewage contribute 46%, 23% and 31% NO3- to groundwater. The HQ \u3e 1 indicates non-carcinogenic health risk due to consumption of high NO3- in drinking water. Among the studied age groups, infants are exposed to higher risk than children and adults. Results indicate that groundwater of this region is polluted with NO3- due to anthropogenic activities. Continuous consumption of such water may pose serious health risk to the residents

    Influence of Dissolved Oxygen, Water Level and Temperature on Dissolved Organic Carbon in Coastal Groundwater

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    The quality of groundwater has been severely impacted by urbanization around coasts. The change in climate and land use patterns has deteriorated the quality and availability of groundwater. One of the main issues in contemporary groundwater quality research is dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the water. The influence of DO, water level and water temperature on DOC in groundwater was identified in the current study by sampling 68 groundwater samples. The analytical results revealed that ~18% of total samples have DOC > 5 mg/L. The groundwater samples represented in the urban regions show high DOC. The samples with higher DOC correlated positively with dissolved inorganic ions, such as Ca, K, NO3, Fe and DO. Domestic wastewater, agricultural runoff and local geology all have an impact on the DOC of groundwater. Groundwater chemistry is shown to be controlled by both aerobic and anaerobic conditions based on the DOC’s interactions with other ions. The study interrelates various sources, such as land use, geology, water level and temperature, to the DOC in groundwater and infers that the levels are higher in shallow groundwater, predominantly around the built-up region followed by the agricultural region. The temperature changes enhance the DOC in groundwater due to the variation in microbial activity. The shallow water level with a lower temperature shows the maximum DOC. Apart from the sediment organic matter and microbes, the study also attributes land use pattern to the source of DOC in groundwater

    An insight on the speciation and genetical imprint of bicarbonate ion in the groundwater along K/T boundary, South India

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    Groundwater stored in sand, clay, and underground rocks that act as huge aquifers of water have been vastly explored by human civilization for drinking and irrigation purposes. This underlying sand, clay, and rocks greatly influence the chemistry of groundwater by fluctuation in various concentrations of ions. The geochemistry of Ariyalur region was studied by taking 142 samples in both Pre monsoon (PRM) and Post monsoon (POM) seasons. Analysis for crucial cations and anions like K+, Na+, F-, Cl-, HCO3-, Mg2+, Ca2+, SO42-, PO43-, NO3-, and H4SiO4and the physico-chemical variables like pH, total dissolved solid (TDS), and electrical conductivity (EC) were carried out to understand the suitability of groundwater. From all these information, Piper-plot has been used to analyze the water type in both the seasons. The study revealed that in both the seasons, HCO3-covers the major factors followed by H2CO3which are responsible for the change of chemistry of groundwater and proved its importance in the study area. Hence to determine the relationship of HCO3-with other ions, various charts were used. To obtain the origin of this HCO3-and reactions related to it, correlation of different species like HCO3, CaHCO3, MgHCO3, NaHCO3, CaCO3, MgCO3, NaCO3, and H2CO3were analyzed along with major physico-chemical variables like pH and logpCO2. The factor analysis for these species revealed the processes and reactions taking place in the study area. The contour diagrams for all the species in both the season has revealed the origin of HCO3-and dissolution by comparing lithology and geology of the study area

    Geochemical (process based) characterization of groundwater along the KT boundary of South India

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