2,326 research outputs found

    Demixing kinetics of phase separated polymer solutions in microgravity

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    Phase separated solutions of two neutral polymers in buffer provide a useful and versatile medium for the partition separation of biological cells. However, the efficiency of such separations is orders of magnitude lower than the thermodynamic limit. To test the hypothesis that this inefficiency is at least partially due to the convection and sedimentation that occur during the gravity driven demixing that follows introduction of cells to the systems, a series of experiments were begun aimed at performing cell partition in a low g environment. Demixing of isopycnic three polymer solvent systems was studied, experiments were performed on KC-135 aircraft and one shuttle middeck experiment was completed. Analysis of the results of these experiments and comparisons with the predictions of scaling relations for the dependence of phase domain size on time, derived for a number of possible demixing mechanisms, are presented

    Separation of biological materials in microgravity

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    Partition in aqueous two phase polymer systems is a potentially useful procedure in downstream processing of both molecular and particulate biomaterials. The potential efficiency of the process for particle and cell isolations is much higher than the useful levels already achieved. Space provides a unique environment in which to test the hypothesis that convection and settling phenomena degrade the performance of the partition process. The initial space experiment in a series of tests of this hypothesis is described

    Demixing of aqueous polymer two-phase systems in low gravity

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    When polymers such as dextran and poly(ethylene glycol) are mixed in aqueous solution biphasic systems often form. On Earth the emulsion formed by mixing the phases rapidly demixes because of phase density differences. Biological materials can be purified by selective partitioning between the phases. In the case of cells and other particulates the efficiency of these separations appears to be somewhat compromised by the demixing process. To modify this process and to evaluate the potential of two-phase partitioning in space, experiments on the effects of gravity on phase emulsion demixing were undertaken. The behavior of phase systems with essentially identical phase densities was studied at one-g and during low-g parabolic aircraft maneuvers. The results indicate the demixing can occur rather rapidly in space, although more slowly than on Earth. The demixing process was examined from a theoretical standpoint by applying the theory of Ostwald ripening. This theory predicts demizing rates many orders of magnitude lower than observed. Other possible demixing mechanisms are considered

    Activin A inhibits MPTP and LPS-induced increases in inflammatory cell populations and loss of dopamine neurons in the mouse midbrain in Vivo

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    © 2017 Stayte et al. Parkinson's disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease characterized by a significant loss of dopaminergic neurons within the substantia nigra pars compacta region and a subsequent loss of dopamine within the striatum. A promising avenue of research has been the administration of growth factors to promote the survival of remaining midbrain neurons, although the mechanism by which they provide neuroprotection is not understood. Activin A, a member of the transforming growth factor β superfamily, has been shown to be a potent anti-inflammatory following acute brain injury and has been demonstrated to play a role in the neuroprotection of midbrain neurons against MPP+-induced degeneration in vitro. We hypothesized that activin A may offer similar anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects in in vivo mouse models of Parkinson's disease. We found that activin A significantly attenuated the inflammatory response induced by both MPTP and intranigral administration of lipopolysaccharide in C57BL/6 mice. We found that administration of activin A promoted survival of dopaminergic and total neuron populations in the pars compacta region both 8 days and 8 weeks after MPTP-induced degeneration. Surprisingly, no corresponding protection of striatal dopamine levels was found. Furthermore, activin A failed to protect against loss of striatal dopamine transporter expression in the striatum, suggesting the neuroprotective action of activin A may be localized to the substantia nigra. Together, these results provide the first evidence that activin A exerts potent neuroprotection and anti-inflammatory effects in the MPTP and lipopolysaccharide mouse models of Parkinson's disease

    Improving the representational strategies of children in a music-listening and playing task: an intervention-based study.

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    This intervention-based study focuses on the relation between music and its graphic representation from a meta-representational point of view. It aims to determine whether middle school students show an increase in meta-representational competence (MRC) after an educational intervention. Three classes of 11 to 14-year-old students participated in the teaching experiment: one experimental class (E) and two control classes (C). An intervention on MRC was carried out on the E class during the hours that were allocated for the regular music lessons, while students from the C classes followed the regular music curriculum. E and C classes were given the same pretest and posttest, which measured students' MRC by means of six representational criteria. One month after the posttest, all classes completed a retention test. The results reveal an overall effect in favour of the E group, despite the negative results for two representational criteria. Moreover, the overall gain, to a great extent, was due to a decrease in the score of the C classes, while the gains in the E class were rather small. Theoretical, methodological and educational implications are discussed

    Testing the Resolving Power of 2-D K^+ K^+ Interferometry

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    Adopting a procedure previously proposed to quantitatively study two-dimensional pion interferometry, an equivalent 2-D chi^2 analysis was performed to test the resolving power of that method when applied to less favorable conditions, i.e., if no significant contribution from long lived resonances is expected, as in kaon interferometry. For that purpose, use is made of the preliminary E859 K^+ K^+ interferometry data from Si+Au collisions at 14.6 AGeV/c. As expected, less sensitivity is achieved in the present case, although it still is possible to distinguish two distinct decoupling geometries. The present analysis seems to favor scenarios with no resonance formation at the AGS energy range, if the preliminary K^+ K^+ data are confirmed. The possible compatibility of data with zero decoupling proper time interval, conjectured by the 3-D experimental analysis, is also investigated and is ruled out when considering more realistic dynamical models with expanding sources. These results, however, clearly evidence the important influence of the time emission interval on the source effective transverse dimensions. Furthermore, they strongly emphasize that the static Gaussian parameterization, commonly used to fit data, cannot be trusted under more realistic conditions, leading to distorted or even wrong interpretation of the source parameters!Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 4 Postscript figures include

    Correlation measurements in high-multiplicity events

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    Requirements for correlation measurements in high--multiplicity events are discussed. Attention is focussed on detection of so--called hot spots, two--particle rapidity correlations, two--particle momentum correlations (for quantum interferometry) and higher--order correlations. The signal--to--noise ratio may become large in the high--multiplicity limit, allowing meaningful single--event measurements, only if the correlations are due to collective behavior.Comment: MN 55455, 20 pages, KSUCNR-011-92 and TPI-MINN-92/47-T (revised). Revised to correct typo in equation (30), and to fill in a few steps in calculations. Now published as Phys. Rev. C 47 (1993) 232

    Site of Action of Inhibitors of Carbon Dioxide Assimilation by Whole Lettuce Chloroplasts

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    Mobile Phones as Secure Gateways for Message-Based Ubiquitous Communication (Revised)

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    For ubiquitous communication self-organising ad-hoc networks become more and more important. We consider mobile phones as appropriate secure gateways to provide access to the Internet for external machines with low communication needs. A message-based approach is best in such a scenario with moving mobile phones and machines. In this paper we propose a security model for access control to the communication infrastructure, which is also message oriented. To meet the requirements of ubiquitously communicating machines, all algorithms on the sender\u27s side are based on symmetric cryptography resulting in low computation requirements. Our sophisticated symmetric key infrastructure for access control is based on unique combinations of keys and is completed with an effective key management. This results in a carrier grade security level although many parties share the same keys. Adopting the Subscriber Identity Module as a secure storage and computing module achieves the trustworthiness of the mobile phone. This makes it possible to use the mobile phone not only as a user terminal but also as a trusted infrastructure component of the mobile network. This document is an update of earlier work [BWS07] presented at the Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices 2007 in Crete, Greece