192 research outputs found


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    For the Javanese the whole life is a manifestation of the Absolute.Therefore it is not possible to separate the sacred from the profane,neither morality from religiosity, nor epistemology from ethics.Knowledge, as the pursuit of the truth, is not viewed as in empiricaltradition in which the mind perceives objects out there through thecreation of representations of them by the nervous systems andregistered by the brain (Representationalism); neither as inCartesian intellectualism in which knowledge is founded onindubitable certainties (Foundationalism). It is, instead, a matter ofdoing and venturing (Laku) in which one is to go deeper: fromgross physical body, through subtle body, to the sublime soul. Thecentre of gravity of this pursuit is rasa ( inner feeling, ultimatesecret, the bearer of the divine life, the vehicle of life). Rasa is thequintessence of all the three parts of human structure : the head,the chest and the genital ( the scrotum)


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    We are accustomed to see culture relative to identity. This has been the strategy of modernity which leads us to see globalization as a crisis. This paper proposes to demonstrate that it is more promising to see a culture as a process of transformation through a creative dialogue with its Other

    Biotechnology of Drought-Tolerant Sugarcane

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    Water stress exists in most sugarcane cultivation areas, which are not supported by irrigation system and have low rain precipitation. Better understanding of physiological and biochemical mechanism, underlying plants response to water stress, have been achieved to develop drought-tolerant plants by biotechnology approach. To survive and grow normally, plants use a range of strategies to cope the water stress such as changes in gene expression and accumulation of organic compound called compatible solutes. Observation of drought stress response in sugarcane found the presence of a drought-inducible protein called SoDip22 and that the expression was induced by drought stress and ABA hormone treatments. However, the function of this drought-inducible protein has not been elucidated and only suggested that the protein may play an important role in maintenance of water molecule during water deficit state. Biochemical studies on the drought-tolerance mechanism have shown that nontoxic small compound of compatible solute accumulated during water deficit condition. Genetic engineering of glycine betaine (GB), acting as a compatible solute, has been applied for enhancement of water stress tolerance. In sugarcane, bacterial betA gene encodes for choline dehydrogenase (CDH) has successfully introduced and resulted in the transgenic drought-tolerance sugarcane. The CDH converts choline into betaine aldehyde, which is then converted to GB. The overexpression of betA gene increased GB contents that act as an osmoprotectant and help sugarcane acclimate in water deficit condition. This chapter reports the development of biotechnology for drought-tolerant sugarcane


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    Yang telah cenderung mengakibatkan agama dan kebudayaan rentan terhadap konflik adalah persoalan identitas. Identitas budaya atau pun agama tak mesti dipahami dari sudut prinsip non-kontradiktoris atau pun dipastikan sebagai suatu substansi tetap. Juga tidak harus dipahami berdasarkan kesamaan prinsip formal, pengelompokan sosial, atau pun berbagai bentuk batas. Hal-hal ini terlampau cair, tumpang-tindih dan kontekstual untuk memahami identitas. Perbedaan cara pandang kehidupanlebih merupakan perkara "bagaimana" daripada "apa"; lebih soal bagaimana berbagai unsur yang sama digunakan dengan cara yang berbeda dan dalam berbagai konteks yang berragam. Maka, barangkali identitas lebih tepat bila dilihat dari sudut "kepedulian yang sama", yang dalam perjalanan sejarah perlu selalu dikaji ulang kembali kepentingan dan maknanya

    Iman Tanpa Nalar, Bunuh Diri Nalar Tanpa Iman, Delusi

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    Both whorsippers of extrem rationalism and religious fundamentalists have the tendency of reducting reality in their mere perspective and approach. On the one hand, the extrem rationalists emphasize their approach to reality based on mere verificative and empirical method in so far as there could be no room for religious explanation. On the other hand, religious fundamentalists face the modern world by purifying their doctrines, strengthening the identity, restrictring their normative principles, and taking religion up to the strategy of politic on freedom. It certainly is critical and crucial to watch on reason and faith in each proportion without tending to absolutize its perspective since any tendency to absolutize perspective reduces human capacity to approach reality naively. Without intense dialog, sooner or later faith and reason will come to any kind of pathology and danger of life


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    Penelitian telah dilaksanakan untuk mengkaji aktivitas enzim SPS (Sucrose Phosphate Synthase) dan ekspresi gen SPS tanaman tebu pada kondisi cekaman kekeringan. Sebanyak 3 varietas masing-masing mewakili toleran, moderat dan peka kekeringan ditanam dalam polibag dengan media tanah masing-masing diulang 5 kali. Setelah berumur 2 bulan diperlakukan cekaman kekeringan dengan cara tanpa diberi pengairan sampai menunjukkan gejala daun menggulung pada daun pertama (K1). Sampel daun diekstrasi untuk pengujian lebih lanjut. Pengujian enzimatis dilakukan menggunakan sampel daun pertama (K1) tehadap ke 3 varietas masing-masing diulang 3 kali, setelah diperlakukan cekaman kekeringan kemudian dilakukan analisa. Pengujian enzimatis dilakukakan terhadap enzim SPS yang merupakan enzim penentu yang berperan mengakumulasi sukrosa dalam batang tebu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan respon aktivitas SPS varietas tebu toleran, moderat dan peka terhadap cekaman kekeringan berbeda-beda. Aktivitas SPS ke tiga varietas meningkat selama cekaman kekeringan, dengan kecenderungan M442-51 menghasilkan aktivitas lebih tinggi dibanding dua varietas lainnya. Ekspresi gen SPS mengalami peningkatan selama cekaman kekeringan. Perlakuan hormon BA (Benzil Adenin), JA (Jasmonic Acid) dan IAA (Indole Acetic Acid) tidak mampu meningkatkan ekspresi gen SPS, Rubisco maupun GS (Glutamin Synthase). Cekaman kekeringan dan ABA menyebabkan peningkatkan aktivitas SPS. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diusulkan untuk menggunakan SPS sebagai indikator fisiologis faktor ketahan kekeringan pada tebu

    A Comparison Study for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation Method in Sugarcane (Saccharum spp L.)

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    In order to compare transient expression of gus gene driven by CaMV 35S or rice ubiquitin RUBQ2 promoter, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was conducted using embryogenic callus and suspension cultures of sugarcane. Histochemical observation of GUS activity after co-cultivation showed that rice ubiquitin promoter produced high level of clear blue spots both in embryogenic callus and suspension cultures, while the CaMV35S promoter was not detected. Regenerated shoots from the infected materials were found higher in suspension cultures than embryogenic callus. The results showed that the rice ubiquitin promoter as well as suspension cultures are more efficient for the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. However, PCR analysis found there was no amplification of DNA neither for CaMV35 nor rice ubiquitin in genome DNA of regenerated shoot. Lacking of integration of the DNA into the genome showed that the regenerated shoots were not truly transformants might due to the presence of somaclonal variation that was common phenomenon in the regeneration from callus. To avoid the presence of somaclonal variation the transformation was then conduced using in vitro plant without intervening callus phase. Basal segment of in vitro plants prepared from axillary buds of sugarcane were used as the explants for the transformation. The histochemical observation of GUS activity showed that almost all of the infected materials partially exhibited blue color on the basal region. Infected in vitro plants showed rapidly grow and multiplied in theselection medium. Further investigation of the transformation using in vitro plants and Agrobacterium harboring SoSUT1 DNA construct driven by rice actin promoter resulted in development of antibiotic resistant sugarcane shoots. Interestingly the PCR analysis found an insertion of the antibiotic DNA fragment into the sugarcane genome DNA. This result suggests that in vitro plant is an effective target tissue for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in sugarcane

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Pada PT. Pegadaian (PERSERO) Sebelum Dan Saat Pandemi

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the financial performance of PT. Pegadaian (Persero) before and during pandemic. The purpose of this study is to determine the condition of the financial performance based on liquidity, solvency, profitability and activities ratios for 2019-2020. This research data sourced from financial statements PT. Pegadaian (Persero) form of Balance Sheet and Income Statement in the period 2019-2020. And methods used in this research is descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis method of analysis of research that seeks to describe and interpret the appropriate object. The result showed that the current ratio in 2019 is very healthy, while in 2020 it is healthy. The 2019 and 2020 cash ratios are considered unhealthy. Debt to asset ratio in 2019 and 2020 obtained very healthy criteria. The results of the 2019 and 2020 returns on investment are less healthy. Return on equity 2019 and 2020 criteria are very healthy. Collection period, receivable turnover 2019 and 2020 obtained very healthy criteria. Total asset turnover gets less healthy criteria in 2019 and 2020


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    The purpose of this research is to determine the conformity of musyarakah accounting standards with the MUI DSN (National Sharia Council) as an organization that overshadows one of the problems of sharia financial transactions, especially Shari'ah PSAK 106 based on AAOIFI's international accounting standards. To uncover this problem in depth and thoroughly, researchers used descriptive analysis with data collection methods with literature study methods or content analysis methods. Content analysis is one type of research method that is objective, systematic, qualitative, and related to content. This content analysis study emphasizes language and requires neutrality. So that the author analyzes the suitability of musyarakah accounting with DSN (National Sharia Council) MUI  by looking at the rules issued by AAOIFI as an international accounting organization in the world, so that there is accounting conformity in Indonesia