26 research outputs found

    Prototype Grounding Detector pada Ground Cluster dengan Sistem Interlockpadalbs (Load Break Switch) Berbasis Arduino Mega 2560 dengan Tampilan Hmi (Human Machine Interface)

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    Electricity has become a daily necessity in the community both social, economic and business. Therefore electricity is needed every day and it is the reliability of PLN. To fulfill such reliability While the reliability of electrical energy should be followed by inspection on the equipment used. PLN field employees themselves who every day always do inspection on the network of all the repeaters, so that field officers always know the state of the network in the field. If the network looks bad or requires maintenance it will be scheduled to do the job. Before the holding of the work it will be done in the first outage area is to operate the switching tool didaerah area. The switching tools are ABSW and LBS. After all the swithing tools are operated the workers always do the grounding first on the three phases by using ground clusters at the starting point to the end of the work where if transmitted so called PMS ground. This is done as a safety because the LBS switching tool is closed so that workers are not sure if the network has been extinguished and as a safety if LBS failed to work or failure. But here the worker himself sometimes still not sure whether the ground cluster is already installed properly or not. And as a safeguard against the occurrence of any maneuvering done by employees from the office Rayon. Therefore the author wants to make a prototype to detect whether grounding is installed properly or not in every phase. The prototype uses Arduino mega as its micron and uses a voltage sensor to find out the value of the voltage. If the ground claster is installed and work fails on LBS then the OCR relay will work and PMT will trip. With the prototype is expected to improve security in the work and minimize the occurrence of work accidents. This prototype has a 0% chance of a crash if the ground cluster is properly installed

    Analysis of Teacher and Student Understanding of Minimum Competence Asessment (AKM)

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    The aim of this research is to analyze the understanding of teachers and students towards the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) as one of the instruments of the National Assessment. The urgency of teachers’ and students’ understanding of the Minimum Competency Assessment will determine the success of the implementation of new policies in the field of learning evaluation. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach with a survey method through the distribution of questionnaires in the form of a Google Form to teachers and students of 11th grade at State Senior High School 62 in East Jakarta about the essence, competencies, components, format, and number of questions in the AKM. The collected data is then analysed using descriptive statistical techniques in the form of percentages. The results of this research show that 64.7% of teachers have understood the AKM, while 35.5% of teachers have not understood it. Meanwhile, 66.4% of students have understood the AKM, while 33.3% of students have no understood ye


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    Semakin pesatnya perkembangan teknologi penangkapan serta adanya larangan penggunaan alat tangkap trawl, maka nelayan lamongan terutama di perairan Brondong banyak yang menggunakan pukat tarik cantrang. Demi mendapatkan hasil tangkapan yang banyak para nelayan memodifikasi ukuran utama pada pukat tarik cantrang yang mereka gunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh pada ukuran pukat tarik cantrang yang berbeda ukuran utama serta yang paling dominan sehingga hasil tangkapan bertambah. Metode deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini, pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Penelitian dilakukan di dua tempat yaitu Desa Brondong dan Desa Kandangsemangkon. Analisis data yang digunakan ada dua yaitu regresi sederhana dan regresi berganda. Dari hasil analisis regresi sederhana dan berganda terdapat persamaan hasil yaitu bagian pukat tarik cantrang yang paling berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan adalah penambahan panjang tali penarik, dalam regresi sederhana mempunyai pengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan sebesar 0,396 kg jika ada penambahan 1 m pada panjang tali penarik. Pada regresi berganda jika panjang tali penarik ditambah 1 m maka hasil tangkapan akan meningkat sebesar 0,323 kg. Jadi, bagian yang paling dominan mempengaruhi hasil tangkapan adalah panjang tali penarik.   Kata Kunci: ukuran utama cantrang, pengaruh ukuran utama, hasil tangkapa


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    Nelayan di Kecamatan Lekok hampir semua kapal yang digunakan berbahan kayu dengan ukuran rata-rata panjang 10-15 meter, lebar 2 meter dan tinggi 1 meter. Masalah yang terjadi sekarang harga kapal kayu yang naik seiring dengan naiknya harga bahan baku kayu dan upah tenaga kerja. Perawatan kapal kayu dengan metode tradisional dilakukan setiap minggu untuk membersihkan kulit kapal dari hewan laut dan kerak yang menempel di kulit kapal, 3 bulan sekali kapal di docking untuk penggantian papan yang bocor dan lepas dan juga perbaikan mesin kapal. Metode perbaikan kapal dengan memanfaatkan teknologi laminasi fiberglass ini telah terbukti secara efektif untuk perbaikan kapal, terutama pada bagian kulit lambung kapal. Urutan pengerjaan perbaikan kapal dengan laminasi fiberglass adalah sebagai berikut: mengeringkan dan membersihkan lambung kapal, mengganti papan kayu yang lepas atau bocor, melakukan laminasi dengan menggunakan dempul dari campuran resin dan talek, laminasi fiberglass dengan lapisan MAT dan resin, tahap terakhir yaitu penyelesaian akhir dan pengecatan. Secara teknis metode ini mampu menjaga kapal bertahan sampai dengan 6 tahun dengan kondisi sampai sekarang kulit kapal belum mengalami kerusakan. Beberapa keuntungan yang didapatkan adalah tidak perlu lagi perbaikan kapal pada bagian lambung kapal baik mingguan atau bulanan, kapal cukup dibersihkan dari lumpur pada kulitnya. Keuntungan lainnya, kapal lebih tinggi kecepatannya karena permukaan kapal yang menjadi halus dan tidak ada air yang terserap ke dalam kulit kapal


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    High rate for employee turnover intention may lead to significant expenses of an organization, including the direct costs of replacing an employee and the indirect costs related to loss of experience and lowered productivity. The aim of the study is to investigate the influence of organizational commitment toward the employee turnover. The research method used in the study is quantitative approach. The primary data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 100 employees of a state-owned electricity corporation in Jakarta, Indonesia. Multiple linear regression shows that all three components of organizational commitment: affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment significantly influenced employee turnover intention


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    Jawa Tengah merupakan daerah penghasil ikan asap terbesar kedua di Indonesia. Besarnya produksi ikan asap di Provinsi Jawa Tengah didukung adanya KUB Asap Indah di Desa Wonosari, Kecamatan Bonang, Kabupaten Demak. Telah dilakukan perbaikan proses pengolahan ikan asap di KUB Asap Indah, tetapi belum ada transfer iptek pengemasan vakum ikan asap. Selama ini, pemasaran ikan asap oleh KUB Asap Indah, ikan asap hanya dibungkus dengan menggunakan kertas koran dan plastik. Dengan adanya kegiatan transfer iptek di Sentra Pengasapan KUB Asap Indah, maka dapat memperpanjang umur simpan produk ikan asap. Penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan cara mengemas vakum yang baik mampu mengubah paradigma pengolah ikan asap untuk lebih memperhatikan pengemasan ikan asap sehingga menghasilkan produk ikan asap yang berkualitas dan mampu bersaing dengan produk ikan asap dari daerah dan negara lain. Dengan demikian, dapat turut mendukung program pemerintah khususnya Ditjen Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan Kementrian Kelautan Perikanan tentang Akselerasi Pengembangan Pengasapan Ikan dan mengupayakan agar KUB Asap Indah dapat mempersiapkan diri menghadapi persaingan MEA

    Qualitative Analysis of Cinnamomum burmannii Content using GCMS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectometry) Method

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    To identify the bioactive compounds in Cinnamomum burmannii and their biological activity. Cinnamon bark originating from Batu Malang, East Java, which was located 700-1300 meters above sea level, was processed into dry extract by maceration method with 96% ethanol solvent. Furthermore, cinnamon ethanol extract was analyzed using the GCMS method to look at the content of the bioactive component for further testing biological activity with the server Way2Drug PASS. GCMS results showed 40 active compounds such as trans-cinnamaldehyde, trans-anethole, cinnamyl acetate, calacorene, cadina-1, 4-diene, delta-cadinene. Furthermore, of the 40 compounds, the biological activity potential was tested for 29 bioactive compounds based on PA (probable to be active) values predicted by the Way2Drug PASS server. Cinnamomum was tested against the potential as anti-fungi, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-neoplastic. Trans-cinnamaldehyde showed PA 0,583 as anti inflammatory, L-limonene PA0,818 as anti neoplastic, Tans-anethole PA 0,614 as anti neoplastic, Cinnamyl acetate PA 0,669 as anti inflammatory, calacorene PA 0,698 as anti inflammatory, Delta cadinene PA 0,651 as anti neoplastic, , Cathechin PA 0,828 as anti oxidant, alpha.-Cubebene PA 0,888 as anti inflammatory and PA 0,837 as anti neoplastic, melilotin PA 0,929 as anti neoplastic, Caryophyllene PA0,915 as anti neoplastic. Cinnamomum burmannii had biological potency based on potential activity (PA) 0,432 (+0,117) as antifungi, PA 0,335 (+0,090) as antibacterial, PA 0,304 (+0,199) as antioxidan, PA 0,561 (+0,190) as anti inflammatory, PA 0,373 (+0,170) as antidiabetic, PA 0,584 (+0,234) as antineoplastic