30 research outputs found

    Histological responsesof Radix quadrasi (Mollusca: Gastropoda) to Metaldehyde and Niclosamide

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    ABSTRACT: Pengaruh molusisida, metaldehid dan niklosamid terhadap Radix quadrasi dipelajari dengan melakukanTestToksisitas 72 jam. Hewanpercobaandiperlakukan menggunakan niklosamid dengan konsentrasi 0,045, 0,058, 0,075 mg/L, dan metaldehid dengan konsentrasi 100,112 and 130 mg/L., sedangkan untuk kontrol R. quadrasi diperlakukan dengan medium normal (air tawar). Tiga puluh lima ekor R. quadrasi dipergunakan untuk setiap perlakuan, dan dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak lima kali. Setelah tiga hari perlakuan sebagian dari R. quadrasi dikorbankan kemudian hepatopankreas serta kakinya dibuat sediaan histologis, sementara sebagian yang lain dipelihara dalam medium nor¬mal selama satu minggu untuk mengetahui proses pemulihan. Hasilpercobaanmenunjukkanbahwa perlakuan dengan metaldehid dan niklosamid mempengaruhi struktur hepatopankreas dan kaki R. quadrasi. Perubahan struktur yang teramati adalah terbentuknya vakuola pada sel-sel hepatopankreas, pemendekan sel-sel yang disertai dengan disintegrasi tubulus hepatopankreas, serta melebamya ruang antar tubulus. Sel-sel goblet bertambah banyak terutama pada dosis perlakuan yang rendah. Pengamatan pada kaki muskuler R. quadrasi menunjukkan adanya perubahan pada silia yang mengalami pengelupasan dan kerusakan pada sel-sel epitelium di daerah epider¬mis, meningkatnya pigmentasi, danmereduksinya glandula mukosa, serta tampak adanya sel-sel ameboid di daerah dermis. Pada dosis perlakuan yang rendah R. quadrasi menunjukkan adanya tanda-tanda pemulihan pada daerah yang mengalami kerusakan. Kata kunci: Molusisida, Sadixquadnsi, struktur Histologi, hepatopankreas, Vain muskuler

    Effects Of Metaldehyde And Niclosamide On The Behavior And Reproductive Capacity Of Radix Quadrasi Von Moellendorf (Basommatophora: Lymnaeidae) : Pengaruh Metaldehid Dan Niklosamid Terhadap Perilaku Dan Kapasitas...

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    Intisari: Pengaruh molusisida, metaldehid dan niklosamid, terhadap perilaku dan kapasitas reproduksi Radix quadrasi telah diteliti dalam kondisi laboratorium. R. quadrasi diperlakukan dengan dua jenis molusisidcz, yaitu niklosamid dengan konsentrasi 00,0450,0580,075 mg/L, dan metaldehid dengan konsentrasi 0, 100, 112, 130 mg/L. Reaksi dan gejala keracunan diamati secara teliti selama berlangsungnya percobaan. Pengamatan dilakukan tiga kali, yaitu awal perlakuan (0 jam), 12 jam, dan 24 jam setelah perlakuan. Setelah perlakucm selesai R. quadrasi yang bertahan hidup dipelihara selama satu bulan untukdiamati kemampuan reproduksinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya reaksi segera setelah R. quadrasi bersentuhan dengan molusisida. Pada konsentrasi rendah dan sedang molusisida menyebabkan meninglcatnya kecenderungan keong untuk bergerak meninggallca-n air. Kecenderungan meninggalkan air ini juga terjadi pada kontrol meskipun intensitasnya lebih rendah. Sedangkan pada konsentrasi tinggi keong tampak tidak bergerak dan tinggal di dasar kotak perlakurm. Niklosamid dan metaldehid menyebabkan tnenurunnya kemampuan reproduksi R. quadrasi. Jumlah telur dan masa telur yang dihasilkan menurun drastis seiring dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi molusisida. Namun demikian masa inkubasi telur, baik yang diperlakukan maupun pada kontrol, tidak berbeda nyata. Niklosamid dan metaldehid berpengaruh nyata terhadap perilaku dan kapasitas reproduksi R. quadrasi. Diantara dua molusisida yang diuji dalam penelitian ini, niklosamid lebih beracun daripada metaldehid. Kata kunci: Radix quadrasi, molusisida, reproduks

    Maturation of Female Yellow Rasbora (Rasbora Lateristriata Bleeker, 1854) Using Oodev at Different Doses in Feed

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    The current high demand for Yellow rasbora (Rasbora lateristriata) is not supported by the availability of captured Yellow rasbora in nature. Aquaculture is the most rational way of utilizing biological natural resources. In intensive aquaculture, it is necessary to optimize all processes that occur in aquaculture, including hatchery. However, the common problem that often happens in hatchery activities is spawning which depends on the season. The hormonal manipulation technique is an appropriate way to stimulate gonadal maturation. Oodev is a hormonal combination of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin and anti-dopamine to stimulate gonadal maturation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using the Oodev with different doses in feed to accelerate gonad maturation of female Yellow rasbora. The study was carried out with four treatments and three replications in 21 days with different doses of Oodev, such as; A (Feed without Oodev), B (0.5 mL/kg feed), C (1 mL/kg feed) and D (2 mL/kg feed). The parameters observed in this study were gonad maturity level, histological structure of ovary, gonadosomatic index, fecundity, and diameter of eggs. The results showed that the dose of Oodev at 1.0 mL/kg feed was an effective dose to optimize the gonad maturity of female Yellow rasbora. This is proven by the highest results shown on all parameters, such as; the maturity level in the IV phase, histological structure of the ovary which showed the dominance of the oocyte maturation phase, gonadosomatic index of 14.014%, the fecundity of 721 eggs, and egg diameter of 0.865 mm. In conclusion, using Oodev in feed at a dose of 1.0 ml/kg of feed for 21 days is an effective dose to optimize the maturation of female Yellow rasbora.

    The Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Cashew Fruit Peel on The Liver Histological Structure in Rat (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769)

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    Cashew fruit peel is a waste produced from the cashew nut industry, and it has not been utilized optimally yet. Cashew peel extract has the potential to be used as a contraceptive agent, which capable of reducing reproductive capacity. However, its side effects on other tissue and organ such as liver not clearly studied yet. This study aims to determine the effect of ethanolic extracts of cashew peel on the histological structure of the white rat liver. In this study, 21 female white rats were used and be grouped for control (6 mice) which were treated with CMCMa 0.5% and 15 mice were treated with peel extract of 500 mg/kg body every day for one month. Liver for examination was collected sequentially at 3rd, 5th, 8th, 11th, and 14th of the estrous cycle. The liver was processed for histological observation and stained with Hematoxylin Eosin and Mallory Acid Fuchsin staining solution. The liver hepatocyte was observed for it abnormality and be scored to calculate the number of cell damage or abnormality. The result showed that peel extract-treated mouse liver was similar to control ones; we did not witness any evidence of fibrosis, pyknosis and cellular necrosis on either control or treated mouse. Statistical analysis by SPSS showed that the p-value between the control and treatment groups was 0.078 (> 0.05) so there was no significant difference between control and treatment. It could be concluded that ethanolic extracts of cashew nuts peel with a concentration of 500 mg/kg body weight caused no effect on the mouse liver histological structure. application with reduced-dosages of NPK fertilizers were arranged in a random block design with three replicates. The results show that large quantities of silica bodies attached to the surface of EFB fibers and amounting to 0.44% soluble Si. The FFB data indicated that the application of 75% NPK + 500 kg composted EFB + 2 L BioSilAc/ha/year on a five-year-old plant resulted in higher yield than that obtained from 100% standard dosage of NPK. The study also revealed that the application of EFB compost reduced 50% of BioSilAc dosage

    Detergents Effect on Egg Hatchability, Morphometry and Larval Bone Structure of Native Indonesian Fish: Wader Pari (Rasbora lateristriata Bleeker, 1854)

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of detergents on eggs hatchability, survival rates, morphometry and bone structure of Wader Pari fish (Rasbora lateristriata Bleeker, 1854). The fish were treated with detergent solution, with a concentration of 0 mg L−1, 3 mg L−1, 6 mg L−1, 9 mg L−1, 18 mg L−1, 27 mg L−1, and 50 mg L−1, respectively. Each test consisted of one aquarium filled with 30 eggs. The number of eggs hatched was counted and these were treated continually for 1.5 mo to determine fish survival rates, morphology, growth rates and bone structure assays. The bone structure assay was prepared with Alizarin’s Red-Alcian Blue staining. The results show that detergent treatments at 0 mg L−1, 3 mg L−1, 6 mg L−1, 9 mg L−1 did not significantly affect hatchability, survival rate, or morphometry of either egg or fish (p > 0.05). However, a higher concentration at 18 mg L−1, 27 mg L−1, and 50 mg L−1, significantly affected the fish egg hatchability and survivability. Moreover, fish vertebral structures were normal at treatments of 0 mg L−1, 3 mg L−1, 6 mg L−1, whereas at 9 mg L−1, was caused abnormal vertebral structures

    Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Peel Decoction Effect on Embryological Development of Wader Pari Fish Rasbora lateristriata (Bleeker, 1854)

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    Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is a tropical fruit that has become a sought-after commodity by enthusiasts from various countries, including Indonesia. The active components found in mangosteen peel primarily consist of active xanthone compounds, such as mangostenol, mangostin, mangostino A, mangostino B, tvophylin B, trapezifolixanthone, alpha mangostin, beta mangostin, garcinon B, mangostano, as well as flavonoids epicatechin and gartanin. These compounds exhibit a range of beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antihistamine, antidiabetic, anticancer, and more. Consequently, there is significant potential in developing mangosteen peel extract as a valuable ingredient in herbal medicine. However, there is currently no available data on the effects of exposure to mangosteen peel decoction on fish animal models. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the impact of mangosteen peel decoction on wader pari fish (Rasbora lateristriata) embryos. In this study, wader pari embryos were subjected to various concentrations of mangosteen peel decoction (0.5, 1, 5, and 25 µg/mL). The effects on egg hatchability, survival rate (SR), heart rate frequency, and heart morphology of the larvae were meticulously examined using a Leica microscope. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using one-way ANOVA. The findings demonstrated that exposure to mangosteen peel decoction resulted in lower hatching rates and embryonic survival, alongside an increased heart rate frequency. Additionally, the exposed embryos displayed cardiac edema and cardiac bending, particularly at the concentration of 25 µg/mL. In conclusion, the exposure of wader pari fish embryos to mangosteen peel decoction at the concentrations of 25 µg/mL and higher significantly affected the hatching rate, survival rate, and heart rate of R. lateristriata fish larvae.

    Histological Study of Phyllidia coelestis (Nudibranch) Epidermal Tissue from Pasir Putih, Situbondo

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    Nudibranch are a mollusk which can be found in all zones of ocean. Further, they are distributed widely from subtropical to tropical areas. The Nudibranch is characterized by lack of a shell and usually have a bright shiny color. Nudibranch has a potency to be used in the medical field because they have chemical compound inside their body. These chemical compound are the result of secondary metabolites from symbiosis with zooxanthellae in nudibranch tissues.  This research aims to study the structure of epidermal tissue of the Phyllidia coelestis collected from Pasir Putih, Situbondo, East Java Indonesia. The results showed that the epithelial structure of the Phyllidia coelestis composed of cuboidal epithelium with vacuoles spread regularly along the mantle layer below the epidermal layer. Gland cells are rarely found in the outer epithelial layer. The foot epidermal layer consisted of simple ciliated columnar epithelial cells, with goblet-shaped mucous secreting glands among the epithelium. Gill tissue structure was composed of cell layers of cuboidal ciliated epithelial cells resting on a basement membrane and connective tissue

    The Impact Behaviour of Crab Carapaces in Relation to Morphology

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    Brachyuran crab carapaces are protective, impact-resistant exoskeletons with elaborate material microstructures. Though several research efforts have been made to characterise the physical, material and mechanical properties of the crab carapace, there are no studies detailing how crab morphologies might influence impact resistance. The purpose of this paper is to characterise and compare Brachyuran crab carapace morphologies in relation to their impact properties, using opto-digital, experimental and numerical methods. We find that crab carapaces with both extended carapace arc-lengths and deep carapace grooves lose stiffness rapidly under cyclic impact loading, and fail in a brittle manner. Contrarily, carapaces with smaller arc lengths and shallower, more broadly distributed carapace grooves are more effective in dissipating stresses caused by impact throughout the carapace structure. This allows them to retain stiffness for longer, and influences their failure mode, which is ductile (denting), rather than brittle fracture. The findings in this paper provide new bioinspired approaches for the geometrical designs by which means material failure under cyclic impact can be controlled and manipulated

    Indeks Gonadosomatik dan Struktur Histologis Gonad Ikan Uceng (Nemacheilus fasciatus, Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1846)

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    Uceng fish is wild native fish of Indonesia that live in fresh water river. It is very common that people consume the fish for it high protein contain. High demand of fish availability cause the fish exploitation increasing rapidly in nature. The high intensity of fish exploitation, soon will induce declining population of the fish and leading to extinction. Uceng fish cultivation is one alternative to solve the tread. The purpose of this research is to examine the Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) and gonad histological structure of male and female uceng fish (Nemacheilus fasciatus) on the period of immature and mature. Fish were dissected , weighed and the gonads were measured for gonadosomatic index. Moreover, gonad were fixed in NBF 5% for histological preparation by paraffin method and which than were stained by Hematoxylin-Eosin. The result were analyzed for both qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative analysis was conducted for gonad histological structure of male and female fish, while quantitative analysis was for Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) of fish respectively. The result showed that there were differences on the gonadosomatic index of males and females fish, the histological structure of ovarian follicle and the composition of the spermatogenic cells of immature gonads and mature gonads of the fish respectively. It was conclude that there are differences on Gonadosomatic Index and gonad histological structure on immature and mature of male and female of Uceng fish (N. fasciatus)