9 research outputs found

    Isolation of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Around Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) Clumps Using Natural Media Trap Method

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    Bamboo plant is a potential source of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB). Phosphate solubilizing ability is an important characteristic of PGPB. This study aims to isolate phosphate solubilizing bacteria around the bamboo clumps using natural media. The bacteria around the bamboo clumps are trapped using natural media. The media consist of  70 gram cooked rice and 70 gram banana peel. The media were stored in plastic boxes with four types of treatments: 1) tightly closed, 2) covered with tissue, 3) covered with banana leaves, and 4) uncovered (open). Those plastic boxes are placed around the bamboo clump and left  for up to 5 days. The trapped phosphate solubilizing bacteria were isolated using Pikovskaya agar. A total of 17 isolates of phosphate solubilizing bacteria were successfully trapped, 8 isolates in cooked rice and 9 isolates in banana peel. The isolates showed a phosphate solubilization index, ranging from 0,2 to 1,40. The isolate NN01 has the highest ability to solubilize phosphate. This isolate was trapped in a cooked rice with an open plastic box condition. NN01 is a Gram positive rod-shaped bacterium. In this study it was revealed that the area of ​​the bamboo clumps is inhabited by various types of bacteria. The natural media of cooked rice and banana peels have a good ability to trap potential phosphate solubilizing bacteria around the bamboo clumps

    Isolation of Bacillus sphaericus

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    Malaria is endemic to Lombok Island, Indonesia. One approach to suppress malaria spread is to eliminate anopheline larvae in their habitat and the environmentally safe agent is bacteria, that is, Bacillus sphaericus. However, there is no information regarding local isolate of B. sphaericus that is toxic to mosquito larvae from Lombok. The aims of the study were to isolate B. sphaericus from soil in areas close to beach surrounding Lombok Island and to test their toxicity against 3rd instar Anopheles aconitus larvae. Soil samples were collected from 20 different sampling locations from Lombok Island and homogenized with sterile physiological salt solution. Suspension was heat-shocked at 80°C for 30 minutes and then spread onto antibiotic-supplemented NYSM solid medium. Colonies grown were characterized and subjected to initial toxicity test against anopheline larvae. Isolates with more than 50% killing percentage were subjected to bioassay testing against anopheline larvae. From 20 locations, 1 isolate showed mild toxicity (namely, isolate MNT) and 2 isolates showed high toxicity (namely, isolates SLG and TJL2) against An. aconitus. Those 3 isolates were potentially useful isolates, as they killed almost all larvae in 24 hours. The discovery of toxic indigenous isolates of B. sphaericus from Lombok Island opens opportunity to develop a biopesticide from local resources

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Bacillus yang Berasosiasi dengan Landak Laut di Pantai Mentigi, Lombok Barat

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    The search for new antimicrobial agents is very significant. The prevalence of antimicrobialresistance among key microbial pathogens is increasing at an alarming rate worldwide. Bacillusspecies produce many kinds of antibiotics which share a full range of antimicrobial activities.The aim of this research is to study antibacterial activity of three bacillus isolates (1A, 2J, 3L)which were isolated in Mentigi Beach, West Lombok. Assessment for antibacterial activity wasconducted using Overlaid Molten agar method on Nutrient Agar medium at different salinity(concentration of NaCl 0, 5, 10%) and different pH (pH 6, 7 and 8). The study showed that therewere different antibacterial activities at different salinity and different pH media. Production ofantibacterial at 0% NaCl concentration occurred only at pH 6 and 7 and had narrow spectrumcharacter (only for Gram positive bacteria). Addition of 5% NaCl made antibacterialproduction might occur at pH 6, 7 and 8 and had wide spectrum character (for Gram positiveand negative bacteria)


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    Nagasari (Mesua ferrea L.) is empirically used for curing diarrhea in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province. However, the safety and efficacy of nagasari have not been scientifically validated in animal model. This study evaluates the activity of nagasari flowers aqueous extract in BALB/c mice induced by Escherichia coli to determine the most effective dosage for anti-diarrheal effect. The aqueous extract of nagasari flowers ((0.4% (w/v), 0.8% (w/v), and 1.6% (w/v)) was given to 3 groups of mice whereas negative and positive control groups received aquadestilate and ciprofloxacin 130 mg/kgBW respectively orally once per day for 3 days. The frequency and consistency of feces were observed then the total colony of E. coli in feces was calculated using colony counter. Aqueous extract of nagasari flowers at concentration of 1.6% showed significant inhibitory activity against Escherichia coli compared to positive controls (diarrhea index of 0.425; p0.05 and total colony of E. coli in feces of 100.2; p0.05). This study provides scientific support for the traditional use of aqueous extract of nagasari flowers for the treatment of diarrheal diseases

    Efek Antidiare Ekstrak Air Bunga Nagasari (Mesua Ferrea L.) Terhadap Mencit BALB/c yang Diinduksi Minyak Jarak

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    Nagasari (Mesua ferrea L.) has a empirically repute for management of diarrhea in West Nusa Tenggara Province. However, the safety and efficacy of the nagasari flowers extract have not been scientifically validated in animal model. This study wasaimed to investigate the antidiarrheal effect of water extract of the nagasari flowers in BALB/c mice. The antidiarrhea activity of nagasari flowerswas investigated using castor oil-induced diarrhea increase in diarrhea index in mice.In castor oil-induced diarrhea test, mice received various consentrations of nagasari flowers extract (0,4% w/v; 0,8% w/v; and 1,6% w/v), where as negative controls received CMC-Na 1% and positive controls received loperamide 0,7 mg/kgBW orally once daily for 1 day and the mice droppings were observed. The phytochemical screening of nagasari flowers contain flavonoid, saponin, and phenolic. Water extract of nagasari flowers at concentration 1,6% showed significant inhibitory activity against castor oil-induced diarrhea when compared with positive controls (diarrhea index 0,083 ; p>0,05). Therefore, this study provides a scientific support for the acclaimed traditional use water extract of Mesua ferrea L. for the treatment of diarrheal diseases.Nagasari (Mesua ferrea L.) secara empiris digunakan sebagai penanganan diare di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Namun, keamanan dan kemanjuran dari ekstrak bunga nagasari belum divalidasi secara ilmiah dalam model hewan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek antidiare ekstrak air bunga nagasari pada mencit BALB/c. Aktivitas antidiare bunga nagasari diteliti dengan menggunakan minyak jarak sebagai penginduksi diare yang meningkatkan indeks diare pada mencit. Pada pengujian diare menggunakan penginduksi minyak jarak, mencit menerima variasi konsentrasi ekstrak bunga nagasari (0,4% b/v; 0,8% b/v; and 1,6% b/v),sedangkan kontrol negatif menerima CMC-Na 1% dan kontrol positif menerima loperamide 0,7 mg/kgBB per oral satu kali sehari selama satu hari dan feses mencit diamati. Skrining fitokimia bunga nagasari mengandung flavonoid, saponin, dan fenolik. Ekstrak air bunga nagasari pada konsentrasi 1,6% menunjukkan aktivitas penghambatan diare yang signifikan terhadap diare yang diinduksi minyak jarak jika dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif (indeks diare 0,083 ; p>0,05). Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memberikan dukungan ilmiah untuk penggunaan tradisional ekstrak air bunga nagasari untuk penanganan diare

    Perbandingan Aktivitas Antimikroba Ekstrak Etanol dari Tiga Spesies Ganoderma Asal Pulau Lombok: Comparison of Antimicrobial Activities of Ethanol Extract from Three Species of Ganoderma Original Lombok Island

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    The use of antibiotics is one of the most important ways to deal with the spread and treatment of pathogenic microbial infections. The search for new antibiotic sources continues to be carried out to anticipate the emergence of microbial resistance. One of the natural resources that has the potential as an antimicrobial source is a member of the macrofungi of the Genus Ganoderma. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial performance of the ethanol extracts of Ganoderma  lucidum, G. applanatum dan Ganorderma sp. against fungi (Candida albicans dan Cryptococcus neoformans),  gram positive bacteria (Bacillus cereus dan Staphylococcus aureus) and gram negative bacteria (Escherichia coli dan Shigella sp.). Macrofungi samples were taken from the forest area of Nature Tourism Park (TWA) Gunung Tunak, TWA Kerandangan, TWA Suranadi, TWA Nuraksa Sesaot, TWA Lemor and Pusuk forest. The stages of the method performed are sample collection, sample preparation, extraction, and testing of antimicrobial activity using the well difusion method. The ethanol extract concentrations for testing were 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%. The results showed that the three Ganoderma species had anti-fungal and antibacterial activity and that different levels of concentration had an effect on inhibition. The size of the inhibition zone is directly proportional to the higher the extract concentration. The antimicrobial activity of the ethanol extract of G. lucidum was higher when compared to G. applanatum and Ganoderma sp. both against fungi (Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans) as well as against gram-positive and gram-negative test bacteria. In addition, G. applanatum showed very weak inhibition against both groups of tested bacteria.  Key words: candidiasis; cryptococcosis; comorbid infections; macerations; pathogen

    Effectiveness of Ethanol Extract among Three Ganoderma Species From Lombok in Inhibition Growth of Candida albicans and Cryptoccocus neoformans

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    Candida albicans and Cryptoccocus neoformans are opportunistic pathogenic fungi that cause infectious diseases that are the world's biggest health problems. The use of antibiotics is one way to overcome the spread of the infection and cause microbial resistance. Ganoderma is one of the many macrophages found on Lombok's island, and studies of its antifungal activity have not been carried out. The purpose of this study was to determine the antifungal potential and the effect of different concentrations of ethanolic extracts of three Ganoderma species on C. albicans and C. neoformans. Ganoderma samples were obtained from Suranadi Taman Wisata Alam (TWA), Sesaot TWA, Tunak Mountain TWA, Kerandangan TWA, and Pusuk Forest. Ganoderma extraction was carried out by the maceration method using ethanol 95% solvent. The extract concentrations used are 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%. This research was conducted using the wells method with metronidazole as a positive control and 50% DMSO as a negative control. The parameter measured is the large diameter of the inhibition zone formed around the well. The results obtained are the three species of Ganoderma have antifungal activity against test fungi, and different levels of concentration affect inhibition. The amount of the inhibition zone is directly proportional to the high concentration of the extract. All three Ganoderma species are more effective in inhibiting the growth of C. neoformans compared with Candida albican

    Penyuluhan upaya penanggulangan dan pemeriksaan cacingan sebagai implementasi program pesantren sehat

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    [Bahasa]: Angka prevalensi cacingan nasional pada tahun 2015 sebesar 28,12%, dengan prevalensi daerah yang bervariasi hingga melebihi 50%. Survey cacingan pada sampel anak SD/MI di Kabupaten Lombok Barat pada tahun 2011 menunjukkan angka prevalensi 29,47%. Cakupan upaya penanggulangan yang masih terbatas mendorong peningkatan koordinasi lintas mitra salah satunya pesantren. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan upaya penanggulangan cacingan melalui penyuluhan dan demonstrasi indikator Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) pada salah satu mitra pondok pesantren di daerah Lombok Barat. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara semi terstruktur dan observasi pengetahuan siswa dengan lembar kuisioner. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan natif terhadap 38 sampel feses terdapat 3 orang cacingan (0.7 %)  terdiri atas infeksi campuran cacing tularan tanah (Ascaris sp dan Trichuris sp) dan infeksi tunggal (Hymenolepis sp, Ascaris sp). Hasil pengabdian secara umum berkontribusi terhadap penguasaan indikator PHBS sederhana yang terdiri atas: Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS), penggunaan alas kaki, serta pengukuran berat, dan tinggi badan secara berkala. Kata Kunci: cacingan; pesantren sehat; PHBS [English]: The national worm prevalence rate in 2015 was 28.12%, with regional prevalence varies over 50%. Worms survey in a sample of elementary school children in West Lombok Regency in 2011 showed a prevalence rate of 29.47%. The limited scope of prevention efforts has led to increased coordination across partners including pesantren. This community service program aimed to implement the prevention of intestinal worms through counseling and demonstration of clean and healthy behaviors (PHBS) indicators at one of the boarding schools in West Lombok. The methods used in this program is semi-structured interview and observation of students’ knowledge with questionnaire sheets. Based on the native examination of 38 feces samples, there were three students who have worms (0.7%) consisting of mixed infection of earthworm (Ascaris sp and Trichuris sp) and single infection (Hymenolepis sp, Ascaris sp). Generally, this program contributes to the mastery of simple PHBS indicators consisting of: handwashing with soap (CTPS), footwear use, and periodic weight and height measurements. Keywords: worm infestation; healthy boarding school; personal hygien