14 research outputs found

    Proyecto de transformación del calor residual de gases de combustión de un automóvil en energía eléctrica, como contribución al cuidado del medio ambiente

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    La presente investigación consiste en diseñar un dispositivo que permite generar un voltaje continuo (5 voltios), utilizando un dispositivo conformado por celdas Peltier, disipadores y un bloque base, la unión adecuada de estos elementos podrán cargara una batería portátil, el cual podrá ser implementado para cargar dispositivos electrónicos que funcionen con un voltaje. El objetivo de este estudio se basa en el efecto Seebek que consiste en la producción de corriente eléctrica a partir del contacto entre dos metales diferentes, dos semiconductores, o un metal y un semiconductor, que se hallan en un mismo circuito, debido a la diferencia de temperatura entre ellos. Con base en lo expuesto anteriormente, se elaboró un dispositivo que se podrá adaptar al tubo de escape de un automóvil el cual nos permitirá absorber el calor desperdiciado por este y de esta manera calentar una de las caras de la Celda Peltier, mientras que el otro lado de la cara se conectará un disipador, este a través del movimiento del vehículo disipará el calor por medio de la convección generando así una diferencia de temperatura entre las dos caras de la celda. Para confirmar la viabilidad del dispositivo se realizó un análisis  experimental  en  el  cual  se  elaboró  una  fracción del dispositivo por medio de una Celda Peltier, un disipador y un bloque de aluminio, simulando las condiciones más críticas que se podría generar en condiciones reales de uso con los cuales se obtuvo un voltaje de 2.5 V con una diferencia de temperatura de 70.4 °C como un valor máximo sometiendo a la celda a su máxima capacidad, sin embargo consideramos que se trabajaría con una diferencia de temperatura de 54 °C ya que con ello se obtiene un voltaje de 2.4 V lo cual no es una variación significativa en voltaje, pero si representa un nivel de temperatura más seguro para la durabilidad de la celda

    Resistencia De Materiales-Ingeniería Mecánica Estudio De Caso: Degradación Del Acero Astm A36 Sometido Al Fenómeno De Termofluencia

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    Creep is the simultaneous combination of load and high temperature for a time period in a material, and in which mechanical behavior is a new field of research. In this paper, the results of the experimental study are discussed in order to obtain information on the effect of the microstructural level, which resulted in the degradation of ASTM A36 steel affect of moderate effort (1223.14 Kg/cm2 ) in a temperature range of 500 to 650 ° C. The methodology is analytical, qualitative, quantitative, deductive logic and experimental. The tests were conducted according to ASTM E139 using flat specimens which section is reduced and sized according to ISO 6892: 1998 (E). In the tested specimens, samples were extracted from the fractured zone in order to conduct metallographic and micro hardness tests. The results showed that at the temperature of 500ºC in a maximum of 3-day test, the material did not show any significant microstructural level transformations, but from 550ºC to 650 °C it clearly showed the effects of creep in the material microstructural level, both by the presence of cavity characteristics, which are due to the movement of dislocations, like the level of hardness by the formation of soft phases

    Análisis Y Diseño De Una Aeronave No Tripulada Para Uso Agrícola

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    The present research proposes to diversify the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with rotating wings for applications in the agricultural sector. For this we have analyzed and designed an unmanned aircraft. In first instance the applications of this type of aircraft in this sector were reviewed to determine possible design conditions that would aid in the sizing and design of the aircraft. Once the requirements had been determined, aerodynamic analysis was carried out to size up and launch the required power output for the craft. This in order to optimize the weight and autonomous fight time to finally design an aircraft prototype built in carbon fiber with the aid of fault theories as applied to composite materials. At the end of the research, an unmanned aircraft of 6 rotors, each with an installed power supply of 700W was designed. The aircraft has an autonomous flight time of 40 minutes without a payload, 20 minutes with a payload of 3Kg, and 8 minutes with a payload of 5Kg. The commercial application of these aircraft are the monitoring of land and fumigation in inaccessible areas

    Proyecto de diseño de un condensador con fuente eólica para obtención de agua

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    This document deals with the description of a project to obtain a vital resource, water. Water is the most important resource in the daily life of humanity. This project attempts to compensate for the lack of access to this resource by vapor condensation present in the air. The need to do this work was seen, given that, due to earthquakes, coastal areas were affected, destroying buildings and distribution pipes of this vital product; which left the affected areas in very precarious conditions. The objective of this work is to show how to condense water, clean and of quality for human consumption, by means of a condensation device, to cover the most vital needs, which are daily hydration, disease prevention and food preparation. In this way, the temperature differential between the air and the ground is the key factor in the design, since it occurs naturally without any extra energy contribution. In history, different mechanisms of condensation have been generated, the most efficient do not take into account the relative humidity of the air, but reach the dew point by changing the temperature. This is the mechanism of operation of the project. This work was designed for the mountain area of the country and from this, work can be extrapolated to a warmer area.Este documento aborda a descrição de um projeto para obter um recurso vital, a água. A água é o recurso mais importante no cotidiano da humanidade. Este projeto procura compensar a falta de acesso a este recurso por condensação de vapor presente no ar. A necessidade de fazer este trabalho foi vista, dado que, devido a terremotos, as áreas costeiras foram afetadas, destruindo edifícios e tubos de distribuição deste produto vital; que deixou as áreas afetadas em condições muito precárias. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar como condensar água, limpar e de qualidade para consumo humano, por meio de um dispositivo de condensação, para cobrir as necessidades mais vitais, que são hidratação diária, prevenção de doenças e preparação de alimentos. Desta forma, o diferencial de temperatura entre o ar eo solo é o fator chave no projeto, pois ocorre naturalmente sem qualquer contribuição de energia extra. Na história, foram gerados diferentes mecanismos de condensação, os mais eficientes não levam em conta a umidade relativa do ar, mas atingem o ponto de orvalho alterando a temperatura. Este é o mecanismo de operação do projeto. Este trabalho foi projetado para a região montanhosa do país, e disso, o trabalho pode ser extrapolado para uma área mais quente.Este documento trata la descripción de un proyecto para conseguir un recurso vital, el agua. El agua es el recurso más importante en la vida diaria de la humanidad. Este proyecto intenta compensar la falta de acceso a este recurso mediante condensación de vapor presente en el aire. Se vio la necesidad de hacer este trabajo, dado que, por terremotos, zonas costeras se vieron afectadas, destruyendo edificaciones y tuberías de distribución de este producto vital; lo cual dejó en muy precarias condiciones las zonas afectadas. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar cómo condensar agua, limpia y de calidad para el consumo humano, mediante un dispositivo de condensación, para cubrir las necesidades más vitales, que son hidratación diaria, prevención de enfermedades y preparación de alimentos. De esta manera, el diferencial de temperatura entre el aire y el suelo, es el factor clave en el diseño, ya que se da de manera natural sin ningún aporte energético extra. En la historia se han generado distintos mecanismos de condensación, los más eficientes no toman en cuenta la humedad relativa del aire, sino alcanzar el punto de rocío cambiando la temperatura. Este es el mecanismo de funcionamiento del proyecto. Este trabajo fue diseñado para la zona serrana del país, y a partir de este, se puede extrapolar el trabajo para una zona más cálida

    Proyecto de diseño y construcción de una cámara de transporte, tipo tornillo para biomasa forestal

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    This work shows the process of design and construction of a forest biomass transporter to solve problems, among which highlight the difficulty of the dosage of raw material (wood) and the insecurity that it generates for the operator, who must permanently supply the biomass during the process to obtain normal operation of it. To solve this, a transportation chamber is developed based on a review of the state of the art and technological developments in the area of solid waste transport and feeding to select the best characteristics feeding system that satisfies the operating conditions when making the selection. and design of systems as well as parts based on existing regulations, taking into account also the selection of suitable materials. In the tests, a greater stability in the process is verified, in addition to an evident reduction in human intervention.Este trabalho mostra o processo de projeto e construção de um transportador de biomassa florestal para resolver problemas, dentre os quais destacam a dificuldade da dosagem de matéria-prima (madeira) e a insegurança que gera para o operador, que deve fornecer permanentemente a biomassa durante o processo para obter o seu funcionamento normal. Para resolver isso, uma câmara de transporte é desenvolvida com base em uma revisão do estado da arte e dos desenvolvimentos tecnológicos na área de transporte de resíduos sólidos e alimentação para selecionar o melhor sistema de alimentação de características que satisfaça as condições de operação ao fazer a seleção. e design de sistemas, bem como peças baseadas em regulamentos existentes, levando em consideração também a seleção de materiais adequados. Nos testes, verifica-se uma maior estabilidade no processo, além de uma redução evidente na intervenção humana.El presente trabajo muestra el proceso de diseño y construcción de un transportador de biomasa forestal para solucionar problemáticas, entre las que resaltan la dificultad de la dosificación de materia prima (madera) y la inseguridad que genera para el operador, quien debe suministrar permanentemente la biomasa durante el proceso para obtener un funcionamiento normal del mismo. Para solucionarlo se desarrolla una cámara de transportación partiendo de la revisión del estado del arte y los desarrollos tecnológicos en el área de transporte y alimentación de desechos sólidos para seleccionar el sistema de alimentación de mejores características, que satisfaga las condiciones de funcionamiento al realizar la selección y diseño de sistemas además de partes basados en la normativa existente, tomando en cuenta además la selección de materiales adecuados. En las pruebas se verifica una mayor estabilidad en el proceso, además de una evidente reducción de la intervención humana

    Turismo Comunitario Alternativa Para Lograr Emprendimientos Participativos Estudio De Caso: Determinación Comercial De Un Producto Turístico En El Cantón Suscal, Provincia Del Cañar Provincia De Cañar - Ecuador

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    This research involved during a first phase a market study of the implementation of a tourist package in the Suscal County, province of Cañar, Ecuador, followed by a second phase, a Comprehensive Feasibility Study of the package. Using bibliographic research and a field tour, we described the package’s commercial potential, technical, environmental, social, administrative, legal, economic, financial aspects. The study of tourism potential in the area identified the richness of an intangible cultural heritage, the existence of an ancestral collective memory alive in every community, and natural attractions of level I and II. The market study identified acceptance of the tourism package by 84% of domestic tourists and interest among 67% of foreign tourists, whose service whose preferences are: accommodation, food, cultural experience, transportation and information. Depending on the tourist profile, we will define and plan the technical design of tourism infrastructure and will conduct feasibility studies on legal, environmental and economic-financial aspects that will appear in a second phase of the project. Despite its great potential, tourism in the province of Cañar has not achieved an optimal level, as reflected in the minimal fraction of GDP in cultural tourism, which in 2011 was 0.26% (MCPEC, 2011:22), much lower than the national level. In Suscal County, this activity currently generates no income, but interest is recently being generated, while this study illustrates the potential of cultural tourism

    Plan De Desarrollo Turístico Como Alternativa De Dinamismo Socio Economico En La Parroquia Nueva Loja, Cantón Lago Agrio, Provincia De Sucumbíos

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    This paper elaborates a plan for tourist development in the county of Nueva Loja, canton Lago Agrio, province of Sucumbíos, Ecuador, which was based on bibliographic review, field trips and participatory workshops. These steps validated a diagnosis related to physical, cultural, socioeconomic, and political dimensions of the territory. The inventory of tourist attractions in Nueva Loja followed the methodology of the Ecuador Ministry of Tourism, 2004, resulting in identification of seven natural attractions, up to Level II, and seven intangible cultural attractions. To determine the profile of domestic and foreign tourists wishing to get to know the county, a concurrent market survey was conducted. A situational analysis was carried out, in which institutions associated with economic development in the county were identified, as well as policies, objectives and strategies that serve to strengthen tourism in the region. To ensure the sustainability of four programs and ten projects, an investment of USD 454,700 is required. The plan establishes a basis for improving tourism, under a scheme of sustainability, resulting in economic benefits that will be experienced by its inhabitants. The implementation of the plan is recommended, since it is designed according to the needs and the local reality for the sustainable development of tourism

    Exposición Al Material Particulado En Las Áreas De Preparación De Material Abrasivo De Una Empresa En El Parque Industrial De Riobamba

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    In this research, a study of the determinants of risk and exposure on a particular matter was done in preparation for the areas of abrasive material. Qualification of chemical risks (inorganic powder) using the matrix triple irrigation was performed. In addition, the dust concentration in each position was evaluated using the rules NIOSH 0500 (total dust) and NIOSH 0600 (respirable dust) by statistical criteria NIOSH. Thus, their results are based on the gravimetric method. A sanitary survey to determine the relationship between the study variables with the powder was also performed. After examining the sampling points, 5 points was obtained with overexposure. As a result, a letter of commitment was made with corrective actions. It also re-monitors those exposed points overexposure resulting in a point (primary crusher). However, this works one to two times per month for 4 hours. As a result, no longer exposure would make production workers rotate jobs. Additional corrective actions, to further reduce exposure to dust extractor main advantage powders, were proposed. This, however, results in the generation of optimal environment for workers

    Ordenamiento Territorial Como Propuesta De Desarrollo Económico Local Estudio De Caso: Propuesta De Plan De Desarrollo Y De Ordenamiento Territorial Para El Cantón Alausí, Componente Económico Productivo

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    An economic development and land use planning proposal for Alausí County, Chimborazo was created as part of this research. The research started with an analysis of the current situation in the productive area of the county. With the help of participative workshops, it was possible to identify principal problems and opportunities; these topics helped in the definition of development strategies. Alausí is a rural area with 76% employment. Most are engaged in farming activities on sandy loam soils with slopes ranging from 15 to 45 degrees. Despite the ruggedness, 39% of the area is appropriate for farming activities, in which the principal products are barley, corn, potato, and fresh milk. Access to technology is a principal barrier to economic growth and profitability in production. It is recommended that the municipality of Alausí implement various projects identified by this research in order to capitalize on the productive area of the county and to improve quality of life

    Indicadores Culturales Como Complemento Decisivo De La Sostenibilidad Integral Sistema De Indicadores Culturales Como Aporte A La Determinacion De La Sostenibilidad Integral Urbana De Riobamba, Provincia De Chimborazo

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    In view of the lack of a system of cultural indicators in Riobamba County, the present study develops a series of steps that lead to the obtaining of a list of indicators relevant for the cultural management of the five urban parishes of the county. The data generated by this research will contribute to a general study that intends to rank the city among the 150 most sustainable cities in the world, this will be seen in a future publication as other areas of urban sustainability will be included to determine the integral sustainability of the territory. Initially the research analyzes several models of indicators proposed by organizations and experts understood in the cultural subject at global, regional and local level. We proceed to discriminate these proposed models by looking for their proximity to the local reality. In addition, further information was collected that contributed to generate new cultural indicators of the city through citizen participation. With the help of local authorities, the information collected together was analyzed to determine the indicators that directly affect the level of cultural sustainability of the five parishes in the city. Finally all results are reflected in the publication of a newsletter with statistical summaries where the situation of some cultural aspects of the riobambeña population is reflected in order to make feasible suggestions for improvement and to reinforce the local culture