225 research outputs found

    Escherichia coli, un petit gran organisme

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    Els processos essencials que tenen lloc dins les cèl·lules, tant fisiològics com genètics o bioquímics, estan altament conservats entre tots els éssers vius. Els bacteris són microorganismes d'estructura cel·lular senzilla en comparació de les cèl·lules dels organismes superiors. A més, molts bacteris es divideixen molt ràpidament, són fàcilment manipulables i es poden fer créixer en una àmplia varietat de medis de cultiu. Tot això ha fet que els bacteris s'hagin fet servir molt extensament com a model biològic per respondre qüestions sobre processos bàsics de la biologia que són comuns a tots els éssers vius. Per exemple, l'estat actual del coneixement biològic, el desenvolupament de la biologia molecular i moltes de les aplicacions biotecnològiques derivades són resultat, en gran mesura, de l'estudi en bacteriologia. Entre tots els bacteris utilitzats en laboratoris de recerca Escherichia coli ha estat, sens dubte, el més utilitzat, i ha donat lloc a molts dels coneixements de què disposem avui dia sobre el funcionament, l'estructura i l'evolució dels éssers vius. En aquest capítol fem una visió sobre l'ús passat, present i futur com a model biològic dels bacteris en general i d'E. coli en particular.Escherichia coli, a little big organism. The basic physiological, biochemical and genetic processes that take place inside a cell are highly conserved among the different organisms. When compared with high organisms, bacteria are microorganisms that have a simple cell structure. Moreover, many bacteria can divide very quickly, are easy to handle and can grow in a broad variety of culture media. All these properties promoted that bacteria were used as model organisms to answer relevant biological questions common in all living beings. Present knowledge in biology, development of molecular biology and many biotechnological applications are mainly due to bacteriological studies. Among all, there is one bacterium that has been very extensively used in biological studies, Escherichia coli. Most of knowledge we have nowadays on the structure, physiology and evolution of the living creatures is based in data from E. coli based studies. In this chapter, an overview on the pass, present and future use of bacteria, and more specifically of E. coli, as a model organism is done

    Effects of resistance training on the body fat in obese people: systematic review

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    La obesidad, una de las enfermedades más preocupantes hoy en día, ha impulsado la búsqueda de nuevas estrategias interdisciplinares entre la comunidad científica. Una línea de investigación de actual relevancia es la que analiza en qué medida un programa de intervención con cargas tiene efecto sobre la reducción de la obesidad. En este trabajo se revisa la producción bibliográfica hasta el año 2011 que ha investigado el efecto de los programas basados única y exclusivamente en entrenamiento con cargas, sobre la grasa corporal en personas obesas. Los resultados son divergentes, pues la mitad de estudios concluyen que el entrenamiento con cargas reduce la grasa corporal y la otra mitad no, si bien en ningún estudio se ha incrementado significativamente la grasa corporal de los participantes. Se aportan cuáles han sido los parámetros de entrenamiento y se sugieren pautas para la investigación a corto plazo sobre este particularNowadays obesity is a disease of high prevalence, that’s why scientific community is interested to research it. A line of relevant investigation is to analyze effects of strength training on reduction of obesity. This paper reviews the bibliographic research until the year 2011 which analyzed if the strength training reduces body fat of obese people. Results found are divergent. Half of studies conclude that training with loads reduces body fat and the other half do not. However, there are not studies where participants increased their body fat. At the same time, this study reports about some strength training parameters and about guidelines for future research in this topi

    Use of machine-learning and load–velocity profiling to estimate 1-Repetition maximums for two variations of the bench-press exercise

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    The purpose of the current study was to compare the ability of five different methods to estimate eccentric–concentric and concentric-only bench-press 1RM from load–velocity profile data. Smith machine bench-press tests were performed in an eccentric–concentric (n= 192) and a concentric-only manner (n= 176) while mean concentric velocity was registered using a linear position transducer. Load–velocity profiles were derived from incremental submaximal load (40–80% 1RM) tests. Five different methods were used to calculate 1RM using the slope, intercept, and velocity at 1RM (minimum velocity threshold—MVT) from the load–velocity profiles: calculation with individual MVT, calculation with group average MVT, multilinear regression without MVT, regularized regression without MVT, and an artificial neural network without MVT. Mean average errors for all methods ranged from 2.7 to 3.3 kg. Calculations with individual or group MVT resulted in significant overprediction of eccentric–concentric 1RM (individual MVT: difference = 0.76 kg, p= 0.020, d= 0.17; group MVT: difference = 0.72 kg, p= 0.023, d= 0.17). The multilinear and regularized regression both resulted in the lowest errors and highest correlations. The results demonstrated that bench-press 1RM can be accurately estimated from load–velocity data derived from submaximal loads and without MVT. In addition, results showed that multilinear regression can be used to estimate bench-press 1RM. Collectively, the findings and resulting equations should be helpful for strength and conditioning coaches as they would help estimating 1RM without MVT data

    The implementation of velocity-based training paradigm for team sports: Framework, technologies, practical recommendations and challenges

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    While velocity-based training is currently a very popular paradigm to designing and monitoring resistance training programs, its implementation remains a challenge in team sports, where there are still some confusion and misinterpretations of its applications. In addition, in contexts with large squads, it is paramount to understand how to best use movement velocity in different exercises in a useful and time-efficient way. This manuscript aims to provide clarifications on the velocity-based training paradigm, movement velocity tracking technologies, assessment procedures and practical recommendations for its application during resistance training sessions, with the purpose of increasing performance, managing fatigue and preventing injuries. Guidelines to combine velocity metrics with subjective scales to prescribe training loads are presented, as well as methods to estimate 1-Repetition Maximum (1RM) on a daily basis using individual load–velocity profiles. Additionally, monitoring strategies to detect and evaluate changes in performance over time are discussed. Finally, limitations regarding the use of velocity of execution tracking devices and metrics such as “muscle power” are commented upon. Funding: This research received no external funding

    Modelling sovereign debt ratings for sub-national governments: the case of Spain before and after the crisis

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10663-019-09470-5Since 2007, Europe has been living through one of its deepest crises in recent history. What began as financial turmoil has quickly become a public-debt crunch. In Spain, public debt rose from less than 40% of GDP in 2008 to nearly 100% of GDP in 2013. This shock has resulted in a deterioration of public-debt ratings. In Spain, as in many other countries, public debt is composed not only of the central government’s debt but also of debt issued by sub-national entities. Although the evolution of national ratings has received broad attention in the literature, few articles have dealt with sub-national entities. The purpose of this article is to shed new light on the structure and evolution of the public-debt ratings of Spain’s regional governments. Our main contribution rests on an analysis of recent changes in the main variables, before and after the crisis, and specifically of the sustainability of the 2012 debt reform and the structure of Spain’s public debtThis paper was developed in the context of the Project ECO2016-79650-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Innovatio

    Greenhouse gas emissions from intra-national freight transport: Measurement and scenarios for greater sustainability in Spain

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    Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions is a topic of major concern worldwide. Following previous articles which provide a methodology for estimating GHG emissions associated with international trade by transport mode at the world level, in this paper, we estimate an equivalent database of GHG emissions for inter-regional trade flows within a country (Spain). To this end, we built a new database of GHG emissions for origin-destination flows between Spanish provinces during 1995-2015. For each year, we combine industry-specific flows by four transport modes (road, train, ship and aircraft) with the corresponding GHG emissions factor for each mode in tons*km, drawn from the specialized literature. With this dataset of GHG emissions, we generate and analyze the temporal, sectoral and spatial pattern of Spanish inter-regional GHG flows. We then forecast emissions for 2016-2030 and consider how transport mode shifts might produce a more sustainable freight system within the country through the substitution of environmentally friendly alternatives (railway) for specific origin-destination-product flows in high-polluting modes (road).This paper was developed in the context of two research projects: (i) the C-intereg Project (www.c-intereg.es); (ii) The ECO2016-79650-P project from the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Innovatio

    De industria textil a vivienda: estrategias de adaptación de tres casos de estudio en Cataluña

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    "De la indústria tèxtil a l'habitatge" és un treball que pretén realitzar una anàlisi objectiva de tres casos d'estudi situats a Catalunya. La premisa parteix de contextualitzar la indústria tèxtil catalana des de la seva creació fins a l'actualitat, així com investigar la situació de l'habitatge al segle XXI. Amb aquesta informació de partida, es realitza una observació general dels tres casos d'estudi triats amb la condició que aquests fossin reconvertits a habitatge. Aquesta anàlisi valora l'estat previ a la rehabilitació, ja que aquests edificis són construccions de valor patrimonial que destaquen sobre el seu entorn. Seguidament, es prestarà atenció a les diferents intervencions realitzades per a procedir al seu posterior diagnòstic. Aquest diagnòstic es fonamentarà en diversos treballs, analitzant els diferents aspectes que es troben habitualment en les rehabilitacions, com ara l'accessibilitat, el seu sistema constructiu o la ventilació natural. Un cop extrets els dades necessaris, es procedirà a la recapitulació de la informació, amb la finalitat de desenvolupar unes conclusions objectives. Una altra de les intencions del treball és transmetre la informació analitzada de manera clara, ja que aquest document té la intenció de servir com a guia per comprendre aquells aspectes que són positius per a realitzar la rehabilitació d'edificis industrials. D'aquesta manera, es pretén que altres treballs puguin recolzar-se en aquesta anàlisi com a manual de bones pràctiques en les intervencions.“De industria textil a vivienda” es un trabajo que pretende realizar un análisis objetivo de tres casos de estudio situados en Catalunya. La premisa parte de contextualizar la industria textil catalana desde su creación hasta la actualidad, así como investigar la situación de la vivienda en el siglo XXI. Con esta información de partida, se realiza una observación general de los tres casos de estudios elegidos con la condición de que estos fueran reconvertidos a vivienda. Este análisis valora el estado previo a la rehabilitación, ya que estos edificios son construcciones de valor patrimonial que destacan sobre su entorno. Seguidamente, se prestará atención a las diferentes intervenciones realizadas para proceder a su posterior diagnóstico. Este diagnóstico se fundamentará en diversos trabajos, analizando los diferentes aspectos que se encuentran habitualmente en las rehabilitaciones, como son la accesibilidad, su sistema constructivo, o la ventilación natural. Una vez extraídos los datos necesarios, se procederá a la recapitulación de la información, con el fin de desarrollar unas conclusiones objetivas. Otra de las intenciones del trabajo es transmitir la información analizada de manera clara, puesto que, este documento tiene intención de servir como guía para comprender aquellos aspectos que son positivos para realizar la rehabilitación de edificios industriales. De esta forma, se pretende que otros trabajos puedan apoyarse en este análisis como manual de buenas prácticas en las intervenciones.“From textile industry to housing” is a project that aims to carry out an objective analysis of three case studies located in Catalonia. The premise starts with contextualizing the Catalan textile industry from its inception to the present day, as well as investigating the housing situation in the 21st century. With this initial information, a general observation of the three chosen case studies is made, with the condition that they have been converted into housing. This analysis assesses the state prior to rehabilitation, as these buildings have a heritage value that stands out within their surroundings. Subsequently, attention will be given to the different interventions carried out in order to proceed with their subsequent diagnosis. This diagnosis will be based on various works, analyzing different aspects typically involved in rehabilitations, such as accessibility, construction system, or natural ventilation. Once the necessary data has been extracted, the information will be summarized in order to develop objective conclusions. Another intention of this project is to clearly convey the analyzed information, as this document is intended to serve as a guide for understanding the positive aspects of industrial building rehabilitation. In this way, it is hoped that other projects can rely on this analysis as a manual of best practices in interventions

    Monitoring and study of the relationships between training load, force production, fatigue and performance in high-level distance runners

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación, Departamento de Educación Física, Deporte y Motricidad Humana. Fecha de lectura: 30-04-201