72 research outputs found

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Mutu Pelayanan Antenatal di Puskesmas Pattingalloang Kota Makassar

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    Based on secondary data, a number of pregnant women visiting health center of pattingalloang dropped out. The low visit of the maternal and child health (KiA) especially on infection. Therefore, it was found that pregnant women did not know the importance of Antenatal Care. This study aimed to identify the factors related to the quality of antenatal services. This study was quantitative method with cross sectional study approach. The population was all pregnant women who checked up their pregnancy health in health center of pattingalloang makassar. The sample was 79 respondents obtained by accidental sampling technique. The data collection was a questionnaire then followed by interview. To determine the relationship between the dependent variables and the independent variables, the chi-square test was used.The result revealed that there was a relationship between comfortable with the quality of antenatal services p=0, 000 with medium relationship (0, 056, ). There was no relationship between information with the quality of antenatal services with value p= 0, 531. There was a relationship between human with the quality of antenatal services p= 0, 000, ) with medium relationship ( 0,454). there was no relationship between affordability with the quality of antenatal services p= 0, 525. The suggestion was given to the staff of health center to pay more attention to patients comfort such as procurement of curtains in medical examination room. The staffs of KIA were hoped that they could provide clear information to pregnant women about the signs of endangered pregnancy.Keywords: The Quality of Antenatal Services, Comfortable, Information, Human Relationship, Affordability

    Perilaku Konsumen terhadap Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Imunisasi

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    Selain cakupan imunisasi, salah satu target keberhasilan kegiatan imunisasi adalah tercapainya Universal Child Immunization (UCI), yaitu cakupan imunisasi lengkap bayi, secara merata pada bayi di 100% desa/kelurahan pada tahun 2010. Pentingnya imunisasi didasarkan pada pemikiran paradigma sehat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kelas sosial, keluarga, motivasi, serta pengetahuan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan imunisasi. Dalam penelitian ini, jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survei analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Jumlah sampel 74 responden, yang menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu bayi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total 74 responden terdapat 67,6% dari kelas sosial tinggi dan 32,4% dari kelas sosial rendah, 64,9% yang mendapat dukungan keluarga yang cukup dan 35,1% yang mendapat dukungan keluarga yang kurang, 67,6% memiliki motivasi yang cukup dan 32,4% memiliki motivasi yang kurang, serta 54,1% memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup dan 45,9% memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang. Dan yang memanfaatkan pelayanan imunisasi sebesar 46 responden (62,2%) dan yang tidak memanfaatkan pelayanan imunisasi sebesar 28 responden (37,8%). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya hubungan kelas sosial dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan imunisasi, dan adanya hubungan keluarga, motivasi,serta pengetahuan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan imunisasi

    The Analysis Drug-management at Kampala Health Center at Yeast Sinjai Sub-distric of Sinjai Regency 2011

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    Logistics Management is a series of activities which consists of all aspects of planning, procurement, storage and distribution of drugs which manage optimally to ensure the achievement of number and types, as well as the accuracy of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, by utilizing available resources such as manpower, funds, facilities, and soft skill (methods and standard of procedure) in order to achieve the goals set at the various levels of working unit. The objectives of this study is to analyze the drug management process that includes planning, procurement, storage, and distribution in Kampala Health Center of East Sinjai sub-district of Sinjai Regency in 2011. The type of this research was descriptive qualitative researchapproach. Informants determined by purposive sampling technique as much as 5 informants. Data collection were collected by in-depthinterview techniques (in-depth interviews) and direct observation in Kampala Health Center of East Sinjai Sub-District of Sinjai Regency. Data analysis processed in the manual process to classified the results in accordance with the purpose of research. The results of the drug management showed that all the procedures such as planning, procurement, and the distribution had followed the standard of good management, however the storage of the drug didnt follow the standard of the good ware house. From these results, it is recommended to the implementation of the drug management in. Kampala Health Center of East Sinjai Sub-District of Sinjai Regency should refer to the guidelines of logistic management at health center

    Market Segmentation Analysis Of Health Service In Siti Fatimah Hospital, Makassar 2011

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    This research aims to determine hospital segmentation market based on characteristics of health care customers in Siti Fatimah Hospital. This research used survey descriptive method. Data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 182 inpatient treatment. Data analyzed by used health segmentation approach. This approach used Cluster non hierarchy approach (K-mean cluster).The results show that the market segmentation of health care consumer in Siti Fatimah Hospital based on; (1).demographic characteristics: They are 25-31 years old, senior high school, work as a housewife, income Rp.1.000.000 - Rp.1.500.000 and there are 3-4 people in their home. (2). Based on Geography characteristics, they are stay in Makassar and live in their own homes. (3). Based on Psychographic characteristics, patient motivated to use Siti Fatimah Hospital because they thing the doctor, nurse and other provider in hospital have a good skill and professional. (4). Based on Behavioral characteristics, they do the payment through JPKM (Health Insurance Maintenance), they were going to the hospital when they got serious suffering disease and they were going to the primary health center, when they got medium sickness.From the market segmentation results, there are three market segments formed; (1). Hospital aversion, (2). Health care minimize, (3). Health care maximize. It would be better for the hospital to focus the marketing strategy in segment I (Hospital aversion) and III (Health care maximize)

    Antioxidant Activity of Phyllanthus Niruri Extract, Rutin and Quercetin

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    BACKGROUND: Normal metabolism of oxygen and exogenous factors constantly generate free radicals which could be harmful to the human body. Human need antioxidants to provide protection against free radicals, thus plants are a good source of natural antioxidants. Phyllanthus niruri (P. niruri) has been known to possess several medicinal properties and contain numerous active phytochemical. In this research, we conducted phytochemical screening and antioxidant assay of P. niruri extract along with the compounds rutin and quercetin, which are flavonoids possessing medicinal properties. This study was conducted to determine P. niruri, rutin and quercetin as antioxidant.METHODS: In this study, qualitative phytochemical screening was performed to detect phenol, flavonoid, saponin, tannin, steroid/triterpenoid, terpenoid and alkaloid in P. niruri extract. Antioxidant analysis of P. niruri, rutin and quercetin was conducted using total measured phenolic content, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil (DPPH), 2,2\u27-azinobis-3-ethylbenzo-thiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays.RESULTS: The study revealed that P. niruri extract contained saponin, phenol, flavonoid and tannin based on phytochemical screening. In DPPH and ABTS assays quercetin possessed highest antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 0.55 and 1.17 μg/ml respectively. Meanwhile, P. niruri extract showed the highest FRAP activity which was 373.95 μM Fe(II)/μg extract. Rutin possessed the lowest antioxidant activity in all antioxidant assays.CONCLUSION: This study confirmed that P. niruri extract and quercetin have great potential as a natural antioxidant source

    Pengoptimalan Pembangunan Flyover Pramuka Melalui Pengaturan Intensitas Bangunan di Kota Bandar Lampung

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    Kota Bandar Lampung sebagai ibukota Provinsi Lampung menyebabkan jumlah pergerakannya tinggi sehingga kemacetan lalu lintas tidak dapat dihindari pada beberapa ruas jalan di Kota Bandar Lampung. Penyelesaiaan atas permasalahan tersebut oleh pemerintah Kota Bandar Lampung dilakukannya pembangunan flyover di beberapa ruas jalan yang mengalami kemacetan, salah satunya di ruas Jalan Pramuka. Flyover Pramuka dibangun pada tahun 2017 dan memiliki daya tahan menjaga arus stabil berjangka waktu hingga 10 tahun dari saat keberadaan flyover memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap penurunan volume capacity rasio (VCR). Waktu jenuh jalan eksisting dan flyover diketahui dengan menggunakan metode analisis sensitivitas melalui pembebanan bertahap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan flyover menyebabkan kondisi jalan eksisting dan sisi flyover mengalami waktu jenuh pada tahun 2028-2038 sehingga penting untuk Pemerintah Kota Bandar Lampung mengantisipasinya dengan menetapkan aturan intensitas bangunan. Jenis kegiatan yang terdapat di wilayah internal dan wilayah eksternal di dominasi oleh perdagangan dan jasa. Pengaturan intensitas bangunan sebagai bentuk pengoptimalan pembangunan flyover penting untuk memperhatikan pula arahan rencana struktur ruang yang ikut mempengaruhi beban lalu-lintas pada jalan eksisting dan flyover. Kata Kunci: flyover, intensitas bangunan, wilayah internal, wilayah eksterna

    Review of Implementation Living Values Education Program in Strengthening Education in PAUD Amanah Kahmi

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    In general, this school needs learning assistance equipment to support learning that can help active learning. The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the conventional learning process. So, a solution is required to answer this problem. The purpose of the service is to reduce the deficiencies in the implementation of learning in PAUD AMANAH KAHMI SUMUT. Character education is essential to become the leading mainstream of education in Indonesia both in the formal, non-formal and informal realms. Several factors affect the development of children's character, including parenting style and genetic personality. This study aims to determine the effect of parenting style and genetic personality on children's character development

    Mucosal Mast Cells Response in the Jejunum of Ascaridia galli-Infected Laying Hens

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    Intestinal defense mechanism against helminthes parasitic nematode to be associated with mucosal mast cells reaction. The aim of this research was to examine the effect of infection by Ascaridia galli parasite to trigger mucosal defense based on mucosal mast cells response in laying hens. Amount of ten head laying hens 12-wk old were divided into two groups containing five chickens of each. The first group, chickens were left as un-infected controls. The second group, chickens were infected orally with 1,000 embryonated eggs of A. galli.  Mucosal mast cell responses were assayed by in situ jejunal mast cell counts in stained serial histological sections with Alcian blue (pH 0.3) and Safranin-O (pH 0.1) of the jejunum. Mucosal mast cells response were observed and counted on days 14 post infection. The result showed that A. galli infection was able to increase significantly (P<0.05) mast cells response. This research concluded that the A. galli infection can trigger the involment of mucosal mast cells response in jejunal defense of laying hens against parasitic diseases caused by A. galli
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