1,112 research outputs found

    Potentials of castor seed meal (Ricinus communis L.) as feed ingredient for Oreochromis niloticus

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    The potentials of castor seed (Ricinus communis) meal as feed ingredient for Oreochromis niloticus was determined by using boiled seeds to prepare five diets which were fed to the fish species. The effects of the experimental diets on the weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, apparent net protein utilization, digestibility and carcass composition were investigated. The best of these growth factors were obtained with feed formulated from R. communis seeds boiled for 50 and 65 minutes. The highest carcass protein content was observed with fish fed with 65 minute-boiled seed

    Feed conversion, protein efficiency, digestibility and growth performance of Oreochromis niloticus fed Delonix regia seed meal

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    Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings (mean weight 5.27~c0.29g) were fed raw and boiled Delonix regia seed meals following standard procedures. The weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (PER), net protein utilization (NPU) were determined as growth indices. Diet formulated with seed boiled for 80 minutes showed significantly (P<0.05) high values for the growth indices. Carcass nutrients composition were significantly (P<0.05) higher than in the control (raw) diet. Delonix regia seed meal when boiled has high potential of being utilized efficiently by O.niloticus. The implications of the respective index in fish metabolism are discusse

    The Consequentialist Foundations of Traditional Yoruba Ethics: an Exposition

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    Several treatises have been written on the foundations of African moral systems. A significant number of them favours the claim that these systems are founded on religion, with the latter providing a justification for the former. Others have taken a contrary position, denying the supposed necessary causal connection between religion and African moral systems. This paper neither seeks to support nor rebut any of the foundations proposed, but rather to argue for the thesis that from whichever perspective it is viewed - religious, humanistic or rationalist - the Yoruba moral system has strictly consequentialist foundations, and is hence subsumable under the general consequentialist ethical programme. However, the paper notes that Yoruba consequentialism diverges significantly from its western counterpart on the claim that “the end justifies the means”; for whereas this is true of western consequentialism, according to Yoruba consequentialism no evil, however well-intended, can bring about a good end. The Yoruba oral tradition, and particularly the Yoruba language as currently spoken and written among the Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria, supplies tools of analysis, while ethical consequentialism provides the theoretical framework. Key Words Consequentialism, Foundations, Yoruba, Traditional Ethic

    The social practice of co-evolving strategy and structure to realize mandated radical change

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    Our paper shows how actions by senior, middle and frontline managers co-evolve strategy and structure in order to realize a mandated radical change. Alignment between strategy and structure has been considered critical since Chandler’s (1962) study showing that a divisional structure enabled firms with a diversification strategy to dominate the competitive environment. Radical change, a rapid and simultaneous, discontinuous shift in the firm’s strategic orientation, such as its products, markets, and ways of competing, and in its associated organizational activities (Tushman & Romanelli 1985), is a particularly critical point in the alignment of strategy and structure. It is a time when the two move together rapidly and simultaneously (Mintzberg, 1990), disrupting the existing strategy-structure alignment (e.g. Amis et al, 2004; Tushman & Romanelli, 1985), with potentially damaging implications for organizational performance (Gulati & Puranam, 2009). Yet few studies discuss how strategy and structure change together over time (Mintzberg, 1990). Rather, most studies examine the unintended consequences of radical change, such as lags between strategic and structural change (Amburgey & Dacin, 1994; Greenwood & Hinings, 1988), oscillations of strategy and structure (Amis et al, 2004; Greenwood & Hinings, 1993), and structural reversals of strategic change (Mantere et al, 2012)

    An assessment of the physico-chemical parameters of Kontagora reservoir, Niger state, Nigeria

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    The seasonal variations in the physicochemical parameters of water reservoir in Kontagora, Nigeria were studied from January to December, 2007. The physico-chemical parameters were determined bimonthly. They include: temperature (using mercury in glass thermometer), transparency (using Secchi-disc ), while Pye Unicam model 292 meter was used for pH and electrical conductivity determination . Dissolved oxygen by modified Winkler-azide method, water hardness by Lind method and Phosphate – phosphorus by Denges method, total alkalinity by titration method, total dissolved solid by O’wen method, while Nitrate-Nitrogen was determined using Phenoldisulphonic acid method. Water depth was determined using a calibrated measuring tape weighted at one end. The rainy season mean values for water temperature, depth, pH, Nitrate-Nitrogen, were significantly (

    A survey of the artisanal fisheries of kontagora reservoir, Niger state, Nigeria

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    A survey of the artisanal fisheries of Kontagora Reservoir was conducted between January – December, 2007, using statistical frame survey and catch assessment survey. Five fish families made up seven fish species were recorded. The fish species Hemichromis fasciatus, a cichlid was the most dominant with mean value of 414.3 and 7715 in terms of number and weight respectively. Nineteen fishermen using gill nets, cast nets, hook and line sets, and Malian traps as fishing gears were recorded in the reservoir with a total mean catch of 4.40kg/canoe or 167 fishes/canoe. The reservoir was productive and comparable with other smaller but productive African lakes. The monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) system was suggested for management consideration, with emphasis on registration of fishermen and their fishing equipment, enforcement of minimum marsh size of 3” and establishment of community based cooperative scheme

    Some aspects of the physico-chemical parameters of Kontagora Dam, Niger State Nigeria

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    The seasonal variations in the physicochemical parameters were studied from January, 2007 to December 2007, in Kontagora Reservoir, Niger State, Nigeria. The physico- chemical parameters were determined bi-monthly , using the following methods , temperature using mercury thermometer in degree centigrade, transparency using Secchi-disc , Pye Unicam model 292 meter used for pH and electrical conductivity. Dissolved oxygen by modified Winklerazide method, water hardness and Phosphate- phosphorus by method of Lind (1979), total alkalinity by standard method described by Boyd(l979) , Nitrate- Nitrogen by Phenoldisulphonic acid method. The rainy season mean values for water temperature, depth, pH, Nitrate-Nitrogen, were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those for the dry season. However, for transparency, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, hardness, alkalinity, phosphate-phosphorus and total dissolved solid, the dry season mean values were higher than the rainy season mean value. As in most other Africa inland water bodies, there was seasonality in the physicochemical parameters variables. The torrential rains of the dam environment, the characteristics trade winds of the dry season, effect of deforestation, fertilizer application, herbicides, insecticide and other chemical factors might have contributed to the fluctuations of some of the physicochemical parameters detennined in the Reservoir

    Acute toxicity of galex to Oreochromis niloticus (Trewavas) in Nigeria

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    The acute toxicity of galex (Metolachlor) to fingerlings of Orechromis niloticus (Trewavas) was determined in 96hour static bioassays. During the assays, opercular ventilation and tail fin movement rates of the fish were determined. Haematological parameters of the blood and histopathology of the gills were observed. The 96hours LC50 of galex to fingerlings of O. niloticus was observed to be 9.30mgL-1~c 1.04. Histopathology of gills of the fish exposed to l100mgL -1, 1200mgL and 13..00mg/L-1 showed a dose-dependent disruption of the architecture of the lamellae and atrophy which led to impairment in oxygen uptake. Other symptoms of toxicosis in exposed fish include haemorrhage of the gills and fins, blood shot eyes of the fish, copious production of mucus on the body and head, agitated swimming, eruption of the ventral side and spilling out of the digestive system of fish, air gulping and death

    Novelty, rapidity and quality in seed yam production: the case of Temporary Immersion Bioreactors

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    An Assessment Of The Performance Of Discriminant Analysis And The Logistic Regression Methods In Classification Of Mode Of Delivery Of An Expectant Mother

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    The study compares two statistical methods: Discriminant analysis and the Logistic regression model in predicting Mode of Delivery of an expectant mother, Natural birth and Caesarian section. Of the 184 cases examined for Mode of Delivery of an expectant mother, Discriminant Analysis classified the Natural birth correctly (64.6%) while it recorded (64.7%) success rate in classifying the Caesarian section. In the case of the Logistic regression, it recorded (76.8%) and (52.9%) success rate in classifying the Natural birth and Caesarian section respectively. The overall predictive performance of the two models was high with the Logistic regression having the highest value (64.7%) and (65.8%) for Discriminant Analysis. Among the five characteristics examined, Mothers height, Baby’s weight and gender were not significant variables for identifying Mode of delivery by both methods while Mothers weight is important identifying variable for both except Mothers age which was significant in the Discriminant analysis. The study shows that both techniques estimated almost the same statistical significant coefficient and that the overall classification rate for both was good while either can be helpful in selection of Mode of delivery for an expectant mother. However, given the failure rate to meet the underlying assumptions of Discriminant Analysis, Logistic Regression is preferabl
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