1,153 research outputs found

    Test of asymptotic freedom and scaling hypothesis in the 2d O(3) sigma model

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    The 7--particle form factors of the fundamental spin field of the O(3) nonlinear σ\sigma--model are constructed. We calculate the corresponding contribution to the spin--spin correlation function, and compare with predictions from the spectral density scaling hypothesis. The resulting approximation to the spin--spin correlation function agrees well with that computed in renormalized (asymptotically free) perturbation theory in the expected energy range. Further we observe simple lower and upper bounds for the sum of the absolute square of the form factors which may be of use for analytic estimates.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, late

    Quantum corrections of Abelian Duality Transformations

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    A modification of the Abelian Duality transformations is proposed guaranteeing that a (not necessarily conformally invariant) σ\sigma-model be quantum equivalent (at least up to two loops in perturbation theory) to its dual. This requires a somewhat non standard perturbative treatment of the {\sl dual} σ\sigma-model. Explicit formulae of the modified duality transformation are presented for a special class of block diagonal purely metric σ\sigma-models.Comment: Latex 11 pages; remarks on a free model and references adde

    Coadjoint orbits of the Virasoro algebra and the global Liouville equation

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    The classification of the coadjoint orbits of the Virasoro algebra is reviewed and is then applied to analyze the so-called global Liouville equation. The review is self-contained, elementary and is tailor-made for the application. It is well-known that the Liouville equation for a smooth, real field ϕ\phi under periodic boundary condition is a reduction of the SL(2,R) WZNW model on the cylinder, where the WZNW field g in SL(2,R) is restricted to be Gauss decomposable. If one drops this restriction, the Hamiltonian reduction yields, for the field Q=κg22Q=\kappa g_{22} where κ0\kappa\neq 0 is a constant, what we call the global Liouville equation. Corresponding to the winding number of the SL(2,R) WZNW model there is a topological invariant in the reduced theory, given by the number of zeros of Q over a period. By the substitution Q=±exp(ϕ/2)Q=\pm\exp(- \phi/2), the Liouville theory for a smooth ϕ\phi is recovered in the trivial topological sector. The nontrivial topological sectors can be viewed as singular sectors of the Liouville theory that contain blowing-up solutions in terms of ϕ\phi. Since the global Liouville equation is conformally invariant, its solutions can be described by explicitly listing those solutions for which the stress-energy tensor belongs to a set of representatives of the Virasoro coadjoint orbits chosen by convention. This direct method permits to study the `coadjoint orbit content' of the topological sectors as well as the behaviour of the energy in the sectors. The analysis confirms that the trivial topological sector contains special orbits with hyperbolic monodromy and shows that the energy is bounded from below in this sector only.Comment: Plain TEX, 48 pages, final version to appear in IJMP

    Discrete Symmetry Enhancement in Nonabelian Models and the Existence of Asymptotic Freedom

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    We study the universality between a discrete spin model with icosahedral symmetry and the O(3) model in two dimensions. For this purpose we study numerically the renormalized two-point functions of the spin field and the four point coupling constant. We find that those quantities seem to have the same continuum limits in the two models. This has far reaching consequences, because the icosahedron model is not asymptotically free in the sense that the coupling constant proposed by L"uscher, Weisz and Wolff [1] does not approach zero in the short distance limit. By universality this then also applies to the O(3) model, contrary to the predictions of perturbation theory.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures Color coding in Fig. 5 changed to improve visibilit

    Equilibriumlike invaded cluster algorithm: critical exponents and dynamical properties

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    We present a detailed study of the Equilibriumlike invaded cluster algorithm (EIC), recently proposed as an extension of the invaded cluster (IC) algorithm, designed to drive the system to criticality while still preserving the equilibrium ensemble. We perform extensive simulations on two special cases of the Potts model and examine the precision of critical exponents by including the leading corrections. We show that both thermal and magnetic critical exponents can be obtained with high accuracy compared to the best available results. The choice of the auxiliary parameters of the algorithm is discussed in context of dynamical properties. We also discuss the relation to the Li-Sokal bound for the dynamical exponent zz.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Toward an understanding of short distance repulsions among baryons in QCD -- NBS wave functions and operator product expansion --

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    We report on our recent attempts to determine the short distance behaviors of general 2-baryon and 3-baryon forces, which are defined from the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter(NBS) wave function, by using the operator product expansion and a renormalization group analysis in QCD. We have found that the repulsion at short distance increases as the number of valence quarks increases or when the number of different flavors involved decreases. This global tendency suggests a Pauli suppression principle among quark fields at work.Comment: 14 pages, add two exmples in sect.3.4, a version accepted for Progress of Theoretical Physic

    Photocount statistics in mesoscopic optics

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    We report the first observation of the impact of mesoscopic fluctuations on the photocount statistics of coherent light scattered in a random medium. Poisson photocount distribution of the incident light widens and gains additional asymmetry upon transmission through a suspension of small dielectric spheres. The effect is only appreciable when the average number of photocounts becomes comparable or larger than the effective dimensionless conductance g of the sample.Comment: Thoroughly revised text and figures, new data set, new figure adde