632 research outputs found

    The anatomy of the Gunn laser

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    A monopolar GaAs Fabry–Pérot cavity laser based on the Gunn effect is studied both experimentally and theoretically. The light emission occurs via the band-to-band recombination of impact-ionized excess carriers in the propagating space-charge (Gunn) domains. Electroluminescence spectrum from the cleaved end-facet emission of devices with Ga1−xAlxAs (x = 0.32) waveguides shows clearly a preferential mode at a wavelength around 840 nm at T = 95 K. The threshold laser gain is assessed by using an impact ionization coefficient resulting from excess carriers inside the high-field domain

    Energy and momentum relaxation dynamics of hot holes in modulation doped GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells

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    We present the studies of energy and momentum relaxation dynamics of nonequilibrium holes in GaxIn1−xNyAs1−y/GaAs quantum well modulation doped with Be. Experimental results show that the real-space transfer (RST) of hot holes occurs via thermionic emission from the high-mobility GaInNAs quantum wells into the low-mobility GaAs barriers at a threshold electric field of F ∼ 6 kV/cm at T = 13 K. At this field the hole drift velocity saturates at vd ∼ 1×107 cm/s. A slight increase in the field above the threshold leads to the impact ionization of acceptors in the barriers by the nonequilibrium holes. We observe and model theoretically a negative differential mobility effect induced by RST that occurs at an electric field of F ∼ 7 kV/cm. The observed current surge at electric fields above 7 kV/cm is attributed to the hole multiplication induced by shallow impurity breakdown in the GaAs barrier and impact ionization in the high-field domain regime associated with the packet of RST of holes in the well

    CRLB Based Optimal Noise Enhanced Parameter Estimation Using Quantized Observations

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this letter, optimal additive noise is characterized for parameter estimation based on quantized observations. First, optimal probability distribution of noise that should be added to observations is formulated in terms of a Cramer–Rao lower bound (CRLB) minimization problem. Then, it is proven that optimal additive “noise” can be represented by a constant signal level, which means that randomization of additive signal levels is not needed for CRLB minimization. In addition, the results are extended to the cases in which there exists prior information about the unknown parameter and the aim is to minimize the Bayesian CRLB (BCRLB). Finally, a numerical example is presented to explain the theoretical results

    GaInNAs-based Hellish-vertical cavity semiconductor optical amplifier for 1.3 μm operation

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    Hot electron light emission and lasing in semiconductor heterostructure (Hellish) devices are surface emitters the operation of which is based on the longitudinal injection of electrons and holes in the active region. These devices can be designed to be used as vertical cavity surface emitting laser or, as in this study, as a vertical cavity semiconductor optical amplifier (VCSOA). This study investigates the prospects for a Hellish VCSOA based on GaInNAs/GaAs material for operation in the 1.3-μm wavelength range. Hellish VCSOAs have increased functionality, and use undoped distributed Bragg reflectors; and this coupled with direct injection into the active region is expected to yield improvements in the gain and bandwidth. The design of the Hellish VCSOA is based on the transfer matrix method and the optical field distribution within the structure, where the determination of the position of quantum wells is crucial. A full assessment of Hellish VCSOAs has been performed in a device with eleven layers of Ga0.35In0.65N0.02As0.08/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) in the active region. It was characterised through I-V, L-V and by spectral photoluminescence, electroluminescence and electro-photoluminescence as a function of temperature and applied bias. Cavity resonance and gain peak curves have been calculated at different temperatures. Good agreement between experimental and theoretical results has been obtained

    Adherence to the combination of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine and artesunate in the Maheba refugee settlement, Zambia.

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    Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) is one strategy recommended to increase cure rates in malaria and to contain resistance to Plasmodium falciparum. In the Maheba refugee settlement, children aged 5 years or younger with a confirmed diagnosis of uncomplicated falciparum malaria are treated with the combination of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (1 day) and artesunate (3 days). To measure treatment adherence, home visits were carried out the day after the last treatment dose. Patients who had any treatment dose left were considered certainly non-adherent. Other patients' classification was based on the answers to the questionnaire: patients whose caretakers stated the child had received the treatment regimen exactly as prescribed were considered probably adherent; all other patients were considered probably non-adherent. Reasons for non-adherence were assessed. We found 21.2% (95% CI [15.0-28.4]) of the patients to be certainly non-adherent, 39.4% (95% CI [31.6-47.6]) probably non-adherent, and 39.4% (95% CI [31.6-47.6]) probably adherent. Insufficient explanation by the dispenser was identified as an important reason for non-adherence. When considering the use of ACT, the issue of patient adherence remains challenging. However, it should not be used as an argument against the introduction of ACT. For these treatment regimens to remain efficacious on a long-term basis, specific and locally adapted strategies need to be implemented to ensure completion of the treatment

    Low efficacy of the combination artesunate plus amodiaquine for uncomplicated falciparum malaria among children under 5 years in Kailahun, Sierra Leone.

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    OBJECTIVE: In 2004, Sierra Leone adopted artesunate plus amodiaquine as first-line antimalarial treatment. We evaluated the efficacy of this combination in Kailahun, where a previous study had shown 70.2% efficacy of amodiaquine in monotherapy. METHODS: Method and outcome classification of the study complied with WHO guidelines. Children 6-59 months with uncomplicated malaria were followed-up for 28 days. PCR genotyping was used to distinguish recrudescence from reinfection. Reinfections were reclassified as cured. RESULTS: Of 172 children who were referred to the study clinic, 126 satisfied inclusion criteria and were enrolled. No early treatment failures were reported. The day 14, efficacy was 98.2% (95% CI: 93.8-99.8). Of 65 recurrent parasitaemias analysed by PCR, 17 were recrudescences. The PCR-adjusted day 28 efficacy was 84.5% (95% CI: 76.4-90.7). All true failures occurred in the last 8 days of follow-up. Of 110 children who completed the 28-day follow-up, 54 (49.1%) experienced a novel infection. CONCLUSION: The efficacy of this combination was disappointing. The high reinfection rate suggested little prophylactic effect. In Kailahun a more efficacious combination might be necessary in the future. The efficacy of AS + AQ needs to be monitored in Kailahun and in the other regions of Sierra Leone

    Abspaltung ortho-ständiger Substituenten aus ionisierten Phenyl-2-propanonen nach Elektronenstoßaktivierung

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    Die Molekülionen der Phenyl-2-propanone 2a-4a verlieren positionsspezifisch o-ständige Cl -, Br - bzw. I -Atome unter Bildung von (M-Hal')+- Ionen (m/z 133) hoher Intensität (70/12 eV; 1. und 2. FFR) und identischer Struktur (MIKE-CAD-Spektren). Die Fragmentionen bei m/z 133 aus o- Chlorphenyl-2-propanon (2a) und 2,2-Dimethyl-2,3-dihydro[fc]furan (11) sind von ähnlicher, aber nicht identischer Struktur. Die stoßaktivierten (2. FFR) (M-Br*)+-Ionen aus o-Bromphenyl-2-propanon (3a) und 1-Brom-lphenyl- 2-propanon (12) liefern praktisch deckungsgleiche Spektren. Die Hauptreaktion der (M-Hal')+-Ionen aus 2a-4a ist die Abspaltung von CO, das ausschließlich das C-Atom der Carbonylgruppe enthält (13C-Markierung). Der mechanistische Verlauf der Reaktionsfolge wird diskutiert (Abb. 5 und 8). In the gas phase, the phenyl-2-propanone molecules 2a-4a lose upon electron impact chloro-, bromo-, and iodo-radicals specifically at the orthoposition of the phenyl group giving rise to strong (M-Hal')+-ions (70/12 eV; 1st and 2nd FFR) of identical structure as confirmed by their MIKECAD- spectra. The daughter ions at m/z 133 from o-chlorophenyl-2-propanone (2a) and 2,2-dimethyl-2,3-dihydro[b]furane (11) are structurally similar but not identical (similarity index 99.8). The collisionally activated (2nd FFR) (M-Br')+-ions from o-bromophenyl-2-propanone (3a) and 1- bromo-1-phenyl-2-propanone (12) produce virtually congruent spectra. The most important subsequent fragmentation of the (M-Hal')+-ions from 2a-4a is the loss of CO which incorporates the C-atom of the carbonyl group exclusively (13C labelling). Mechanistic aspects of the fragmentation sequences are discussed (Figs. 5 and 8)

    High Efficacy of Two Artemisinin-Based Combinations (Artesunate + Amodiaquine and Artemether + Lumefantrine) in Caala, Central Angola.

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    In April 2004, 137 children 6-59 months of age with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) malaria (Caala, Central Angola) were randomized to receive either artemether-lumefantrine (Coartem) or artesunate + amodiaquine (ASAQ). After 28 days of follow-up, there were 2/61 (3.2%) recurrent parasitemias in the Coartem group and 4/64 (6.2%) in the ASAQ group (P = 0.72), all classified as re-infections after PCR genotyping (cure rate = 100% [95%CI: 94-100] in both groups). Only one patient (ASAQ group) had gametocytes on day 28 versus five (Coartem) and three (ASAQ) at baseline. Compared with baseline, anemia was significantly improved after 28 days of follow-up in both groups (Coartem: from 54.1% to 13.4%; ASAQ: from 53.1% to 15.9%). Our findings are in favor of a high efficacy of both combinations in Caala. Now that Coartem has been chosen as the new first-line anti-malarial, the challenge is to insure that this drug is available and adequately used

    Death rates from malaria epidemics, Burundi and Ethiopia.

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    Death rates exceeded emergency thresholds at 4 sites during epidemics of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Burundi (2000-2001) and in Ethiopia (2003-2004). Deaths likely from malaria ranged from 1,000 to 8,900, depending on site, and accounted for 52% to 78% of total deaths. Earlier detection of malaria and better case management are needed