106 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Aplikasi Gudang Toko Angkasa Jaya Motor Berbasis Web Menggunakan Node.js

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    Dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya, toko Angkasa Jaya Motor sering mengalami permasalahan dalam melakukan pengelolaan dan penyimpanan barang di gudang. Permasalahan terjadi dikarenakan toko masih menerapkan cara kerja manual dalam proses bisnisnya. Salah satunya adalah proses pencatatan barang yang masih menggunakan buku catatan. Data yang tercatat dalam buku catatan kemudian dipindahkan ke dalam spreadsheet tool. Pada proses ini, sinkronisasi data juga menjadi kendala. Data stok barang yang ada di gudang, di buku catatan, dan spreadsheet tool terdapat ketidaksesuaian data antara ketiga sumber tersebut sehingga mempengaruhi akurasi data barang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk membangun aplikasi gudang berbasis Web menggunakan Node.js untuk membantu dalam menghadapi permasalahan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Research and Development (R&D). Penelitian ini menghasilkan sistem aplikasi gudang berbasis Web yang mampu membantu karyawan melakukan pengelolaan gudang dengan lebih praktis serta membuat pengelolaan gudang menjadi lebih optimal dan integrasi data membantu pemilik toko dalam mengakses informasi barang di gudang secara efisien dan real-time, sehingga keputusan bisnis dapat diambil berdasarkan data yang akurat.In carrying out its business activities, Angkasa Jaya Motor stores often experience problems in managing and storing goods in the warehouse. The problem occurs because the store still employs manual work methods in its business processes. One of them is that the process of recording goods still utilizes a notebook. The data recorded in the notebook is then transferred to the spreadsheet tool. In this process, data synchronization is also a constraint. There are data discrepancies between the stock data in the inventory, notebooks, and spreadsheet tools, thereby affecting the accuracy of the goods data. The research aims to develop a Web-based warehouse application using Node.js to help address these issues. The method used in this research is the Research and Development (R&D) method. This research yields a Web-based warehouse application system that enables employees to conduct inventory management more practically and optimize warehouse operations and data integration helps store owners efficiently access real-time information goods on the inventory, so that enable business decisions to be made based on accurate data

    The Legal Integration Of The American Continent: An Invitation To Legal Science To Build A New IUS Commune

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    The legal integration of the American Continent is one of the most important, suggestive and fertile issues for legal scholars on our continent.

    Monetary Policy in Russia

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    ECOMA - Coastal Ecology of the Maldonado Bay: Short communication on the studies carried out in 1980-1981

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    Maldonado Bay is situated on the northeastern shore of the River Plate estuary. Some hydrological and biological characteristics of the area were investigated during a complete year. The survey encompassed the characterization and circulation of main water masses in the bay, water quality, zooplankton composition and dynamics, and settlement and growth of the mussel Mytilus. The sample strategy was designed to cope with the high spatial and temporal variability of the estuary

    A history of olive and grape cultivation in Southwest Asia using charcoal and seed remains

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    Evaluating archaeobotanical data from over 3.9 million seeds and 124,300 charcoal fragments across 330 archaeological site phases in Southwest Asia, we reconstruct the history of olive and grape cultivation spanning a period of 6,000 years. Combining charcoal and seed data enables investigation into both the production and consumption of olive and grape. The earliest indication for olive and grape cultivation appears in the southern Levant around ca. 5000 BC and 4th millennium BC respectively, although cultivation may have been practiced prior to these dates. Olive and grape cultivation in Southwest Asia was regionally concentrated within the Levant until 600 BC, although there were periodic pushes to the East. Several indications for climate influencing the history of olive and grape cultivation were found, as well as a correlation between periods of high population density and high proportions of olive and grape remains in archaeological sites. While temporal uncertainty prevents a detailed understanding of the causal mechanisms behind these correlations, we suggest that long distance trade in olives, grapes and their associated products was integral to the economic, social, and demographic trajectories of the region

    Evolution of Monetary Policy Instruments in Russia

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    Os Terafim Bíblicos

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    Este artigo compara o culto aos Terafim na religião doméstica do Israel Antigo, e o culto aos ancestrais, expresso na casa sagrada “Uma Lulik”, na religião familiar timorense. De acordo com as pesquisas atuais, os Terafim eram os ancestrais divinizados, cultuados em cada linhagem familiar de Israel. Na religião doméstica timorense Uma Lulik é o local em que se dá a presença das divindades, dos antepassados sacralizados, Lulik. Este artigo usa análise qualitativa e bibliográfica e se fundamenta em estudos histórico-antropológicos e arqueológicos. O reconhecimento do culto aos ancestrais como ponto comum pode facilitar o encontro, o diálogo e o respeito entre as práticas religiosas timorenses e cristãs

    Financial Sector Crisis and Restructuring: Lessons from Asia

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    Financial Sector Crisis and Restructuring: Lessons from Asia

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