16 research outputs found


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    Apesar de as hortaliças serem fontes de nutrientes, elas podem apresentar diferentes formas evolutivas de parasitos intestinais. Quando consumidas in natura, aumentam a chance de infecções humanas por esses parasitos. Este trabalho objetivou verificar a presença de formas de parasitos em amostras de alface nas áreas rurais dos municípios de Capinzal, Vargem Bonita e Lacerdópolis, SC. Para tal, foram coletadas quatro hortaliças em cada área, e as análises parasitológicas foram realizadas utilizando-se o método de sedimentação espontânea. As plantas foram enxaguadas com água destilada e o produto resultante desse processo foi filtrado com gases e transferido a um cálice de sedimentação. Após 36 horas em repouso, amostras do fundo do cálice foram retiradas e analisadas em microscopia (400X). Foram observados parasitos em todas as amostras da primeira coleta das três cidades do estudo, como larvas de Strongyloides stercoralis (100%), cistos de Entamoeba coli (66%) e ovos de ancilostomatídeos e cistos de Entamoeba hystolitica (33%). No segundo dia de coleta, foram observados ovos de Trichuris sp., cistos de Entamoela coli e larvas de Strongylordes stercoralis (33%). A variação observada entre as duas amostragens pode ser explicada pelo aumento de chuvas que ocorreram entre as coletas. Contudo, esses resultados indicam a presença de importantes parasitos intestinais em hortaliças produzidas em alguns municípios da região Meio-Oeste do Estado catarinense, como a Entamoeba hystolitica, responsável por infecções severas em humanos. Dessa forma, faz-se necessário melhorar o manejo das hortaliças pelos agricultores e as práticas de higienização dos alimentos antes do consumo na região estudada.Palavras-chave: Comunidade rural. Hortaliças. Parasitoses intestinais

    Comparison of the performance of the main real-time and conventional PCR detection tests for ‘Candidatus Liberibacter’ spp., plant pathogenic bacteria causing the Huanglongbing disease in Citrus spp

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    23 Pág.Huanglongbing disease affects the Rutaceae family and is associated with three phloem-limited bacterium species: Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, africanus and americanus. These species are considered quarantine pathogens in the world, and pose major risks for citrus production and industry. Due to the low titer and the uneven distribution of the bacteria within its host plant, conventional PCR detection protocols can lead to false negative results, especially for early detection. Herein, three real-time PCR diagnostic methods recommended by the EPPO and FAO for asiaticus and africanus species detection were evaluated for their performance and compared with a conventional duplex PCR. Assessments were done as part of an international cooperative project under the EUPHRESCO guidance. Intra-laboratory assessment of the analytical specificity and analytical sensitivity was performed on 33 target or non-target DNA samples and seven target DNA samples were used to determine the sensitivity. Thereafter, repeatability, reproducibility, and concordance odds ratio were assessed on 20 target or non-target DNA samples through a collaborative test performance study organized among eight international laboratories. Results showed that the Li protocol proved to be the best method for asiaticus and africanus species detection, along with the conventional duplex PCR; whereas the Morgan protocol showed high performance only for asiaticus species. Interlaboratory reproducibility was high, suggesting that these real-time PCR methods can be readily transferred to diagnostic laboratories.This research was funded by Anses - Plant Health Laboratory (LSV).Peer reviewe

    Publisher Correction: Science diplomacy for plant health

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    Correction to: Nature Plants https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-020-0744-x, published online 11 August 2020.1 Pág.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.In the version of this Comment originally published, in the penultimate paragraph of the section “Steps towards global phytosanitary research coordination” the second sentence incorrectly defined IPPC as ‘Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’, though it was cor rectly defined earlier as ‘International Plant Protection Convention’; the sentence has now been corrected to read “Ideally, they should benefit from the reputation of a United Nations mandate convention, such as the IPPC…”Peer reviewe

    Open Data for Research and Strategic Monitoring in the Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industry

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    Open data is considered the new oil. As oil can be used to produce fertilisers, pesticides, lubricants, plastics and many other derivatives, so data is considered the commodity to use and re-use to create value. The number of initiatives supporting free access to data has increased in the last years and open data is becoming the norm in the public sector; the approach empowers stakeholders and nurtures the economy. Even if at early stage, private companies also are adapting to the open data market. A survey was conducted to which thirteen companies of different size (from micro enterprises to world-leading pharmas) in the pharmaceutical and biotech sector and representing four business models archetypes of companies exploiting open data (aggregators, developers, enrichers and enablers) participated. The information collected provides a snapshot of the use of open data by the pharmaceutical and biotech industry in 2015–2016. The companies interviewed use open data to complement proprietary data for research purposes, to implement licensing-in/licensing-out strategies, to map partnerships and connections among players or to identify key expertise and hire staff. Pharmaceutical and biotech companies have made of the protection of knowledge a dogma at the foundation of their business models, but using and contributing to the open data movement may change their approach to intellectual property and innovation

    Etude du mécanisme fonctionnel du cryptochrome 1, photorécepteur de la lumière bleue, Chez Arabidopsis thaliana

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    PARIS-BIUSJ-Thèses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    How did XF-ACTORS contribute to the work of NPPOs

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    The European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) is a regional standard-setting organization in plant health. One of EPPO’s main priorities is to prevent the introduction of dangerous pests from other parts of the world, and to limit their spread within the region should they be introduced. After the introduction of Xylella fastidiosa in the region, the first priority for the organization has been the revision of the Diagnostic protocol (first adopted in 2004). Standards on inspection of consignments and place of production have also been prepared

    From transnational research collaboration to regional standards

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    Reliable and rapid diagnostic methods are essential to support inspection activities conducted by National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) in the framework of their official mandate, and to evaluate the efficacy of control measures taken. Since 1998 the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) has been supporting the harmonization of diagnostic methods for regulated pests in the EPPO region through the development of technical standards. In order to increase active collaboration among the organizations involved in plant health research activities at the national and regional levels, Euphresco (European Phytosanitary Research Coordination) was established in 2006 and funded by the EU as an ERA- NET project. Euphresco has subsequently evolved into a self-sustaining international network hosted by EPPO. This paper describes the EPPO diagnostic programme. It will also provide some examples of research projects funded through Euphresco that have provided valuable support for the development of pest-specific diagnostic protocols and will show how NPPOs can shape the research agenda of research funders and help to identify gaps to be addressed through transnational collaboration

    O efeito da alternância nos exercícios de grande e pequenos grupamentos em membros inferiores sobre a lactacidemia e parâmetros cardiovasculares

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a influência na alternância na ordem de execução de exercícios para membros inferiores: Agachamento Livre (AGL) e cadeira extensora (CE) sobre a lactacidemia, escala de percepção de esforço de OMNI e parâmetros cardiovasculares. 10 voluntários, 27,3±1,7anos; 177,3±2,4cm; 87,5 ± 4,1kg realizaram duas sequencias de 3 séries de 10 repetições a 70% 1RM de agachamento livre (AGL) e cadeira extensora (CE) alternando os exercícios. A 1a sequência AGL e CE e a 2a sequencia CE e AGL. Foram aferidas em repouso e ao final de cada série: lactacidemia, percepção subjetiva de esforço por OMNI, frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial sistólica, pressão arterial diastólica e duplo produto. Todos os parâmetros estudados apresentaram significativas elevações na 2a sequencia quando comparado a 1a sequência. Concluímos, portanto que a realização de uma sequência de exercício resistido iniciando com recrutamento de pequenos grupamentos musculares anterior a grandes grupamentos induz em significativo estresse sobre o sistema metabólico (lactacidemia), esforço percebido (escala de percepção de esforço de OMNI) e sistema cardiovascular (FC, PAS, PAD e DP). Assim sendo, a normativa do American College of Sports Medicine que sugere treinamento de grandes grupamentos anterior a pequenos seja adequada, podemos sugerir que a alternância acarretaria um estresse, sobrecarga e fadiga maiores, talvez seja o objetivo de alguns programas de treinamento resistido com o intuito de hipertrofia muscular. ABSTRACT The effect of alternation in the exercises of large and small groupings in lower limbs on lactacidemia and cardiovascular parametersThe aim of this study was to investigate the influence of alternating the exercises execution order for legs: Squat Free (AGL) and extensor chair (EC) on the lactacidemia, perception scale of OMNI effort and cardiovascular parameters. 10 volunteers 27.3 ± 1.7 anos; 177.3 ± 2.4cm; 87.5 ± 4.1kg were two sequences of 3 sets of 10 repetitions at 70% 1RM squat free (SF) and leg extension (LE) alternating exercises. The first sequence SF and EC and the second sequence LE and SF. They were measured at rest and after each series: lactacidemia, perceived exertion by OMNI, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and double product. All parameters studied showed significant increases in the second sequence when compared to the first sequence. We therefore conclude that performing a sequence resistance exercise starting with recruitment of small anterior muscle groups to large groups induces a significant stress on the metabolic system (lactacidemia), perceived exertion (scale of perceived OMNI effort) and cardiovascular system ( HR, SBP, DBP and DP). Therefore, the rules of the American College of Sports Medicine suggests training large previous groups small is adequate, we suggest that the alternation would have carried a stress overload and increased fatigue, it may be the objective of some resistance training programs in order muscle hypertrophy

    Light-induced Electron Transfer in Arabidopsis Cryptochrome-1 Correlates with in Vivo Function

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    International audienc