786 research outputs found


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    Minimizing the stochasticity of halos in large-scale structure surveys

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    In recent work (Seljak, Hamaus and Desjacques 2009) it was found that weighting central halo galaxies by halo mass can significantly suppress their stochasticity relative to the dark matter, well below the Poisson model expectation. In this paper we extend this study with the goal of finding the optimal mass-dependent halo weighting and use NN-body simulations to perform a general analysis of halo stochasticity and its dependence on halo mass. We investigate the stochasticity matrix, defined as Cij≡<(δi−biδm)(δj−bjδm)>C_{ij}\equiv<(\delta_i -b_i\delta_m)(\delta_j-b_j\delta_m)>, where δm\delta_m is the dark matter overdensity in Fourier space, δi\delta_i the halo overdensity of the ii-th halo mass bin and bib_i the halo bias. In contrast to the Poisson model predictions we detect nonvanishing correlations between different mass bins. We also find the diagonal terms to be sub-Poissonian for the highest-mass halos. The diagonalization of this matrix results in one large and one low eigenvalue, with the remaining eigenvalues close to the Poisson prediction 1/nˉ1/\bar{n}, where nˉ\bar{n} is the mean halo number density. The eigenmode with the lowest eigenvalue contains most of the information and the corresponding eigenvector provides an optimal weighting function to minimize the stochasticity between halos and dark matter. We find this optimal weighting function to match linear mass weighting at high masses, while at the low-mass end the weights approach a constant whose value depends on the low-mass cut in the halo mass function. Finally, we employ the halo model to derive the stochasticity matrix and the scale-dependent bias from an analytical perspective. It is remarkably successful in reproducing our numerical results and predicts that the stochasticity between halos and the dark matter can be reduced further when going to halo masses lower than we can resolve in current simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, matched the published version in Phys. Rev. D including one new figur

    Coordinating government and community support for community language teaching in Australia: Overview with special attention to New South Wales

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    An overview of formal government language-in-education planning for community languages (CLs) that has been undertaken in Australia and New South Wales is provided, moving from the more informal programmes provided in the 1980s to school-oriented programmes and training at the turn of the century. These programmes depend on community support; for many of the teachers from the communities, methodological training is needed to complement their language and cultural skills. At the same time, Commonwealth (Federal) and State support for CL programmes has improved their quality and provides students with opportunities to study CLs at the senior secondary matriculation level. The paper concludes with specific recommendations for greater recognition of CL schools and for greater attention to CL teacher preparation

    Multimodal tretment of intracranial aneurysm

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    Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), despite improvements in imagistic and medical treatment, is still a serious disease with high rates of case mortality and morbidity (40%). Technical planning and therapy options of patients with aneurismal SAH have changed during the angioCT and 3D angiography era, and long-term outcome has significantly improved during the past few decades. However, the outcome is still determined mainly by specialist experience and severity of initial bleeding or early rebleeding

    A Sensory Bias Has Triggered the Evolution of Egg-Spots in Cichlid Fishes

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    Although, generally, the origin of sex-limited traits remains elusive, the sensory exploitation hypothesis provides an explanation for the evolution of male sexual signals. Anal fin egg-spots are such a male sexual signal and a key characteristic of the most species-rich group of cichlid fishes, the haplochromines. Males of about 1500 mouth-brooding species utilize these conspicuous egg-dummies during courtship – apparently to attract females and to maximize fertilization success. Here we test the hypothesis that the evolution of haplochromine egg-spots was triggered by a pre-existing bias for eggs or egg-like coloration. To this end, we performed mate-choice experiments in the basal haplochromine Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor, which manifests the plesiomorphic character-state of an egg-spot-less anal fin. Experiments using computer-animated photographs of males indeed revealed that females prefer images of males with virtual (‘in-silico’) egg-spots over images showing unaltered males. In addition, we tested for color preferences (outside a mating context) in a phylogenetically representative set of East African cichlids. We uncovered a strong preference for yellow, orange or reddish spots in all haplochromines tested and, importantly, also in most other species representing more basal lines. This pre-existing female sensory bias points towards high-quality (carotenoids-enriched) food suggesting that it is adaptive

    Staphylococcus aureus induces tolerance in human monocytes accompanied with expression changes of cell surface markers

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    Exposure of human monocytes to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or other pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMPs) induces a temporary insensitivity to subsequent LPS challenges, a cellular state called endotoxin tolerance (ET), associated with the pathogenesis of sepsis. In this study, we aimed to characterize the cellular state of human monocytes from healthy donors stimulated with Staphylococcus aureus in comparison to TLR2-specific ligands. We analyzed S. aureus induced gene expression changes after 2 and 24 hours by amplicon sequencing (RNA-AmpliSeq) and compared the pro-inflammatory response after 2 hours with the response in re-stimulation experiments. In parallel, glycoprotein expression changes in human monocytes after 24 hours of S. aureus stimulation were analyzed by proteomics and compared to stimulation experiments with TLR2 ligands Malp-2 and Pam3Cys and TLR4 ligand LPS. Finally, we analyzed peripheral blood monocytes of patients with S. aureus bloodstream infection for their ex vivo inflammatory responses towards S. aureus stimulation and their glycoprotein expression profiles. Our results demonstrate that monocytes from healthy donors stimulated with S. aureus and TLR ligands of Gram-positive bacteria entered the tolerant cell state after activation similar to LPS treatment. In particular reduced gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF, IL1β) and chemokines (CCL20, CCL3, CCL4, CXCL2, CXCL3 and CXCL8) could be demonstrated. Glycoprotein expression changes in monocytes tolerized by the different TLR agonists were highly similar while S. aureus -stimulated monocytes shared some of the PAMP-induced changes but also exhibited a distinct expression profile. 11 glycoproteins (CD44, CD274, DSC2, ICAM1, LAMP3, LILRB1, PTGS2, SLC1A3, CR1, FGL2, and HP) were similarly up- or downregulated in all four comparisons in the tolerant cell state. Monocytes from patients with S. aureus bacteremia revealed preserved pro-inflammatory responsiveness to S. aureus stimulation ex vivo, expressed increased CD44 mRNA but no other glycoprotein of the tolerance signature was differentially expressed

    Systemic Safety in Ranibizumab-Treated Patients with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration : a Patient-Level Pooled Analysis

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    Topic: This study evaluated the cardiovascular/cerebrovascular safety profile of ranibizumab 0.5 mg versus sham \ub1 verteporfin in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). In addition, comparisons of ranibizumab 0.3 mg with sham and ranibizumab 0.5 mg to 0.3 mg were performed. Clinical Relevance: Intravitreal anti\u2013vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) agents carry potential increased systemic risks, including cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events. Pooled safety analyses allow better interpretation of safety outcomes seen in individual clinical trials, especially for less common events. To our knowledge, this is the largest patient-level pooled analysis of patients with nAMD treated with ranibizumab. Methods: Patient-level pooled analysis of data from 7 Genentech- and Novartis-sponsored phase II, III, and IV studies in nAMD that were completed by December 31, 2013. Pairwise comparisons (primary comparison: ranibizumab 0.5 mg [globally approved dose for nAMD] vs. sham or verteporfin) were performed using Cox proportional hazard regression (hazard ratios [HRs], 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) and rates per 100 patient-years. Standardized Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities queries (SMQs) and extended searches were used to identify relevant safety endpoints, including arterial thromboembolic events (ATEs), myocardial infarction (MI), stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), stroke (excluding TIA), vascular deaths, and major vascular events as defined by the Antiplatelet Trialists\u2019 Collaboration (APTC). Results: The HRs (95% CIs) for the primary comparison of ranibizumab 0.5 mg (n=480) versus sham or verteporfin (n=462) were 1.16 (0.72\u20131.88) for ATE, 1.33 (0.59\u20132.97) for MI, 1.43 (0.54\u20133.77) for stroke excluding TIA, 1.25 (0.61\u20132.55) for stroke or TIA, 0.57 (0.18\u20131.78) for vascular death, and 1.12 (0.64\u20131.98) for APTC events. Hazard ratio 95% CIs included 1, indicating no significant treatment differences, for all endpoints for comparison of ranibizumab 0.5 mg versus sham or verteporfin. Conclusions: The rates of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events were low in these patients with nAMD and not clinically meaningfully different for patients treated with ranibizumab 0.5 mg versus sham or verteporfin, which supports the favorable benefit\u2013risk profile of ranibizumab in the patient population with nAMD. Pooling these studies allows an analysis with higher power and precision compared with individual study analyses

    Towards Activity Context using Software Sensors

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    Service-Oriented Computing delivers the promise of configuring and reconfiguring software systems to address user's needs in a dynamic way. Context-aware computing promises to capture the user's needs and hence the requirements they have on systems. The marriage of both can deliver ad-hoc software solutions relevant to the user in the most current fashion. However, here it is a key to gather information on the users' activity (that is what they are doing). Traditionally any context sensing was conducted with hardware sensors. However, software can also play the same role and in some situations will be more useful to sense the activity of the user. Furthermore they can make use of the fact that Service-oriented systems exchange information through standard protocols. In this paper we discuss our proposed approach to sense the activity of the user making use of software
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