297 research outputs found


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    The information seeking behaviour of Library users among children was studied based on the objectives of study a questionnaire was set and imparted among randomly selected children respondents. The study was limited to only five districts of Southern Tamil Nadu. The Study areas of five districts were selected based on the bilateral study from earlier research work done. Since, so far, no such study has been conducted on the reading habits among children in Southern districts of Tamil Nadu, the present study has been chosen by the researcher for her research work

    A Novel Property of DNA – As a Bioflotation Reagent in Mineral Processing

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    Environmental concerns regarding the use of certain chemicals in the froth flotation of minerals have led investigators to explore biological entities as potential substitutes for the reagents in vogue. Despite the fact that several microorganisms have been used for the separation of a variety of mineral systems, a detailed characterization of the biochemical molecules involved therein has not been reported so far. In this investigation, the selective flotation of sphalerite from a sphalerite-galena mineral mixture has been achieved using the cellular components of Bacillus species. The key constituent primarily responsible for the flotation of sphalerite has been identified as DNA, which functions as a bio-collector. Furthermore, using reconstitution studies, the obligatory need for the presence of non-DNA components as bio-depressants for galena has been demonstrated. A probable model involving these entities in the selective flotation of sphalerite from the mineral mixture has been discussed

    A Dangerous Twist of the 'T' Wave: A Case of Wellens' Syndrome

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    Wellens’ syndrome is a condition in which electrocardiographic (ECG) changes indicate critical proximal left anterior descending artery narrowing occurring during the chest pain-free period. Due to the severity of the obstruction, if such cases are managed by early invasive revascularisation therapy, a major threat in the form of a massive myocardial infarction or sudden death may be averted. We present the case of a patient with previous chest pain, whose ECG showing subtle ischemic changes was initially overlooked. A repeat ECG taken during the painless period showed a biphasic T wave, suggestive of Wellen’s’ syndrome. This was confirmed by an immediate coronary angiogram

    Deep-Facial Feature-Based Person Reidentification for Authentication in Surveillance Applications

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    Person reidentification (Re-ID) has been a problem recently faced in computer vision. Most of the existing methods focus on body features which are captured in the scene with high-end surveillance system. However, it is unhelpful for authentication. The technology came up empty in surveillance scenario such as in London’s subway bomb blast, and Bangalore ATM brutal attack cases, even though the suspected images exist in official databases. Hence, the prime objective of this chapter is to develop an efficient facial feature-based person reidentification framework for controlled scenario to authenticate a person. Initially, faces are detected by faster region-based convolutional neural network (Faster R-CNN). Subsequently, landmark points are obtained using supervised descent method (SDM) algorithm, and the face is recognized, by the joint Bayesian model. Each image is given an ID in the training database. Based on their similarity with the query image, it is ranked with the Re-ID index. The proposed framework overcomes the challenges such as pose variations, low resolution, and partial occlusions (mask and goggles). The experimental results (accuracy) on benchmark dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method which is inferred from the observation of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and cumulative matching characteristics (CMC) curve

    Antiulcer Activity of Indigenous Plant Operculina turpethum

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    In the Indian traditional system of medicine Operculina turpethum is commonly used to treat various ailments including peptic ulcer, inflammation, and pain. Ulcer preventive and ulcer protective activities of HAOP and MOP stem bark extracts of Operculina turpethum (100 mg/kg, b.w., orally) were evaluated employing aspirin + pylorus ligation (APL) model in experimental rats. The results suggested that both extracts (HAOP and MOP) possess enhanced ulcer preventive and protective activities when compared with the standard drug ranitidine. HAOP showed more pronounced effect when compared to MOP. Further the result of the histopathological and biochemical studies also confirms potent ulcer preventive and protective nature of a extracts in a similar manner

    Physicochemical Approaches for Thin Film Energy Storage Devices through PVD Techniques

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    For the fabrication of thin films, Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) techniques specified greater contribution than all other deposition techniques. Laser Ablation or Pulsed Laser deposition (PLD) technique is the one of most promising techniques for the fabrication of thin films among all other physical vapor deposition. In particular, flexible thin-film energy storage fabrication PLD plays an important role due to its special parameters such as fine thickness control, partial pressure atmospheric condition, pulsed repetition rate, in-situ annealing and microstructure optimization. Very recently, thin film supercapbatteries have been broadly studied, in which the battery and supercapacitor based electrodes are combined to obtain a high specific power and specific energy density and extended cycle stability. In order to fabricate thin film supercapbatteries, electrodes that have a large potential window, high capacitance, and capacity performance are vastly desired. Thus, the presented chapter represents an important enhancement in the growth of economical and eco-friendly thin flexible supercapbatteries and confirms their potential in sensible applications such as transport electronics devices and other gadgets

    Role and acceptability of traditional birth attendants (DAIs) in a rural community in South India

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    Dais are the traditional birth attendants, conducting deliveries at home in the majority of villages in India. A study was planned to find out the feasibility of utilising the services of the dais in case-finding in Tuberculosis (TB) and for drug delivery to diagnosed patients. As a preliminary step, a survey was done with a view to find out the role and acceptability of the dais by the community in 5% of households in randomly selected 24 of the 48 villages in Sriperumbudur taluk in Tamil Nadu, where a voluntary organisation. "PREPARE" was delivering primary health care through dais. A total of 466 individuals, either the head of the household or any other responsible person available, were interviewed to find out the role and acceptability of the dais by the community. The salient findings of this study are that 83% mentioned that the dais reside in their respective villages. hence the services of the dais were available at ail times and 82 % had stated that the services were useful to them. This background information is essential for health planners so that this task force could be effectively utilised in health programmmes, in the rural areas in India

    Knowledge of tuberculosis in a south Indian rural community initially and after health education

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    A study was undertaken in a south Indian rural community to assess the initial level of knowledge of tuberculosis (TB) and again after providing health education on TB, to evaluate the effectiveness of health education, after 2 years. A total of 466 respondents from 24 randomly selected villages in Sriperumpudur taluk, Tamilnadu were interviewed. The community was then educated about the important aspects of tuberculosis by means of pamphlets, film shows, exhibitions, role plays and group discussions. After 2 years, the respondents were revisited and interviewed using the same interview schedule. There was an overall increase of knowledge on various aspects of TB, ranging from 18% to 58%

    The Ideal Convergence of Strongly of   Γ

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce and study a new concept of the Γ2 space via ideal convergence defined by modulus and also some topological properties of the resulting sequence spaces were examined

    The Semi-Difference Entire Sequence Space cs ∩ d 1

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    Let Γ denote the space of all entire sequences. Let Λ denote the space of all analytic sequences. In this paper, we introduce a new class of sequence space, namely, the semi-difference entire sequence space cs ∩ d 1 . It is shown that the intersection of all semi-difference entire sequence spaces cs ∩ d 1 is I ⊂ cs ∩ d 1 and Γ Δ ⊂ I