84 research outputs found


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    The present paper focuses on the issue of using marketing instruments (concepts, policies, strategies, research etc.) in commerce companies in Brasov. The research is about identifying the marketing instruments that are used in the activity of the commerce companies in Brasov and it underlines the peculiarities of marketing in commerce companies. The information obtained contributes to a better understanding of the way marketing activity works in commerce companies in Brasov. The method used to identify the attitudes and opinions of commerce companies’ managers in Brasov, regarding collecting and using marketing information, is the focus group. The paper ends with the conclusions of this research at the level of a single city – Brasov.marketing, marketing information, research, focus-group, marketing behaviour

    The assimilation of marketing concept by retail companies in Romania

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    The present evolution on consumption goods market generates serious and complex issues to retail companies. Under the circumstances of serious competition, retail companies in Romania confront themselves with the need of finding solutions to different aspects regarding integration on the market, identifying solutions concerning competition issues, initializing and developing businesses or determining the profitability of every activity. More than this, having a relation with the market they act, retailers must know and follow permanently the needs and the requires on the market, phenomenon that implies marketing research, studies and analysis that allow a better understanding of the economic processes, and also social ones, cultural, demographical, and so on. These present realities (and even possible evolutions) that characterize the sector of retail have been the element that determined the initiation of the present scientific action. The retail company is the link within a value chain that comes in direct contact with the final consumer. Therefore, our intention is to determine the place, role and importance of marketing within the general policies of retail companies. Naturally, this generated the question: is distribution marketing a specialized domain that implies policies, strategies and specific techniques, or the assimilation of the classic concept is sufficient in solving marketing and management problems?marketing, retail, distribution marketing, retail companies’ marketing mix, marketing research in retail

    The Analysis of the Situation of Foreign Direct Investments in Romania

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    Foreign direct investments represent one of the ways of financing any economy. But like any source of financing, foreign direct investments have advantages and disadvantages. This article aims to analyze and present the developments in foreign direct investments in Romania, the fields and areas where they have been made, the structure of these capital flows, as well as the origin of these inflows of foreign direct investments. Also, the author intends to analyze the effects of FDI inflows on the Romanian economy in terms of foreign trade. The conclusions of the article will show to what extent foreign direct investments have contributed positively to the development of the Romanian economy. The research methods used consist in comparative analysis in time, qualitative and quantitative evaluations, interpretations, correlations, as well as in addressing the issue from different perspectives. The analysis shows that in Romania, foreign direct investments have not had many positive effects, having been channeled mainly towards activities with medium processing level and medium technological level and towards speculative services. Another result highlights that the activities of foreign direct investments companies depend to a large extent on imports, so they do not support Romania’s economic development


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    Today, many companies have turned their attention from the traditional "features and benefits" to the activity of creating experiences for their customers. In this way, the emotional activation of the customer is attempted, in addition to the rational part of buying the product. As part of this work, we have carried out quantitative marketing research, to find out the opinions of Romanian consumers related to the wine consumption experience. The general objectives of the research are the following: identifyconsumption habits among Romanian wine consumers; identify how Romanian consumers prefer to enjoy their favourite wine; determine the preferences of Romanian consumers regarding the colour and type of preferred wine; determining the frequency of the purchase of wine by Romanian consumers and the place where they purchase their preferred types of wine. The research results can address to wine-producing companies from Romania, wine distributors, hotels, and restaurants, for the future development of activities in this field

    Coverage of Poland’s EU presidency in Romanian printed press and online media – a descriptive analysis

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    Journalists make use of the main ‘frameworks’of interpretation of the world and of the events which they present in news items and other media products. Professional routines lead journalists to search for information first in sources which have, in their opinion, the power to ‘define’ the situation and to ‘frame’ it. The article analyzes the coverage of Poland’s EU presidency in the Romanian printed press and online media. The analysis was made on a sample of data composed of Romanian articles devoted to Poland’s EU presidency in July 2011–January 2012. The study highlights the similarities in covering Polish presidency of the EU between the Romanian newspapers and online media. At the same time, the results showed that the attention paid by the Romanian mass media to Poland’s EU presidency varied according to the type of media where the article was published: newspapers vs. online media


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    This paper proposes an investigation of the retail managers ’ attitudes on the relationship between information and innovation, and the operation of this relationship in the retail industry businesses. Our approach in this article is that the future of the retail industry will be undoubtedly configured by the mix of information and communication technologies with the social, economic and legislative issues, a context in which retail companies will become more competitive and will generate more value for the consumer

    European Union - Space of Regeneration, Learning and Innovation in the Context of Sustainable Multidisciplinary Research

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    Objective The Lisbon Strategy set a new goal for the EU economy: the transition to a knowledge based economy, competitive and sustainable at macro and regional levels, by creating the European Research Area – a geographic area without frontiers for researches, where scientific resources are better managed to create more jobs and improve Europe's competitiveness. That means an interaction between specific and multidisciplinary research network. Approach However, general research methodology sustains the importance of static and revolutionary specific criteria of ScientificResearch Programs but also reveals the natural process of multidisciplinary researches. In this context, the European Union could be regarded as a specific and multidisciplinary research area, as a network of flows, connections, relationships, interdependencies, and interferences between natural - experimental and social-humanistic research spheres (economics, management, sociology and complex systemsecology). Prior Work: In this respect some researchers suggested that both natural and social systemscould be considered as multidisciplinary complex adaptive systems consisting of specific cluster network connections ( in the form of biotic and abiotic nodes, respectively, the competitive and regional poles) with the ability to continuous self-organizing, learning and regenerating processespecially in crisis situations. Implications and Value Paper Utility The present paper might be useful to illustrate the contribution of technical-economic and socio-ecological researches to increasing the sustainability framework of European Research Area by considering the transition from the R&D approach (development through research process) to the L&D approach (development through learning process)


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    The theme addresses a conceptual -methodological analysis of brand image rebuilding and response strategies that should help the company to overcome the critical moments of a public scandal. The main goal of rebuilding a company's image is to restore confidence but also to reduce negative media coverage in all offline and on-line communication channels.The image is the public reflection of an organization's reputation, personality or identity, so restoring it by all means becomes vital to the survival of the organization.The conceptual and methodological aspects of the paper underlie the instrumentation of a case study consisting of a marketing analysis that aims at assessing the satisfaction of Volkswagen owners and measuring the loyalty to this brand after the Dieselgate scandal as well as the general attitude towards the German manufacturer

    Hommage au Professeur

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    « Vintilă n’est plus là » [Vintilă nu mai e] a été l’intitulé spontanément proposé par un petit groupe sur un réseau social, dont nous faisions partie. Étudiants de Vintilă Mihăilescu dans les années 1990, exerçant aujourd’hui l’anthropologie en diaspora, nous nous sommes rassemblés virtuellement, touchés par le poids insoutenable de la nouvelle de sa disparition. C’était le 22 mars 2020, dans sa 70ème année, après une lutte longue et acharnée contre la maladie. De cette lutte témoigne un exc..


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    International audienceLa question de la reconnexion entre la Méditerranée et la mer Noire au début de l'Holocène est au coeur de nombreux projets de recherche. Installée une rhétorique bien huilée dérivant du mythe biblique du "déluge", la recherche a eu du mal à se départir de lieux communs fondés sur une approche déterministe des trajectoires humaines. Ainsi, les sociétés néolithiques riveraines de la Mer Noire - principalement de la zone nord pontique - soumises à un cataclysme soudain et divin se seraient trouvées devant une seule alternative : fuir ou périr ! Cette vision caricaturale voire simpliste du comportement des communautés humaines est aujourd'hui abandonnée. Il n'en reste pas moins qu'elle imprègne encore l'imaginaire collectif et journalistique. La communauté scientifique ellemême peine à se départir d'une vision déterministe de l'étude des relations qu'entretenaient les sociétés du passé avec leurs environnements. Soumises à des contraintes environnementales dont elles mesurent mal l'incidence sur leur avenir, les sociétés contemporaines développent parfois une relation irrationnelle avec leur passé en y projetant leurs angoisses fictionnelles. Questionnées par les gestionnaires ou les politiques, les communautés scientifiques ont ainsi parfois tendance à forcer le trait et à sombrer dans la caricature pour assurer le financement des recherches futures. Cet article a pour objet de présenter la manière dont on peut, dans une zone particulière comme le delta du Danube, questionner les données archéologiques et géo-archéologiques de manière à formuler de nouveaux paradigmes sur les relations entre sociétés et environnements